(2008/06) June 2008

jesslyn...i just ate a dbl cheese and now popping fries! haha...feel a lot better after my comfort food..think bb loves junkies like mama! hahaha...

aiyo.. lucky.. ya lor.. some ppl will still keep even is down lor.. but sometimes bery diff to say rite.. this moment u will tink IF is down u will abort.. but when come to that moment.. u might not think tat way lor..
Hi ladies,would like to ask u all whether can we stll do mani & pedi & facial huh?i only noe cannot dye hair when u r pregnant ..can u help me to check it out ?My face got sme pimples so cannot tahan ley..hehe
for facial hor, a lot of machines cannot use...best is to let ur beautician knows u preggy..then she will know which machines can use which ones cannot...
Hi ladies,would like to ask u all whether can we stll do mani & pedi & facial huh?i only noe cannot dye hair when u r pregnant ..can u help me to check it out ?My face got sme pimples so cannot tahan ley..hehe
Hi Luz, can PM me your gynae details ? thanks !

haha.. I am also into Mac .. never really fancy that b4, but love the shrimp burger and fries recently !
Hi juliet,did Dr khi gif u Duphaston med?do u think this med got give us feel likr vomit ornot huh?yday & nw i alady stop not to eat liao.u think can or not huh?

e packets of 6 small pack is around $4.25. I believe JB shld hv since Anmum is manufactured in Malaysia leh. Shld be much much cheaper.
jess, me w/ dr jocelyn wong leh...wrong channel! :p

but anyway hor, i wasn't given any med at all...am only on my own folic acid now niah...
hey ladies, is Oscar test a must to do? cos din hear fm my gyane that need to do bt I will be seeing him in another 5 wks time. by thn is 12 wks aldy.

I saw in an article lately in e papers that preggy women not suppose to go for pedi and mani bcos of e chemical involved.
i am on duphaston for 2 wks too.. have finished the course on 22Oct.. i emailed Dr Wong asking whether there is a need to continue.. she said that duphaston is to stablise n stop the bleeding.. if no more bleeding/spotting... there is no nd to continue the medication..
Hi luz,
actually, every woman is at risk of having a downs syndrome baby. That risk increases with age, but increases disproportionately when the mother is 35 years old and above. There is always a risk in every test done so the doctors will weigh pros and cons of the different tests and advice the mother accordingly.

Actually, if we think about it, even as we cook our food with gas, there is a risk we could be subjecting our babies to poison, and if we eat outside, we risk that the food is not carefully cleaned or cooked...

we can't eliminate all risks around us, so just have to live with it. Tests will help us make an informed decision. But even if we are at risk of having an abnormal baby, it doesnt mean our baby will definately be abnormal. There are also abnormal babies who are mildly abnormal compared to very abnormal.
Tks for e infor =)...

we same gynae...

Tink so fr my frenz, all their gynaes ask them to do e oscare test in their 12th weeks leh...maybe u wan check with ur gynae?

I think even if you wanna die your hair some ppl say over 3mths den do. For me.. actually for my 1st gal, i done rebonding & dye within 3mths hehehe and nothing happen to ah... I think best to let ur hairstylist know not to touch ur root. For me mostly I will do before CNY whereby I m over 3mths liao bah. I think individual beliefs..
aiyo.. really no place take Oscar scan after 14 wks in spore ? If not, I have to beg the gynae here to do it earlier for me here. Anyway, what's the diff, Oscar, NT, detail scan ?? they are all scan why the timing makes a differences ?
Hi feifei & juliet,paiseh i mistake ur gynae same with mi..hehe..i noe feifei same gynae with mi..keke

Hi babycupid,thanxs for ur infor so i will stop the med since i dun have any bleeding liao..
Hi Fudgy,then i dun put colours in my nail loh just do srub & shape my nail can or not huh?keke if not 9mths to tahan my nails beri long ley..i oso want to go salon to have hair cut u think can or not huh?just curious...
Hi All,

I'm new here
My EDD will be 3 Jun 08..

I was having bleeding for the last 2 wks and was on jabs and med. Always having the bloated feeling but I keep wanting to eat and eat
Babycupid, u r right duphaston is a hormones medic I've taken it when i was ard 5weeks also.. jesslyn, u need not take it if bleeding has stopped.

