BEDOK mommies club


your house sold at a good price! my flat at Sembawang sold $4K above valuation only, so near to MRT somemore. didn't even recover my renovation cost

any mommies in mid 30s?

<font color="ff0000">Spagoh,</font>
I thought must bring the child. If not, how they know the pic belongs to the kid?

<font color="aa00aa">Mommies,</font>
Is it good to get a unit with balcony?
me young haha... no lor tat was my 3 yr ago age. tis year is 29 lor. I got 2 girl. elder 2.5yr youngest one 7 mth plus.
we too took our time to se when wan to shift back till the feb ballot in bedok we given such a chance so go for it.
which part of punggol u in?

caymon , hippo
ya now punggol very hot mah plus my unit good view, location and well maintain. i am aclean freak tat clean up lor so valuation at good price of 308k. we had garden view, next to LRT , shopping cnetre and market. guess tat why good price. buyer agent help to brign up the price a bit too as we pay him fee to do paperwork cum thanks him for brign buyer in.

hippo i join u soon lor, comign to 30 lor

future mostly i will let my gal go temasek pri. my sch was close down alry next gd one is temasek and next to my parent and sis place, i should be able to enrol under phase 2A after the sch committee phase
hippop2002 : i'm residing at chai chee road. the
'quite new' flat there.
the previous owner told my PIL one, that they sold at 500k. so my PIL was like "wow".

caymom : sometimes i thought of it, abit regret oso.
cos i'm only 20 and i like an auntie like tat.

just me : yup we both are born in big family. hehe.

wendypooh : hehe. sometimes i regret oso but looking at my girl, i think worth while.
<font color="ff0000">Wendypooh,</font>
I also have two girls! Elder one 2yo, younger one 2.5mths.
You still young lah, at least you still in your twenties and already a proud mom of two.

I'm staying near the Meridian LRT. You must be located near Punggol Plaza? My unit also has garden view.

<font color="0000ff">Xpink,</font>
Youth is already your 'ben qian', how auntie can you be. I try to doll up but still very auntie.
cos thot i drop by ICA myself after work...
have to re-do my planning :D

u mentioned you order tingkat, right?
convenient to share comments and give me the contacts?
can pm me if not convenient?
many thanks

anyone know how can we tell or where to check if we are staying within 1km of the desired school we want to enrol our child?
beside SLA which requires to pay leh!

just pop by the school you are interested in. during P1 registration period, there will be a map displayed outside the Office that show all the blocks that are within 1 km radius

tingkat from Neo Garden. $190 per month. Hubby likes the food, suit his taste bud although quite salty sometimes

Are there any flats in Bedok for balloting?
The next flat you are getting is it still a 5 room flat?

<font color="ff0000">Spagoh,</font>
I am thinking of doing it before my maternity leave ends but this week my gal kena an outbreak of rashes, now just recovered. Hopefully I can get a good passport photo of hers this weekend. Are you taking your own photo or going to photo shop?
caymom : haha i nv bother to doll up.
cause got a hyper active daughter, if doll up i sweat alot den mess up my make up and make myself hot.
so i rather wear like "going market" clothing.
even go town i also like that
You are so funni.
My daughter also hyper active. I think kids these days are just too active, at least I dun have the energy to keep up with my daughter. The only peaceful time is when she naps.

Do you intend to send your daughter to playgroup?
caymom : i sent her to alot of playgroup trial before.
but she's too hyperactive and won't stay still for a minute.
she will just keep walking around and disturbing others.
she doesn't like ppl to teach her what to do, she prefer doing things on her own.
very stubborn baby. lol
Same here. Sent my gal to lotsa trials but she cannot sit still, forever walking around. If we force her to sit down, she will wail the whole class down. So paiseh leh. But the teachers told me nowadays kids are like that one. They have a mind of their own, cannot force. They said after a few class, they will follow the rest and sit down.

