Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

I need not go for that earlier blood test cos my doc more kiasu, already prescribe me progesterone pills to insert 2 times a day.Or maybe she thinks my case more jia lat.

I dun have the gas problem, or maybe not yet? The last time I did clomid-iui, doc also gave me pregesterone pills, so there is no blood test needed. But my pills is oral, not to insert in "there". Is there difference?
Lol...bbcripps that a good one... Ya the blood test is to check the progesterone level. I gg to chi on mon then pregnancy is on 24 May. Long long wait...
Princessleopard, for me the gas sets in after the IUI, I think around ovulation time, when I was super bloated. I read somewhere on the internet the progesterone pills actually can be taken orally or inserted down there. Man I wished mine was orally... its kinda strange to have to insert the pills down there u know, plus the morning dose I have to do in the office toilet. I had to cut my index fingernail short for hygiene purposes, n also cos I most certainly would not want to accidentally cut myself in there u know what I mean... ouchie! Damn sayang la, my beautiful gel nails *bimbo!* Hehehe.

Jess I have one more week to my blood test. On one hand I can't wait for my 2ww to be over. On the other hand, I'm soooo nervous n scared to find out the result next Fri. Very dilemma hor...

ya, I think I will be the same if i were you. cos I am not a tampon person.

Now I am a bit worried, cos initially thought iui will be done on D14, but now doc say D15 better. To give the 2 13mm follciles more time to grow. But then, I will not be able to rest the next day. Got to get back to work, very busy work schedule. :9
Princessleopard, actually I use tampons, but tampons not as bad, cos it comes with an applicator, this little pills I have to use my fingers, n preferably it should be in as deep as possible so more can be absorbed before it leaks out, so it's just damn weird...

Don't worry on the timing of your IUI, since the follicles grow an average of 1-2mm a day, your lead follicle should be nice n ripe at 20+, n the 2 smaller ones will be at least 18mm then. I think the follicle needs to be at least 18mm to contain a viable egg, so this way u get 3 chances!
Positive thoughts!
wow, still have to insert as deep as possible, this is really weird.

Really hope will succeed, I am trying to keep myself stress free though the work is hectic.
It's not easy that we pick up the courage to go thru all these. Dont stress too much, think positive and enjoy while u can now. I enjoying my beauty sleep these few days. No need to do housework (hubby does all) and really relax my body... Will be going bk to work next mon since I did my iui on wed, mc 2days and took a day leave today. So total I rest 5days before I go bk to work. Just do your part to take care of yrself and the rest leave it to god. Everything is fated, we did our part and even if unsuccessful at least WE TRIED.

Enjoy the weekend with yr loved ones.
HI Ladies,

So nice to have all of the ladies sharing their experiences gg thru the SO-IUI.

I will be going for SO-IUI in July 2012.

Hopefully all turn out well smoothly...

Btw, any one got idea whether if i can choose any doctor to follow up on my case?? I was refered to KKIVF by Clinic D after founding out that my right fallopian tube was blocked.
Hi Duffy Bear,

I was seen by Dr Sadhana Nadarajah Clinic D to KKIVF. I was previously under subsidised patient while doing all the test nd checks till I told the doc on duty that I wished to try ivf and Dr Sadhana (Head IVF) was recommended by my friend. Since then I was upgraded to private class and seen by her. Her rates are not subsidised. She advised me to try SO-IUI first while waiting for queue for ivf.

But during the process of so-iui, u be seen by a group of Ivf doc and yr results and progress will be reported to your assigned doc which you following and get instructions from him/her. The procedure will also be done by duty doc.

I had this weird feeling around my womb. Dunno how to describe as it is not pain nor cramp. When I walk, I feel heaviness especially near the lower right corner near pelvic. Do u all have this sensation?
Princessleopard, think its yr ovary that carry many big and heavy follicles which give u the weird feeling.

Today cramps came back on the right near my pelvis. Don know why?

I learnt from Internet that Rasberry Tea Leaf is good for us, and it caffein free.

-It increases fertility in both men and women (drink for a few months while trying to conceive).

