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  1. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Re: FP/Mattel/Hot Wheels Sales Not sure if any of you went but the Sales is REALLY disappointing. Nothing much, saw the FP drum set ($20), FP Musical Potty ($50), FB Musical Purse ($18, FP digital Camera ($80) and lotsa Barbie dolls and Hot wheels cars. Nothing oredi... I think price...
  2. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    gingerleaf, wah so many pple in it.. heheh.. me really abit lag liao... thanks!
  3. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    chintz, yeah our girls have the same name.. kekeke! gingerleaf, Wah.. U and doobom oredi in the class liao ar? Good? I tink must be la if not u wunt continue rite.. so stupid me! hehehe.. y wanna switch to JE branch? Cos the location more convenient? U got any reading materials for the...
  4. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    gingerleaf, the website like not beri informative one hor? I will call them up n chk.. btw, do u know exactly where is their jurong east branch? I wanna chat oso leh.. but work is so hectic and girl is sick.. take her to GP/ PD n kkh 4 times liao.. aiyoo and still coughing.. dunno how oso..
  5. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    gingerleaf, thanks... I got see u on msn..
  6. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    zhen_zhen, ya so long.. hehehe! Bz wif work n girl.. but still following this thread closely.
  7. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    anyone knows where can i get more info on trio lessons ar? Do they have a website? thanks.
  8. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    I dunno leh.. I went on Monday some items oredi dun haf liao.. BUT... some of the items i bought on Saturday were on FURTHER DISCOUNT on Monday! Damn.. Example the fisher price handphone.. aiyooo....
  9. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    I think i crazy liao.. Went to the warehouse sale twice (Saturday and Monday) and still feel like going.. hahaha.. It's so near my office and I kip jioing my colleague to go during lunch
  10. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Chris, How much u gotten the leapfrog pad at spree? Can buy extra books?
  11. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    My PD gave lotsa sample too. Gave Nestle white rice n the brown rice ones... but expiry in april & May.. Dunno can finish or not...
  12. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    chris, me oso putting on weight after reducing the no. of pumps per day from 4 to 3 leh... sigh... why why why? Somemore kip getting hungry! Ya lor.. i oso doze off during EBM lor.. tired manzz..
  13. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    gingerleaf: so even if they dun gimme the extra book still cheaper than outside selling hor? $70 mah.. If wanna buy extra titles, it is at $15/ book leh..
  14. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hello Mummies, Anyone getting the leapfrog system? Is $70 plus a free book expensive?
  15. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    re: high chair ecookie, I think Ikea one pretty good leh.. Cheap somemore.. Cost only $25. Easily assemble.
  16. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Shazzie, Mine was a preemie too. Delivered at 35wks and weight 1.7kg. Now at near 6 months only 6.2kgnad 64.5cm long.. hehehe. Cos of her underweight situation, PD suggest to feed her cereal at 4 months. But I only started feeding her yesterday.. hehehe
  17. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Thanks Mummies. Maybe I can try bit by bit.. hehehe.. so sick of HARD boiled eggs..
  18. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Karrie, GP mentioned something abt bacteria infection..
  19. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Karrie, Matty super cute leh.. Show my colleague and they are also luffing away. A great start to the morning.. hehehe Hi mummies who are on TBF, Do u all take half boiled eggs? Miss ah kun half boiled eggs so much but i went GP he advised me dun take half boiled eggs leh..funny
  20. E

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Dodo, the bbtv is on preview channel now. So its no. 1.. Free preview till sunday.
