Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Wow you are garang. I am not so garang, with or without kids. I usually keep quiet and walk away from difficult situations :p

That time when I was in Tokyo, didn't manage to buy any toys, because actually cost more than in Singapore ! I only know how to go to Department stores. You know of any good place there to buy toys ?

What sauce you use for sukiyaki ? Is it buy from supermarket ? Need to mix with water or not ?

many thanks for your cooking tips!
now I can't wait to show hubby my new found culinary skills

Kira, City
please elaborate how to make own stocks?
how many days can we keep in the fridge?
how to use the stocks? defroze then add when soup boiled?

thanks again!
My version:
1)Chicken stock
chicken bones, feet (cook longer cos got collegen), red dates - boil/stew for 30mins, cool down, smash the bones if u want the juicy stuff to be out faster. Reboil/stew, cool down.

2) fish bone or fish head (need to use hot water flush (chuan tang) once then drop into real cooking pot) + ikan bilis stock. To speed up cooking, I'll use blender to make ikan finer. - boil/stew for 30mins, cool down, smash the bones if u want the juicy stuff to be out faster. Reboil/stew, cool down.

3) Pig legs (cook longer cos got collegen + chuan tang), + black beans (presoak 1hr) + carrot. method as above.

I pack 500 to 1000ml stock per container depend on headcount. My stock r seasoned with sea salt (healther).

I drop one frozen stock into some water to cook as porridge. If u want to make soup, just add some water + stock to boil b4 adding fresh ingredients.

frozen stock can be kept for at least 1mth.
<font color="0000ff">Nutrients r freezed/maintained not lost!!</font>
Precious Gem

I am eyeing an Adidas watch too. Reckon its good for casual or sporty days. But still thinking abt it as have other watches and only 1 wrist.


now i know, you the one who invited the mommies for a gathering recently. hehe...

I check out the oct thread most times but seldom has any input. Just reading. That thread also move very fast. And the mommies there all quite young la.


ya, guilty, I will just flare up and shout at the kids especially on moody days. And DD being older now has a lot of antics that gets to me. I try very hard not to but sometime it just got the better of me. Then afterwards I will feel bad and tell myself must be a gentle mum. Cos i dun wan my children to grow up in a noisy shouting household, and hb will be irritated with all the noise, and I play the role of the crazy screaming mum. Not a nice scenario.
Precious Gem your Esplanade story reminds me of a bad experience I had last Saturday.

We were at PS for DD piano class. Then come evening, we decided to have dinner at one of the burger joint at the basement. As usual its packed. So we waited for a table. There was my old mum, my maid, DD and I was carrying bb DS with bags of stuff and a pram. This couple, young adults, obviously finished their meal before we arrived and also has been sitting there chatting over their drinks for sometime, continue to chat on when they know we were waiting. The guy even got up and went to refill his drink. And they continue to chat, I know they were aware that we are waiting for the table. And DS was already fussing for his dinner (we brought his porridge out). We waited like 20mins, there were empty seats during this time but its further in so impossible for us to push the pram in. Then we managed to take a table next to those 2 idiots. And guess wat, within seconds, they left their table. So was that on purpose or wat!

I am extremely disappointed with SG young ppl and feel so sad for them, cos they will come to know what lousy ungracious individuals they had been when they become parents with young children and get a taste of their own medicine.
CDs - music CDs are just anything my girl wants to listen to. Sometimes kids' songs, but I try to play some classical as well.

We also have French music CDs - kids' songs mainly, recommended by her French teacher.

As for audio books, you can buy them in most bookshops. I have 'Matilda' by Roald dahl, and another short stories for 8 year olds (i think). It beats having to read the books and straining her eyes, and me straining my voice reading to her! Also trains her in listening skills!

My MIL insists we have to take dinner at her place every evening, so I hardly cook. But if I do, I like one-dish meals - porridge, casseroles. I make stock too, and put them in the Tupperware containers and freeze them.

My brother recommended a low meat diet for the kids. His younger boy was quite sickly before, and was put on a veg and fruit diet. He's very well now!