I've also refrain from re-bonding my hair and postpone till 3rd trimester then do... As for cutting nails.. my hubby already "stand-by" to cut for me throughout my pregnancy liao... he said especially when i'm in my 3rd trimester - tummy big liao cannot see toes liao.. kekeke
But now already i ask him to cut my fingernails... hahaha
I said practice first!
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i have pm you my gynae's details liao hehee

yup yup me was lucky then.

thanks for your information ley, yeah lor i read liao very logical.
Hi, Jesslyn

scrubbing & shaping of nails defintely ok as long as without putting e colours on. Haircut is totally fine too. :0)
sorry i missed out your qn earlier hehe. the experienced i shared was when i had my number 1. my age ah? i was 26 yrs old then. oscar test done at 12th week did not detected any abnormal markers, just show the risk figure. the marker was detected during my 20th week detailed scanning. i not giving birth at tmc ley, i will be at moute. np i have time sure will answer any qns.
my hubby very strict - no manicure, pedicure, dye and perm hair. :-(

last time even more unreasonable , no make up .. faint
hi ladies, a thought just came to my mind. Not sure if I'm thinking too much. Our preganancy will lead to the birth of a baby 9 months down the road. THere is no turning back. For the next 20 years or so, a life will be dependent on us financially. For the next 12 years or so, a life will be dependent on us emotionally. for the rest of our life, we will have another person, apart from our husbands, parents and siblings, to share our lives with. It's just an amazing thought.
I don't know if I can be a good mother. Hb and I bought a book - 101 issues to consider before you have a child. We didn't have the chance to go through even a page before we realised I was expecting. Having a child can be such a happy, yet scary thing.
luz, ur hb a bit extreme leh... :p

am not a fan of mani & pedi, hair do and make up...so make no diff to me anyway..hehehe...
cactus, I agree w/ u leh...am quite a pessimistic person n am already started to wonder how we r gg to cope w/ the bb's arrival...

being young couple, we ain't financially there too...sounds so stressful...
Hi Juliet,

it's a relief to know there's another MTB who shares the same sentiments as me.

Actually, my hb and I are mega-planners. Before our customary wedding, we made the decision to check whether I'm immune to certain diseases which may harm a fetus or baby. So in a way, we were prepared for a baby's arrival. But we NEVER expected baby to be conceived during our honeymoon... and we left for our honeymoon the next day after our wedding dinner! So many changes happening. It's scary.

Being mega-planners, we are now a bit stressed over child care arrangements, housing issues (we're staying with parents for the time being. Our plan was to buy our own place next year but if we need parents' help with baby, we can't move out.) It's a bit trying for us cos whilst we need to plan long term, we need to plan short term too.. like which doctor to go do for delivery...
Can normal GP do ultrascan?

Today I woke up and didn't feel all the normal pregnancy symptoms. No breast soreness, no mild cramps at the tummy area. I never had MS and nausea. Only woke up with a bad backache.

I read online that these could be symptoms for an early miscarriage and I'm panicking in office now. Tried calling my gynae's office countless times but I think the clinic only opens at 630pm. Even then, I'm not sure if I can get an appt with him cos he's really popular.

Please tell me what to do?? Is this normal???

u r very fortunate to hv an attentive hubby. My hubby didnt even bother what I shld eat or not do during preggy. Envy :0)
Hi krispy,

not all GPs can do ultrascan. There are 2 types of ultrascan. One is through tummy. One is through vagina. I believe only some hospitals and some O&G doctors have the scan from vagina. Some GPs may have the tummy scan. It's best ifyou call the GP to ask if they have the machine in their clinic. Call the bigger clinics. If you are very worried, you can walk in to KKH's 24 hour clinic. They have both types of machines there.
Just to add, you only need to bring your NRIC to KKH's 24 hour clinic. It is a A&E department but they also accept non-urgent cases - therefore, called a 24 hour clinic. Alternatively, you may want to check if TMC accepts cases of your sort. They also have a 24 hour clinic, I believe.
Thanks Cactus. Is this normal? On one hand, I'm panicking. On the other, I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting.

