Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Thanks Singmum,

Yes, the filipino maid wants to show power, i know she not happy there is another maid...but she also cannot cope with 10 pax in the family, so no choice...
My indo maid is very competent, certainly not the slow and blur type, in fact, speaks english very well and does things quick and we cannot complain about her either...


I get mine from this organic shop in Hougang, called Camu Camu. It's at Blk 211 Hougang St 21, #01-307. It's near the Standchart and OCBC banks. The owner was featured in the 'Mind Your Body' - I think he switched to organic products and had a full remission from cancer (or something).

If I happen to be somewhere in Clementi, I go to the wholesale centre near Pasir Panjang. There's also an organic outlet there, called Zenxin. But I hardly go there as it is out of the way for me. Only if I happen to be near there!

Both the shops were recommended to me by another mummy in this Motherhood Forum. She responded when I asked for help in finding organic foods!

I find the selection in NTUC, and even Cold Storage a bit pathetic! I hope they can improve their varieties, and then, grocery shopping will be more convenient for me.

Do you mummies shop at NTUC or you prefer CS? I go NTUC coz I got NTUC card - get rebate and Linkpoints. I find CS stuffs kinda over priced!


Hippo, you may want to try getting your girl's panties from Hush Puppies. They're comfortable (according to my very fussy girl), and not too expensive.


I love it when my kids come to me and hug me. We love snuggling together before bedtime. My boy of very few words, once he surprised me when he came to me and gave me a hug, saying "mummy, I love you!" It never happened again, but I guess I will remember that one incident for a very very long time to come!

Yes, being a SAHM does have its perks. But then, also got downside lah. Can get a bit boring, and too much whining can drive me up the wall. I am a mummy with pretty low threshold for such things!


I also try not to get ice cream (tubs type) that are manufactured in Malaysia, Thailand, ... Read somewhere about their ingredients, so boycott totally. I buy those from Australia, NZ, US. But so expensive, so don't eat so much lor. Just as well, don't want to put on extra weight. I take the kids to Swensens for their ice cream treats! Like once in a blue moon, when I don't feel so poor!
Although I am working full time, somehow I still can catch some of my kids' first. Like first time my girl flip over, I saw it and asked my mom whether she did it before, she said no. Then even my hubby saw my girls' first crawl too. He put something interesting(a blue glass of coca-cola) at a distance from her, and she crawled towards it, it's her very first time !

My boy first flipped over when he was only 3 months old. I didn't expect it at all. Then one very early morning, before I went to work, I saw him turned over in his cot !

What I actually missed, is sending to and fetching them from school everyday. I get to do it when I am on MC only, but I really wish to do it more often.

You are welcome. Their local vegetables are definitely cheaper. But they have some imported organic apples and vegetables which are expensive.
I don't dare to eat maling luncheon meat for a long time already.

I got some gymboree clothes made in China ! So sad. Now I think I will email them to ask first before I order.

My case different from you. The first 3 maids I employ to look after my baby, were all filipino. All 3 not good at cooking, not good at looking after baby. One always crying, one always give black face, and one cannot speak english.
After that I only hire indonesian maids, all have good attitude and speak good english. Most can cook and good with kids.

When I had 2 maids, both are Indonesians. One maid is 38 years old, I purposely hire a new maid 23 years old, so that my older maid can teach her, and the younger maid also very willing to listen. I have tasklist and timetable clearly written so they know exactly who is supposed to do what.
It's v funny.. my boy is v close to me despite being cared for by mum frm birth, so I enjoy the times with him, he declares me as the ONLY person he loves..haha.
My twins are close but not so clingy altho they both want to sit on my lap.. at times they prefer maid or mil...
I also wrote alist of timetable for my indon, but once timing change abit she jus work blindly no flexibility, sigh***
U r really one of those lucky one who can get good indon maids. I feel blessed too to hv my current filipino as she really a good helper.
Hi all, thanks for the welcome!

