(2008/06) June 2008

Saw doc today! Confirmed 7 weeks +. Can see the heartbeat too. Next visit is 1 month later for the OSCAR test.

A bit disappointed with DH. Was using his blackberry all the way before and after visit. Doesn't seem excited at all. I know work is important, but still... Then he can tell me when we get home - "Oh yeah, you're pregnant so you're special now!"

But I don't feel very special hor...

Anyway, how's everyone else doing? Can't catch up with so many posts...

wow, so many posts in an afternoon....me oso took nap cos really cannot tahan...slept from 3+ to abt 6pm. then woke up super hungry and craving for BK mushroom swiss burger....thinking abt all that melted cheese and beef...yummy! think will go get it later and get mac ice cream on the way as well. been having durian cravings as well but cant see any on sale in supermarket....guess have to make a trip down to geylang.

hi juliet
wow green curry ah....then ice cream...not scare lao sai ah! hahahah....me now cannot finished one full meal...only can finished half then full liao but abt 2-3 hours later hungry again so need to eat....so now i am having like 6 small meals instead of the 3 full ones....quite unlike last time when i only know how to have 3 full meals instead of breaking it up into 6 smaller meals. hahahah.....me starting to have metallic taste in mouth and itz damn uncomfy lor. me oso still having junk food like chips so i guess eat wadever u crave but remember not to eat rojak cos of the black sauce, sting ray, uncooked/half cooked food, pineapple, chin chow, ice jelly and coconuts. oh, cuttlefish and sotong is a no no as well.
hi littlemini
hope everything turns out fine...we'll be here if you need any support. do take care in the meantime. thanks sparks for the updates.
wow starmoon, your appetite really good! read liao also saliva drop :p~~~

i think your hubby really busy with work today bah, maybe when he not busy, he will sweet talk to you liao hehee then treat you like a princess. cheer up!
hello Ladies,

I just found out that I am 4 weeks preggie...

Gan jiong so went to see the gynae a few days ago..he ask me to see him again in 2 weeks time...

Just to check, will he be able to scan anything at 6 week? shd I go at 7 weeks instead?

Thanks in advance!=)

The gynae make a scan on me immediately and say there isn't any sign but the urine test have a fade line. He say might be early stage pregnant or infection. Ask me to go back for scanning after 10 days. Is it normal for doctor to scan patient immediately if his patient tell him that she suspect pregnant?
luz, me hungry all the time cos i can only eat a bit each time then feel full liao....juz ate my single mushroom swiss and mac ice cream cone...yummy.
connie, the last time when i went GP to test, no line appeared then i told GP that morning when i tested got faint positive line...so she asked me to wait a couple more days and use first urine to test again and i did and this time the line is clearer. the doc didnt scan me or anything so maybe u wanna wait a couple more days then test again juz to be sure?

My mensus already due for 10 days. Test it when due for 7 days. It was a clear positive but the doctor's one is very fade line. Ask me to scan again 10 days later?
hi connie
then even if faint, it is still considered as positive. so no need to worry. u prob can calculate how many weeks u r in and prob go see gynae at around week 7 or after so can see bb heartbeat. if earlier, may be too small to detect i think.
I will go see another doctor next Monday to confirm my status. Don't know how to count the week.

Does all of you book a package immediately after you knew that you are pregnant?
hi all, i envy u all, all so look ing forward to be a mother, for my case, i am not. actually i knw i should'nt be having this thought, but there is too much problems, making me thinking of terminating the pregnancy.
wat happen? pls dun.. here many of us afraid of losing our bb and now u r tinking of terminating it.. its unfair to the bb.. pls tink twice.. anything we can help?
i have too many problems with my hus. when i told him abt my worries, he dont even care, just said entertaining words.i really dislike his family and i have to live with them, my hus is not at all supoorting me when comes to having conflicts with his family. when i had my 1st bb, his family gave me so much pressure till i have such bad depression that i want to commit suicide with my new born, i have to live with 20 over plpe, can u all understand the stress i am in? all want to giv theier old traditional ideas, and want me to use them, i really dont want, but my hus dont dare to say anything. seems like im fighting the battle myself. now i got 2nd one, i dont want to go tru all these anymore, i want to do confinement over at my mum's place, also cannot, because he is afraid of his dad. every words his dad says is right, i only can endure.
Hi luz, thanks lots for your advice. I will definately try to keep my excitment under control and rest well!