I signed up my gal for a phonics class (I sit in with her) near my home and for the whole term, she is rarely cooperative. When teacher wants to hold her hands to write, she will flare up and she even hit the teacher once. The teacher 'complained' to me a couple of time and eventually, she 'gave up' on my gal. Sigh.

Anyway, I will send her to playgroup next year. She has to learn to be independent lah. Hopefully she will be more guai after attending school.
yes agreed looking at them growing day by day sometime made me feel worth while
me like u now dun bother to dress up go everywhere oso short nad t-shirt look like auntie, even my mil cant stand me dressign haha.. but i dun care where got time to do all the dolling.

yes i stay directly opp pp. both our girl age are very close, quick shift back leh then next time got playmate.

i not sure any flat for ballot, I downgrade to 4 room at bedok, paying levy plus takign bank loan.

both my girl oso very active making me a shack and mad woman on weekend. my elder girl teacher tell me her energy cant seem to expel finish haha
Your unit very good, no wonder can fetch a high price. I am waiting for my agent to get back to me at the moment. Anyway, very busy these days. I will be returning to work soon. I will start to search for a place after I settle down at work.
i shld be gg to the photo shop opp my house, the stretch of shops along with the singpost.
afraid if not met their requirements then have to re-take again there...
the photo taking biz in ICA always very long Q one leh!
U taking your own?
hope your gal has recovered from outbreak of rashes.

i called neo garden but they are not able to provide menu ahead so quite worrying abt what be on my dinner table. My gal dun take spicy food thus can't track their menu.
Does all tingkat practice the same as neo garden?
Last few days, i received a pamplet "Happy Catering" $170 amth/2 pax. No MSG.
Not sure good onot leh!
Any mummies tried before?
yes, heng location good, we sell a week after advertisement. did u sign exclusive wif any agent? we advertise ourself but later a agent contact us and he bring us a few good buyer. So after the deal we decide to reward him some commission but lower then 2% cos he will help us do paperwork and we find him ok.

if u have the time, tried to advertise yurself but be prepare lot of phone call will coem in.

I didn't get a menu. Everyday we have surprises when we received the food

my girls don't like veg dishes so most of the times quite wasteful since hubby & I can't finish it. My girls don't take spicy food either. What we did is to standby pork floss or eggs in case the dishes that day are not to their liking

Does Happy Catering deliver lunch? I cater lunch only and very few caterers deliver lunch
<font color="ff0000">Spagoh,</font>
Oh, I know which photo shop you are going. I used to take photo there too.
My gal recovered from rashes liao but too bz during the weekend to take for her. Besides, she can't sit still for me to take leh. Sigh. Maybe I should bring her to photo shop too.

<font color="ff6000">Wendypooh,</font>
Wah, your hse is sold so fast. How did you advertise? On newspapers?
Hmm.. I haven't sign exclusive with any agent yet. My main focus is to look for a flat first.
Hi Caymon

Ya is sound so fast but before that we do lot of preparation work liek spreading word to friend and relative but it doesnt working and we are quite stress over it. Later a friend tell us to advertise in Strait Time and Chinese paper.

After tat, lot of agent call up for viewing we allow them to bring buyer in to view but make it clear to them they represent buyer and not u. Tell them straight tat you are not paying them any comission. Some agent will run but some will still come esp Punggol area.

After tat if got any buyer offer, see tat particular agent attitide if you happy wif their service, maybe then u can consider offering them a small percnetage of commission and they will somehow help to drag yur price higher a bit. This is wat happen to me. So now this agent will do paper work for me since i pay him.

