(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

I am also going to be Mrs Xiao in the hse with the maid we have now ... while i am taking my shower ... her hp rang in the bathroom where she kept her HP thinking that i dun no ...

morning ladies!!!

oopsie! i also wana go but damn suay. itz my month-end close dat day.. grrrrr.. seriously.. let me know where it'll be and i TRY TRY TRY my very best okie? but then will be without adri though..

dodo, wah! u super cool leh. still can go out in the heavy snow. my nose would have dropped off the second i step out of the apt.. keke.. found anything u like yet?

CM, good to hear Carissa got good grades for chinese! dun be stressed out gal. u are one super mummy!
Gd morning mummies...

hippo, will b lookin forward to u joinin us.

CM, Carissa got gd grades for her chinese. See? U did well in guidin her, so dun keep stressin urself ok?

dodo, wow...u braved the snow & go house viewin ah? So did u fancy any dat was shown?
junnie, i tink i still owe u an answer to the tuition qns! paiseh.. slipped off my forgetful mind.. itz abt $150 for pri 1 tuition for all subjects.. =)
hi all

maruko.. not fri 13th, but bcos such a nice weather for all to zzzzzzzzz =D

cm... wow.. so kind of u, still bake cake for carissa's bus uncle & tutor... they sure v happi =), both yours & carissa's effort is paid off.. 80 for chinese is good... keep it up... ur maid arh.. *shake head*... heng she not fllwing u anymore!

jovial... caelen so mischievious?? keke.. tink ur melbourne apt too interesting 4 him to explore!! =D

hippo.. thks... tat's v reasonable! ok, at least got a guideline for wat to expect.. huh.. 'da yan' mei not coming 27th =( ur hb cant come too? vivo got quite a few eating outlet.. which one shall we go??

zhenzhen.. come come =D ((knwing u on confinement.. keke)

dodo.. it must b freezing cold in bj now! did u wear like '包粽子' bo? so fast contract ending for ur existing apt? hope u find an ideal one soonest. re rinsing mouth.. continue to show zq, u'll b surprise one day he jus 'kar-pui'!!
thanks all .. ya man so happy with her Chinese and English reslt but not her Maths .. .but still its ok la as longas she pratice more can liao ...

My maid ... aiyo .. her cousin keep on calling her ... still want to meet her !!! i am so busy packing liao .. still need to find time for her to meet ??? really feel like asking them to F off man ... cannot tahan liao ... i nvr answer his call and he call my hse ...some more my maid answer the hse phone which she nvr unless i am not at home ... .... tahan tahan tahan for less den 24hrs she will be gone
CM, applaud ur patience wif ur maid. If im u, wont entertain her liao. Since she gg off soon, wont allow her to hav so many benefits.

junnie/ecookie, u didnt noe? me also gettin sleepy liao. juz now was caught in the rain & got stuck for near to an hr. Den no choice gotta run to 7-11 buy their ugly brolly to head back office.
hmmm i also dun no what to do ... cos she is leaving by right she should have lesser work and can go out to do her own things ... !!! but i am leaving too so ... need to pack too ...

my Carlson is a toe sucker ... aiyo he is just like me ... me too always bite and suck mine and my silbings teos ... hahaha any one's baby doing that too ???
Me: Carlson pick up the color pencil and put back in the box ...

Carlson : NO mama ... pickup... put in the box ...

Me: NO Carlson pick up now

Carlson : NO MAma pick up put in the box ... aiyo
Hi all mummies,

Really long long time never pop by here, just hope that I'm able to "cope and share topics" with you all, mummies.

Before we welcome the weekend, here to share that I am feeling so sleepy & hungry. Feeling terrible too...

