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    (2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

    Hi gerly26, I'm really glad to hear that mummies here are helpful... Actually I'm a lousy mummy, alot of things I have to learn from you all after going through the posts here... haha... I have not think of where to celebrate my bb birthday coz 14 Feb is 1st day of Cny in 2010 so is also...
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    (2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

    Hi Gamze, My little Loewe whose born in 14 Feb 2009 - Valentines' Day, a very special gift, a bb girl after having 2 elder boys. She's an happy and active 10.5mths old. With soft toys and dolls surrounding her, she ends up playing with her koko toy cars... haha... Wow, I can see most...
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    (2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

    Hi mummies, Can I join this thread? My girl's Loewe is also a Feb bb 2009. Just wanna get to know mummies from this thread on bb topic as well as exchange information etc... Hope that all mummies can welcome me ya... Take care...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Aria, Yes, my 2nd boy was born Oct 2007 too. I have not been here for quite awhile-more than 2 years hope all mummies can accept me as part of the kaki..."new member".
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Congrats to those mummies who have just gave birth and do take care...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi all mummies, Really long long time never pop by here, just hope that I'm able to "cope and share topics" with you all, mummies.
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Tentatively I'm joining unless bb come out early. Here's the update below. If you would like to attend you can mark your attendance and cut and paste to update! See response first... 1. Liana (meekfreek) + 2 kids + hubby + maid 2. Tamarind 3. Mouseaction (jastan) 4. Precious_Gem + 2...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Hi mummies, My home PC down, so unable to join in the chat so frequently. The only spare time is when I'm in the office only when I'm free so unable to answer some of the mummies question, really feel sorry. But I enjoy going through all the posting. Really enjoy!! cheers. Hi Liana...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Hi All, I hope I can make it for the gathering cos may go into labour during that time as my elder one also arrived 2 weeks+ earlier. Just include me first lah.
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    I'm not so particular over organic food but my Hb do. He's a regular at this Lepemsy Road (if I'm not wrong) during his off day. Where I find things there extremely ex. 4 medium size apples can cost $12.50. Now I'm going to tell him that there are other places that can get Organic food at a...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Hi All, Thanks for the welcome. Cowandchick, My no.2 will be another boy. Good lah everything can go recycle. Raising a child in S'pore is not easy. We, parents tends to be more kiasu nowadays, I'm one of them sending my son to this course & that course, ended up I feel exhausted. I...
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi all, As I'm FTWM, I have to sent my son for FT Childcare, no choice coz I have problem with my maid last time, don't take the risk anymore. Now my 2nd boy due soon, got to find a nanny instead coz my mum not in good health. Headache leh. Really envy you'all got someone to take care of your...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Hi All mummies, I would like to join all of you here too. I'm a FTWM, 34 with 1 boy whose 4yr 4mth, another one on the way, due on Sept'07, staying in Bedok. Hobbies: Shopping, travelling, spa, food tasting etc....
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hippo, Thanks for your useful info. Hi all mommies, Are you all working mum or stay home mum? I'm now in search of a good nanny to take care of my no. 2 due in sept'07, after my 3 months maternity which is Dec'07 onwards. Can you all give me some advise on this???
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi Hippo, I'm new here. How do I go about it doing volunteering work in-order for my 4 yr old to get into the choice school? I'm staying at Bedok Reservoir View & the choice of school is Red Swastika which is also a hot pick as Temasek Pri???