So when I cook porridge for my boy, I only add stuffs like carrots and corn. Sometimes I add some dried wolfberry seeds (gou qi zi), and before serving, some broccoli florets. Just a pinch of salt for taste. My boy likes it.

Teachers' Day

I used to make small gifts too - cross stitched lavender sachets. But now, no time liao. Besides, old already, can't see the holes in the cloth so clearly too! So just buy lor. My girl chose some stuffs from Popular bookshop, all around $3 to $4! Haven't gotten anything yet for my boy's teachers tho! Maybe afterwards.

Chicken stock
Put chicken bones into boiling water. Drain water when bones change colour (This is to get clear stock). Refill water, just cover the bones. For added flavour, add dried scallops and oysters (I usually add about 5/6). Bring it to boil and turn down fire to simmer. Simmer for 5-6 hours. For added flavour, add chopped celery and carrots and ikan bilis about 30-45 minutes before turning the fire off (Fish and vegetables will lose their flavours if boiled for too long). When cool, sieve and put stock into little containers (I am currently using the Tupperware freezer mates 290ml. Before that, I used the little disposable beancurd tubs). Unsalted.

Fish stock
Fry onions, celery and carrots with butter. Put fish bones on top and close the lid to let it simmer and sweat. When the bones are white and has little protein droplets (about 15 minutes), cover bones with water and boil for about 20-30 minutes. Unsalted.

Always let the stock sit for about 10 minutes before taking the stock out. If you have a lot of energy/ice, it is actually better to cool the stock with ice (it helps to kill the bacteria) before putting in the fridge.

If you are using the stock for porridge, remember to cook the porridge first before putting in the stock so that the flavour of the stock is retained. The stock is useful for soups, stews (see Aa's braised chicken recipe, for added flavour, can brown the chicken first before putting it in to braise in stock) and porridge. I prefer to leave the stock unsalted and put light soya sauce later when I cook.

If you don't have stock yet, you can always add 1 dried scallop to your soup/ porridge for flavour.

Hope the above helps!
Good luck! It's always good to cook, like masak and masak ;) and when the whole family enjoys your cooking, it is very satisfying.
Teacher's Day
I didn't know now must give gifts to teachers. I am teaching my kids to do beading now, use threads to string beads into bracelets, necklaces etc. My boy made one and gave to his teacher a few days ago.

<font color="ff0000">Made in China</font>
Have you all read the news about the little boy wearing made in China pyjama and got burnt ? First food, then toys, and now clothes ! Do you check whether it is made in China before buying anything ?

I am definitely avoiding all food from China. But for clothes and toys, really difficult to avoid. Even those from brand names like Fisher Price, and even Gymboree and Old Navy, a lot are made in China !
Actually, teachers' day gifts don't have to be too elaborate. A picture made by the child or a handwritten card is very sincere, I think. After all, the whole idea of a special day is to show appreciation to the teachers. And, what better way than for the child (not the Mummy) to do something.
It's really difficult to avoid China stuff, unless you don't have a budget. The main reason why China stuff is so popular is because because they are very affordable.
City, Kira

Thanks for the explanation!
Just to make sure I understand correctly. I only keep the clear soup (stock) & throw away the residue (bones, feet, beans, ikan bilis)?


What do you meant by burnt by clothings? do you have the weblink to that article?
I avoid all China produced food. I have been reading the labels diligently before buying biscuits, sweets, tibits, canned food, etc

I even taught my girl to read labels & throw away China made sweets or biscuits. Her PAP kindergarten likes to give goodie bags. she will screen through her goodie bag for china made items & dispose it. although some items indicate Shangdong, Guangzhou so she doesn't understand
The child was not burnt by clothes. But the clothes is supposed to be resistant to fire, but it still caught fire. This article was on front page of Straits Times today. I cannot find that article online, but I found this other article about clothes made in China.

I was searching for toys NOT made in China, only can find Playmobil which is made in Germany, but that is sooo expensive !

That day I bought a set of color pencils from Daiso, then realizd it is made in China, I immediately returned it and exchanged for something else.
ya, read an article from ST recently about this journalist tried to boycott MIC stuff, but its hard, cos they are everywhere!