Jas, can your nose smell something? *.*
doobom, shd jas nose be able to smell something??????????????????????? <font color="ff0000">CONGRATS to doobom then!!!! YIPPIE!!!</font>
So you are here all along... I am too! Pondering if I should announce. Hehe... *Dun kok my head.
The bb dust going around quite powerful. My system abit slow though received power from ecookie's tumtum some time back.
Hopefully all goes well though I am kinda paranoid becoz of my past two unpleasant history. I knew it since 26-Oct, which means while I was in China.
doobom, congrats......was tinkin something fishy when u said u wanna share something b4 the wkend, den askin if Jas able to smell something. hahaha...
i came in on time to see ur great news sweetie doobom!! so happy for u!!!!!!!! i was here all along but i was busy with the weekly close so never reali refresh the page.. hahaha!!

dun worie, dun be paranoid. i m sure u'll be just great in ur pregnancy and it's gonna be a smooth journey for u!!!
doobom: congrats!!!!! wah my baby bump really powerful!! maybe the next good news will come from bbwow? hehe.
and dun worry too much, im sure you will have a smooth n great pregnancy!
Thanks, Thanks...

The MS is really killing me, much more noticeable this time round. Quite terrible. Hoping the 1st tri be over soon.
ecookie, i was about to say ur bb bump is the MOST powerful liao le! hahaha.. <font size="-2">*pls take the opportunity to let gingerleaf rub rub it during gathering.. !*</font> oops!

doobom, pretty diff from 1st?? hohohohoho! maybe it'll be a pretty princess? !!
doobom, no wonder u hav been havin such sumptuous breakfast...mac filet, BK croissant...etc. kekeke...so happy for u. See so many ppl gettin preggy makes me "itchy"...haha...BUT I will endure...
congrats doobom!! You should announce earlier this afternoon to welcome the weekend! Everybody starts to come in after hearing the news.. haha..

Hope your MS will be over soon.. endure. Yah, everything will be fine! Jerry will have a sibling soon.. can he sense it already?
ecookie, mai tu liao.. go rub rub tummy on maruko too.. wakakkakakaa! evil plan..

<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">dear god, if you can't make me thin... at least make my friends FAT!!!</font></font>

Yes, I was complaining to my buddies this morning when they are guessing abt it. Jerry is as powerful as the ELEPHANT glue, super duper clingy. Really surrender... Mummy Mummy like a recorder that runs on Energizer batt.

I luv that statement!

Join the clang. Then often two preggers will be spotted for charging for Mcdonalds treats here @ Raffles Plc.
doobom, hahaha! u created this original energiser batt wor.. so he's putting it to good use nia.. i tink this stage will wear off once u are in ur 2nd tri. adri is much much better now le! ren ren ren!
doobom, congrats ...

hippo u make our day man ... hahaha

maruko ... U sure U not pregy yet ??? hahaha mai tu liao la ...
Doobom....Congrats gal
your good news really brought the life back to this thread....

Maruko... are you still waiting... think majority can't wait to hear your good news leh :p
to all mummies askin me "mai tu liao", I gotta disappoint u all...kekeke... :p my super duper high &amp; strong fortress cant b invaded.

doobom, enjoy the process now
doobom... waaaaahaaaa... 恭喜恭喜!! the thread really ALIVE now!!
(but is going home time =D kekeke)
MS will be over in a blink.. so enjoy bonding w jerry now &amp; enjoy ur 2nd pregnancy to the fullest =)

ecookie.. u super la!! ok, we shall wait 4 bbwow good news =D

hippo.. gingerleaf cant join gathering leh.. she's going cruise holiday =(

maruko.. 加油 =D

catch up again... have a great weekend mummies!
Hi mummies, so sorry I haven't been coming in. Busy with work...

wow so many great news!!!! congrats to all the new mummies, aria jo, sugarnut and zhen_zhen!!!!

and zhen_zhen, you made it for VBAC!!!! yippie!!!!!

congrats doobom, hope u have a smooth n happy pregnancy :D
Hello Mummies!!

Hippo, thanks for your alert in FB that brought me here...

CONGRATS to DooBom.. So happy to hear your great news. No wonder keep hearing you complaint put on weight... When is EDD?