Hi Kylene, actually my hb doesn't know much cos O&G is a very specialised field. he's doing medicine presently. Not sure if he will be specialising eventually.
Hi Connie,
From what I know, the urine preg test measures the HCG level in our body. HCG is a hormone which stops our ovaries from producing and releasing eyes and stops our lining from shedding as it does every month, enabling the pregnancy to continue. HCG is usually produced from week 2 or 3 onwards. Week 0 is the first day of the last menses. If your menses is already late by 10 days, you would be at week 3 or so now.

In my case, I tested faint positive on day 1 of expected menses, moderately positive on day 3 of expected menses, and clearly positive on day 5 of expected menses. When I went to clinic, they tested my urine for infection and for pregnancy. It was negative for infection and positive for pregnancy.

If you are anxious to find out if you are pregnant, you may want to request a blood test to be done. blood test is more sensitive than urine test in picking up HCG levels.

If you have a faint positive, it could be an early stage pregnancy. To know how a pregnancy is progressing, doctors will compare the HCG levels by comparing the amounts in bloods taken at various stages of our pregnancy (usually within 1st trimester). We can do this ourselves at hoome by using the urine home preg kit, but because we rely on the lines appearing and clarity of the lines appearing, (ie. faint line = less HCG, clear line - more HCG), it won't be as accurate as blood test which measures HCG in numbers.
Oh.. just want to add - doctors don't usually take blood from us to test for HCG levels unless they want to exclude a pregnancy which may threaten to self terminate.
My sister-in-law told me most private clinics encourage us to sign up on a package as soon as possible to "save $" cos it is a fixed price for visits up till delivery.

For KKH, packages are available from 16 weeks onwards cos pregnancies in 1st trimester have up to 20% chance of self terminating.

SGH and CGH don't have any packages.
Oh, Connie, what scan did the doctor do for you? tummy scan or transvaginal scan? At an eaarly stage, tummy scan may not be sensitive enough to pick up the sac. Also, the scans are operator dependent. If it is an experienced doctor, shoudl be able to detect if the sac is there. At week 7, your sac should be already there. Maybe you can ask for a transvaginal scan the next time? I did a transvaginal scan at 4 weeks 6 days and I saw a sac very clearly. At KKH 24hr clinic.
hi precious moments, I hope you feel better sharing your frustrations with us. Maybe your husband is the typical guy - dun want to get into any confrontation with anyone, so just say entertaining words. Maybe you can practise ear in, ear out too?
hi precious moments, from what u wrote, i gather that u're staying with his extended family? if u need a listening ear, we're all here to help. when i was young, i stayed with my grandparents, parents, uncles and cousins, all under 1 roof too. there were some conflicts too and 1 by 1, my uncles and their family moved out.
morning ladies! wah, this morning I had such a good appetite. woke up drank a glass of milk, ate a packet of biscuits. reach office, eat a big packet of fried bee hoon and drink a cup of soya bean drink..... sooooo satisfying.... haha....

preciousmonents, do think twice abt it. seek a counsellor if needed. my friend was in very bad shape when she got pregnant. she had a lot of family pblms. she suffer from depression when she knew she was pregnant. we asked her to seek help from counsellor. she finally gave birth to the child but got severe depression after that again. she went back to counsellor again. now I must say she has recovered well and is very strong. in fact, she just had a divorce with her hubby, after her second child. now her kid only 1 and 4 yrs old.

so do not give up. seek help if necessary. most imptly, u have to be strong. we will support u!!!
Hi Cheekymonkey,

Dun worry about the growth of foetus now. Main is to rest more and less strenous movement. I used to have spotting for my 1st gal. I was on bed rest for 2weeks and hormones jab. Everything still going fine and Natalie is born with 3.3kg though I have terrible MS from beginning till 4mth plus. I only start to eat better when I was 5mths. Main is to keep relax now, dun stress cos it wont do good for u & bb too okie

Hi Preciousmoments,
Since this is your 2nd one. Has anything big happen when ur 1st born? Actually In law issues can never be resolve and also hubby tends to be stuck in between. Maybe he do not wish to invite troubles? You are ur kids mum. Do what you think u feel right & they do theirs which wont harm babies too. Open one eye close one eye... This is what I been learning since the born of my 1st gal. All the while they have no reaction even though its the 1st grandchild.

