Premature babies support group

hi there,

I've just given birth to my little gal of 30wks 4 days old on 7th Oct 2009 in SGH. My baby is in the NICU in SGH. I wonder how good is SGH in handling the premie case compare to KKH.
Anyone can share with me their experience?

wat plaster? for hernia?
i removed it about 5 days later as it sort of dropped off. Thereafter, i worried that water will enter the wound and i got a waterproof plaster. It's the kind that is like a cling wrap, very thin and sticks to the skin. can easily get from pharmacy or kkh.
aixin, welcome. dun worry, think sgh is as good as kkh in handling premature babies. hope ur gal gains weight fast...

gingal, yah, kkh will reject patients if their nicu/scn full. last time when i was admitted with contractions during 29 weeks (when I was preggy with violet), they almost turned me away too, cause their nicu/scn full. But they called up sgh, full also, so in the end they just let me stayed on, and tried to stop my labor. Luckily they managed to.

But anyway, when violet was in scn, I could see that it was almost empty leh...where got full. but not sure about nicu though. But really more and more cases of premature labor. even the newspaper also reported. Think we are all too stress up or due to the rubbish we eat? dunno leh...

wow, u have bulk purchase, now then i noe, i went to see liao, can't stand ur gal. SOOOOO CUTE AND ADORABLE!

helo afcai, busy with 2 kids and job right? me too lor...everyday busy busy busy. haha. my violet always cries and cries and gets attention, really tiring to look after her.
Talking about insurance, dash was rejected mainly due to his heart issue. as for violet, haven't try.
Hi aixin,

Welcome to our thread...rant, rave, do anything u want here, we hope we can provide all the support and answer ur queries as best as we can...

I'm sure SGH will be as good as KKH...dun just rest and eat well as best as u can for ur confinement...
U need to recover all ur strength to take care of your little princess...Stay happy and let her know it...give her lots words of love and encourgement and she will grow very well and soon be back with u...

Hi kkf,

Thanks for buying...and also must thank some of the mummies here too that have bought from me...
BP ending soon...response not as good as selling on FB network and thru fren's word of mouth..waste $ on the BP loh...barely cover the cost nia...

New stocks still under negotiation with Distributor...most HOT items are OOS from her side too...and Min. Qty to re-order is so high and limited designs for me to choose...
Dunno want to cont'd anot...

I also wanna say I'm busy leh...but u and afcai both working and with 2 kids, I dun dare say I busy liao...make me ashamed of myself of keep feeling tired and like endless things to do...
My hubby say I too busy with FB Games...haha...maybe dats why I feel so tired nowadays...Hooked on Farming/Cafe/Restaurant/Bejeweled FB games online...Hahaha

The headbands all bought from BKK...I thought it was cheap..then come to think of that, it's almost $3 a piece, seemed like not cheap leh...
I was gonna go try Chamaleon or Sinma to see if they have it, just now went Parkway Parade but forget to see...I think they shld have those headbands..just dunno can fit small heads anot...shld be cheaper..maybe $1 or $1.50 each...

<font size="+1"><font color="0077aa">BP ending soon, so my stuffs will be up at</font></font>

Do keep a lookout if u guys are interested...
Trying my best to extend my SAHM days if can earn abit...
Hi Aixin,

Welcome to our thread. Don't worry, SGH is as good as KKH. We have a triplet from SGH in this threat. The 3 warriors already Home Sweet Home with their mummy &amp; daddy. Mummy Sam is the proud mummy of the 3 warriors.
<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
after the hernia, the 2 side of bb thigh will paste with transparent plaster loh. that's time 3 days before my bb is due to discharged, he went for hernia opt. as that time, it was wkday so we delayed 3 days later till sat then brough him bck hm. so the next day, doc/nurse had already removed the plaster liao. initially, I scared of how to wash him esp he had hernia opt and also how to remove the plaster so it might be painful to just tear down.

<font color="119911">aixin</font>.
welcome. think sam is the only one who bb stayed in sgh.

jiayou in bf.....