Teachers' Day gift

Kiro's rite. Something simple, straight from the heart will do. My DD already given a handwritten card to her teacher, all words and pics done by herself (believe me she is no artist) I din even see it as I was too busy, but she told me the card has been put on display. So I am impressed with the teachers and the school. If i hv the time this weekend, may consider to make some small gifts for her teachers.


do you still keep in touch with old friends? (not in age) My oldest fren is from Sec sch from S1 to S4. She has 3 kids now. we contact occassionally and meet up once in a blue moon. Another one not from the same school but we been friends since sec sch time, this one meets up very often. I always wonder what happened to my Pri sch frens...nv bumped into anyone of them at all..
I also avoid food from China now. But a lot of clothings are made and export from China..quite difficult to avoid. Even branded piece also made in China.

Cuddles, I still in touch with a few of my primary school friends. Actually we lost touch at some point and later part in sec get back again until now. We even have our primary school 'ku ku' photos taken.haha. These type of friends are for life liao...
old friends,
yep, I got one (from sec 1-4) who is working with me, infact she's my immediate
"unreasonable" supervisor. She was ok when she first join us, then somehow, her "superiority" got the better of her. Most of the staff her can't stand here but ...

another friend who is still living in the same neighbourhood as my mom. she was from my primary and sec sch! and she still owe me $80!

I always wonder abt 2 close friends of mine, both Chinese girls; one from secondary school and we were in the same uniform grp (NCC). We were very close tho we were not in the same class. I guess because we go camping together so often, I mean sleep in the same barsha (tent) or the same bunk bed etc. She even spend a night at my home after coming back from a late night party together. Then I went to pre-u and she went to poly. Can u believe we were the ONLY TWO NCC girls from our sch? And we were the last NCC girls batch, so we were a dying specie. The other one was from pre-u, she was so pretty & sweet looking and naive. She was fomerly from a girls school and tho she had boyfriends and always rave abt the dates she's been on eg. whr they went, what they did etc (in those days, going on a date is a big deal!), she is still naive abt certain things. I remembered, we played a joke on her ... u see her name is Felicia, then I told her "oh I think it's an italian name, do u know what it's called in italian?" Then I told her it was "Fellatio" (I hope it's ok to write this here) and so from then on she lets us call her Fellatio, of course until she found out the true meaning of Fellatio! But she was still sweet with us and was only angry with us for a day. We all had a good laugh! I know, it's really mean.

Made in China
Yep it's hard to avoid things made from China. I wonder if their car is safe to drive ... like the new Chery ...
Hi all mummies,
I would like to join you all here, I'm FTWM 36 have 3 kids(5yo,3yo,1yo), stay in woodlands. Hobbies are online shopping, bring kids go outing, blogging.

Talking abt china products, I always don't have confident on them, expecially hearing so many cases on the food making and processing. They are putting ppl life to earn $ which I hate most.
Welcome ! Wow you got 3 kids, who is taking care of them while you work ?

Included you in the table.

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>East Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling/attending parenting/teaching children/home DIY children's activities books/workshops</TD><TD>17yrs girl</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1.5yr boy</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 8+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ginger</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>sleep</TD><TD>21mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Old Airport Road </TD></TR><TR><TD>yuen</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>like to shop and watch TV</TD><TD>6 years old girl</TD><TD>19 months old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>belacan</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yrs old girl</TD><TD>3 yrs old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>leeriner</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>spend DH monies and sleep</TD><TD>16 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>upper boon keng </TD></TR><TR><TD>meekfreek</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Chatting over tea combined with Shopping & Holidays & Collecting Blythe Dolls</TD><TD>7 yo girl</TD><TD>7 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Holland Village </TD></TR><TR><TD>kira</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>read parenting books</TD><TD>6 yo boy</TD><TD> 2 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yo boy</TD><TD>2 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>City</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>surf net/read Chinese novels</TD><TD>10 yo</TD><TD> 4.5 yo</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>styloBB</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>movies/travelling/eating/online shopping</TD><TD>3 yrs 7 mths boy</TD><TD> twin gals 1 yr 7 mths</TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>aa</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>travelling/online shopping/reading chinese novel & baking</TD><TD>4.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>babygrace</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.5 yr boy</TD><TD>10mths old girl</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pantone</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Surf Web/Travelling/Watch TV</TD><TD>2.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>singmum</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>online shopping/bring kids go outing/blogging</TD><TD>5 yo</TD><TD> 3yo</TD><TD> 1yo</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Tamarind,tks for the upd!! Two of my kids in CC near the central, my youngest bb is taken care by my filipino maid at home and another indo maid take care of my bedridden mother. As a FTWM really got very little wif our kids so weekend we'll tried to bring them out and spend more family time together.
Hi All mummies,