Zhen Zhen,
Congrats congrats. Deborah is so demure and sweet looking. Enjoy your confinement.

"itchy" then go break it la....tsk tsk..

Re: Maid
Better be wary and relax with maid. Today's papers reported a maid added detergent to the baby Formula Milk to revenge. There are many ways maid can sabbotage us, so, we are at their mercy.

CONGRATS DOOBOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its really good news!! =D

hippo, TOO BAD! I am not joining the gathering on the 27th!!! HA HA HA! No babydust for me. Bleh

re 13th nov

It was my wedding anni!! And hb and I forgotten abt it!!! I still didnt remember it until a frd in FB mentioned he will be getting married a year later on this date.. Then I remembered!!
So horrible! But too late liao, now 14th le. Heheheh
no news yet. so now i can enjoy my trip in early dec. But dunno want to get pill fr doc to prevent da yi ma coming during my trip.sigh... to take or not to take...

re:27 nov gathering
hmm, mostly cannot join. cos hb need to study for exam
Congrats Doobom!!! so happy for u!!!

u must come come come for the gathering. ask mr rhino to bring adri to the gathering venue &amp; all of us can get to see her, ok? =)

my hb will be working on 27 nov and again, i will have to attend the gathering with cherie nia. if i can do it, so can u! furthermore sherry is much better behaved than my terrible &amp; horrible monster. try to come ya?
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONGRATS DOOBOM!!!</font></font> aIYO. Now the baby dust too strong liao. Think can spread until all mummies here TTC confirm preggy one!! ...
hi mummies ... ok bye see U next yr ... we are leaving to jakarta in a few hrs time liao ... packing almost done ... but cannot sleep now ... hope and pray that all go well from now on ... AMen ... enjoy the gathering ... will log in here hopefully soon
Deborah is soo fair! Couple with the rosy lips, perfect complexion! When is kelly going over to your place for ps?

wooo... Congrats! Take care of yourself ok? First trimester will pass v soon!

congrats on prince no.2
you'll find thatyour shopping list is lesser. Hehe.

Welcome back. Glad that u hv recovered and enjoyed yr trip. Which touristy place u like most? will check out ur fb pix. I'm in your network right?

yo! How you coping w bosco and Chloe. Naia has bb acne I think. Or is it milk rash? But these little pimples also appear on her arms and body leh. Did u use any cream or just let it be? 

welcome to the thread. You're Oct 2007 mummy too?

think it's diff for me to join the gatheringcos got no transport.  Hubby sold his van away liao. Also w 2 bb and naia not able to latch really make me sian going out. Haiz. 

Btw, I just recover from hv breast inflamation. Not sure it's mastitis cause I din hv fever but that particular morning, I notice my breast pad got greenish stain. My nipple is ok so it must be my milk. It happen when I suddenly chge to manual pump after my ameda pump broke down on me. That particular sessioni managed to expressed 220ml from my right breast alone. So gross right? The area was so painful! Thankfully the pain subsided after 2 days of pumping and kneading. I threw away the milk from my right breast just to play safe. Now, supply came down by half but still enough for naia la. Too much also v gross. 
Hi Aria,

Yes, my 2nd boy was born Oct 2007 too. I have not been here for quite awhile-more than 2 years liao...so hope all mummies can accept me as part of the kaki..."new member".


Ha, I guess mummies were right that the apartment is "interesting" to keep Caelen occupied. Dispite having 2 hours nap in the afternoon, he knocks off quite fast at night too thou I still have to crawl into his playpen (somemore it's smaller than the cot).

Today thought I start to see a little movement when he smile on the left side of the face. Hope it's not "see what I hope to see".

We'd went for a day tour yesterday. Visited the puffing billy (steam train), farm and penguin. Can't take any pictures at the penguin parade(to protect the penguin's eyes from the flash lights). So we took a "bluescreen effect" picture instead. Would say the photographer did quite a good cos I was struggling with Caelen who is more interested the setup.