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
that time, I was in delivery suit, mid wife told me kkh NICU full leh, ask me want to ttf to SGH or NUH. then after 1 hr, she said that she managed to move 1 bb out of nicu to scn and then squeeze HX in.

think it is a stress environment we live in blar.....that's why cause premature labour.

yup, busy FOREVER esp with 2 kids+ jobs + moo moo....stress, tired etc... HX dun cry but act 'yan ow'. bu tan han him, will be updating my blog soon cos pc set up not long ago. thks for the support of my blog.

did u try other co insurance? or any chance of him being accept to buy insurance?

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
saw yr bp....oh, J look so sweet being a model wor....u let her try the clothes?? HX still cannot sit still, will like 'bu dao ong'.

wow, FB game online nice to play meh??

J got any teeth? HX got 2 teeth since last mth.

<font color="119911">David</font>,
haa...introducing Sam the triplets mummy wor....thin now, she must be as busy as the bee's sweet little princess?

My girl still Boh Gay...hahaha

Her modelling fee: one piece each of the designs I bought...

Hmm Bu Dao Ong ah? means HX will sway when he is sitting?
Afcai Mum,

Princess Danya getting talkative leh. Like to talk to me and mummy until wee hours. Me &amp; Mummy panda ring getting dark. Must use SKII or MTM soon. This week appointment with surgeon and we will fix a date for her surgery.

The thread seem very silent leh. Mummy Jas &amp; Sam seem MIA leh. Must be having lots of fun with their warriors.
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
yup, HX will sway or suddenly want to get up when sitting. he prefer ppls to hold him to walk ard. so we all will kana backache easily.

<font color="119911">David</font>
oh, getting interactive is gd but timing is not right at wee hr leaving both u and mummy panda eyes wor.haa, u funny wor...use MTM or SKII. next time, when Princess Danya growing older, tell her to buy loh.

I wonder how Mummy Sam cope with her 3 warriors, I have 2 kids, already 'half of my way' liao. not sure Mummy Jas went bck to work liao (supposing she will be bck to work in Sept).

cheers, hope our little ones will grow healthy. best wishes for Danya surgery.

hope u can get a good date for Danya's surgery...will pray for Danya...


Yah yah, J does the same too, trying to get up...haha, haven learn to crawl, wan walk first..buay tahan them...

*Thread is extremely quiet, Hmmmm*
hello, hello!! gingal sasy the thread is quiet so must come in and make some noise. Hee. Love your J - she is so cute lor. I love seeing her in those pretty little dresses. She is very chubby, gingal. What have you been feeding her?

David, praying for Danya to be strong and healthy so that she will recover speedily from the operation.

afcai, Nate's surgeon also Indian. Quite nice guy, very friendly too. Can't remember his name liao.
<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
sekali HX and Nate surgeon are the same.

how many old is Nate now?

<font color="aa00aa">ginger</font>,
oic. haa...think as our premieer grow up, more busy wor....unlike when they are bb times, we can just place them inside the cot. but now...different. do you let J sit in the walker. HX like that? think to him is like his rollar coaster.
Hi there,

I'm so glad that my baby is out of NICU yesterday, she is in High Dependency ward now. And just started on tube feeding with breast milk. I hope i can maintain the milk supply.
hi aixin,

ya need to be be super on and pump every 3 hrs then the milk will flow more...very important for our premmies to get breastmilk easier to digest compared to formula..
Hmmm.... my gal's stomach is not digesting so well with my EBM, so doctor put on hold the feeding and let her little stomach rest one day. Besides that, she is stable, sleeping calmly and moving actively.

One question: Any of you here is a working mum? Any advice from working mum here on how to take care of the premie while working? I wonder is it better to send baby to infant care or hiring a maid to take care of her when i resume work? I really feel of giving up my job and take care of her till she is 2 years old, but with our current financial situation (with the big hospital bill that we expected), i don't think i can give up my job.
Hi Aixin,

Our young warrior generally has a smaller stomach. It is quite norm for Doc to stop feed. Take a steady step a time is better for a quantum leap for our young warrior.