I would like to join all of you here too. I'm a FTWM, 34 with 1 boy whose 4yr 4mth, another one on the way, due on Sept'07, staying in Bedok. Hobbies: Shopping, travelling, spa, food tasting etc....
Hi singmum and allynn, welcome!
Wow, singmum, you sure have a lot on your hands, being a FTWM!
allynn, congrats on #2. Sep, very soon leh. Let us know when bb is here! Boy or girl? Anyone helping you with #1 during your confinement with #2? I so kay poh hor?! hee hee

Old friends

I didn't really keep in touch with my former school mates, except for 2 of them from my sec school. Didn't like most of my classmates then, so didn't really bother. Most of my friends are now either from the U or ex-colleagues. But then, also hardly anytime to meet. So we email each other, once in a while.

China products

I avoid food products from there like plague. My hb say I over reacting. You think so? Better safe than sorry, I told him.

I get so scared, I have even switched to organic foods, like fruits and vegs. More ex, but... You think I've gone mad? My hb thinks so leh.

Earlier this year my hb asked if we wanted to go with him on conference trip to China. I gave him a good lecture - delivering us to the devil ah?! Then thought up of all the possible worst-case scenarios - cannot eat anything, cannot drink anything... He went on his own.

but like most mummies here say, very hard to totally avoid ALL China-made stuffs leh. Clothings for example, and toys. Most of them are China-made! How?
Hi, welcome, new Mummies!

Old friends
I do have old friends from JC. We meet about 2 to 3 times a year for birthdays and Christmas. I have old friends from primary school and secondary school as well but I think, while we remember one another fondly, we haven't made effort or time to meet. Too caught up with our own lives, I guess. Only 1 friend from worklife still in contact 'cos probably we were both mummies around the same time...and she was sort of like a mentor too. Actually, my batch at my first work place was very close (Haha, 'cos we suffered together
). But, it was really my fault that we are not in contact anymore 'cos after my first child was born, I rejected a lot of wedding invites 'cos nobody was able to help look after.
Really bad, right?

Yah, non-China made toys are really ex. Actually, we bought a train set made in Czechoslovakia as well, but the quality is not as good as the other China made one we bought...but I don't know about the lead content. Very important that we make our children wash their hands before meals.

There are lots of anecdotes about how organic food is really good. I do believe that they are really good.

But, we can't bear to spend so much on them. Frankly, I don't think I want to live that long...just long enough to carry out my responsibilities as a mother and daughter, can already.
Must take time to sign the AMD; no respirators for me! But, I do take precautions e.g. soak vegetables for at least 15 minutes and throw away the mushroom water.

I had a really popular supervisor who lost all her popularity when she was promoted to a manager and had to push through all the unpopular decisions made by the bosses...dunno if your friend is in the same difficult position.
old friends

still in touch with my 2 classmates from ACCA. We didn't meet for years, just sms on & off to stay in touch

my best friend is from my poly year 1. We have known each other for 17 years! now we continue to meet every 2 months to go makan & movies & karoke

another of my secondary school friend & I somehow drifted apart. I was with her through her difficult times of suicide & divorce. I guess she sort of associated me with her unpleasant past even though she has overcome all these now. perhaps she wanted to make new friends to move on? she is also kind of jealous that I'm happily married after her divorce. sigh...friendship is so fragile sometimes

I always tell hubby, other than my poly friend, he is my best friend now
<font color="aa00aa">Cuddles</font>

I just checked some of my clothing. Mango is made in china!
have not gone through the whole wardrobe yet.

