(2008/06) June 2008

wah.. so gd not having MS thru ur 1st preg.. like my frend too.. no MS for her.. no swelling legs.. no backache.. no fatigue.. everything jus normal.. and her bb is fine too.. and her bb can sleep thru the nite after 1st mth.. so envy..

Guess we will meet on 20th cos I am going there in e morning for Oscar test too leh...hee...Wat time is ur appt? Mine is 9am =D...

Me also bery tired lor...though not much MS...*touchwood*...

Anyone knows where I can buy Enfamama or Anmum in pkts?
Hi salmonfish,

glad to know that someone did not have any sympton thruout the pregnancy.. I am currently 5 wk 4 days, but do not have much sympton at all.

btw, i am having light brown spotting, so wonder should i go n see my doctor.
LCY, i had spotting too around 5 weeks, saw my gyne and was give injection and oral progesterone. pls consult your dr and don;t carry any heavy things
Salmonfish, my appt on 6 nov leh...maybe the next one will be on the week of 20th too! Will see how it goes...maybe we all can meet there! Haha...
Hi Cactus,

I do not have any cramps, just very very light brown stain.

anyone feel anything special / feel pregnant when you are ard 5 wk? I only got a bit of sore bb. Don't know is it normal or not.

Quite scare now cos of previous MC.
feifei, no choice leh...been craving for it and couldnt find it so went down to geylang last nite to buy. damn expensive lor.

juliet, hahahah....was telling MIL and my mom abt may oso....said the other time when i only had the durian ice cream, she oredi buay tahan liao...hahahahah.

bb08, me oso feel tired all the time. had to nap every afternoon now.

LCY, u better go see gynae...no good to have spotting cos means pregnancy unstable.
If ur appt also 20th Nov, good leh, then got chance we can meetup...hee...My oscar test is in e morning , then afternoon will know e result...cos I taking e thalassimia test too..

Tks for e infor...Wonder if JB got sell pkts one also lor...Do u know how much is e pkts one?;p
feifei mine is at 9:30am but will definitely see you coz' the test is quite long and sometimes got to go in and out many times if baby is not in the ideal position for measurements. :)

juliet you also fix ur oscar on nov 20th la.. hehe..
Good Morning Mummies,
I was MIA yesterday, as was planning my son's 1st bday party. gan jiong so i tired myself out..
luckily i slept enough to make up for it. better dun get over excited :|

tomorrow, i am going to visit my gynae to confirm pregnancy ah... hope it's gd news, and not like false alarm :p

I actually have some discharge, but it is not brown or red. It's clear. Sore breasts too. Bloatedness. Sometimes feel dizzy - I have low bp to begin with (usually about 100/70).Occasional cramping. Frequent urination. That's about it. Oh... feel very slightly nausea sometimes.
Iniitally I felt abit of crampy feeling at my lower tummy, then feel hungry all e time...other than that, feel tired lor...Its better for u to see a gyane ASAP cos spotting no good leh...
I am seeing Dr Wong too.. kekeke..
when is ur EDD? hw come no details of yours? mine not yet check for heartbeat.. goin for the scan on 29Oct

Oh that's great! hehe..
When is your EDD? Mine is around June 7 according to 1st scan, but I think can only confirm after OSCAR, more exact. How many weeks are you now? Book Nov 20 too ok?! hehe..
Hey ladies!

I mia for a few days cos was resting at home on Mon and Tues as had cramps and spots.

LCY, i have spots on 5th week bt not much then almost everyday, and I checked with my gynae ytd he said is due to the expansion of our womb and the change in our hormones. its best to see ur doc so that they can give you sm medicine to ctrl it.

mini, be strong and you can try another time. on sun I went to A&E due to stomach cramp and worry cos my spots was constant. thn I remembered that bb is a gift fm God so if God wana take it back fm us means that He felt that we arent ready to take care of it. so dun worry, nurse your health back is more important now.

starmoon, glad to hear that you have recovered.
Wanted to PM u my contact no but u dun accept PM...hee..so u are 30mins behind me...hee..ya lor, sure can see each other one...hee...But after that u seeing Dr Wong in e afternoon to see e results?

really?u mean if bb not in position, then difficult to take e scan? Is the scan tummy scan or V scan?

ya lor, can meet one jiemie liao...TInk when our bbs are stable liao, we can meet up somewhere for dinner lor...it will be so nice... then when our bbs born, can all be frenz =D..

DO keep us updated hor...=D..
icic.. kekeke.. when is ur 1st scan? cos i did my 1st scan on 9 oct.. cant see anything yet.. only a waterbag.. so i supposed now shld be 7wks too.. kekeke..

yaya.. really hope i can continue to join this thread.. 29 OCt!
Hi Jazol, which A&E did you go to on Sunday? I was at KKH A&E on Sunday. Dr Hendricks attended to me. Not sure if we may have passed by each other. Which gynae are you seeing at KKH now?
U will =D... That time i went for my 1st scan in my 5th weeks, only see waterbag, nothing liao....Sure u will see bb's heartbeat next wk...=D.

ACJ is at level 3 of TMC....