Glad that your gal is out from NICU. Are you subsidize or did SGH offer to down grade you gal to C class? KKH offer to down grade my princess to C class. I am glad KKH offer me this option as the total bill hit S$142K. After subsidy, I just need to wipe clean all my $35K of medisave. If SGH never offer you, I suggested you make an appoint to speak to a medical social worker to discuss your situation.

As for taking care our our young warrior. My queen give up her job and upgrade herself to SAHM. Ha Ha. Technically speaking, our total household income has drop by 35%. Just have to modified our lifestyle. We both believe that spending the golden year to see how our princess grow is what the Master Card slogan says "PRICELESS".
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
Dear Daddy David, I like yr posting, always cheerful and comical (haa, always has silent smile on my face, wait ppls mistake what am I trying to do....). anyway, very well said.....

<font color="119911">aixin</font>,
yup,I'm a FTWM as well as SAHM (after 0625pm-7am). hmm..if I were you, I will take no pay leave (not give up job) to take care of my bb (think one of the mummy here also did that). I felt that it is gd to take care of our premiee ourselves (esp Mummy is the best person to take care). hiring maid not safe leh....unless got ppls supervise her 24/7hr...

jiayou in moo moo.

just to share, my bb also not gd in digestion, so every feed of milk, he will merlion. thks god, he is ok when he turned 4mth (non-corrected age).so we got to feed him very small amt of ebm hrly.
Hi aixin, congrats! your gal will be home soon liao!!!

regarding ftwm and sahm, i was just pondering over it yesterday! Dash was down with cough, i was sooooooo tempted to take childcare leave today to bring him to see padetrician for 2nd time (1st time we brought him to see normal gp that seems like useless!!), but i had my syllables to rush, i had my exams coming, I was sooooo stressed up, and felt like a total failure, cause i couldn't take childcare leave! Sigh...I totally blew up my temper at dash (yah, blame him for coughing), and shut myself off, and let my hubby took care of the two kids. sigh. i am a failure! i am not doing that well in my job (i am not those with high potential ones), and can't even be a good mummy! i really will want to just concentrate on being good at one area, but like wat u said, financially i can't cause i love to spend...i dun have much savings.

tigger, the story u posted reminded me of my first born...the doctor gave me the same option, to save or not to save my baby...sigh.

and she is just like me, go into premature labor due to genetic factor...

It's always good if u can arrange any family members to help on taking care of baby when u are at work...esp. when our babies are premmies...really need to take extra care esp. hygiene area, and feeding problems.

If u can't arrange anyone to help, I agree with afcai that maybe can take no-pay leave bah, cos it will be best to be under ur care. Hope ur employer is understanding enuff to let u go off for this period when baby is discharged. Even if u still cont'd working, u also might need to pre-emp ur employer abt taking leaves to bring baby for medical appts/follow ups..., really alot appts to go to...

I think Infant Care or hiring a maid is not a good solution for the first few months, there will be lots of problems that U need to be there for baby...

As for me, also a FTSAHM (Forced-To, not Full-Time), trying my best in curbing my spendings, and will start looking for a job soon, as baby is now OK at 9mths old and easier for my mum or hb's mum to take care liao...also cos Savings drying up soon liao...I call this a Sacrifice worrying go back work after 1 year of not working, will the future employers take my 1 year of not working as an excuse to fleece me of my Asking Pay...Hmmmm

Not easy to be surviving on a single-income, and the way me and hb "spend $$$ like there is no tmr days" were long gone after she was borned... But as difficult as it might seemed, it is still workable...worst come to worst, I used to tell myself:

If money no enuff:
1. Sell my things away
2. Sell the hse
3. Sell the car
4. Borrow $ from friends/family, BUT never from Cashline (Hee hee)

All these I will do to tight over this period, until she is safe and caregiver is confident to take care Full-time while I go work...