<font color="aa00aa">mommies</font>

Basically I think we should avoid clothing from pasar malam. But I bought all my girls' panties from pasar malam. how? where to buy non-China produced children panties?
kira ko

do you find your social circle shrinking after marriage? mine is almost non-existing

have to be best friend with my hubby otherwise so lonely. hubby also said he has no more friends, he's stuck with me
Yes, that's the bane of most SAHMs. Most friends are working. My hubby is really homely too. Weekends are when he rests and spends precious time with the kids.

where do you buy organic products? from ntuc?

haha! I had the same reaction as you when my hubby said he's considering a job posting to China. I told him he can go alone!
he subsequently changed company instead because it's a career limiting move in that ex-company if he is not opened to posting to China.
I read in newspapers recently that the newly renovated Fairprice Premium at Bukit Timah has a wide range of organic products

any mommies been to Fairprice Premium in Bukit Timah?

Is this the right address? Bt Timah Plaza #B1-01 & #B2-01

I can't locate that newspapers to confirm address
Here's the article on the China Made pyjamas.
Excessive amounts of formaldehyde and chemical softeners make them highly flammable and may leave children prone to rashes or even cancer.

So many dodgy products coming out of China...even fake White Rabbit sweets.

Remember some years back, China manufacturers put fake baby milk formula on the market leading to babies dying of malnutrition!

Agree with Singmum, these Chinese manufacturers will do anything for a quick buck. Even at the expense of innocent lives. Boycott China made products! The Chinese Govt. needs to step in and tighten up quality control and testing guidelines instead of taking kickbacks.


Aug 22, 2007
First, food. Then toys. And now...clothes
NZ boy burnt after China-made pyjamas caught fire
By Clarissa Oon
BEIJING - A YOUNG boy in New Zealand suffered burns and underwent a skin graft after his made-in-China pyjamas caught fire early last month.
Three-year-old Jack Livingstone's parents had bought the pyjamas because the label said 'low fire danger', according to his father Mike.

The Warehouse, the largest retailer in the country, withdrew the pyjamas from its shelves over the weekend after a second boy suffered burns.

Besides investigating these two cases, the NZ authorities are also looking into allegations that some made-in-China clothing contains dangerous levels of a chemical.

Scientists in NZ found formaldehyde concentrations up to 900 times above the safety limit in clothing for children and adults.

Formaldehyde is sometimes applied to garments to prevent mildew, but too much can cause problems from skin rashes to cancer.

Made-in-China clothes are the latest Chinese exports to come under scrutiny following concerns over the safety of other exports.

Just last week, United States toy giant Mattel issued its second global recall of 18.2 million toys made and assembled in China because of their excessive use of lead paint.

But the NZ probe is the first time China's important textiles and clothing industry has been targeted.

This sector produced more than 13 per cent of the country's exports in the first half of this year.

China has responded to the recent safety concerns by tightening regulations, but has also hit back at the West.

One official called the furore over Chinese exports a 'new trend in trade protectionism'.

Responding to NZ's moves, a spokesman for China's textile trade chamber of commerce told The Straits Times yesterday the screening of textile imports is an 'accepted international practice'.

The chamber will 'act accordingly' once the results of the NZ probe are out, the spokesman said.

He reiterated official statements that most of China's exports are safe, but appealed to more developed countries to 'raise suggestions' to 'help Chinese companies lift the quality of its products'.

The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) says it has received no feedback on this issue. Said Case executive director Seah Seng Choon: 'We are certainly concerned and will write to the New Zealand Consumers Association to get more details before deciding the appropriate course of action.'
While I'm at it....what's wrong with some people!


Aug 22, 2007
Cat found with legs, head severed
ITS head was cut off. Its front legs too.
And the worst part is that no one knows whether the cat was alive or dead when it happened - except the person who did it.

