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  1. C

    Anyone going prenatal yoga?

    For anyone keen to take on pre-natal yoga, can try Como Shambhala. I've been taking normal yoga classes there and 'upgraded' to PN yoga ever since. There's lunch time class at 12.30pm too
  2. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    hi ladies, sorry been busy just read thru few weeks of thread.... Saw that some of your packages are quite cheap... I've just got the package info from my gynae. Its $850 from week 20.... very ex right? Gosh...... would doing 'ala carte' be more affordable you think? :p
  3. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    fer/candy: thank you
  4. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    viiv: glad you're feeling better... i was sick (still recovering) since CNY eve with the same symptoms and doc prescribed Chloramine for runny nose and Dequa for lozenges (doesn't help). Thanks for sharing your list of meds too. not_superwoman: what is DS scan? Not heard of this before...
  5. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    tracy: thanks for sharing. I've asked a colleague's CL contact and she is charging $2,500 which I think is really high though... Will keep looking and asking for recommendations I guess... Did you meet her and pass her a deposit too? IS this the norm?
  6. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Hi mummies, Happy V day!! can I check if you have already booked your CL? I'm just reaching 11weeks... Do you know what is the rough pricing like? I am starting to look for 1 (am I too kiasu?) but not sure if they are over quoting..... Thank you so much...
  7. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    hi mummies, i told my boss today and he was very happy for me.. saying what lovely news on a Monday morning. Told my close colleague too who is a mum to a 9mth old girl and she was very happy to share tips. Feel so much better after getting it off my chest... Just to share, i checked w my...
  8. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Anyone has hunger pangs that disappear after awhile? I have been so hungry for the past 3 weeks and have gained quite abit of weight... Will this relent anytime soon? I also have cravings for strong tasting, spicy food. I dislike fish that is steamed but fried fish passes for me. LOL. Anyone...
  9. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    hmmmm if cannot too liang food and fruits, means we can take a little more heaty ones like longan and durian? Just checking coz i feel so thirsty all the time and my lips are chapped all the time... keep thinking i'm heaty....
  10. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Tangerinez: oooo cool means I don’t have to give up my coffee! 1-3 cups a week is enough to satisfy me for now  As for the left/right sleeping, I’m not sure also but I’ve just switched to sleeping on my left…. Cant sleep well at night coz so used to sleeping on right all my life…. Guess gotta...
  11. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    I have food cravings too but mainly unhealthy food like fast food and deep fried stuff. Is it normal at all? And there are things that I used to like last time but I shun it now… Also, anyone is a coffee addict? I was prior to being pregnant and now i really have coffee cravings still... will...
  12. C

    Pregnant and not sure what to do. Gynaes in bishan/thomson to recommend?

    hi vonziez: you can go here Hi Jen, I'm not sure abt the package and delivery fees but should be able to find on Mount A website? I will probably check with him on my next (2nd visit).
  13. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Ohh can i ask if anyone is having problems lying in bed already? I lie flat/full side i feel so uncomfortable... only when its a half side it feels ok... Am i the only one feeling this? Anastasia : Ooo ok I better start asking them coz I will definitely need one as my parents and...
  14. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    tangerinez : no problem just checking coz I am not sure too but I'll stay away from all herbs just to be safe! fel: how long do we need a CL for? the full 4 mths maternity leave?
  15. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    Wow took me half an hr to go thru all the postings/updates since Friday!  genice: oh cool I shall go check out the shop in TPY. Most urgently now I need new bra/panties. I can still fit into my blouses and tights for now…. :D As for travelling, did you consult your doctor prior to booking...
  16. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    tangerinez / ferendipity: cool, thank kew! so glad to hear that coz was thinking of putting my trips on hold due to bb but after giving birth, chances of travelling and even slimmer :p candy: ya i reckon so coz I was wondering if we'll be overcharged. But think depends on how long is...
  17. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    fel : i like forum chatting more coz its feels more like a community and everyone learns abit from everyone else qiqi: agree that FB is better for more private topics hehehe.... candy: i spent $80 on consultation and $50 on ultrascan on my 1st visit. BTW not sure about confinement lady...
  18. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    @Candy: ahhh thanks. I'm bad with all the abbrev... LOL.... I havent told my boss yet and am thinking to tell only after 9wk check.... fingers crossed that he is supportive!
  19. C

    (2013/09) September 2013

    hi Wendy, welcome! do take care and remember to stay happy and positive~ Whats MS btw?
  20. C

    Pregnant and not sure what to do. Gynaes in bishan/thomson to recommend?

    usaginoko : ya ive read it gives alot of false posivite/negative results. Not sure if this is advisable. Will check back w doc again during next appt and see what he advises.... :D:D
