(2013/09) September 2013

Thanks candy and tangerinez. I was a bit worried just now after eating papaya. Haha. Guess I'm overly anxious about it.
Missyserene, keep a positive mindset. Ur emotions will afeect the baby. Rest well and stay happy.

Kiwi28, my hubby is super excited too. Hes hoping for a girl. My older one is not too excited with another sibling while the younger one does quite seem to get the idea yet... But well still got time. Lol

Have a good weekend ladies! Pregnancy should be a journey to be enjoyed. With some exceptions, most food can be taken in moderation. Don't deprive yourself too much. Not good too.
Yup, moderation is the key, even to good health. Variety is important too, to help body absorb vitamins.

Arugh... Super moody, as all day MS has started. Not vomiting, but not fun either. Grossed out by every single thing, including people who eat too loudly, chew with mouth open, and my husband's how to say... Bad personal habits! Help!!! Feel like hitting everone who grosses me out.
can i ask- should i be concern when i see light (as in amt) light droplets brown spotting? i should be approaching week 7. im seeing my gynae on Mon,i should be able to wait right?

How can it be old blood? I havent spot since last week after my bleeding episode. Can anyone shed some light?
Hi Sept MTBs, I'm 5 weeks 1day today and still don't feel much pregnancy symptoms yet, except for slight fatigue and feel hungry easily. When will morning sickness usually start? The lack of symptoms is making me worried and it seems like a long while more before my first gynae appt on 8Feb, counting down 12days!
Just took another Clearblue digital test again and thankfully it seems quite accurate, shows that I'm 3+ weeks from conception and now at 5+ weeks.Take care all mummies!
Strawberries, lots of luck and baby dust to you! And if you succeed, you will be in October thread =)

BTW, for the MTBs whose gynae is at TMC, did you sign up for the "First Born Incentive"(FBI) membership? Is it worth it to do so? Any idea which are the list of participating gynaes for this program?
hi all ... Hope u gals had a great weekend ... I'm hoping for mine to come soon ...

Went kkh yest n got saline drip cuz I was vomiting so bad til I couldn't kip any liquid or food down ...

Was detected with UTI too so got to be on antibiotics now ....

Can't wait for this horrible ms to end soon ...
Hi Viiv, don't worry too much. No much MS symptoms is a blessing. My MS got worser in wk 7. Initially only bloated, then nausea started, followed by vomiting. Argh.. How I wish all these can stop soon.

Hi strawberries, good luck and all the best to you.

Hi Mirai, hope you will get better too. I also can't get much liquid or food down. Think I'm surviving on milo and Ribena. Any food make me vomit. Hope all this torturing MS get over soon .
Hi all...

MS also hitting me hard since monday... Vomiting almost before and after all meals....

Only 100+ drink make me feel good for a while cos its gasssy and allows me to burp...

and, resting in bed/sleeping allow me to keep the food down... but sometimes it's so xin ku...
Viiv and Ann: thanks for your baby dust.. Yes.. If I conceive this baby will be due in oct...

Hopefully I'll be able to graduate..!! =D
Hi all, anyone experienced period-like cramps? Just cramps and no spotting/bleeding. Googled and apparently this is quite normal in early pregnancy? Feeling worried again!
Hi viiv, yup I experienced cramps during 4-5 wks. If the cramps doesn't causes any pain or bleed, it should be fine. Please rest and don't exert yourself.
Having problem with meals. Very hungry but when i see or eat the food, i got no more appetite anymore.

Fish is stinky to me now. Even my favourite cooked salmon doesnt taste nice anymore. I got craving for instant noodles which is bad so I try to substitute with other food like milk and bread. Anyone else having problem with meals?
Viiv, I'm also experiencing cramps. The pain move from left to right, top to bottom. Sometimes I can't differentiate if it's stomachache or cramp. Lolz. Gynae says its normal unless the pain is severe then need to go down to see him immediately. If it happens at night, need to go NUH (cos I stay Jurong). If u experience light spotting, it's normal too. If you still feel uneasy, you can call/visit ur Gynae.
Wow, can't catch up with all the posts!

Went to see gynae last Sat..my EDD would be 19 Sep and not 13 Sept that I calculated..hv updated the spreadsheet.
Candy, I also hate fish now. Can't stand the sight of it. I have no problems with eating. Just that I need to add some spiciness in my food. Try eating fruits, soya bean drink, porridge. Small frequent meals in a day. If you don't feel like eating, try drinking soup instead
Anyone has hunger pangs that disappear after awhile? I have been so hungry for the past 3 weeks and have gained quite abit of weight... Will this relent anytime soon? I also have cravings for strong tasting, spicy food. I dislike fish that is steamed but fried fish passes for me. LOL.

Anyone done their 2nd checkup yet?

hi viiv, i experienced cramps when I was btw 5-7weeks with now a little from time to time. No cause for alarm unless it it really bad and you start bleeding. Saw my gynae and thats what he said.

strawberries : good luck!!! baby dust all over u
confused - my hunger pangs wont go away until i eat something anything. I feel hungry and eat a lot too! But per meal I eat a few mouthful I dont feel like eating liao le.

My tastebuds become more picky nowadays. I am also putting on weight. I have craving for instant noodles and salty food.

you are lucky you can take fish, i had to force myself to finish the salmon last night but after a few mouthful I really cannot continue. After 1-2 hours, I got hungry again.