The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is hoping that there are witnesses.

It is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the apprehension of the cat killer who likely struck early yesterday.

The cat was discovered yesterday morning at the West Coast Car Mart, with its head dumped beside its body. Its carcass was also missing two front legs.

'To know that someone in our midst can have such a cruel mindset is frightening,' said Ms Deirdre Moss, executive officer of SPCA. 'It reflects a disturbed mind.'

An SPCA vet, who examined the body, said the killing occurred in the early hours of the morning.

And the cruel act was likely done by someone skilled with a knife. The clue: the clean cuts where the cat had been decapitated and its legs severed.

As there was very little blood at the scene, it is also likely that the killer had cut up the cat somewhere else before dumping its body in public for all to see, said Ms Moss.

The current penalty for animal abuse is a jail term of up to 12 months and a fine of up to $10,000.

Witnesses may call the SPCA on 6287-5355.
kira_ko & hippo2002

social circle? bo liao leh ..... mei you le .... like kira_ko, never go for a lot of wedding dinners cos nobody look after the kids.
Also, i married & have 1st kid much earlier than my friends, so never join them in their gatherings anymore. Always say can't join them until my friends oso don't invite me anymore.

actually i also don't really like to attend wedding dinner cos i donno wat is talk about at the dinner table, worse if got to sit with people i don't know.
yeah ... my HB is my best friend now. Other than keep in touch with some other friends through sms/email, i find online friends at this forum.
Hi mommies,
hope you don't mind me rejoining this thread (was here a few months back). i'm a 37 yr old SAHM with 11 mth old son in Bishan. hobbies include surfing the net, eating, watching TV. also no social life to speak of, usually spend weekend with hb and baby. once in a blue moon then will meet up with friends for a quick meal.

Hippo 2002

i was at NTUC Fine @ Bukit Timah Plaza on sunday there. yes, it's at B1 & B2 (B2 is where fresh meat & veggies are located). but quite disappointed with their organic fresh vegs though. not sure if it's cos i went late(abt 7-8pm), but there were very little variety and in fact not much different from what other ntucs offer. if you are interested in organic vegs, there is a shop in Pasir Panjang wholesale centre that carries org vegs from their own farm in Msia.

read from one of the earlier posts that you are an RGS girl? sama sama. i'm from class of 1986.
Yes, I'm the one who opened up my function room for the gathering. In fact that was the 3rd time they were here for a gathering. Yes, the mommies are much younger there. Somehow i'm quite close to a couple of them even though they are some 8 yrs younger. But i figured i also better start making friends around my age. haha!
Welcome Allynn and Jessica !