-Prevents miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage by helping to tone the uterus thus creating a relaxed (atonic) uterus.

-Eases morning sickness

-Reduces pain during labor and after birth: By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery RRL eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.

-Assists in the production of plentiful breast milk

-Can help make labor faster: RRL works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It doesn’t strengthen contractions but it does allow the uterus to work more efficiently

-Studies show that women taking RRL have a reduced incidence of artificial rupture of membranes, forceps delivery or cesarean

Other Uses for Red Raspberry Leaf:

-Treating the common cold or flu (Treat with a RRL fast. Drink only the tea while your symptoms persist. Once your symptoms are gone return to eating fresh fruits/vegetables.)

-Treating sore throat

-Treating diarrhea (Drink 6 cups a day to treat diarrhea)

-Regulating a menstrual period and decreasing heavy periods (Drink 2-3 cups per day. After 2-3 months you should obtain a regular cycle.)

-Treating Acne: It can act as an astringent on irritated skin by tightening the top layers of skin which effectively reduces secretions, relieves irritation and improves tissue firmness.

-Can be used as a mouth wash to soothe mouth and throat irritations

-Can lower blood sugar in those suffering with diabetes (Those with diabetes must take care not to take RRL in too high of doses or it could actually cause their blood sugar to drop too low).

It can be substitute with our normal tea. I just bought one box 20bags from one of those organic health shop.
Jess, so I think its normal. Today I feel better.

I heard from other threads also recommend raspberry tea. But they say cannot drink during preggy. Not sure if its true. I almost buy a couple months ago. DId u buy online?
I think one cup per day is ok for our body. I bought it at city square mall (farrer park). U can easily get it from those health supplement shop.
Hi all,

Wanted to check with all of u the difference between IUI and SO-IUI? When will the doc advise you to go for SO-IUI versus IUI?
Hello ladies,

DPO10 for me today, my blood test is scheduled for this Fri, i'm sooooo nervous.

I bought the raspberry tea too! From Cedele, $9.90 per box. But i think i will only start drinking if this cycle doesn't work n my AF comes la.

Jess, how was your blood test? Today right?

Princessleopard, good luck for your IUI tomorrow!

Emma, SO-IUI stands for super ovulation IUI. Basically its IUI combined with injections (either Puregon or Gonal F) to stimulate more follicles to grow n mature (ideally 2-3 good sized ones) to increase chances of fertilization n implantation. Hmmm, for me, as my cycles r regular n i ovulate every month, my first doc got me to try out 3 cycles of unmedicated IUI. It didn't work for me though, could be becos even though i did produce an egg every month on schedule, that particular egg's quality is not good enough. SO-IUI is kinda just to increase your chances for the month, that hopefully maybe out of the 3 eggs produced, at least 1 is a better quality one that sticks.

Yes I went for blood test today, nothing much as the nurse say that it's for record purpose only

Time flies, u'll know yr results soon. Mine is next thurs. stay positive and let nature take its course

I only drink the raspberry leaf tea every other day. Bought Lipton infusion herbal tea (caffein free) - lemongrass ginger to replace my daily black tea.

Princessleopard, all the best luck tml for yr iui. Dont stress and suggest u drink one bottle of chicken essence in the morning before u leave home. It's give you more energy, qi and nourish yr body.
Thanks ladies!!

Today I feel so heavy on the womb area, even walking also can feel heaviness. I hope the follicles are in good size. I am trying to keep myself as relax as possible. Good luck to tomorrow!!

bbcripps, u should relax too, ok? Friday comes very fast. Hope to hear good news from u on friday!! Good luck!!

Jess, what do they need to record from blood test?
Princessleopard I think that heaviness is a sign of impending ovulation, I had that for abt 3-4 days after my trigger shot as well. Plus u have a few nice big follicles in u, so more likely to feel bloated. How did your IUI go today? Have a good rest today!