I understand loh, 35% dropped is alot leh...same as what I'm experiencing now... Eat what for dinner, sometimes also must think carefully for my hubby's pocket liao...The more careful we spend now, the longer I can prolong my SAHM days...
david, good luck for danya's op!... good taht diana is now SAHM.. i think its very tough on her to work too with her still recovering eyesight...

aixin, by the time ur bb is discharged, most of the time its possible to treat her like normal child (but depends, some of the bbs here are discharged with oxygen sppt etc).... u have to play by ear then... i also cannot give up my job then cos my pay then is 60% of household income(yes lah, so guai listen to govt say marry down.. ) luckily my gal is stable when she was discharged.. so i got a nanny to take care (infant care is out cos i cannot reach infant care by 7pm).... if u got a older folk willing to supervise..getting a maid might be a good choice...

kkf, u r burning out bcos u have 2 kids to handle.. i am burning out just bcos of 1 kid!!!! hahaa lagi bad mommy... have u heard of this duno what adjunct teaching thingy? Got 2 kinds I heard, for resigned pp to come back.. got one kind come back and need to handle cca and pay is quite good..perhaps u can try this kate has been sick (phlegm , cough and running nose) for 3 weeks liao... still not hnk weekend have to bring her to see doc again...
harlo, everybody..long time din come here..hp everybody's doing well....

kkf, saw you mentioned that the program on prem babies was on oct it over liao?u watched it or mbe i made a mistake??i tot it was tonite?no?
hello, costa, me also blur liao, i said 9th october, in the end, i didn't remember to watch! haha. is it tonight? not sure too leh! haha...

hey gingal, i like wat you said...yes, that are the few options....hmm...maybe i shd seriously consider to sell my house and stay with my parents or in laws...or one more option "rent out my house" this is better as there will be monthly income for you to spend on.

bloom, yah dash is also down with all that your gal had. sigh...just spend 90 dollars to bring him to see padetrician. sianz...he is now coughing like mad.
kkf, happy b'day to Dash! i saw his gifts, very jealous!!!

i brought bryan to tomato photography for a family shoot for his birthday. show you all the pics when i get them

Wow.. what a big shoutout.. heehee... so many posts... hmmm just had a glane glance through..


The preemie clothes i have given to a mummy from forum already...


Yes im here !!!!!! heehee.. ya very busy lor with the 3.. sighs.. im going crazy liao...seriously...they are getting more n more difficult to take care leh..


Yes my triplets are from SGH!!!! Every nurse in NICU or High D knows Samantha n her boys (Mattias, Josiah n Jeriel). They are superb term so fret not k...

My 3 boys are on baby cereal already... this is recommendation by the doctor.. and also personally in addition i make apple puree etcc for them.. ok right??? so far they eat ok la.. and they like it..

My boys are growing very fast ... Mattias is 5.8kg liao, Josiah 4.5kg, Jeriel 5.2kg. But the milk intake decreases for them now they cannot drink more than 90ml of milk.. only at times they hungry than can go up to 150ml. Is ok ?

Yes, RENT OUT! why I nvr think of that ya? My neighbours have been selling good money for their hse and keep tempting me and hubby loh...
It has appreciated like almost double since 1.5 years ago... Can still cont'd pay the hse and still got extra cash!!!

Yah loh, seriously thinking moving back with in-laws if Money still No enuff!...BUT abit crowded there...

my MIL also mentioned that last weekend J was with them, and she had been coughing...we realised that air abit "chao tar" today...any places got fire again? Indonesia Forest Fire?
I thought J's cough is due to her seeking attention, and also cos due to the excess saliva from teething that is choking her sometimes...but today smelt "Chao Tar" air, maybe that is irritating her? Hmmmm


Yes plsss... show us show us...Tomato Photography's prices very competitive, have shortlist them for J's next shoot....
Would very much like to see Bryan's nice pics too...


No Problem dear...

It's ok, now that they started semi-solids, milk intake will drop...though J's milk intake increased (opposite of others)...
They like apple puree? J hates it, i think cos abit sour for her liking...

They grew faster after taking cereals right? keke...once they start semi-solids, grow very fast and fit de...and the meat becomes firm...haha

Hope u are coping fine with 3 boys..realli "xinku" ni le... keep us update with more pics wor...always love ur captions in ur pics on FB...

