IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hope: You are my cycle buddy as well as Saralyn. Haha!! It can be stressful when testing on test kit.

Today I am just trying my best not to vomit the food i eat. Feel so nauseous and acid reflux also kicks in.

Ann: But because im taking progestrone, i heard it will delay the menses. Maybe thtz y im not getting my menses yet.
Hope: Not really.. I was on progesterone previous cycle.. my cycle came on the dot. It depends on individual. Wait for a few more days. If still no red, then quickly test. Last time I also only tested positive 5 days after my menses due for my first child.

Maybe you want to see a doctor? Seems like you keep getting nausea and acid reflux.. Maybe good news?


Same here.. I'm scared of injections.. Think need my hubby to do for me.. Needles are so scary to me.. that's why not trying acupuncture even though I heard it's good..
Hope: Nope.. like many here, dun dare to test. Will test if delay for 5 days. Haha!!

min81: Trying not to put any hope in it. More hope I have the more disappointment i get if it is negative.
Ann: you can try to take vitamin b12 or b6.. I forgot is which one exactly. It helps for pms especially nausea.. My mil asked me to take before and I read from the bottle it will help..

Do you have so serious pms previously?

Min: my hubby saw me jab myself in one morning n he freaked out! Hahaha and never be there to watch me when I did the jab..

All my friends are asking me to go see tcm.. Sigh.. I don't want to take the horrible taste medicine!!
Saralyn: Previous few months of PMS, it will start 2 weeks before menses and stop when menses came. This month, not feeling anything much till 3 days before menses and I am getting all the nauseousness and acid reflux.
Ann: woah.. It looks very diff for this month then.. Anyway, crossing my fingers for you. Hopefully we can have some good news here.. So long I didn't see any good news here.
Hopefully.. hopefully. But I think my menses will come.. if not today then will be tomorrow.

You also jia you ba.
Hearing good news here will be a motivation for the rest of us. Just seeing the words BFP from other ladies is also a motivation that one day we can have our own BFP.
Jessica: when you positive on opk, you will ovulate in the next 24-48 hours. Iui will be done 36 hours so i think sat is the best time..
Morning ladies.. Woke up with a slight cramp an brown discharge.. Guess that's the end.. Another new cycle..

Ann & Hope: hope your AF goes on a long holiday!

New cycle new hope! And I believe this month you had spent a really meaningful time with yur hubby without all the testing and monitoring

Today, my colleague who got pregnant same time as me came back to get some updates on her work cos she's coming back in another month or so to work till delivery.. I had not expected that I would not be ready yet.. It's kinda difficult and awkward for me with everybody congratulating her.. she has twins too.. She sits just in the cubicle beside mine.. To be honest, I had hoped she would come back only after I had left the school for good in end june
I was so upset I went to clean all the windows in my house... Now I feeling crampy and achy feeling at my legs. Sigh.. Shouldnt have done it and rest instead..

Anyway, ladies.. Am thinking of changing my fertility gynea to LC Foong or Roland Cheng. Anyone seeing them? Can give me some feedback? These 2 are recommended by my regular gynea to go do ivf..
tub, Gal, LuvChar, saralyn,

Thanks ladies, appreciate all the hugs and words of comfort.. I guess I'm just in a sensitive mood today.. While they were tokking in the next cubicle, I was actually feeling teary and trying to swallow back my tears by eating giant mouthfuls of my sandwich.. But those who knows about my miscarriage were very nice about it and tried to distract me by talking about work and other stuff.. Really appreciate it.. I should feel positive with all the nice people around me
Hi Saralyn and Min81, more hugs for you!
Min81, you will only grow stronger from this experience and soon it will be your turn too

Saralyn, I'm seeing Dr L C Foong. My DH and I really love him. So much so that the only highlight of getting my AF every month is that we get the chance to see him again. Ha ha!! We find him very experienced and knowledgeable. And most importantly he makes us feel hopeful and positive. (Not like my first gynae who made me feel bad about myself). We always leave his clinic feeling re-energized again. We're planning to do IVF with him if my current IUI fails.

If you are really thinking of changing doctor, why don't you go for one consultation with both doctors and see who you and DH are most comfortable with since different people look for different attributes in a doctor. If you do decide to do IVF, choosing the doctor that you are most comfortable with is very important factor. The IVF procedure alone will demand so much out of us that the last thing we want is to have any issues with the doctor.
Lil ponyo: that's nice to hear abt Dr Foong. Think I will arrange for one consultation with him soon. I think I will want to go for ivf next.. But will hear from the doc first..
I only decided yesterday.. Months after months we did it on the right days but yet we did not succeed.. Sigh.. Think something must be very wrong in both me and my hubby.. Guess I can only go through ivf route to have my dream comes true..

At the same time I am also thinking should I go back to kkh to do ivf since I am a subsided patient there and the 3k grant from gov.. But the thought of seeing the particular doc again and if touch wood my ivf case is under him I will be so upset... Plus the long waiting queue.. And I never understand why when we do scanning and see doc must be 2 separate appointments.. Alot of time is wasted on waiting for the appointments
ya, think more n more pple gg for ivf. Plus is of a higher success rate. But still hope we won't have to go thru it, we all can conceive naturally.

Saralyn, i heard a lot of bad feedback bout kkh, d ivf doc is gd however d service in kkh is bad so u might want to think twice.
Yes, like me, u got no choice at all. Even ivf also seem hopeless. My tubed blocked, my hubby 2nd sa report was worst than the 1st. One of my ovary is at higher position where doc say it is not reachable to retrieve eggs. All the bad news and poor report. But still have to proceed.. Else no other way liao.
Thanks saralyn missed the call to book appt for iui and sa tomorrow. So next cycle for me... Don't give up. Just yesterday my friend shared with me her Iui and Ivf story and she has twins of 1 boy and girl. So don't give up ok.

