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  1. M

    Premature babies support group

    Afcai I remember when my no. 4 was less than 2 years old... giving her medication was a BIG CHALLENGE. Never happen to the other 3.. We really got to hold her. There was once when Ezann was warded and she visited her in KKH, I asked the nurse to help to administer the medicine, they too find it...
  2. M

    Premature babies support group

    Hi all long time din post as was too busy with work and family. Jus to say hi to all the old friends and also to welcome the new mummies Happy to read that all the little warriors are growing to their mile stones. For those who do not know me... My no. 3 is a 27 weeker and has turned 4...
  3. M

    Premature babies support group

    Afcai wat thread did mention about the lymph node???? Will be bringing littlt Edel to the children surgery for a check on the 28 nov. But for me, I feel that anything that is foreign to the body had to go... Kkf my no 4 is Edel. haha mummies .. brought the whole family to the Singapore...
  4. M

    Premature babies support group

    Kkf toddlers book? What r u looking for actually? I actually subscribe storybox n adventurebox from nurture craft. My boys love it when they were young. Hmm... I have plenty of books till I ask my boys to stop buying ... U can come over to my place n borrow if u r keen;) but I thought that u...
  5. M

    Premature babies support group

    tree ice Hmm... sorry hor, yours is bb gal or bb boy huh? Lazy to track from the past posts... How many months? Need anything else.. I can spare
  6. M

    Premature babies support group

    Bloom Hee....No la..Jus got a sum for him Noted mummies... WIll go to the thread If anyone know that who wants pram, breast pump, cot, rocker, jus let me know
  7. M

    Premature babies support group

    xbliss How's things? Hope all is fine with you Yan Agree with kkf about Siang He seems ok and could respond to the mom even without any aid.. I told Jane perhaps the eardrum oso premie and immature.. so as the little ones grow, the ear and the hearing too Mummies Have cot and bb stuff...
  8. M

    Premature babies support group

    kkf afcai Hee... Sure agree with u kkf Din manage to ask you that day.. How did your students fare?? Guess wat? Jus recieve letter from MOE for the Edusave scholarship for the top 10% for this year's PSLE. Eugene is happy like a bird
  9. M

    Premature babies support group

    Afcai Ezann is 3 years 2 months now. But if corrected (which there is no need now) She's 2 year 11 month old. She's a 27 weeker born weighing 1034g Hee.... My house oso full of toys If there'a a chance, u gals can come over Heard u took a long ride to kkf's house... So where are u staying...
  10. M

    Premature babies support group

    tree ice n Lin Hmm....Such a pity that I din get to see u gals.... Hope to know u in person the next round
  11. M

    Premature babies support group

    David Glad to hear that Danya is back in her home sweet home! Stay positive and draw your strength from the Lord He is watching over you! God bless!
  12. M

    Premature babies support group

    kkf really appreciate you opening your house for all of us Ezann and Dash enjoyed playing with each other.. Really happy to see all the litle warriors and the those mummies and daddies that are always behind the little warriors! Gingal Hee... Finally met you. If I'm not wrong, your girl...
  13. M

    Premature babies support group

    kkf Thanks for the nice invitation Will be there. By the way, wat is this food ordering thingy?? Can enlighten?? Yup. My no. 2 gotten his result. He did well too surpassed my expectation. He got 245 with 2 A and 2A*. No doubt he is 5 marks lower than his bro, I'm already very happyReally...
  14. M

    Premature babies support group

    Hi all Din post for very long already.... Was jus following the thread silently Good to see that the thead is still growing. But guess that all r buzy with work. Am oso very bz... Hi to All those that are new in the thread. My premie is now 37 months and I am posting this in beijing...
  15. M

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies Ezann was discharged last friday.. Doing ok BUT she had persistent fever on Thurs again. Hit all the way up to 41C. Sent het to emergency again last nite... wow.. wat a 2 weeks for me as the whole family is sick.. Me?? Tired.. Hope all will be ok soon Thanks mummy for all your...
  16. M

    Premature babies support group

    aneo You are right is really a pleasure to hear the little ones to sing to u Fairylander Congrats once again Day c Good for you Am posting in the ward in kkh. Little Ezann is warded again for persistent high fever. Ulcers in her mouth n cough n runny nose.... Yesterday when i send...
  17. M

    Premature babies support group

    Jas Wow.. 1.2l is great. EBM is precious leh.. Esp for our little premie. I used to have about 900ml a day.. Bought a deep freezer to store the EBM as recommended by one of the lactation nurse. Kept all the EBM n used it for the gal. Stopped expressing when she was 1 cos I was pregnant with my...
  18. M

    Premature babies support group

    kkf how is little dash? Better?
  19. M

    Premature babies support group

    Cale My gal's name is Ezann. She is 2 1/2 years old now She is my no. 3. All the rest of the other 3 are born in 37 weeks gestation.