I am happy wif my current agent cos he bot in a few potiential buyer and 2 of them offer us the deal and we took the higher one.

maybe u can ask hippo for some help, she do it all DIY
I'm kinda surprised why Punggol flats seem quite popular. Although there is a good school, it is still kinda ulu. Actually, me and hb like the quiet environment but it is really quite inconvenient for us.
it popular among the youngster, and it still quite new. me too i like the environment very much, we took and drag a long time before we decide. If not had suceess in the ballot dun tink we will shift so fast cos i dun like resale and lazy to find. even after the ballot we still hesitate to go ahead or not just tat our q number is too good for us to reject so we go ahead.

i love my current flat very much kind of rare interior design and layout. my blk had a bug square kitchen tat why can sell faster.
we had no choice but to shift back, every morning see the kids so tired oso sad
Same here. That is one reason why we are still taking our own sweet time to consider. I dun like resale too but I guess I dun have a choice now. Too bad never strike TOTO, or else can consider buy condo.

My unit has big kitchen and living room but the rooms (other than master bedroom) are very small. No place to put a bed in my children's room.
hehe, I love my Sembawang flat too, away from the main road (quiet) with a garden view & yet so near to MRT. layout is nice & squarish too

We postponed for 1 year, only sell in the 6th year because cannot drag any more, need to move to Bedok to start volunteering in my girl's primary school

We sold within 10 days with 2 offers. But that time property market not hot yet, Sembawang 5 room all selling below valuation so we considered ourselves lucky to sell so quickly with offers above valuation
Seems like most people move because of the kids.
When I moved to Punggol after marriage, the surroundings were so quiet that I actually felt scared to go home alone. It's so different at Bedok. I remembered I used to work late nights and I'm not that scared even if I have to come home after midnight.

BTW, how did you buy a flat on your own? You advertise?

I called up the seller's agent who advertised to view the flat. Seller's agent get commission from selling the flat and I will tell communicate upfront that I am bringing my own witness & doing my own paperwork, so will not be paying commission lor

Seller's agent usually don't mind since they don't get commission from buyer anyway if another agent is representing me.
Juz me,
Also hope to find a good dentist. I went to the one under my co's panel of dentists but not very good. I used to go to the dental clinic near the post office but the dentist I like has left.
Hi Hippo,
I'm new here. How do I go about it doing volunteering work in-order for my 4 yr old to get into the choice school? I'm staying at Bedok Reservoir View & the choice of school is Red Swastika which is also a hot pick as Temasek Pri???
mommies without maid

do you cook? how much time do you spend preparing & cooking? any simple receipes to share?

thinking of cooking personally but hubby is skeptical. That shows how much confidence he has in my cooking capabilities
gathering ideas first just to make sure it's manageable

welcome! just called up the schools of your choice & enquire directly. Red Swastika is super hot in Bedok area, only left 41 vacancies for phrase 2C with 93 applicants this year

I'm quite neutral between these schools Temasek, Yu Neng, Red Swastika, St Hilda's, Tao Nao. All good schools.
hi mummies

with the discussion on the school...i getting more gan chong liao..heart goes pop pop pop very competitive hor...

did you manage to take your gal's photo?
my hubby brought my gal to the photo shop, didn't take the photo cos she refused to co-operate...cling onto my hubby tightly.
think we just have to do the biometric passport in future.
hi mummies

i am looking for a food blender/chopper to mince or blend bb food. anyone has good recommendation?
i am thinking of starting my bb with solid food.
any porriage recipe to share?

have u started your bb with any solid food?
<font color="ff0000">Spagoh,</font>
Big failure too. My gal simply refused to sit still leh. So angry with her. My hb said she will not cooperate even if we bring her to the photo shop leh. So gan cheong now because not much time left. Do you think it is possible to use the passport? Although can see the my gal looks much older but feature wise still the same. Dunno whether they are more lenient with kids.

I haven't start solids. My GP suggests feeding cereal when she turns 4mths in two weeks time. Maybe I will start with some brown rice cereal and see her reaction.

Thanks for your useful info.