Now we tends to feel emotionally unstable which is very normal and we also try our best to control BUT yet cant be control too. Sometime just wis HB will be more attentive to us... Let just try give & take cos no matter how they cant really feel much on how we are feeling.. e kind of Mixed Feelings..
preciousmoments, guys will always be guys. they always sit on the fence. when i was preparing for my wedding, mil and her sisters also gave lots of stupid ideas - what to do, what not to do - some more all the wrong things for their dialect. I was so upset and all. And my hb just sit on the fence. I threw a huge tantrum and says unless he does something abt it, i want out.

did u talk to your hb abt this? tell him the stress u r facing. it's unfair for u that he just listens to his dad and make u handle all the suffering. end of the day, he has a longer lifetime with you than with his dad. Communicate. that's the key word in anything isn't it?

meanwhile, vent your anger & stress here! it helps to get it off your chest.

bb is innocent wor...it's really unfair if you terminate your pregnancy...look on the brighter side...we are all with you here!
No prob everyone.

Here's the latest update.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Child #</TD><TD>Area </TD></TR><TR><TD>mei</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>30-May</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feifei</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC or Mt A</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Compassvale Lane </TD></TR><TR><TD>juliet08</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starmoon</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr TC Chang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Eunos </TD></TR><TR><TD>littlemini</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>iamsnow</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angie_bb</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Preciousmoments</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>11-Jun</TD><TD>Dr KC Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jazol</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>11-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Jen</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Sengkang East Way </TD></TR><TR><TD>Veniz</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mogudog</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Compassvale Link </TD></TR><TR><TD>teragram</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>15-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kylene</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Chua</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Upper Bt Timah </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cynthia</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rena</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>19-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Gordan Tan</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesslyncheong</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Hougang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cactus_79</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Luz</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Chew</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ND's girl</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>26-Jun</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Krispy</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>26-Jun (TBC)</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Precious moments,

Sorry to hear that. I am actually staying w my MIL & am already hving a difficult time coping. I can understand yr frustrations of living w not 1 but so many people at yr hubby's side.

Is any there possibility to shift out together w yr hubby & child since it's so crowded in there already?

Meanwhile, pls be brave & hang on for e sake of yr dear unborn child.
Would advise you to see a counselor together with your husband to talk over your issues. At least get a 3rd parties opinion. Not fair for you to have to keep on listening to his parents. At least try to make your hubby understand that you have your own views as well. He should be supporting you and not making life worse for you. The baby you carry now is a blessing. Imagine waking up in the morning or coming home from work and seeing how baby is so happy to see you.
preciousmoment, do think twice before u do anything disastrous....you wouldnt want to live in regrets later. we are always here if you need a listening ear.
starmoon...dun curse me la! hahahaha...no LS..heng ah...last nite i ate chips somemore! wahhahahahha....ok la, i'll try to refrain from junk food for a week to make up for all the unnecessary junk i had yesterday...
hahahaha....coconut milk + ice cream mah....good no LS lor. hahahah...wah can do it anot....me juz eat wadever i want even if itz junk. hahhahaah...now gotta satisfy my durian craving.
last nite when i had my chips w/ some cooling herbal tea, i got cramps leh! think the "xue ge" too 'cooling'...my mum ask me to avoid but can drink a little...

i drank a little bit, cramp, then dun dare to drink liao...
Morning ladies!

Jiayou ya....We will pray for you ...

Jiayou for bb's sake ya...cos bb is a gift from heaven...really must cherish hor....

hehe..good to hv gd appetite leh...envy...

sue ge bery cooling one leh...I have chips yest too =)...heehee...cos if dun eat, so xinku...also drank Peelfresh orange juice...

how u doing today?