I also lost my appetite yesterday. Was feeling awfully hungry the past week, and suddenly, don't feel like eating at all.
Oh.. and to add, the doctors at KKH's 24 hour clinic are experienced. They are not junior doctors. I went there and was attended to by an associate consultant.
Hi cactus_79 ,u seem to read my mind too ...my english not gd so idun noe how to type here to express my feeling & nw u help me write in here..hehe thanxs..I & my hubby hve credit card bill to settle,car loan,although we r staying together with my MIL but my hubby need to gif her mun $ too.I oso got think of my baby give birth liao i need to gif my MIL how much to take care of my baby?
Hi krispy, I don't know if it is normal. Although I read the same info as you did.. signs of an early miscarriage. However you are not bleeding or spotting, so you may not be miscarrying at all. It's better to go to a doctor for a scan.

If you previously did a tummy scan, this time, you should be able to see a sac still. If you previously did a transvaginal scan, you shoudl still be able to see a sac transvaginal. Don't freak out if you previously only saw a sac transvaginal and can't see one now with a tummy scan cos tummy scan is not as sensitive as a transvaginal scan. Also, scans are operator dependent. If it is an inexperienced doctor, she/he may not see the sac even if it is there (esp for transvaginal).

If you are at least 6 weeks, doctor may already be able to detect heart beat.

If you knew your previous HCG level (from prevoius blood test), you may want to ask doctor to take your blood again to check present HCG level. If it is a miscarriage, HCG level will drop. If you did't previously test HCG level, then you may be asked to return the next day or in a couple of days to recheck HCG level. HCG level is differnet for every woman at the same stage of pregnancy. It is the "relative" HCG level for the same woman during the same pregnancy that can tell doctor if you are miscarrying.

In the meantime , don't worry too much k.
wow so i should look on the positive side of my hubby's KPO lah hehee i think in b/w is the best lah. if hubby bo chup, we also think he not concern. my case, hubby too chup, i think he unreasonable ley.

yeahlor me quite chiam, u can imagine lor.

do you all know sometimes the pregnancy will cause the skin problem later on? bcos the hormones mah.
my skin is oily type, then preggy become dry and flaky. very very very ugly. but after delivery back to normal. then bcos i dun have habit of apply moisturizer, makes the skin even worse

i think u are abit over-reacting wor... as long as no sharp pain n no spotting is fine... not every1 have ms when pregnant de...

u cant walk in ur gynae clinic???

dun think too much stay positive... u panick , bb oso pantang...

some will cause the mum to become ugly (as in oily skin, alot pimples) but some will cause the mummy to become more radiant... it depends on dividual....

my forehead full of tiny pimples. haiz
cactus...we ain't really mega planners but looks like we gotta be one soon! sigh...am also hving headache abt who to take care of bb when i go back to work...

u see, my folks would like to shift to somewhere nearer to my bro who got married earlier this yr. b4 they do that, they'll sell their current hse if got a buyer b4 they find their new nest...if that's the case, my folks will move in to my plc 1st...but otherwise, they may find a nest 1st n move out of my area..then i'll hv big probs getting my mum to look after bb coz hb is the one driving n his workplace is in a diff direction...aiyo..so headache...

i also dunno wat my mum has in her mind...i hope to be sahm though but sounds difficult since financially not there...being young, i here earn there out...sianz...now must grow up liao since got to take care of young one...i hate growing up! so many things to worry!
Hi jesslyn, my hb also give his mom $ every month. Me also, for my parents. We just have to plan very carefully and prudently. We can't plan too far in the future so much so that we forget to enjoy today. Neither can we enjoy today so much that we neglect to plan for our future.
Hi juliet,
I'll definately not be a SAHM. I think I will drive my hb nuts and will be driven nuts by the baby. My maternal instinct isn't that strong. And I'm quite the controlling type... domineering.. I dun thinkj my child will be happy if I was a SAHM.. haha!

look in another way, u and hubby fortunate to get a bb soon ley. some of my frds hor trying many many years also no result yet ley. i think bcos both of you are planners, like to plan and control your life properly, dat's y now u got this worry thing bcos scared of not mentally prepared, so many housing and childcare things not settled. pls dun worry too much, u need rest and try not to overexcite. imagine me yesterday overexcite, then feel very tired. hehe need rest lor

i think the housing, childcare things will settle with the flow bah hehee got parents to help also gd ley. me nobody help, so i had to get maid ah