Organic Food

for some reason i find that Cold Storage Jelita stocks more organic vegs and fruits than the other CS outlets. even King Albert Park doesn't hv that much variety. i visit Zen Xin too @ Pasir Panjang. sign up as a member and you'll get 10% discount! (actually, i think they just auto give you 10% upon checkout without even asking for your mbership card ..hee hee)


Generally, i prefer NTUC for its proximity except for CS Jelita for reason stated above. there isn't even a single CS in the whole of Bishan! also, different CS outlets sell the same pdts at different prices. a few months back (pre GST hike) i found a can of Gerber puffs retailing at $5.85 @ CS Jelita but the same can costs $5.70 @ CS Heartland Mall. so got to be careful..


all i remember is Mr Goofy, the brainy but cannot teach A-Maths teacher! haha
you were relief teaching in 1992? Do you know Poh Poh? she's my JC classmate who also teached in RGS around that time.


like what you said about the whole point of staying at home is so that your girl can cling on to you! but sometimes i envy part-time working moms though, esp those who can work flexi-hours. somehow feel that they've got the best of both worlds...i guess the grass always look greener on the other side.
My maid is filipino and I must say she is a good worker so far, loves the twins and is honest, hardworking, reliable and has initiative. But her voice is a bit loud ..haha..

Part-time work is best like work 3 days a week... but so far I never hear of good lobangs. Last time my fr did tell me about part-time but the pay is really peanuts... my as well don't work cos it doesn't pay much...

O dear.. ur Gym has MIC.. haha... let me check the rest that I hv...

Read that u can work till 8-9pm, is that often?
- Hippo

i better check my stuff for MIC but sure there'll be lots of them. I know I have 2 pairs of ninewest which r MIC, how ar? Throw away? Wait the feet catch fire while I run for the MRT!! haha..

- bbgrace

ya, age should not be a barrier to make true frens. I have some good frends much younger than me too. They are at different crossroads, one's a swinging single, one is getting married, one is TTC. So our topic in life is very different though we do have common interst or topics thats why we always make time for regular gathering. Its also nice to know mommies of similar age here too.

- Tam

you are so sweet, always updating the table for us. The list is getting so

Organics food
I am not a convert but all this talk about it has got me interested to try it. Maybe will go to the one given by Tam, near to my plc.

I was much more sociable in younger days. But not now, and agree with mommies that invitations dwindle when we have to reject so many times due to bbsitting.

My hb is a social animal! He is always saying networking is important. Recently he comments that I am anti social.. i vehemently disagree at first, i would never have imagine that word use on me, after all I am in Marketing line. Then as i chew on it, I think my hb is rite! I really do not like to socialise much (not cannot socialise hor), its a choice, not an ability. Then something i read in a novel which greatly applies to me - I am not a sociable woman though I do enjoy the company of those I love.
Welcome to singmum and jessica

my indon maid is good too. Takes instructions well, honest, loves the kids. She is especially proud of bb DS, she always thinks he is the cutest bb in the world.

I like clingy kids..I missed some of the first for DD cos working and when she was 10 mnths old, my mil took over the caring as my bbsitter then gave me probs. So I became a weekend mum, only managed to take her back when she was 3. But thankfully she is close to me though more clingy to her dad. For DS i hv made sure i am here every step of the way, so he is very clingy to me. I am so happy.
Mr Goofy, the tall and skinny one right ?
There was one trainee teacher under him. She taught us maths for a short period of time. One day she told us : "You know why Mr Goh seems to always look upwards and never look at you ?" We had no idea. She said "Because you girls always sit with your legs wide open !" Hahaha
I don't know Poh Poh. That time I met the old chemistry teacher, Anthony Tan I think, and the old English teacher. Their hair are white already.

Yes I got to work late when there is a lot of work. The company is not doing well, cannot hire anymore people even though work load increased. Sometimes I got to come back to work on weekends.

Thanks for saying I am sweet hahaha
Actually I should be doing work, but feel very sian with the boring work, so this is my "relaxation".
Like when I read what you wrote about your Ninewest shoes caught fire, I'm laughing
So this is good entertainment for me.
FTWM missing out on babys' dev:
Its a give and take situation...if you do not travel overseas for your work, then i think at nights and on weekends, you can still catch a lot of your kid's development...
I remember seeing most of the milestones, and so what if my mum/ maid/ hubby was the first to see, I still get to experience it in the evenings/ weekends...

I think a few mummies in this thread live in Bishan.
My flat is in Bishan and i love the location- I just live behind Bishan CC, opposite the bus interchange, so there is everything- from mall to library, to kopitiam, to public swimming pool and park!...I wonder if other bishan mummies feel the same =)
LOL! I'm having this image in my mind now of someone running after the mrt with shoes on fire.

What you have said applies to me too. I'm also not a sociable person compared to my hubby but i love being in the company of those i love.