I dunno leh.. cause i quite skeptical at first as they are only CA 2.5mths n Actual age 5.5mths.. Do you have to take note of anything when starting sem solids?

I gave them 3 spoons of baby cereal for every feed and 2 spoons of brown rice n avocado or sweet potato for lunch and dinner followed by 2 spoons of apple puree.

The apple puree is sweet and the apple water is like pain water with tinge of apple taste.. quite nice.. My hubby cooks that..but his cooking and my cooking different.. cause he use 20 apples for 4 baby cubes of puree.. i think thats why taste nicer..hahahaha..
Hi Sam,

Wow, your 3 warriors are fast compare to my tiny princess. Way to go.

Hi Mummies,

Review with both the surgeon and dietitian on Thursday. Danya weight is 4.1kg @ a CA of 4.5mths. Her growth is way below 3 percentile and alot of catching up to do. We will send Danya back to KKH on 10 Nov for a complete guts wash out. On 11 Nov, Doc will perform the ops to reverse her STOMA.

Watch out all other warriors, my princess Danya will join the "Michelin" club soon after her ops. Ha Ha.

Recent Pictures Of Danya


U mean they started cereals at CA 2.5mths...scary!!! they can swallow? or will thrust out the food? at CA 4.5mths, Jerlynn still will thrust out the spoon...takes few days for her to master not doing so...

Ur food so interesting..Poor jerlynn, only eats the same thing over and over again..haha, she has a lazy mummy...can she join ur princes for eating times? Hahaha


She is looking good ... must be fun now playing with her..keke now she baby talk liao ma? She has sharp upper lip, will be very talkative next time...

Can't wait to see her looking like Michelin..I'm sure u and Diana will do a good job...


Dun be mad at urself...I am a lazy mummy too, very litte milk for Jerlynn now..only pump 2 or 3 times a day...gonna stop soon too...we have done our best, I think they know...
hey all,

actually i came here everyday, but i had no strengh to type anything, very tired, and depressed..

But i have decided to step out of my depression and be a strong mummy.. SO, pls bear with me, i got to rant a bit to make myself feel better...

i am a "single" parent nowww...and it will last till next april/May! My husband has gone back to Shanghai to his job, both of us had been SAHP for many many months already, cant afford to do so further.. He tried to find a job here, but very hard. I tried to persuade him to be a SAHF since I conribute 65% of our household income, but he is rather reluctant..well, I didnt push further, ultimately a man must have his own career, and i still hope to have a 2nd baby later. And though I hope to be a SAHM, it is not realistic...
I hope to go back Shanghai very much too, but doctor's advice for Xavier is to stay until he is bigger and stronger since Shanghai coming winter may be too much for him to handle.

So we are apart......I got to work now (i have a very understanding company that let me temporary transfer back to our HQ in SG), and rush home every evening to pacify cranky Xavier....Feed him at 1130pm, then 5am plus feed, then pump, then go to work...It is very very draining....

My in laws are here to help me from Shanghai, but they are not in their best of health. Every evening i got home, i found them very exhausted, and they often complained about heart not feeling well, tired , gastric problem, etc. Well, they are very nice in-laws, they are trying their very best, i feel very guilty about making them so tired...and i am really worried about their health, since afterall they are quite old liao and not easy to adapt to a new environment. But on the other hand, I dont want a babysitter as Xavier is still very prone to infections, and I cant take care of him myself since i got to work...As a result, all i do everyday except working, is taking care of Xavier. I got no other things on schedule, I dont dare to take time off. I shouldnt complain since this is mother's responsibility, but doing it alone is jus too exhausting. I often hear about how difficult it is being a single parent, now i understand. It is not about physical strengh, but on mental....

And to add on to the worst, my in law's application for long term visit pass has been rejected since my husband didnt contribute CPF here. I was so stressed over this...anyway, it was in a way sorted out, at least I manage to get one more month extension before the getting the results of appeal. I am praying that SG govt can be more humane on this, since we are only here bcause of Xavier...If not successful, I cant think of what i can do next...maybe i got to quit and take care of him all by myself? cant imagine....