Min : m sure ur turn will come soon. Don't give up. Hard work would pay off
Hi ladies... It's my 13dpo... No symptoms at all... Off to Taipei today... For some comfort if I get a bfn n for a good celebration if it's a bfp... Keeping my finger cross in prayer!
Saralyn: i just transferred myself to nuh. thinking when to start ivf. a few tests that hosp want us to do beside the "COE" tests. ding dong here and there and maybe only can start ivf in july. btw, u are going back to kkh for ivf? if so, got to book early. i think the quene was quite long when i left them in april.

Emily: dun give up ya.sperm results can be different in the doc opinion.
Jessica: Ok ok.. Hopefully you can strike this cycle..

Chewybib: enjoy!!! Hope your period also goes on long holiday!!

Ann: fingers crossed for you too.

Dian_tang: I don't intend to do now or next month.. Maybe in aug or sept. end July I'm going for a trip with my husband. Enjoy first and suffer after coming back. Haha

How do you transfer from kkh to sgh? After the transfer, am I still subsidized patient? I'm thinking to go NUH or SGH if I decided to go gov hospital to do ivf.. How is the queue at SGH?
Saralyn: i'm with roland chieng. so far very satisfied with his staff and service. but i'm not preg. hehe with him for 1 cycle nia. :p
but overall i think he's very patient and will answers all our queries. i also recommend my sil to him
Ann: is ok.. new cycle new hope. let's work hard together.. =)

luvchar: thanks for the feedback.. Still have not decided to go to who or gov hospital or not..
Saralyn: i also went for a holiday to destress ha ha... same thoughts as you.
for the transfer, i was advised by nuh to get another referral letter from polyclinic so we can get subsidize on doc consultation and blood tests.
i dunno on the quene yet in nuh cos now still waiting for the some blood tests results . If i have any update, shall inform you.
Morning everyone,

Still rem me?
Last week, I was so devastated when I saw brownish and reddish spotting and everyone here was so encouraging. Telling me not to give up. I really want to thank you for doing that.

I hd a faint BFP on last fri and keep testing till I saw my gynae yest.

They did a blood test for me and cfm that I'm BFP.
And now I realised that spotting was my implantation bleeding.

Tom I will be gg for my 2nd blood test.

Hope this is a sticky one for me.
Congrats DHM!!!
I did my first blood test yesterday and the nurse called to confirm that im Pregnant!!! BFP!!! This is the most crucial period now. Have to be very careful.
Baby Dust to all!!!!

DHM: what is your HCG level?
Congrats Hope!

Can't really rem when she told me my HCG level. Tom will go and ask again. Wat urs?
Now I only hope everything go smooth smooth...

Ya, dr advised me not to do anything strenuous and eat anything cooling.

But then I dun feel I'm preg until I see the heartbeat lor.
DHM: Mine is at 500. Nurse said its a gd level. Hope its doubles.

Where are you with? Im with KKH.

Im praying that everything goes well now. No more cleaning the house, no carrying of heavy things, no stress, jus gonna keep my mind at ease and relax. I will only feel better once i pass the first trimester, till then im still worried.
Thk u and hope that our good news will help to motivates the rest of TTC-ers here.

That's good to hear that its a good level. Lets take a step at a time at this moment lah.
Btw, any idea wats the normal range? Tom I go and ask more. I'm with Dr Fong and my SO-IUI done by him too. But before this SO-IUI, I had try Clomid with KKH and I dun like the system there. Feel so 'alone' there, felt that U r alone fighting with the ovulation problem.
So I switched to Dr Fong for a more 'personal' touch service lor.
Thank you Emma & Saralyn.

DHM: Not to sure what is the healthy level too. As long nurse say good im happy. Dr Fong is with NUH rite?

Saralyn: you remebr me, i was the one tht got my first iui canceled due to too many eggs. So when i went again, i only had one egg. Was praying very hard and i was watching a lot of you tube videos on baby development. I read the the visulisation helps your body too. So to all who are TTCs, besides eating good food also watch alot of videos on pregnancy development.It helps for me.

Thks! Will pour more when its more cfm, meanwhile.....

*bb dust* bbdust *bb dust* *bb dust* bbdust *bb dust* *bb dust* bbdust *bb dust*
Hope: Yes!! I remember you!! So nice to strike at first try.. So happy for you..

DHM: Thanks alot!!! Collecting all of them into my bag!!! =)
Nope, he's Dr Fong Yang, his clinic is at Tiong Bahru and Paragon.
Which type of IUI u done?
After my IUI, I was easily 'tickled' by variety show esp Jackie Wu's. Trying to keep myself 'happy' than to think of others...

Actually this is my 2nd cycle SO-IUI, my 1st one was cancelled due to follicle not stimulated enuf for the IUI.
This 2nd one, after my purogen jab every morning, I was advised by the nurse, to exercise after jab to improve circulation.
Follicle size did improve and went ahead for my scheduled IUI on 12th May.
I was told to hold my bladder as long as possible after the procedure and I can't hold it at all.
Went to pee after 2min of lying down. Feel so 'sayang'. Then quickly went home and rest n lift my bum.

But strangely, after my IUI, all my fav sinful drink, like teh terik, cold drinks, I dun crave at all. But I keep looking for fried fish beehoon soup with milk. Very strange.

Right now, I am fighting with nasal congestion and bloating.
