Premature babies support group

kkf, jane, pls email original (not thumbnail hor) to thanks!

afcai, not say cannot remember..but i dont' look at pp then try to see if i know them.. ahhaha... just glance and walk away that kind...

gingal..its like that one..when the kids are young.. we go on 'diet'... its when they are 2 and above then we get to eat at gatherings.ahahahahh

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Thank you soooooo much for having us at your place...its really tiring to clean up after a party.. i know. its not difficult to look after 3 bbs with a capable helper and also must get used to it.. once get the hang of it its rather easy.
<font color="119911">sam</font>,
did not manage to see u and yr triplets. guess must be fun to look after 3 of them.

<font color="aa00aa">bloom</font>,
oic..haa maybe u caught my eyes easily. haa got strong 'magnet' wor...otherwise, it is ppls who call me.

<font color="aa00aa">ginga</font>,
yeah. so excited over the gathering. luv to meet J wor...haa..also if u happened to view kkf's blog, u can see hx and violet photo there. mine have not update yet. next time, HX take photo with J loh...
You all are welcome. haha, since so many of you thank me. I love buying this and that, so you can see my house is stuff with toys, books etc. Truely thank you all for coming, some from west, north, south, and everywhere. thanks!

Dash enjoyed himself with so many friends, as well as violet. she was so happy yesterday, as well as in the night.

I have posted our group photo in premiee support facebook, you all can take a look.

Next gathering will be at grace place right?

tigger, no problem, understand the spreading of diseases with 2 kids. take good care of them! hope they get well very soon!
I really feel like we are like one big family cause we had been there for each other and went thru the same tough route together. you know what i mean. i love the gathering and thread (though I might not be a good host, par seh).

It is so unlike the other threads where a lot of people participate in, and you go for the gathering, but still can't remember who is who (at least for me).

But I remember very clearly each of you and your baby now and can associate with you when communicating in this thread.
gingal and xiaowanzi, if u need the photo pls email/pm me cause realise pm you can't attach photo
seem like everybody are having fun in the gathering.. hope to join the next gathering if time permitted.
So happy to see all mummies enjoy kkf's gathering last Sunday. kkf, you must be a very good host. Hope to see most of you one day.

Thumbs Up for kkf!
really appreciate you opening your house for all of us

Ezann and Dash enjoyed playing with each other.. Really happy to see all the litle warriors and the those mummies and daddies that are always behind the little warriors!

Hee... Finally met you. If I'm not wrong, your girl does look a bit like shellow's gal paige

Nice meeting up with you! Happy to see you n ur pretty sweetie pie!

Wow! Triple blessings with mjj! Really pei fu you! Happy to know you

Nice meeting with you. No worries, you will soon get used to your new estate!

Din have much time to catch up with you.. WIll do so the next round we meet

Glad to know you! Hee, My family arrived at 2... so missed out a bit too.. Your little boy is cute.

Good to hear that Siang is progressing well

Mummies at the gathering....
Really envy you having the group pic... Next time will arrive earlier and have one taken

Ezann really enjoy the play at kkf's house. This morning when she woke up, she jus tell me :" mummy, next time I still want to go to the kor kor's house to play toys and read books and see all the little babies!"

Really looking forward for the next gathering
Hi Mummies,

Danya is finally back home. Last Wednesday turn of event really put us into another darkest moment. Danya was coughing so hard and so much that her lungs were so tight to the extend they almost cramp. She was struggling to breathe every single breath and her SPO2 was dropping so bad. Doc almost decided do a immediate transfer to high dependency and have her back on CPAP support. Doc tried another last minutes ditch of strong dose of Ventolin and God bless, Danya's lung react positive to it.

Over the next few days, Danya went through a series of O2 &amp; Ventolin support. Physiotherapist was call in twice a day to loosen the phlegm that were stuck in her lungs. Seeing her tiny body being traumatize by Physiotherapist constant hand hitting onto her chest area almost drive me into tear. Sucking was performed after every therapy session and the NG tube was insert through Danya nostril into her throat and wind pipe really makes Danya scream and cry in pain.

Xiaowanzi, thanks for your birthday wishes. I guess the mighty one up there has answer to my prayer on my birthday. Danya's condition improved tremendously on Sunday and Doc was also very surprise. Today, Doc has given the green light and I am so glad she is back to her comfort home again. This is the happiest birthday gift that I ever had. Thanks God and also all the blessing from all mummies.