12wks hv to go for oscar test liao....u shd be 8wks like me liao hor?
Hi mei, don't worry! The tests are usually ordered by doctors after examining us. If doctor suspect complications, then will order more tests. Sometimes, extra tests are done cos we request for them for reassurance also. The important scans are only the dating scan at 6 to 8 weeks and the detailed scan at 19 to 22 weeks. If you are older than 30, or above 35, you may be offered extra tests, esp if the dating scan shows that the fetus may be abnormal. If you are under 30, in good health, no previous miscarriages, or still births, then you are likely to only go for 2 scans in your entire pregnancy. However, if you dun know your blood group, or if you are not sure if you are immune to diseases like chicken pox, rubella, hep B, you may have your blood taken to check. If you have complications like severe cramping or spotting, you may have blood taken to check for HCG levels and more scans done.
Hi all, sorry to butt in. I need some advise badly, since everyone should be preggy around the period, so likely to do the same stuff. I heard from a friend of mine that you must do the blood test (forgot the medical term) and detail scan for down syndrome during the 13th week in Spore. Is that true ? Will any place accept if more than 13th ? Like 15-16th week ?

My problem is I live in Japan, over here they are doing the test during the 15th-16th week. Technically I can do the test on the 15th week in here but I am going back to Spore on 16th, and the hospital refuse to disclose the result to me over the phone and any other method except for me to personally go down to hear the result. aiyo...

A friend of mine in Spore, just check for me at TMC, they will only do the blood test and scan on 13th week (cost $319), and they might not accept more than 13 wks. I don't want to be stuck with not able to do the test in both countries !!

Was just wondering if any of you know situation ? Or if you happen to visit your gynae can ask for me ? Pls let me know if there are any slight possibility of doing the test in Spore during my 16th weeks, where can I do it ? Can I get the result within 1-2 weeks ? And how much it cost ? I want to both the blood test and detail scan.

Currently I am on my 8wk, went checkup for the first time yesterday, saw the bb, head, u.cord and heartbeat !

Thank you !!
cactus, I was at KKH 24 hr women clinic and was there in the evening. I am seeing Dr CK Khoo now, just went for my 1st follow up yesterday.

feifei, thks for explaining. OIC so most of you are delivering at TMC.
me not so much on vomitting but just v. v. restless..dunno whether it's coz i woke up real early this morning..now i feel like whole body n mind just wanna collapse on a bed...argh...
Hi Jazol, I was there in the morning... I'll be returning to Dr Hendricks for a follow up, and to do dating scan in mid Nov, but I'm likely to return to polyclinic for further routine follow up if confirmed is uncomplicated pregnancy in Nov. I actually like Dr Hendricks alot, cos she is very gentle and has time for me, but KKH is too inconvenient for me to go to. And I'm likely to deliver in SGH.
hi loomi,

I believe down syndrome test is not compulsary unless there are indications that it could be a down syndrome child or if mother is 30 and above. Even WHO guidelines are that mothers above 35 are at risk of having a down's child. not even 30.
for my gynae, my Oscar scan for down down syndrome is 11th to 12th week. results quite fast definitely less than a week

Detailed scanning of the bb is done during the 20th week. see if the baby is growing well, or got any abnormal markers detected. scanning results is immediately analyzed and briefed by the gynae.

blood test, on and off i was required to do as requested by my gynae.

hope this helps :D
strangely from my personal experience even mummies under 30 are at risk of having down syndrome child these days, i wonder if it's bcos of the environment or work stress, or is it really genetic?
for my case during the detailed scanning done at 20th week, abnormal marker is detected. my gynae used the Oscar Scanning report to recalculate my risk of having down syndrome child. the risk was drastically increased.
Hi loomi,

I just had my NT scan (down syndrome test) last wk at TMC. And i got my result on the spot. It is advisable to be done during 11th-14wks. The scan nt only depend on mother age but will oso did a full measurement of bb neck to determine whether is it at the high risk of DS. No hospital will do NT scan aft 14wks. Hope it help.
Thanks ! all.. the blood test is actually call 'triple screen test' most website say it done 15-20th weeks. When is it done in Spore ?
Sound like no problem doing the scan then. Know any place that do 4D scan ?

Learnt from gynae, down sy. only come from mother's X gene, nothing to do with the father gene.
one marker is still OK. 2 markers detected means really down lor.. i scare my gyane missed out any more markers so went 2nd opinion to check, so luckily really only one , wat a relieved. :p that period very scare ley. bcos my friend also kenna that same marker her child is down. but i believe different couple got diff thinking , for e.g. muslim and christians will keep baby no matter wat ley
Hi juliet,yday afternoon i told u i beri Xinku i eat wat i feel like vomit rite?my mil ask me to eat sweet plum worst i dun like the smell.then at nite i ask my husband to buy me Mac plain cheeseburger & 1 packet of Ribena.Suprising i dun feel like vomiting anymore ley....I think my baby like to eat cheesebuger..hehehe

Hi luz,u mean u alady go for the Oscar test aldy huh?ur baby how many weeks?U mean the Oscar test can see how many markers?wat u mean u go for 2nd opinion?u went to see another gynae?Btw how old r u?Luz sorri to mafan u to answer my questions...bcos i haven go my Oscar test yet.Btw will u be ginving birth at TMC?which gynae r u?mine DR Khi at TMC
