Pregnant and not sure what to do. Gynaes in bishan/thomson to recommend?

Hi, I just found out I'm pregnant and prolly 5-weeks into it.
I'm not too sure what to do next and what to eat. I dont have a regular gynae that I go to and am looking for 1 at Mount A or nearby?

Any experienced mums can advise please?

THank you very much in advance!!!

congrats! U can consider my gynae, Dr Henry Cheng. His clinic is at Bishan. He delivers at Mt A & Gleneagles. The 1st check-up will be done somewhere btw wk6-8 coz that's when you can see & hear heartbeat. Go too early nothing to see.
Im seeing him this wk. Very excited too as its my 1st appt to see bb. Yours probably August baby too? Coz I'm 7wks, edd August. Do join us at August thread too
Hi usaginoko, how was ur visit?

Did mine but didnt have the time to update in the forum... my lil peanut is doing fine at 6weeks... Gonna do a follow-up at 9 weeks to see the progress

Hi MaYMaY, which clinic is Dr KK Ho at?
Hi confused! Glad to read your update
Could u hear th heartbeat already?
My beanie at wk8+ during my 1st visit last thur. Next appt in end Jan during wk11 for Oscar test (optional test for probability of Down syndrome).
I think Dr Cheng would explain the test to you at your next visit then let u go home consider whether to take or not. I skipped this explanation session as this is my #2 liao.
yupyup could hear the heartbeat at 5w5d when i went for my check and could see the lil one! so exciting!

Ya my next visit at wk9, it'd be another scan and also to talk abt the Oscar test... Will this harm the lil one and is it accurate?

BTW congrats on ur 2nd one!! :D:D

Also, did you need to take any other supplements other than folic acid at the moment?
Oscar won't harm bb but apparently it tends to give false positive results, causing unnecessary stress.
I'm only taking folic acid now. From tri 2 onwards, Gynae will give multivitamin & calcium pills as part of package. Fish oil is optional n sold separately.
Hi confused : I'm also seeing the same gynae & this is my #1 too. Will be going for my scan later as well as the Oscar brief. Not sure if I will want to go ahead with the Oscar as it is meant for older mums above 35? Shall see how later.

Hi usaginoko: r u able to know the gender at e 9week scan or have to wait at least 12-16weeks? I'm excited to know my baby's gender so not sure when will be the earliest I'll be able to find out. My tummy is starting to bulge slightly like a flabby tummy....
usaginoko : ya ive read it gives alot of false posivite/negative results. Not sure if this is advisable. Will check back w doc again during next appt and see what he advises.... :D:D
hi, can anyone share how much dr henry cheng charges for his package and delivery fees? which mth does his package start from? Thanks.