The infection has also further scar Danya top right lung which was already scar during her lung collapse episode in NICU days. Danya's weight just barely cross 4kg. She has lost some much weight from the previous ops and this infection.

This event also teaches me to be more vocal against those individual who are not civic minded about hygiene. Yesterday, there was this parent in the ward visiting her granddaughter and she was happily coughing away. I can see from the facial expression of other parents in the same wards were also frustrated with her behavior. For the safety of Danya, I went straight to her and tell her off. I told her to be considerate and put on a mask. If she could not afford, I can buy her a box. I guess she was shock with my approach. Her visit was short and sweet. I guess it does pay to be more vocal in this occasion.
david, hearing about the recent incidents just made me feel so glad that danya has such loving parents. danya has been so brave despite all these, you must give her more hugs and pats from all of us as well.
kkf and all who went for gathering

so glad to see the happy posts here. I will def make it next round if the date/time meets.

Just a word of caution about the H1N1 jab, not sure to believe or not, but i heard that those who have poor immunity may further reduce immunity by taking jab. It kind of happened to me..I developed high fever the night i took the jab last thursday, friday started flu, saturday the sore throat just turned on full blown suddenly. Til today i am still sniffing and lots of mucus though no more flu/sore throat. My hubby who took the jab last wed developed similar symptoms on sat only. Aiyah, whole long wkend spoilt by illness!!! And guess what, i went back to clinic for treatment of symptoms on friday evening, doc say "well, at least you won't get H1N1 anymore if you are getting it becos of this jab!!!"

Glad to hear that Danya is back in her home sweet home! Stay positive and draw your strength from the Lord
He is watching over you! God bless!

Nice knowing you too!!!

Its really nice to see everyone face to face afte chatting online only...hahahaha

Really hope to have another gathering soon...

well as always..this strong dad will always win the battle so fear not...

danya will grow up to be a strong girl like daddy..just have faith in her.. well lungs will recover ..give her some time.

I am really so glad you manage to speak up and out not only for yourself and danya but for all other patients there... well even for me..yes im the garang type..i will definitely scold them off the ward lor..kekeke..yes im very fierce one actually..haha

anyway...really hope to see you n family at the next gathering k!!
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
Dear Daddy David,
glad that Danya is bck hm. do take care.

<font color="119911">mummylian</font>,
thks thks. how old is Ezann? my gar also told me that she luv the toys at kkf's hse. it was like a toyland to her. she said when are we gg again. faintz....
Ezann is 3 years 2 months now. But if corrected (which there is no need now) She's 2 year 11 month old. She's a 27 weeker born weighing 1034g

Hee.... My house oso full of toys
If there'a a chance, u gals can come over
Heard u took a long ride to kkf's house... So where are u staying?

Hmm... You don really look that garang lei.... Can't agree with you too... Happy to meet those who have been online face to face

Which area are u putting up?

Din see u very long liao
How's things?

Precious One
Hope to see u during our next gathering
How's little angel?
Hi David,
Its really great to know that Danya is back home.. I believe things will be better and get better too.. Jia you!

I did see u but when u jus arrived, we getting ready to go off cos Craydon need his "beauty" sleep.. hahahhaa.. I also didnt get to interact with a few mummies cos I was preggy, was "forced" to sit down by my hubby.. haahahaa.. and too much bb and toddlers in the centre..

That y I dun dare to take the H1N1 jab, my immune system is very low.. So sad when know u couldn't join the gathering cos tot I can see my korean little boy, Bryan lorr..
afcai.. i think more like nowadays where got pp with big hair like mine ahahaha

mummylian, woow... ezann really enjoy the outing alot!

david, good that danya is back home! her stay at the hospital sound so scary!

xbliss. oh no..ur hb took 3 days to develop symptoms? i took mine yest! and my colleague check with the nurse if we will develop full blown H1N1, she said we might develop some flu just stay away from the kids. so she is not telling the whole truth!
I dun find ur hair look big.. U seen mine, much bigger.. and worst LONG.. This pregnancy make my hair very dry and frizzy..
hi david,

most of the old old type of grandparents are not hygiene minded. during yilin's stay in KKH, due to fever, i saw a grandmother share food with her sick grandson.. they dun have the mindset that virus will spread.. sigh..

hope Danya will get well soon.
David, thanks for sharing. Some people are just so inconsiderate. Sigh.... Am really glad to know that Danya is back home. I am sure she will grow very well from now onwards especially with the loving care from Diana and yourself.