This aunty here compares prices between the two and indeed CS is more expensive. But i find that the quality and selection of meat (Pork / beef)are much better than NTUC. There's a CS at my place so i go there almost everyday for fresh produce but will make a weekly trip to NTUC to stock up on other stuff.

my parents live same location as you, at the point blk. i live slightly further near the mrt depot.

i like it here in bishan too. very convenient and centralised.
stylobb, singmum

no need admire/envy sahms 24 hours with the kids. sometimes can go "siow".

sometimes we sahm also envy ftwm: got more money to spend, can get away from kids for a while..... but no regrets taking this route lah.
I hv 2 primary fren almost 29 years of friendship till now liao, occasionally will gather as our kid age groups are quite near.. also a handful of close ex-colleagues that's all..Beyond tat all lost in the mist liao. No close girl fren in my co as 95% guys

I almost go giant to top-up my groceries and marketing as i find there got more varieties.. but the broccoli and some green veg, fruit are from china too so i tend to switch to carrefour to get australia broccoli and wet market for some local veg
Hi All,

Thanks for the welcome.


My no.2 will be another boy. Good lah everything can go recycle. Raising a child in S'pore is not easy. We, parents tends to be more kiasu nowadays, I'm one of them sending my son to this course & that course, ended up I feel exhausted. I have problem with my previous maid so don't intend to get one. My elder boy is in FT childcare so not a problem when I'm on confinement. My mum will help up during my confinement but after that I gonna look for nanny when I'm back to work in Dec'07 coz my mum not in good health, on medication, feel tired easily. Can anyone help me to solve this, I'm actually desperately looking for a reliable nanny now, got to book early first, if not don't have the time to do so after that.
I'm not so particular over organic food but my Hb do. He's a regular at this Lepemsy Road (if I'm not wrong) during his off day. Where I find things there extremely ex. 4 medium size apples can cost $12.50. Now I'm going to tell him that there are other places that can get Organic food at a cheaper price. Thanks all mummies for giving me the shopping tips.

I really find you mummies talk openly, like no restriction, I like the way, unlike some of my friends like very reserved. Do you mummies meet up???
regarding SAHM/FTWM, may be is like what ppl said "The other side of the forest is more greenish" (something like tis) loh ... hehehe..

I'm also kiasu mum, also plan to let my ger learn piano, swimming but all hv not start yet...sometime is more like "peer stress" loh...

About Frens
Find that when i grow older i'm more cherish with every moment with fren. May be is really very difficult to get one good fren in life..

where did you send your boy for enrichments?
hehe, my favourite topic, besides primary school registration

hehe, agree with you on recycling. kids grow so quickly. the clothes still looked brand new after both my girls wore them. I pass down to their cousin.


I usually buy from NTUC. can chuck linkpoints to redeem for fairprice voucher or movie tickets.
Milk powder and cereals I will buy from Sheng Shiong, cheaper. I find Giant, Cold Storage & ShopNSave prices not as attractive

Sheng Shiong used to be much cheaper than ntuc but nowsaday with all their new stores opening in prime locations and big newspapers advert, their prices are no longer that attractive. There are 3 Sheng Shiong in Bedok. 1 at Bedok Interchange, 1 at Bedok Reservior, 1 at Bedok North although I usually go to the first 2, wider selection
Agree with u abt the cherish part.. recently I met up with three of my old frs for bkfast... we really had a nice time chatting and chatting...

I definitely want my kids to learn swimming, vital survival skill.

But see, u hv no regrets being SAHM..that's good..

"The grass is greener at the other side." sth like that..

Nanny - maybe u start asking around now.. there could be some ppl who want to take care of babies.

Organic - I never bot any organic food before leh...
hi all mummies

Hope you're still accepting new members. I'm 34, a SAHM and my baby boy is 10mths now. Hobbies shopping,eating,travelling and now learning abt parenting
yah, both Sahm/Ftwm have their moments of bliss and stress.

It would be nice though if there are more part-time/ work from home opportunities besides the usual brain-numbing data entry, telemarketing and tutoring. I'm sure most Sahms would be happy for a little pocket money to save up for their retirement. The propect of living to a hundred sounds very daunting to me. Some time away from the kids should certainly make the heart fonder.
Kira, ZMM, Jessica

part time job usually pay peanuts leh. don't justify the effort of arranging babysitter while I'm at work, rushing around, waking up earlier....simply put, I'm lazy

I spent some time away from kids today. I need the time off to preserve my sanity. Just went for a pedicure & bought teacher's day gifts from CK Tang. $3.75 & quite a good range of selection

I like clingy kids too! give me a Hi-5
I agree with you that the mommies here talk openly. Most importantly, I like it that even when we have different opinions about an issue, we still can discuss peacefully, it's cool ! May be because we are older and wiser hahaha I have been in other forums, where it's easy to see arguments and people started "shouting" at each other.