<table border=1><tr><td> NICK</TD><TD> Age</TD><TD> SAHM/FTWM</TD><TD>interest</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child</TD><TD>3rd child</TD><TD> location </TD></TR><TR><TD>hippo2002</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> shopping/spa/traveling</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 3yrs girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>tamarind</TD><TD> 38</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 4yrs girl</TD><TD> 2.5yrs boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow</TD><TD></TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping/Hi-tea</TD><TD> 8yrs girl</TD><TD> 23mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>East Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mo2</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 5yrs boy</TD><TD> 1yr boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>jastan</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> spa/travelling/shopping</TD><TD> 3yrs boy</TD><TD> - </TD></TR><TR><TD>cowandchick</TD><TD>42</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> Music/reading</TD><TD> 10 yrs girl</TD><TD> 25mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Hougang/Kovan </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_gem</TD><TD>39</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> Spa/reading/watching TV/traveling/attending parenting/teaching children/home DIY children's activities books/workshops</TD><TD>17yrs girl</TD><TD> 5yrs girl</TD><TD> 1.5yr boy</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juz_me</TD><TD></TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> watching TV/surfing net</TD><TD> 4+yrs boy</TD><TD> 2+yrs boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Uglyduckling</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling</TD><TD> 4.5mths boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD>SengKang </TD></TR><TR><TD>cuddles</TD><TD>35</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/reading</TD><TD> 6+ yrs girl</TD><TD> 8mths boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fairyprincess</TD><TD>34</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> travelling-shopping</TD><TD> 4 yo girl</TD><TD> 2.5 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bkt Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>zmm</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> surfing net</TD><TD> 10 yo girl</TD><TD> 6 yo boy</TD><TD> 23mths girl</TD><TD> Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>bpquek</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> shopping/TV/handicraft</TD><TD> 8+yrs boy</TD><TD> 7+mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ginger</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>sleep</TD><TD>21mth boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Old Airport Road </TD></TR><TR><TD>yuen</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>like to shop and watch TV</TD><TD>6 years old girl</TD><TD>19 months old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>belacan</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yrs old girl</TD><TD>3 yrs old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD>bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>leeriner</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>spend DH monies and sleep</TD><TD>16 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>upper boon keng </TD></TR><TR><TD>meekfreek</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Chatting over tea combined with Shopping & Holidays & Collecting Blythe Dolls</TD><TD>7 yo girl</TD><TD>7 mth girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>Holland Village </TD></TR><TR><TD>kira</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>read parenting books</TD><TD>6 yo boy</TD><TD> 2 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD></TD><TD>5 yo boy</TD><TD>2 yo girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>City</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>surf net/read Chinese novels</TD><TD>10 yo</TD><TD> 4.5 yo</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>styloBB</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>movies/travelling/eating/online shopping</TD><TD>3 yrs 7 mths boy</TD><TD> twin gals 1 yr 7 mths</TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>aa</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>travelling/online shopping/reading chinese novel & baking</TD><TD>4.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>babygrace</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.5 yr boy</TD><TD>10mths old girl</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pantone</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Surf Web/Travelling/Watch TV</TD><TD>2.5 yo boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Toa Payoh </TD></TR><TR><TD>singmum</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>online shopping/bring kids go outing/blogging</TD><TD>5 yo</TD><TD> 3yo</TD><TD> 1yo</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessica</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>surfing the net/eating/watching TV</TD><TD>11 mth old boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Allynn</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Shopping/travelling/spa/food tasting</TD><TD>4 yr 4mth boy</TD><TD>due Sep07</TD><TD></TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Thanks for posting the articles.
That's a very cruel cat killer ! I think he must be crazy ! So scary !

Oh you got 2 maids ? At one time I also got 2 maids, both Indonesians. One to take care of my father who could not walk after his operation, the other to take care of the kids. Now my father has recovered, able to walk well, so I sent back one maid.
Can you indon and filipino maid get along well ?

We could have met each other before in RGS ! I am one year your senior
Were you taught by the lousy boring physics teacher ? I forgot his name already. In 1992, I actually went back to RGS to do relief teaching for a few weeks. I taught physics to the gifted class, because their physics teacher(not the same one I had) went reservist. I was told by the girls that this young physics teacher also very lousy, and some girls even asked why don't I stay and teach them hehehe

I also think that organic food is better. I went to this vegetable farm in Lim Chu Kang before.
They only use natural fertilizers, no chemicals at all. The vegetable is very cheap, even cheaper than those non-organic vegetables in NTUC supermarket ! I plan to go there to buy vegetables more often.
Hi Jessica, Allynn

I just met my sec friend few years back, very funny, we are staying in Tampines for so many years and never met up with each other. Now she is staying behind my block. Another sec friend even was my sil's hubby's cousin's wife, she also married at the age of 21 and I din even met up with her, she is also staying very near to mine.
Hi Mummies
So many postings! Welcome, new mummies!
Went to have a massage last evening at the reflexologist..

U deserve a big pat on ur back with ur gal!! Press on!!

Cartier bag.. I only 'eyeing' (admire) not 'buying' ...cos too exp liao... hahaha

I went to check a stack of my kids' clothes...