Regarding gathering - seems like I missed so much. I really wanted to go but got to attend church on Sunday. If on a Saturday, maybe still can. Or a weekday lunch, I am happy too. But only available during Dec period. Once Jan starts, will be busy liao...

N just took his 6-in-1 and pnuemeacocoal (wrong spelling) and is having slight fever. He also threw up his milk feeds... and kept whinning. Should I be concern?
<font color="119911">mummylian</font>,
that's mean Ezann (name quit special wor...) is the same age as my gar (turning 3yr next mth cos yr end bb).

haa..yup, a long mrt journey cum bus cum walking distance (explore kkf's area). Am living in the west side loh.wondering any mummies here live west side too? what's abt u?

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
so funny...think of that, most mummy either straight/short hair or long hair but type up. u r special wor....perm hair? haa special that's why more hair also 'bong bong' but bec I cut layer so dun really can see so obviously.

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
how's yilin?

yup, agree that old old type of grandparents not pro-hygiene and even claim their hand clean clean.

yilin down with HFMD couple of weeks ago.. her elder sis, Weng, got it from school.. we seperate them once we knew that Weng caught the virus. but guess we are still too late.. luckily she is ok, just mild dots here and there and some ulcers in her throat.. now she is ok. she is very active.. giving my mum headache.. haa.. she keep biting my mum and my maid.. dunno why leh.. some people said might be due to teething.. but the moment she bites, dun feel that she is itchy leh...
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
hope, she ok now...will she cranky during the HFMD? why not give her teether to bite?

she behave normal during HFMD, no extra cranky. appetite did drop for the 1st 3 days then pick up again. we gave her teether, but she just bite awhile then throw away. basically she bites anything that is near to her.. yesterday she peel a small sticker off a rack and put in her mouth. luckily my maid saw her made the wanna vomit pattern and quickily check her mouth...
my parents in law were quite ok after the jab... they belong to the 50s age group which was once said were immune to the virus cos they may have gotten it earlier at their time!?!?!? its me and my hubby who went down..

tree ice
i know!! i so sad, i was so looking fwd to seeing u and craydon.. somemore i know u made special arrangements cos initially ur hubby dun wan to go!!! never mind, we have lots of chance since so near!

common for bbies to have reaction after jabs, my boy will develop fever and lose appetite. Perhaps let them decide how much they want to drink/eat so they don't get too full and vomit. Better to retain some than none? take care

Re: Premies day
when is it???
<font color="119911">yan</font>,
my HX also like that luv to eat paper. tear the poster and photo and bite. anything within his sight, he will grab and eat. so will get a light beating fr us.
Hi Hi.

david, glad to see that danya is back!! she is really a true warrior fighting all this and that. I sure hope to meet you, your wifey and danya some day.

Mummylian, find a day we go ur place to play the toys! kids are like that, own house toys dun want to play, other people's house toys look more fun to them haha.

Xbliss, think i better dun take the h1n1 injection then, cause my immune lagi worse. Lucky i haven't take cause want to observe observe first.

liliac guess some babies are like that, will have fever after injections

Yan, hope yilin is ok now? how's her hearing so far?

my terror seems to wake. must go
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
I like yr saying....own house toys dun want to play, other people's house toys look
more fun to them. my living rm are full of toys but all are white elephant and accumulate dust.
ya.. sometime feel like babies are same as doggies.. haaa.. u know.. yilin can bite the toy with her mouth and crawl to another destination and put it now.. is like doggie behaviour.. haa..

yilin is ok now. recently the audiologist did a behaviour test to obtain a more accurate result.. her hearing loss is better than expected. about 50-60db for left and 40-50db for right, so consider moderate hearing loss. she adapt well with the hearing aid, but at time she will try to pull it off when she is tired or frustrated.. guess that is normal ba..
kkf afcai
Hee... Sure agree with u

Din manage to ask you that day.. How did your students fare??

Guess wat? Jus recieve letter from MOE for the Edusave scholarship for the top 10% for this year's PSLE. Eugene is happy like a bird
<font color="0077aa">mummylian,</font>

You are the mummy that came quite late with ur whole family right? your older kids so big liao, and yet u still so young...heeeee
Din get a chance to really chat with u ...hope next time soon...
Yeah...u r right, J and P are lookalikes...keke Aiyah...hope soon can meet shellow and Paige...haven had a chance to meet them yet...

Congrats on ur boy's good results!!! Must be happy liao loh...reward him!!! kekekeke

<font color="0077aa">Tree_ice</font>

yah, I also never get to talk to u...Hope all will be well for your this pregnancy!!! Must inform us when u deliver wor..