I'm so sad today. I had severe breast soreness for the past 1 week, n even though I know back then it was way too early to be a sign of anything n that it was only a side effect of my progesterone inserts, it was nonetheless promising I thought. Then this morning, I woke up, n nothing. No ache no soreness no pain no bloatedness no cramp no nothing. Absolutely no feelings *sniff* Very sad lei.....

Don be sad... I also don't feel anything except I feel my chest tight and show signs of white discharge and no breast soreness, no bloatedness, no cramps. We still keep our finger cross and pray for a positive results.
bbcripps, dun be sad. Keep ur positive thoughts going! All these signs can be very confusing at times. Every month I seems to have something different coming up too. I try to ignore them cos it will only make u bother / stress over it. Just 3 more days to friday, we pray for good news!!

Well, the iui went alright, but I am quite concern about the semen result though. Cos today in the result, I saw that the sperm normal form is way below average. I asked doc about it, she say though its below average but still have chance. Cos we only need 1 sperm to fertilise. It is true but I just cant help worrying.
Princessleopard, need not worry too much. My Dh produce very little sperm on iui day and I was very upset on the amount. He's too nervous when producing... Lol. But like wat the doc say, just need one good one to make miracle. Stay positive all ladies...
Thank u ladies for your words of encouragement. Should try not to think abt it. Think my mood is down cos the stock market is down - occupational hazard!

Princessleopard, my hubby has the same problem. Everything ok except for morphology (normal forms). He was at only 2%! But after 3-4 months of Vitamin B, C n E as recommended by gynae, for this last round of IUI, it improved to 5%! He was damn pleased with himself lor *roll eyes* So maybe your hubby can take some vitamins. Good for general health anyway.
bbcripps, my hubby is taking tcm & multi vit now. I think he will go back to tribestan which he had taken before. After taking the tcm, his sperm count increased from 14mil to 82mil today. But the normal form drop. Today's 6%.

I hope one sperm make it there!
hi, just like to ask u ladies, under what situation will d doc recommend for SO-IUI? if i'm ovulating regularly, will d doc still recommend me to undergo SO-IUI?
Depressed gal, I ovulate regularly too, so I tried 3 cycles of unmedicated IUI. However they didn't work for me, could be due to egg quality, could be due to sperm quality, or simply that they did not make the connection, so I moved on to SO-IUI (which is basically to increase the odds). U can see my reply to Emma above.

how do u feel after iui? I feel terrible this time. Womb area feel so heavy, much heavier compared to before iui. I dun say its painful but its kinda like cramps. when i walk, it feel terrible, so i lie down all day after iui. cos of the discomfort, i din get together to DH within 24 hrs, cos really cannot do it. lol. today still feel a bit discomfort but better then yesterday. Is this normal? The last time i did clomid-iui wasnt like that though.
Princessleopard, I had exactly the same experience as u. The first 3-4 days after the IUI were tough for me. Was thinking it's either due to the trigger shot (which is a shot of concentrated pregnancy hormones - apparently Pregnyl is made from the pee of pregnant women - yikes!!), or the follicles releasing the eggs, cos when the follicles rupture, they release fluids, so when we have 3 eggs, alot of fluids go to our womb, making us super bloated. I did not have this problem when i went for my unmedicated IUI. For me the bloatedness only went away fully after abt 5-6 days. Think you will feel a lot better by this weekend. Hang on in there!

yucks, I dunno that its urine!! gosh...
But i have this shot when I do clomid-iui, I am fine though. Only this round so uncomfortable. I feel bloated now.

Good luck to your blood test tml!!!
bbcripps, thks for ur explanation...can we jump straight to SO-IUI instead of waiting for 3 rounds of IUI or will it be better to go to IVF?

Feel really emo coz it been very long since TTC. Recently keep hearing gd news from others where they married later than me n yet im still struggling to rch my goal

Even get quest by pple y so long i still no result...sobz...
Depressed gal,

I think u can seek advice fr yr doc if it's ok to go straight to SO-IUI. I intended to go IVF in the first place but my doc advise me go one round of SO-IUI, if not successful then straight to IVF. No point going so many rounds, waste of $$$.
Depressed gal,

How old are you and which doc and hospital u went? It all depends on yrself. If u r really keen in doing SO-IUI, u may want to seek 2nd opinion from other doc.
Jess, i'm 32 already, currently is seeing dr yu at sgh, m thinkin to go to ivf coz i'm longing to hold my little one in my arms.