ON, made in Vietnam, Madagascar, Peru, Guatemala, Nepal, Philippines

Gym, made in Vietnam, India, Guatemala

Gap, made in Vietnam

OK - made in Mexico

CP - made in Vietnam, Cambodia, <font color="ff0000">China (!)</font>

Zara - made in Bangladesh, Turkey

Lands End - made in Honduras

I'm sure we all still eat Maling luncheon meat? hahaha....
Can avoid, avoid lor.
Eg.. once we had mini cornettos at office.. I was shocked to see, 1. MIC... 2. Valid for 1 year!! I mean, these are milk products... can tahan so long meh! Frm then on, no more cornettos for me..
Agree that the cat killer needs counselling; very cruel. Can't believe people do such things for kicks.

Welcome, singmum and Jessica!

ZMM, Hippo2002
Yes, we've on-line friends here to chit-chat and draw support from.

Thanks for the introduction. Maybe we'll pop by there for a visit, since it's even cheaper than NTUC supermarket.

Actually the Maling lunchen meat is unhealthy..and frankly, so are sausages, ham and bacon and other preserved meats 'cos they have nitrates as preservatives. Nitrates do cause cancer. So do eat them sparingly.

Most of my sec sch friends are overseas leh...those with email, can still keep in contact.

Closer group would be a group of church friends over the years... and a handful of ex colleagues.

Also some mummies from this forum that we do meet up for makan once a while.
Yeah I know.. but we still take once a while.. haha
sausages are those remnants mixed together right.. me don't really like sausages...

Mummies, I took mc today... cos leg uncomfortable..
some time i really envy SAHM.. as got the whole day with their kids, they r so attached to one another. As for myself, i think my kids prefer the maid more than me...but no choice due to all commitment i've to work leh...

Oh u also hf 2 maid before, all along i employed indo to look aft my mum but they giving me so much problems so i decided to a filipino for my bb. I employed my filipino maid onli before my youngest bb born as my indo maid is much much slower than my filipino who has more initiative and responsible. Both of them don't really get along well but i tik is better as I also don wan them to be to close as they are all alone in the hse without any body supervise them. My frens come to my hse always said the filipino more like a supervisor whereas the indo has "no battery" type...
Hi Singmum,

How do you cope if the 2 maids do not get along??

I currently also have two maids, as my household has 10 pax, including my very old 95YO grandma, and my two kids and hubby, my parents and my sis...
My mum's maid (filipino- who has been with us for 15 years!) always bully my maid (young Indonesian) its a super stressful situation every day...appreciate any tips...from any other mums too, who have experience with two maids...
Talking about sec school friends, now I only keep in touch with one or two, the rest lost contact liao.. Mostly friends from poly and part-time study still contact once in a while. However, most of my closer ones are overseas also... sop sop...
I also admire the SAHMs at times ... esp today I see my twins around... and see how they play... I miss all these times everyday...
But I know I wl be rather impatient if faced with them 24 hours too...
so stuck in this situation...
Hi fairyprincess,Your case abit diff as ur filipino already so "senior" that why she wan to show some "power" to ur indon maid. But must find out what exactly is it and give necessary couselling to both of them if needed.
My main problem is my indon maid is not up the standard we want , eg. I want the indon maid to helps with the children(It's really tough for my filipino to handle my two elders in the morning to settle them to school) as we are all rushing, but my indon will always do something that can be done later on...which mean she doesn't learn how to prioritise the my filipino need to teach her and supervise her that's where the frustration. other than that they still talk but not like those maids can be very closed one. Actually my pt of view is who can perform and who cannot perform, if there is any dispute is always the indon maid trying to be funny..
I missed many of my elder girl's first. first crawl, first smile, first hug, first everything! so I decided to park myself at home for my 2nd child in order to miss anything

kids grow so quickly. only have their first 6 years once, when they bother to cling to mommy. I think I need new entertainment once they are teens with their own circle of friends

I treasure their clinginess now. Always feel so shiok my younger girl only wanted me & no one else. Sometimes I find my elder girl too independent. A lot of relatives commented my younger girl very clingy. hehe, that's the whole point of staying home, so that she can cling to me

Ya lor, everytime when my maid told me what my bb do at home as now she already get used to the daily routine activities she will point to her the VCD when it's TV time. How i wish i can have this luxury to grow together with them.. hahaha..