<font color="0077aa">Yan</font>,

How is our Pretty Yilin now? recovered from HFMD liao mah?
What type of hearing aid is she using? Is it the "behind-the-ear" type? That type realli uncomfy and sounds not clear and will pick up background and unwanted noise easily...
when she gets older, can get her the hearing aid that is "in-the-ear' kind...then she won't pull it off bah..and it is almost invisible and the clarity is good and precise, and smart enough to take up vocals better...

<font color="0077aa">David</font>

I think what u did was right...hope Danya is well at home now...take good care...*sayang Danya*

<font color="0077aa">afcai</font>

J likes to tear paper and throw!!! Luckily she don't like the taste of it...
Yah, only got to smile at u and couldn't get near to chat with u.. hahahhaa.. Anyway J is really very sweet looking gal, like mummy like daughter..

I know the premiee awareness day is on 5th Dec (sat), thats what Costa told me..

Like to ask u horr, most big toys like Little Tikes car, u bought from forum? U very heng to spot such good bargain toys horr? I been looking out for days, never came across nice big toys for Craydon de..
Hi morning. sad day today, cause suppose to be hubby's birthday, booked hotel stay at quincy, and in the end, he got stomach flu and fever, and was lying on bed like dunno wat. I quickly called up to see if i can change or cancel hotel stay, but still waiting for reply. hope can.

Anyway, seems like birthdays for us this year are not smooth, we all fall sick on birthdays.

Tree ice, I am very free one mah, keeps going "Want to sell" to see if got anyone selling toys. The coupe car I bought for ard $70 from can't remember forum or ebay. sometimes u can check out ebay as well. But the inflatable slide is from bulk purchase about $80 plus.

Wow, mummylian, so good! Glad your son did well in psle, you must be a proud mummy. I am one not so proud teacher, cause my 10 pull out kids did not do that well, with 4 scoring "Ds", 3 "Cs", 3 "Bs".

Yan, I think maybe as yilin grows up, her hearing will get better? cause I saw siang at the gathering, he doesn't seem to have any hearing prob at all leh.
ya.. it is behind the ear type, but pretty small. the length of the hearing aid is even shorter than her ear. i tried it myself,yes.. can pick up all sort of sound and of cos unwanted noise.. when she grow up, then can consider those inside the ear type.. now cannot, else when drop we also dunno.. dangerous.. now even at home we also put on the safety clip, in case she pull it out and lost it.. i heard the audiologist said, a boy lost 1 side in school... then gotta buy 1 again.. expensive leh..

dunno will get better or not. according to doc, its impossible to fully recovered. we just hope that it will not worsen, else will have to do the cocler impant. but so far so good la. now just let her wear it as not to affect her speech.

ya.. siang good leh.. hope yilin can be like him..
hi all.. i am new to this forum. was searching for premature babies and came across this thread.
My twin boys were delivered at 31 weeks, they are now 13 days old. At the NICU yesterday, the doctor told me they did an ultrasound and found a cyst in my younger boy's brain. She did not give much info jus kept saying that they would do routine scans to see if it grows bigger. The only reassuring things she said was that the cyst is benign, it usually goes away and that it does not hinder development in my baby.
However i am still very worried, i tried to google but cant find much information. Anyone here ever heard of / experienced the same? thanks..
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
aiyo...wondering who teach her? forgotten how many mth is yilin now? how's the appetite for yL? HX prefer more solid....really make me boil and lost patient when came to drinking milk. not only hong xin but just want to play.

her CA is 1yr and 2 weeks old. she taking 3 milk feed, 2 solid meal and some extra snack everyday. she drinks about 230ml of milk each time.. so far for solid, we gave her baby pasta, porridge and mee sua. she can eat about a small soup bowl amount. cannot disturb her while drinking lor, else will hong xin too.. yilin likes to hold on to a small toy to play with it while drinking, maybe u can try with HX.
cyst common for premies in brain. it is due to their immaturity. Most problems with premies resolve with time; some with minor and some with major ops. It will pass over soon, take heart.

How's things? Hope all is fine with you

Agree with kkf about Siang
He seems ok and could respond to the mom even without any aid.. I told Jane perhaps the eardrum oso premie and immature.. so as the little ones grow, the ear and the hearing too

Have cot and bb stuff to get rid of.. Who can offer advice where to sell them???? It's taking too much space in both my father's house and my house

Another thing, for those very new storybooks which i think can sell, anybody know anything? Cos m elder boy loves to buy books... But it seems like i don have much space for him.. Was thinking of selling those he doesn't read already... How huh???