Tracy, I buy small packets of Lay's Potato Chips Sour cream and onion to munch on. Taking soupy stuff except fish now. Even fishball also cannot. Sigh
the fruit seller say we can take any juice except for Watermelon juice during the first 4 months of pregnancy. Just thought of sharing this information with you girls. Its so interesting that even strangers know we are having a baby but the ppl close to us do not know yet.

Ladies who have a low placenta (doctor will tell u if you are), please do not use squat toilets.

Fruits wise, avocado is good for us. Citrus might not help you with nausea thats what I read. Avoid pineapple and coconut for the time being as well.

*hope this helps a little
I hate pork and fish this pregnancy.. I've seen my gynae twice though I'm 6 weeks pregnant. Next checkup will be on 4 Feb.

Avoid spicy food and citrus fruits if you are suffering from morning sickness as they aggravate your intestines. And boy, it feels super nasty to vomit spicy/sour food. Your respiratory tract burns.

My ms is back.. Hopefully it ends soon. Last preg I had it throughout the 38 weeks. nightmare!!
qiqi - i cannot take pork and fish too!!! chicken is alright. I seen gynae twice too! Once at TPY once at NUH, but my next check up yet to schedule yet. Will be going back to TPY gynae (birth in mount a)

I agree with you on the yucky feeling of the acid too!

May I ask you how does MS feels like? I am a little nausea and always burping.
Candy, ms is when you feel nausea and bloated, headache, migrane, lethargic. Bad ms = vomiting, on top of the nausea feeling.
qiqi - means i am having ms because i got the nausea and bloated and burping part. I guess no appetite is normal. But when no appetite+hungry combine = very poor thing leh

hehe thanks for clarifications!!
Yah, have aversions to all meat, except certain fish. Fast becoming,malnorished bcos now I am not allowed to eat my favourite canned tuna and sardine. ButI find that cereal such as cornflakes, that have a plain taste but fragrant smell does help with MS. One of my friend took sweets for MS, but in moderation.
not superwoman - wow you can eat fish ah? I am missing my salmon sashimi and instant noodles. Crave for instant noodles which is funny!! I quit bubble tea already.

Tuna you can eat in moderation. Try banana nut crunch with fresh milk.
Hey ladies, wish u all a blessed pregnancy.. I'll not be back in the forum coz baby didn't even grow from last week's visit. Likely it's not gng far... So I opt for natural m/c for now & wait for CNY over then see if I need D&C. It will be my 2nd m/c, each 1 yr apart.

Thx for all encouragement & I've learnt a lot from u all... All the best to u.. Hope to see u all here soon...
Hi candy.. Thx.. I'm hoping this next wk a miracle will happen that's why I didn't opt for D&C...anyway there's nothing I can do now.just wait for natural m/c.. I don't think a heartbeat will form since nothing grew in size after last wk's scan..

Take care!!
Missyserene, take care and rest well. Maybe take vitamins/supplements as well as more fruits, vegetables and antioxidants to build up your body.
Thanks for the advice in reassuring me that cramps are common symptom, I will try to rest more as well.

Even though MS has not started, I'm feeling tired everyday. In the mornings, I get hungry very easily and even after breakfast, I still need a mid-morning snack(usually apple). Then after lunch I will be so sleepy, struggling to stay awake. And yet my strangest symptom yet, I'm unable to sleep through the night since discovering my pregnancy! i will wake up 2-3 times per night at around 3+, 4+am thinking its time to get up already!

Oh do you still take caffeine? I'm still having my usual one coffee every morning. Is that alright?
Hi candy, instant noodle craving quite common... Just cut down lah. I indulged in some my last pregnancy, as it was one of the few things I could eat. I am so glad I can take fish this time... I really can't eat other meats. Feel malnourished already.

Banana nut crunch is my fave! It was my staple food (with yoghurt) last pregnancy, bcos I couldn't stand any cooked food that time. V nutritious.
hi! jus went for my first gynae appt today. only about 4-5 weeks. EDD 22 sept.

anyone did a scan at 4 weeks? is it only the sac that is visible??
Hi Serene, so sorry to hear that. Take care okie. Still praying for a miracle for you big hugs.

Re MS: it's starting for me too. Worse part is not knowing whether I'm hungry or bloated. Still dun understand my strange tummy.

1st Gynae visit tmr. Very anxious!!

Am currently about 8 weeks, EDD is 11th Sept. this will be #2 for me.
Quite worried about how to handle 2, as #1 is not very independent when it comes to sleep. He's STILL co-sleeping with us and any attempts to get him on his bed only results in him waking up at night to return to our bed. So sleeping arrangements dunno how.
2nd preg quite diff from 1st time- this time round sometimes I even forget I'm expecting as too busy with managing #1!
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Missyserene, sorry to hear about that. Be strong. Take this time to build up ur body. But we really hope miracle appears for u.
take care Missy Serene, pray for a miracle!

bearie, yes at 4 weeks, you will only be able to see the sac. at 6-7 weeks, that's when the heartbeat forms.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn,try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood-sugar levels up and avoid
morning sickness.
wheee57, my girl is one. co-sleeping still as well. we are just gonna extend our bed by putting another bed beside :p we'll move the kids to their own rooms once they are ready. i love co-sleeping!
Hi Qiqi, yes I guess that's what we'll do as well- put our son's bed next to ours. It's getting too cramped on our queen sized bed!


Congrats all on pregnancy.

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