About my milk, well, gone are the days of super milk cow production. It dropped to half after Xavier got readmitted to NUH. Well, stress did the work i guess, since I got to stay in for a few days, and wasnt able to focus on emptying the breasts....
Then after Xavier weaned off the O2 support, I thought maybe we could try latch on......Big mistake ..sigh.. Because i started working in Sept, so only latch on 2-3 times during the night...I didnt know how much he drank, but normally he drank until he fell asleep and i fell asleep :p turned out that he actually didnt drink much, and i didnt pump out...I only realised it after the milk i pumped out got less and less during my office pumping session...REalised it too late
Now i only left 200-300ml a day. Sianz...i was hoping to to full BF until he is at least CA 1 year. Looking at his rate of wiping my old stocks, i think cant even tahan until end of this year...Feel really bad about it since Xavier's lungs are not good, I was hoping to give him a bit more protection

Next week is time for Xavier's vaccinations again. I am very nervous, based on what happened before.. Really pray hard this time, cant afford any more setbacks....

I was in a deep depression last week, just couldnt seem to lift my mood in any way. I felt like the sky is always grey...I even thought of calling the "samaritans hotline" to seek help....I get very emotional sometimes, and cry everyday. THen i thought about Issac, then i cried....
hmmm...i even noticed that from oct onwards can use medisave to treat depression related illness.

Scary, what depression can do to me. well, right now i feel a bit better...I keep telling myself to look at the bright side, and soon will come the day when my whole family has reunion..

Praying for a better day tomorrow....
sorry for being so long winded, got to get things out of my chest....
Hi Mummy Jas,

It is really hard when you have to multi-task so many responsibilities.

Hey Jas, let us get down to the real reason of why we are still living and breathing the fresh free air. Who give us the passion, the flames and the brightess hope in our life? Your Xavier, our warrior.

He is the one and only reason that you long for another brand new day. Our warriors have thought us the meaning of "Fight Hard, Fight Brave and Live Our Life to the Fullest".

Negative thoughts will only spiral us into the dark abyss. Your Xavier is the brightess light and his fighting spirit shall be your guiding light in your darkness hours.

Let's us charge up everyday and let us learn from our young warriors the true meaning of living every moment of our life to the fullest.



David is right, "FIGHT BRAVE, FIGHT HARD, FIGHT STRONG". U are stronger than u know it...

Alot of times if U feel that U want everything perfectly planned out for them, but if circumstances turned out otherwise and maybe if U have to give up breastfeeding earlier than u thought, let it be... Expressing milk really takes up alot of time, and right now u are back at work and coping almost alone with Xavier, giving it up might not be a bad idea afterall...alot of babies grew up just as good with FM...What Xavier needs most is not your EBM, he needs a Happy Mummy and lots of love to grow well!!! *Jiayou!*
<font color="119911">costa del sol</font>,
yup, I did catch the premieer show. it's kind of recalling what our premiee gone thru.

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
hmm.. gg to take Dash to TCM?

<font color="aa00aa">ginger</font>,
haa $$ where got enu?

wow, gd for u...J's milk increase. same same, HX hates the sour apple puree.will squeeze his eyes till cannot see.

<font color="aa00aa">sam</font>,
welcome bck. wow....hubby cook. envy....

<font color="aa00aa">jas</font>,
u already done a gd job. cheers. jiayou, pump whatever u also counting down to wean off.
glad u caught d show...yup, made me recollect tht all preemies look the same, bundled up and wif all the tubes......must appreciate our babies more...
Just a quick one.. I am outside...

Jas, u take care ok... is it possible to outsource household chores to a PT cleaner... or even get a maid/bbsitter to come to ur pl so that ur in laws can take a breather while still supervising ur bb? And worse come to worse, when u do this, it is also backup when ur appeal fails and ur in laws really have o go back (at least by then maid /bbsitter is more familiar with ur family and everything.
<font color="119911">costa del sol</font>.
yeah. but sometimes, preemies really test our patient. sometimes, got so work up and I scolded my boy. now, he is getting more and more stubbon and noti.

