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  1. E

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi gals, Thanks for the advice! Yup, will have to pre-empt my new boss I guess. Actually my concern is whether the stress of adapting to a new work environment, new colleagues and new boss will affect the outcome of the IUI. And also if I do get preggy, how my new boss will respond? Guess I...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi gals, Wanna get your advice. I am likely to get a job offer and the start date kinda coincides with my IUI appointment. I am worried that the transition of being in a new job and a new environment will affect the IUI, yet I am keen to move on in my job. What would you gals do if you are in...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi DHM and Hope, CONGRATS! Good to hear good news and it motivates the rest of us to keep on keeping on!
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Miracle, All the best! Believing together with you for a *miracle*!
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Thanks ladies for all your kind words Joy, I have made an apptmt with the Dr (am also with Dr Yu!) for 28 May and we will hear what she has to say. Havent gone back to her after the MC cos emotionally not prepared. Really praying that God will give her wisdom to direct us on our next...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies... I did not go on confinement. Actually my doc only gave me a few days' MC. Not sure if it's becos I miscarriaged at 6 weeks? Anyone know what's the number of days one should go for confinement if early miscarriage?
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi all, I am new as well! Chanced upon this and wanted to ask if any of u did IUI and then subsequently SO-IUI? Wanted to also ask if any of you felt disappointed with God in your TTC journey? Or maybe not with God, but with fellow church mates? Cos I had an MC and I find that many a...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Bbcripps, Thanks for your reply! All the best on your results! Baby dust to you!
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Hi all, Wanted to check with all of u the difference between IUI and SO-IUI? When will the doc advise you to go for SO-IUI versus IUI?
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Yup Gal, agreed ... it's great to know that I am not alone in this and we all are working hard towards the same goal .. together!
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Min, Thanks! All the best to you too! Honestly, I couldn't wait for Mother's Day to come to an end.. I even thought to give my church Mother's Day celebration a miss cos I thought it could be so tough to go through. Wondering when I can be a mother, wondering if I can actually call...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi depressedgal, How do you find Dr Yu? How long have you been seeing her? I feel that she is generally quite professional, but not the caring and gentle kind. Pretty straight-forward, direct. Actually I felt quite turned off by her manner after my MC. That's one of the reason why I was...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Chewybib, I guess we all feel like that at times... but what's important is you dun let all these negative feelings get you down for too long! Let every day be a new start for you to try again, to hope again, to believe again... our dreams can come true...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Min, Thanks gal! Huggs to you too! I think you are very brave! For me, it took me several months before coming to terms to everything and deciding to do IUI again. I did my IUI under Dr Yu at SGH. Will be visiting her again soon and ask her direction on what to do next.
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi min81, Thanks for your reply! So sorry about your MC.. mine was at 6 weeks and though it is coming to a year already, I still feel down thinking about it. Where did u do your IUI? Will you be starting your next round soon?
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I did IUI last Jul and though it was successful, it ended with a MC at 6 weeks. DH & I then went for TCM for 5 months, but to no success. We are thinking of going back to do IUI again. Been reading a lot about SO-IUI. Did anyone do IUI for the 1st round and Dr...