So far no outings yet. Anyone wants to arrange ?

Welcome ! Are you taking care of your boy alone at home ? Anyone helping you ?

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>East Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling/attending parenting/teaching children/home DIY children's activities books/workshops</TD><TD>17yrs girl</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1.5yr boy</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 8+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ginger</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>sleep</TD><TD>21mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Old Airport Road </TD></TR><TR><TD>yuen</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>like to shop and watch TV</TD><TD>6 years old girl</TD><TD>19 months old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>belacan</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yrs old girl</TD><TD>3 yrs old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>leeriner</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>spend DH monies and sleep</TD><TD>16 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>upper boon keng </TD></TR><TR><TD>meekfreek</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Chatting over tea combined with Shopping & Holidays & Collecting Blythe Dolls</TD><TD>7 yo girl</TD><TD>7 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Holland Village </TD></TR><TR><TD>kira</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>read parenting books</TD><TD>6 yo boy</TD><TD> 2 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yo boy</TD><TD>2 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>City</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>surf net/read Chinese novels</TD><TD>10 yo</TD><TD> 4.5 yo</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>styloBB</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>movies/travelling/eating/online shopping</TD><TD>3 yrs 7 mths boy</TD><TD> twin gals 1 yr 7 mths</TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>aa</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>travelling/online shopping/reading chinese novel & baking</TD><TD>4.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>babygrace</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.5 yr boy</TD><TD>10mths old girl</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pantone</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Surf Web/Travelling/Watch TV</TD><TD>2.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>singmum</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>online shopping/bring kids go outing/blogging</TD><TD>5 yo</TD><TD> 3yo</TD><TD> 1yo</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>ling</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/eating/travelling and now learning abt parenting</TD><TD>10 mth old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Now I really wish to stay at home, but it is not an option for me. Because I am the only person supporting my parents financially.

<font color="0000ff">What happens when you are old ?</font>
Have you ever imagined what happens when you are old ?

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: Yes

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: Yes. I will still wear pink hahaha My mother is 68 years old. She still can wear my G2000 skirts

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: Not sure. I have long hair now. If hair all white then not nice to keep long hor.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Yes. So long as my fingers can still move. I don't mind writing software until the day I die. Keeps the brain active.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: I would not want to burden my kids. I would be happy enough if they can hire someone to look after me.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: I am not sure, I am quite afraid of dying. But if I become a financial burden to my kids, then I would rather die naturally.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: Yes. I am quite scared when I think of it.

No. Yes. Dunno. No, most likely short in future. Hopefully working after 60 years. Dunno. Definitely not. No, death might be relief. Haha, maybe 'cos I'm a perfectionist and my life is soooo far from perfection at the moment. Sigh..try soooo hard but while the spirit is wllling, the flesh is weak, very weak.
Mummies, sorry for that pessimistic post above.

Elder son and I are feeling much better now after we talked about his strange lethargy this afternoon.

The thing about having two very different children is that you treat them with the child you yell a lot more (usually the elder 'cos our expectations are higher), it's really good once in a while to reassure him of your love, that unconditional love that he can depend on regardless whether you are angry or upset, whether he has been good or naughty. Now that he feels loved and appreciated again, he feels a lot less ill.

The boys are playing the piano now..the elder playing nursery rhymes to the sweet. Times like these really warm my heart and make me feel so blessed to be a mother of these two.
Hi Mummies!
Survived my first week in the office....not so bad. Thankful got a good nanny that comes to my house to take care of my bb. Will be outstationed tmrw.

Organic Food
I buy organic cereal for bb and organic vegetables/fruits but not organic meat. I think the organic veggie farm Tamarind is talking about is Poison Ivy's. They have a restaurant there too.
Those ones you can peel like carrots, zucchini, bananas, pineapple etc aren't so dangerous I suppose since you peel away the pesticides? I shop at CS Jelita. Find the stuff is always fresh there and more variety. But same as C&C, I buy milk powder from Sheng Shiong. I went to an organic deli on 4th fl Paragon last weekend. Bought soft organic baby biscuits. Cost over $10 for only 6 small packs (2 per pack) and the service there was the PITS. Not going back. Lazy, lazy staff. Can stand there chatting while I'm waiting at the cashier to pay.