How bout u? Which doc u r seeing? What stage r u now?
Depressed gal,

I am 35 and under Kkh by Dr Sadhana. I'm in my 2ww after my 1st SO-IUI. Going for my blood test next thur. Nervous!!!
Hi, Im going for my IUI at KKH.. Today I went for ultrascan, e doc said there was only 1 egg and it was small.. Pretty upset.. Have been trying for a child e past 3 years.. Everytime it's e same either I'm not ovulating or e egg is small.. My friends and cousins younger than me r getting pregnant almost immediately after marriage n I'm struggling.. Feel so useless..
Hello ladies

So sad I don't have good news, it's a BPN. Sob sob. Haiz. Thought we had a chance, thought we did everything right, but still cannot. My doc is not sure why it did not work, but she said based on my response to the drugs n my hubby's numbers, it's worth a 2nd try. So I think maybe we will give this another shot in July. Haiz. I think of all the shots all over again I damn sian man... but I guess no choice, just gotta do it n hope for the best when the time comes.

One thing i noticed though - Doc says my period will start 3 days after I stop the progesterone inserts. However my last dose was last night, n by this afternoon my period came already. So it got me wondering - could it be my uterus is not strong enough, even with the inserts. Cos my period came even when technically I should still be having support from my last dose. Hmmm I think perhaps this is where my raspberry tea should come in.

Bbcripps, same as u, I'm oso sad tat I don't hve gd news to share, sometimes really feel tired in d TTC road n many times wanna give up but then deep down inside me, I still want to achieve my goal. Let jiayou tog again.

Dun be sad, ok? Try again. We still have chance to graduate in 2013 thread.
The progesterone inserts, does it give u any unusual symptoms? I dunno why, but this month, right after the iui, the following day I woke up with very sensitive nipples. I used to only have sore breasts but not nipples. Thought it might be the pills.

Don't be sad, we are here to support one another. There is still chances meanwhile, take care of yourself and try to prepare your body...

Hi welcome to the thread... I also fr kkh. Which doc are u seeing? I read that by eating lots of egg white can help in producing good quality eggs. You may want to try them.
Thanks ladies for your words of encouragement. Am trying not to dwell on it n looking forward to trying naturally for this month. Praying for a miracle!

Princessleopard, the inserts gave me all kinds of symptoms in the first week too. I had really sore boobs, bloatedness n occasional light cramps. But a few days before I tested, the symptoms all disappear. Damn cheat my feelings. But hey, if it persists for u, it could be a good sign!
Hi all, I am new name is Roselyna but u can call me Rosy. Was "looking around" online when I happen to chance upon this site. I read a number of threads and I found that there are a number of people who's in the same boat as me. Has been trying hard ttc for the past 1.5 years... currently am going for check ups at KKH. Next appt is on 14 June. I am currently under clomide. Its the 3rd try if it still doesnt work, I will need to consider either IUI or IVF. N i thought IUI would be a good start. Had went for check ups and found nothing wrong in me n hubby. Just that I am overweight and my menses is not regular. And yes, I have went to TCMs and they said that my womb is "cold" I think its becos I love to drink cold drinks. Make sense?? Any tips or advise that you may want to share with me? Will be most grateful!
bbcripps, I am crossing my fingers on that. Thanks! Miracle may happens, who knows. After I did my last clomid-iui, it failed. But I got preggy naturally the following month, just too bad dunno why I mc. Good luck to you!!

Hi Rosy, welcome to this thread.

Since u mentioned u went to see TCM, did they start to give u medication / herbs to treat ur womb?? Its ok to seek help from both western & tcm, just take the medications 2 hours apart. I think u have to avoid drinking or eating cold stuffs. I had since stop completely. Though initially its difficult, but I have get used to it now. U can also wear slippers at home and wear socks when u sleep.