Seeking for more space!!!!!
yes, finally recovered. last 3 nites i cannot sleep. dunno is it cos still sick from the jab or the jab side effects?!

i think i know u in person!! i was reading kkf blog with the gathering pic and this person look so familiar! (clue: hsp!) we must meet up some other day to chat abt our kids!

siang grow so big!!!!!!!!!!!! u have been doing a wonderful job!

u look so radiant during preg! craydon also big boy liao hor?! only my bryan so bu zheng qi, eat so much, retain so little! hahaha.
U can go to this forum topic under "Want to sell" or go to "Want to buy" to see if there is anyone interested to buy the things from u.. Too bad I jus bought a baby cot from Toy R Us last mth or else I can buy from u..

Craydon is also small size and bu zheng qi too.. He hardly touch solid and only luv to drink milk.. Sighz.. try diff types of food and he only luv the junks.. If u give him whole packet of crackers or chips, he can finish it!!!
tree ice. that day i clip my hair..else bigger hair than urs... ahahha wahh..craydon is like my kate... loves milk!

afcai, i like ur hair.. u look good with shorter hair cos u got prominant cheekbones..

Yan, HFMD? oh no..! must be terriblef or her... good that her hearing test results are better!

xbliss, today is my 4th day far .. touch wood... u know me in person? where where? PM me! who r u from HSP? not elaine? r u still helping out there? SMALL WORLD!!!! good news! means they sponsor all of his sec sch fees?
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
wow...envy, YL drank so much milk wor. last tim, my no 1 only drink 8oz when she turn 2 yr old (only 1 morning feed and the rest is either 6-7 oz).

holding something while drinking is only temporary solution. HX dunno smart or lazy, dun ant to hold bottle. we will give him his pillow then he will touch touch the corner and then roate the pillow with his legs. so need lot of standby thing to give him if not he will want to get up. so feeding him milk really stress esp when u see the time tickling away in the morning b4 one need to set to the whole process of milking feed at least 20mins. stress...if he is super hungry then he will drink finish 10mins.

for solid food, HX makan 3 times except wkend cos usually, wkend, he will have heavy breakfast (7am 150ml of milk, 8am+ 2 scoops of cereal + 2 scoops of fm, 0930-10am - 1 water cake(in hokkien) or bread, 1230pm - 125ml of ebm).

<font color="119911">sty</font>,
not only cyst. some premmiee only need to go thru hernia surgery. just like my bb also gone thru hernia surgery.

<font color="119911">mummylian</font>,
post yr stuff at WTS thread.

re:story bk
for how old? I'm interested if it falls below 5 yr old type.

<font color="119911">Tree_Ice,
hmm..why u need to buy a new cot? not re-using yr elder one? haa same like my gar, like junk.</font>

<font color="0000ff">bloom</font>,
aiyo..actually, I hate my hair most cos not only dry, 'bong' and also a lot. I like straight hair. aiyo, my cheeks boom after my 2 delivery loh. last time, cheeks sink in type, if u go to tx's blog 2005, I think there will be lot of my wedding photo totally different look, sad sad...'best' is I still got a round and bloated tummy. sian...
Hi 5! But did ur gal dislike soild? I really headache when thinking of what to cook for Craydon.. Nothing please him except junk food..

Last time, Craydon was using the handmedown bb cot from my hubby aunt.. Bu tunfortunately when we moved hse, my hubby dismantled it and the wood along the screws there got chip off.. The whole cot was damaged.. Actually we wanted to wait and see who can handmedown to us or get a 2nd hand but when went shopping at Toy R Us, saw the cot was on sales so we jus bought it.. Quite a great catch at $99 only..
Hee....No la..Jus got a sum for him

Noted mummies... WIll go to the thread

If anyone know that who wants pram, breast pump, cot, rocker, jus let me know
tree ice
Hmm... sorry hor, yours is bb gal or bb boy huh? Lazy to track from the past posts... How many months?
Need anything else.. I can spare

styi, not too sure about cyst...but welcome to this thread. do chat with us more, and we can encourage one another here.

Afcai, u can go do rebond if you like straight hair?

Tree ice, hey, same leh, violet is now beginning to dread my porridge haha, and I m having a big headache on what to cook for her...sigh.

mummylian any toddlers books?