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
consider hiring a nanny if no one look after Xavier? why not yr hubby go recruitment agency to look for job? won't he miss yr boy?

do take care of yrself.
Hi mummies.... My boy was born in the 35th week. His corrected age now is 6.5 mths. Any babies this age group? Are your babies able to sit unassisted now? Mine can't so abit worried. He's quite choosy when it comes to food too! How how how?
u are right..i tot i m d oni minute i feel bad that my son has minute,he drives me up the wall and i get really crazy....

dunoe why leh.last time some nurses told me tt prem babies are vy stubborn and like chillipadi..i find for my own case, my son is like that....vy small sized but vy fiery hot...

guess each child differs regdless whetehr full term or not full term....did the paedi say anythg?mbe adjust sm time for his prematurity..thk yr boy is preterm not really premature, bah?
I think the stubborness of a child cannot be due to prematurity, I witnessed full term children nowadays are as stubborn. In my MIL's house, there are 5 toddlers age 3 and 4 (my girl included), all equally notti, stubborn, noisy, chatty.... faintz.
Hi all

Din post for very long already.... Was jus following the thread silently

Good to see that the thead is still growing. But guess that all r buzy with work.

Am oso very bz...

Hi to All those that are new in the thread. My premie is now 37 months and I am posting this in beijing
We are on a vacation in Beijing and Shanghai.

Little Ezann is super mischevious now. But as the time goe by and she grows, really thank God for keeping His Hands on her.

Hmm.... saw some of u Super Sian with the insurance application... Myab I can help?? My girls insurance application was rejected till she is age 1. When 1, she was only allowed to have life insurance and no riders. At 2, all aspects of her insurance are covered. In terms in hospitalisation, illnesses, education, shield, in all aspects. Have sucessfully helped a few premies to put in place their insurance. If u need help or advice, can PM me. The premies were as early as 24 weeker.

My 2nd boy has jus finish his PSLE.... Hmmm... he say he's not really confident of good results
Keeping my fingerd crossed now

Precious one
Ezann is oso very stubborn...Jus hope that she can tone down a little..
How's things?

Regards to all mummies n daddies
Hope all the little ones are growing happier and happier each day

<font color="0077aa">Hi Grace,</font>

My girl is CA 7 mths, and yes, she can sit unassisted at about 2 months back, which is much earlier than expected...

We need to thank the early intervention Physiotherapy sessions that helped alot, the exercises that we were made to do with at home proves to be really useful.
We made her sit very often on the floor (ie. hard surfaces), and only support her on her hips...initially she will arch front and not able to bring herself the therapist taught us to hold any interesting toys high above in front of her to encourage her to look up...

But recently she is so lazy and playful, she will fall back to play or sway as though like lifting her butt up, and giggles even when she fell due to that...

Each baby is an individual, and as the chinese loves to say " 七坐, 八爬, 九发牙 " + - 1 or 2 months should be ok patient...
I understand that as a 35 weeker, ur boy will not have follow-ups with any therapist sessions, but i think u can actually book one for his assessment to make u fang xin...

My Girl also will not like new foods taste... so we always will re-introduce it again next day, and she will accept it...
Have tried - Pumpkin, Potatoes, Pork (for taste in porridge), Fish, Tofu, Papaya, Durian, Honeydew, Broccoli...only left Apples which we tried to reintroduce again ytd and she still can't accept it...

Hope it helps!

<font color="0077aa">Hi costa,</font>

YES, these warriors of ours damn stubborn and indeed temper like chilli padi...i thought it was generic...
Dunno whr they learn from...haha

<font color="0077aa">happieQBmum,</font>

Not sure about that, I think priority is to wipe out your medisave first, the rest might need to check it out with the hospital...

<font color="0077aa">Hi mummylian</font>

It's getting cold now in Beijing/Shanghai?
Post some vacation pics here with Ezann and ur boy if u can?
Enjoy ur vacation...
Sianz loh, gotta wait til 2 year old to add rider...