Frens n Social Life
Before bb born last year we were very sociable. Go out alot for movies, parties, have bbqs and dinners at our place once a month and friends drop by during the week etc. Now, no social life. Don't go out at night anymore cos bb sleeps at 7pm and prefer to be home to feed her milk ourselves at 11pm. So have not even gone to the movies in over 8 months! Most of our friends are childless single high flyers. Hardly see them anymore, only for lunch and coffee. Was mainly hanging out with other SAHMs! Now I'm working in biz district will be able to meet them for lunch more often. But mainly we spend our time as a family now. I don't mind. I like it. More meaningful. My best friend lives in Australia. Only see her once or twice a year.

What happens when you are old ?
Have you ever imagined what happens when you are old ?

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: No - our parents don't help us either. I believe that they had their time looking after kids and now it's their turn to rest and only enjoy the good times with their grandchildren.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: Hopefully I can still wear nice stuff but don't want to look like an "old Lian(a)"...haha!

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: Probably. I've had long hair all my life. Just layered differently from year to year so I don't look like stuck in the 80s.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: No way man. I'm planning to retire as early as possible!

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: I would be happy enough if they can hire someone to look after me.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: No. I'd rather die.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: I'm not afraid of leaving the world but I am afraid of what comes next! Will I regret not being a better person in this life that will lead to an eternity of suffering? Too many years in scary Catholic school.

1.You want to live with your kids ?
No - absence makes the heart fonder.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
No, too physically strenuous. i don't mind 'supervising' the maid though. hee hee

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
i think so. i am always in the standard auntie attire of T-shirt and bermudas these days, so i guess i will still be in these till my 60s?

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
can still go for rebonding then? if so, i will love to have a chin or shoulder length bob

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
Don't know. i am more worried about re-entering the workforce after kid reaches school-going age.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
not sure. something to think about..

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
not sure again. will decide then.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
Don't know - no time to think about it! don't want to think about it! i'm an escapist :)

1.You want to live with your kids ?
Maybe no, I told my elder son if he stayed in condo, I will live in the 'long gou' beside the condo.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
I dont think so, coz I still need to work till 75.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
Yes, I am always wearing T-shirt and bermudas. Dont like those ah mah clothing leh.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
Sure, provided by the time I still have my hair coz my hair is less.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
Yes, I still need to pay for my house till 75 years old

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
I will take care of myself now and eat healthy and don want to be a burden to my kids.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
Never think of that.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
Yes, I am very afraid of dying coz I cant bear to leave my kids.
Liana, hippo buys from Sheng Siong. I get practically all my stuffs from NTUC. Fresh vegs, meat, fish and fruits, I prefer get from wet market. No Sheng Siong near my place, and so many NTUCs!!!

1. Live with kids? - Rather not! I need a break.

2. Take care of grandkids? - That'll be nice, if I am still able, that is.

3. Wear what I'm wearing now? - No way. I hope to look younger and more trendy, and not a fuddy old lady like I am now!

4. Same hair style? - Maybe wig, if I am balding. But about the same length as now.

5. Continue to work after 60? - I certainly hope so. Life begins at 59. I would like some part time work to keep me busy and my mind active!

6. Too old? - If I am very old and sickly, I'll check myself into an old folks home. That way, I have people to look after me, and companions as well. The kids can visit me when free, and not worry about me.

7. Terminally ill? - Rather not lah. Medical costs so high.

8. Fear of dying? - Now, yes because my kids are still young. And I have not prepared my girl for her future independent living. She's my main worry. Once she is capable of taking care of herself, I guess I can prepare to die. My boy, if he's normal, then no worry. My hb can't look after my girl's needs leh!
I buy pork from giant, usual things from NTUC, Fresh milk from carefour.

1. Live with kids
I would rather have my own space.

2. Take care of grandkids?
Ocassionally but not committed full time.

3. Wear what I'm wearing now?
I am still wearing what I used to wear 9 years ago, short dress, long dress...ever green fashion.

4. Same hair style?
If my hair still this much and rebonding is still fine then.

5. Continue to work after 60?
I want to enjoy life.

6. Too old? - I prefer to be in old folk home...maybe we may meet each other there and form our own gang...hahahaha

7. Terminally ill

Better not.