Just to update...I went for my 2nd scan yest...BB 8wks3days liao...1.64cm , if stretch will be 1.94cm...Its bery amazing to see and hear the heartbeat...Its something blinking so fast...so cute leh...=)..really bery shen qi =)...

me will be going for my thalisimia test together with my oscar test next wk...wish me luck ya...
Hi everyone.. Mini has got no mood. Seems like it's cfm... nevertheless, i will still con't to pray for her till she breaks the news...
Yesterday when to the Gyane..

only 5 weeks i think... coz he mention it is still very small so he ask me to come again in two weeks time.. but i am having a very bad cought and flu.. its really killing me.. i am so tired.....


Well to my defination they are like monster in law...
Hi ladies..

I'm down with sore throat and coughing, with lots of saliva+phlegm.. Everytime i cough, sure induce vomiting.. Anyone has similar experience can advise me what medication is safe to take OR any chinese herbal drinks can take or not as we not suppose to take any chinese herbs right?
hi jessl, my MIL said not to take anything with chinese herbs, even for cooking, cos fetus is growing rapidly now at this stage. organs are forming. we can start taking some chinese herbs from 2nd trimester onwards.
you can check with your doctor on safety of western medicine. medicine is categorised into 3 large groups. Medicine safe for use during pregnancy. Medicine unsafe for use during pregnancy. Medicine which have not been tested enough to determined whether safe or unsafe for use during pregnancy. If possible, use the older type of medicine rather than the newer type of medicine, if you have a choice. Cos side effects would be better documented for older type of medicines and you can consider the side effects before taking. Hope you recover soon!
Hi Jessl,

Have you seen doctor? Some gynae they are also able to prescribe you medicine that foetus able to take it. I remember that time I drink lots plain water. Avoid milk 1st as u cough u vomit make it more worse and you feel miserable too. Do not take any chinese herbal tea. Plain water stil the best. If you want can drink home cook barley water. Cook less than 10mins. But dun drink too much too ok. Rest well okie.

We will pray for mini... no matter what the outcome, must stay strong. I have terminate my previous preg before for certain reason and I know its feels terrible. But I believe after more resting and build up body resistance.. will be fated to have another.
Hi ladies, I am home today with a red eye and sore throat. seems like because I can't eat many things, I ate lots of biscuits yesterday. Felt even worse, like keep wanting to vomit with this sore throat.

Preciousmoments, things may be difficult now but I believe due to your homones changes, you tend to feel emotional now, so please, try to be clear minded. Do not think of terminating this new life in you just because of your mentioned problems. All those problems may be solved in other ways. I also have very unsupportive husband who always side his family, but I can't blame him coz he has been with them his whole life and be with me only a few years. We really have to give and take, and also close one or two eyes to some of the things. I also can't see eye to eye of my MIL upbringing of my son, but at least, I know my son is fortunate to have someone who loves him looking after him everyday. So, it may be good for you think of the pros and not the cons.

Juliet, I also thought of drinking a bit of green bean soup to cool my heatiness aka from the vit pills and biscuits, but scare will be too cool till no good. Think I will drink more water.

I really hope littlemini is well. Yesterday an ex colleage told me that her current colleague has bad news, saw two gynaes also said cannot make it. I wonder if this lady is littlemini. Nevertheless, we will support littlemini till all the way.
I agree with cactus. When I preg with 1st, I didnt eat anything frm 1st 3mths. I start some herbs from 5mths cos that is the time bb will start absorb. Bird nest not for now and cant be much too as proven too much may cause allergy to bb skin too. So eat everything in moderation.

Herbs to advise from 4mth
1)Dong Cong Chao - good for bb heart & mother
2)Pao Sheng - can start drinking now. Make into powder form, drink every morning. Make we feel better and energy for the day.

Hmm.. if any i recall will add on.. keep the ball rolling.!!


i too have the same symtoms.. coughing like mad and each time i cough i wanted to vomit as well
. my Gyane gave me dhasedyl.. 2 teaspoon 3 -4 time a day.. i think can get from pharmacy..