Hi all mommies,

Are you all working mum or stay home mum? I'm now in search of a good nanny to take care of my no. 2 due in sept'07, after my 3 months maternity which is Dec'07 onwards. Can you all give me some advise on this???
we gave up updating the passport...hee
same here...her features not much changes except the look not so bb already.
think they still require us to update the passport.
i rem my bro...same situation, also requested to update passport when we were at the immigration for departure. but that time update photo is allowed. now biometric passport dun allow any updating of particulars or photo leh!
dunno if they allow to pass thru but since alr at the departure..think they will ask u change passport or ?? when back bah!

i just bgt brown rice power with si sen and pao shen from Crawford Lane ...thinking of starting this weekend.
welcome! how old is your girl?

I'm a SAHM with 2 girls, no maid. Is your child in childcare?

spagoh, caymom
how about letting your kids munch something just before the photo shot. Should be able to keep them happy for a couple of minutes
<font color="ff0000">Allynn,</font>

I'm a working mom. Who is taking care of your first kid?

<font color="aa00aa">Spagoh,</font>
I am thinking of bringing my gal for holiday next year. I think she will definitely look ever more different than her pp photo then. Sigh, very sian leh. I wanna to give it another try to take the photo again. Really wanna puke blood each them she fusses.

What brand is your brown rice? My elder kid is taking the Moon Rabbit brand and I'm thinking of feeding my bb that brand too.
<font color="ff6000">Wishes,</font>
Welcome! Same as you, I'm not staying in this area but I spent more time in Bedok than my own place. My mom is helping me with my kids and she stays in Bedok.

<font color="0077aa">Hippo,</font>
I let my gal munch biscuits but that didn't help. She just kept asking for more and cry if I refused. Sigh.
welcome all new bedok mummies.

haha it seem all the mummies not staying at bedok spend more time in bedok.

i more into temasek, cos my sis kids are there too and next to my parent hse.

we are all currently eating brown rice call "elephant brand" the packagng ahd a elephant on it, it quite easy to cook and taste nice, abt $7 for 2kg. it organic one.

dun intend to let own parent take caer of yur kids? personally i haev no confident in nanny, but heng just tat lucky my PIL willing to take care.
hippo & caymom
same here....she will just take the biscuit but won't do what we requested and instead may ask even for more biscuits...soooo angry!
<font color="ff0000">Wishes,</font>
I had the intention to send my first kid to cc initially but since my mom can cope with my gals, we dropped the idea. My elder gal will create havoc at home but in front of my mom, she is more obedient. My baby is also more peaceful after my mom takes care of her. My mom always says that I am not skilful in taking care of kids.

<font color="ff6000">Wendy,</font>
I'm not good in cooking.. so I always buy brown rice powder.

<font color="0000ff">Spagoh,</font>
I think our gals can be good friends leh.
Hi all,

As I'm FTWM, I have to sent my son for FT Childcare, no choice coz I have problem with my maid last time, don't take the risk anymore. Now my 2nd boy due soon, got to find a nanny instead coz my mum not in good health. Headache leh. Really envy you'all got someone to take care of your kids. Me not so fortunate. hai....
Hi Allynn,
Not to worry... things will smoothen their way as they go... i also been thru that before... so both my kids ended up in infant care since they were 3 months old.. now they are already in K2 and Toddler class..
oh yur mum take care of yur 2 girls. my mil oso say both my girl bahave better when we not ard, but i still insist to send my elder to cc.
brown rice more nutritious leh powder one dun wat is added in. ask yur mum to try it really nice

dun worry ting will go well too. i oso envy those ppl who has own mum to take care of their kid. afterall own mum easy to say thing rather then mil. my mum oso no in good health so no choice. lucky tat my hubby is elder so out gals are only grandchild and PIl willing to take care but at time got conflict due to diff child taking issue.
Ok, will look out for the brown rice.

When will you be moving to Bedok? I realised your cluster quite good, not too far from Tanah Merah MRT. It is quite a peaceful environment too.

hi caymon

still pending for my loan approved then can take key so headach time running out.

location still ok but still not my ideal cos my pil opp oso got but dunno when, so far still ok rather than teh ulu punggol sigh...