8. Fear of dying?
Yet to think about it.
Hi Mummies
Today, we gotta give some morbid answers...!!!

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No if we are coped up in a flat... Yes if the kids can afford a big house and they don't mind ...(haha)

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: No, but I don't mind helping if they need to go on a weekly date... (cos I understand how it is like)... Yes if really no help.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: Yes if body does not go out of shape but cannot try too hard to look young when already not. I think jeans and simple tops can still make the grade.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: Maybe wl cut to bob as I hv long hair which hb likes.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Yes. I don't mind working as it keeps the body and mind active. Not doing anything will cause damage! But if can afford not to work, would like to take up some sort of study or help out at some place.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: Hopefully it won't be so drastic. Guess a maid shud be fine (or old folks' home...!) .. as I don't want to burden the kids.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: Hmmmm... prob. no. Medical costs are too high. Got a fr whose mom stayed long time in hosp and did die but she/family was saddled with a huge bill!

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: Not really. But feel sad to leave loved ones behind. It's usually those left behind who hv to suffer. I'm probably in heaven by then! Hahaha...
Hi all! Good Morning. I was at the zoo with the kids yesterday. But only for a few hrs. Just see the Polar Bear Feeding time, went to Fragile forest, the tropical crops and few animals along the way. Then went home early to rest. Didin't go for my weekly swimming. too tired after a day at the zoo.

Clingy kids:
I also like clingy kids and it gives me a good feeling when my kids want to cling to me. Although I'm FTWM, I'm glad that both my small kids are close and cling to me, even to the point that they will follow me to the toilet!

My Answers:
What happens when you are old ?
Have you ever imagined what happens when you are old ?

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: Nope. I rather stay in a rented 1 rm flat on my own.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: Babies, as in during confinement, Yes (2-3 mths) but No for permenant caring of their kids, perhaps just the occassionaly emergency adhoc basis, but I do wanna see my grandkids every other weekends
or atleast once a month.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: Yes and perhaps even something fancier cuz no more small kids! Now I only dress comfortable clothes cuz it's easier with two small kids.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: Nope. Will change and colour my hairstyle every now & then. No more small kids, I'm freeeee.......

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Nope, perhaps freelance work, cuz my life starts at 60. I want to travel round the world ... perhaps do a bit of volunteer work. I did go for a community expedition in 2001 in Cambodia. I helped build a village townhall & a school, paved a road, distribute food, clothes etc. Although the work was tough, I felt a sense of fullfillment & very rewarding but still not enough. Actually since I was a teenager, I've always wanted to join Operation Raleigh.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: Don't wanna burden my kids, probably check myself in, in a Nursing or Senior Citizens Home.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: Nope. Don't wanna burden the kids and also don't wanna suffer.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: Of course, who doesn't, but when the time comes for me, I hope I'll be ready ... tho nobody knows when.
I do my grocery either at Sheng Shiong or Giant.

Social Life,
Yep since I have small chdn, it's hard. I mean I do go out with a couple of my very young single friends (early 20s), especially one who is very close to me and she is only 23 this year. We start going out together since she was 20 and when we r out she helped look after my kids eg. like carry my gal or help take her to toilet etc. Then someone start a rumour & passing bad remarks at me & her at the office. They start calling her my "maid" . I mean that is so cruel! She is close to me and my kids cuz we treat each other like sisters! I was actually her mentor at work for the first two years. I felt so bad so since mid last year, I try not to go out so much with her because of these gossips. She told me to ignore them as she knows that's not how I treat her and we both know where we stand.

Anyway, tho she's there, it's not the same hanging out with someone ur age, thus this Forum. Most of my friends ARE my colleague and Most of the married ones are not the outgoing type, I mean rather stay at home or visit in-laws during wkends. Others that like to go out, don't like to go out with their kids. The rest (younger ones) I guess feel that they are too hip for me. That's why I started this thread. I'd like to hang out with mommies who like to go out with their kids and have a great time, both mommies & kids. Mommies who don't mind getting a little messy with kids sometimes and lugging bags of kids stuff and pushing strollers or prams in public tpt...etc

btw, I'm planning to switch company. I plan to apply for a job with this company cuz I get to keep both my kids near me as they provide childcare at work. But it also means increase in cost as now my bb is with my aunt/sis, whom I give a token (abt the min cost of childcare) and my gal is with me, zero cost in childcare, just kindergarten sch fee of $90 p/mth. With both in childcare, it will cost me abt $800 p/mth and I'm not even sure how much they'll pay me. The hours will be longer than what I'm doing now and less holidays (max 21 days annual leave, at present I have abt 40 days of leave & can take max 21 days straight at once to go for vacation). The reason for the move is there's no one really to look after my bb. My aunt is still not well from the knee surgery tho she volunteer to look after as her hb is ard to help out. My sis is willing to look after my bb but she's always takes off to Penang to visit her 2 kids who r studying at a boarding sch there, like now, she is away for a wk cuz they r having sch holiday in Penang and she is taking them for a vacation at Batu Feringghi. Sigh

Dilemma of a FTWM.
1.You want to live with your kids ?
Must live with our girls eternally - <font color="0000ff">right, cowandchick?</font> I hope my boy could live a normal life n not b burdened by his sis.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
Since SAHM + got a girl to care for, no dif if care for another WITH MAID!!

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
Yes, I am wearing T-shirt and bermudas or 3/4pants nowadays. Anything no need iron n too costly r my top choice.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
I like what u call shoulder length. Too short like ah soh. too long hair not enough nutrients.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
Cant work ley although I wished to. Double income means we hv $$ for retirement/live in ease.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
Too old to walk = bed/wheelchair? Give me poison cos don want to be a burden to my son & HB.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
Kill me or give me poison cos don want to be a burden to my son & HB. Spore is no money no talk - too expensive to be alived.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
Yes, I am very afraid of dying coz dont know who to care for my kids, espcially Sym. NO SPECIAL DAY CARE CENTRE FOR SPECIAL KIDS. HB got to work, relatives wont want a special child in the household - <font color="0000ff">cowandchick got such worries?</font>

social life - only contact parents who have special kids. Normal parents dont understand what I'm talking about n problems facing so hardly contact them. Sometimes, I felt like vomit blood cos they kept assumed Sym can be cured - nothing serious!!

marketing - the shop&save @Westmall got fresh items so prefer go there den NTUC. 'Wet' mkt also not bad!
Grocery Shopping

i shop at NTUC for household supplies, wet market for meat & fish and CS Jelita for organic veg & fruits (mainly for son). just got bombarded last week by hubby for being inefficient, hv to go so many places just to do grocery shopping


i love the centralised location, good schools and the lush green parks. only grip is that J8 is always so crowded and the shops there cater more to teenager/ students.

Part-time work

during delivery of my boy, i requested for epidural so they paged for the anesthetist. then in the midst of my contractions, i saw this lady strolling in like she just popped by from the nearby shopping malls!( i was in Mt E)
dressed very casually too in polo T or the likes. overheard her telling the nurse that she's on her way to pick up her kids from school after this. i remembered thinking, i wouldn't mind a job like that! flexible-time and good pay. but she was very really efficient and professional in giving the jab. my hubby also till now still remembers the lady who 'cut short her shopping trips' to give me the


Hi welcome! your boy's age is very close to mine(11 months). how do you feel about motherhood so far?


re why Mr Goh never looked at us
..LOL. ya, RGS girls are notorious for being unladylike. another of our 'sins' must be taking too many paper napkins from fast food restaurants, since that seemed to be Mrs Chee's favourite topic during assembly week after week.
<font color="0000ff">Thanks everyone for your replies to my questions ! I really enjoy reading them
Looks like all our kids are very lucky, because we all don't want to burden them. And I think all of us will be very trendy old ladies hahaha

Now I have an image of trendy old ladies, hair all white, face all wrinkled, but still typing on the computer, chatting with each other in internet forums hahaha We will all still be doing this when we are 70 or 80 years old right ?

After that McDonald does not put paper napkins out in the open anymore, they give only 1 piece to every customer. Look what we have done
Hahah. Everyone's doing the questionnaire today!
It seems like most of us don't mind staying at an old folks' home...but dunno whether we'll still feel the same way when we are of that age.

City (1 pumpkin)
You have a special needs child too? Please share your Sym's story.
BTW, I enjoyed reading your stock was very interesting, especially the crush the bones part.
Thanks for sharing.

Wishing you lots and lots of good luck in securing the new job and at better pay! ;)
Hair not nec to be white.. can dye..hahah
Wrinkles.. start using anti wrinkle cream now.

Old folks home..yah lor.. never think so far until u ask us these questions. Cos I don't think we wl put our parents there, right? Most probably wl engage a maid ....

Yah, I also want to hear ur gal's story if you are ok to share with us..
hippo/cuddles/precious gem
Thanks for reminder abt clingy kids.. I wl let my boy cling on to me more frm now on!! haha... I mean, he really loves mummy but stimes I want a breather leh...

a questionaire?!! so exciting, ok ok my turn...

What happens when you are old ?
Have you ever imagined what happens when you are old ?

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No, i want my own life by then. If still got hb, then we shall relive our long lost couplehood. If single, then i will date, of cos! But regular visits from them is a must.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: With the above in mind, no. No time. But regular visits from my grandkids is a must.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: Yes. If it still fits! I want to age gracefully and elegantly.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: I have long hair now and intend to keep it that way for sometime. Maybe when I hit my 50's will get a drastically different style like a short sassy cut with stylish highlights!

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Yes. But work for fun/passion/kill time/charity, not for money.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: duh.. cannot walk ar? so scary.. then get maid/house nurse lo. Dun wanna burden my kids.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: If by that time i am ripe old age liao, will just tell them to let me go la.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: Yes for now, cos I have hb and kids and my mama to care for.
Interesting questionaire... my turn now..

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No, coz I know how will the DIL feel about staying with MIL. Better to each have our own space and life.

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: Basically 'NO' as I am not a good caregiver, however if once in a while is fine.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: It will be if they still fit. Basically I am simple, t-shirt and bermuda. Of course, iron-free...

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: Now I have long hair, most probably when I am old will have short hair, so that I look younger...

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Yes if someone still wants to hire me

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: Most probably get external help like maid or in the nursing house/elder care.

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: No prolong of life, let things take its course naturally. If it is time for me to go, then I have to go.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: No coz everyone have to die one day, Yes cos thinking of the loved ones behind esp if their name is still not in the book of life.
Hi Tam,

Here is my homework while taking a break from work...

What happens when you are old ?
Have you ever imagined what happens when you are old ?

1.You want to live with your kids ?
My ans: No. I dont think my DIL will like me to stay together (haha..just like i wont like my MIL to stay with me too)

2.Will you help them take care of their babies ?
My ans: I dont think i want to help unless no choice...nobody comes to their assistance. Rather spend the time chatting on forum, shopping, catching up with friends.

3.Will you still wear what you are wearing now ?
My ans: I dont think so. Cant be wearing tight fitting dress when i am 70 years old woman...later make pple vomit. Will wear what is in trend at my age at that time.

4.Will you still have the same hair style ?
My ans: I will let the hair styist design that suit my old age.

5.Will you continue to work after 60 years old ?
My ans: Yes. But not as hard as now.

6.What if you are too old to walk ? You want your kids to take care of you ? Or hire a maid to take care of you ?
My ans: Cannot walk...jialat! Dont want to burden the children..Maybe go nursing home. Hire a maid later kenna killed until dont know...

7. If you are terminally ill, would you want your life to be prolonged by the doctors ?
My ans: Terminally ill, i rather die. Pull the plug and let me go peacefully.

8. Final question: are you afraid of dying ?
My ans: I think everyone will come to this final stop one day. Very scared to die in pain or suffering. Thats a torture. If can choose, i want to die peacefully (hopefully just close eye and sleep) with everything all properly instructed and distributed to the children first.

Gatherings: Tam, u free to be the organiser? U start the ball rolling...btw, how many members we have in this thread?

I guess I am a lot more fortunate than you are. I just need to train my girl to be independent lor. There are blind people who can cook, iron and sew, so I don't see why my girl can't learn.

Trouble is I donno how to teach. So am looking for people to help. Once I sort out her daily living and independent skills - like taking public transport, managing money, etc, I guess I should let go lor!

Are you making any plans for Sym when you grow old? There are some provisions or something, right? Must go find out again.

Thanks for the replies again
You are all so sweet. Some of the answers are very funny.

Yes yes I must go and buy anti-wrinkle cream now. Thanks for the reminder

Killed by maid ? Yah why I never thought of that. Headache. But stay in nursing home is like loss of freedom right ? Always confined to the nursing home ? Like my father at least the maid still can push him in the wheelchair all over Singapore to buy TOTO.

Anyone want to organize instead ? My work very stress leh, I only got to post in the forum while waiting for my code to compile. After work the kids glue to me, difficult to use the PC at home.
