IVF/ICSI Support Group

I see.. When u started to test positive?

I would say without squeezing my eye into the light, will be 4dp5dt
Wah, you all tested early! I was still thinking if I should test early last week and decided not to.. I'm 7dp5dt and don't feel any pregnancy symptoms so don't want to be disappointed. Plus I had some red streaks when I inserted the crinone and AF like cramps yesterday, think AF might be on its way... :(

Congrats rachelstarz and EnaB

Thanks Hope2016! Dont give up! I dont have any symptoms either. Felt anxious and couldnt sleep cos my blood test in 3 days. So ive decided to ease my mind and took the risk of taking the test. I hate the negative result aft all ive been tru ttc (2 failed iui & 1 mc). Maybe try to bedrest more and do accupunture till blood test. Eggs white, chicken essence & red dates tea. :)
Thanks Hope2016! Dont give up! I dont have any symptoms either. Felt anxious and couldnt sleep cos my blood test in 3 days. So ive decided to ease my mind and took the risk of taking the test. I hate the negative result aft all ive been tru ttc (2 failed iui & 1 mc). Maybe try to bedrest more and do accupunture till blood test. Eggs white, chicken essence & red dates tea. :)
Which accupunture u with? U did till blood test?
Hi everyone. I jus had my transfer. Can check if we are allow to bend or sleep side way ?

The red dates tea; do we have to put longan?

I dont know abt sleeping postures retrictions for ivf but i slept w socks on and i hv pillow support for my feets.

I put logan in my red dates tea cos i like it. I dont knw if im heaty type or not but i hv red dates tea everyday and no problem. I also drank alot of water at least 2L of it in a day. Every morning I will have Ensure Milk for breakfast.
Thanks Hope2016! Dont give up! I dont have any symptoms either. Felt anxious and couldnt sleep cos my blood test in 3 days. So ive decided to ease my mind and took the risk of taking the test. I hate the negative result aft all ive been tru ttc (2 failed iui & 1 mc). Maybe try to bedrest more and do accupunture till blood test. Eggs white, chicken essence & red dates tea. :)

EnaB, understand how the anxiety is... I guess I'm more relaxed cos it's not my first kid and probably also cos I focus my attention/energy elsewhere.. So didn't think too much of taking the test.. I didn't do much egg white, haven't taken chicken essence or red dates tea though.. Only took supplements.. Hope everything goes well for u..
I never rest on bed whole day, except when doing the progesterone support.

To aid blood circulation.

Rest of the day, sit in front of the sofa watching TV, I do walk around when go washroom, bath, eating time.

Thats all.
Seems relax life , but for me , time is running slowly.... U spend the whole 2 ww at home ?
Previously there were posting saying the foods to take to thicken the lining and prepare for FET. Raspberry tea & red bean soup mainly? Sorry for repeating the qns. Can i get the tea from guardian? Do u all take raspberry tea with longan tea also?
Previously there were posting saying the foods to take to thicken the lining and prepare for FET. Raspberry tea & red bean soup mainly? Sorry for repeating the qns. Can i get the tea from guardian? Do u all take raspberry tea with longan tea also?

Hi tryingforbaby,
I got my Traditional Medicinals Organic RLT from Guardian Plus @ Ngee Ann City and Guardian @ Yishun Northpoint before. They sell at $9.70 per box of 16 bags. Not all Guardian outlets carry organic tea products, you need to go to a bigger outlet.
I do drink RLT and longans red dates tea (or red beans soup) in the same day. I am not sure if this is advisable.
Hope this helps.
Hi tryingforbaby,
I got my Traditional Medicinals Organic RLT from Guardian Plus @ Ngee Ann City and Guardian @ Yishun Northpoint before. They sell at $9.70 per box of 16 bags. Not all Guardian outlets carry organic tea products, you need to go to a bigger outlet.
I do drink RLT and longans red dates tea (or red beans soup) in the same day. I am not sure if this is advisable.
Hope this helps.
Haha. I got it from Guardian northpoint just now! Thanks anyway!
Hi sisters, can I check if anyone has taken saizen for low amh before? If yes, did it give you bfp eventually?

Also, is anyone with Virtus or Sincere fertility centres, in particular, Dr Fong Yang? I would like to check on their reviews.

Hi, I'm with dr fong yang for ivf at Astra women fertility clinic at mount e novena. Good experience so far
8dp5dt, 5 more days to blood test, don't feel very much yet, just bloating, constipation and feeling full easily.. My tummy feel so big and bloated... AF like cramps look like have gone away..

Good luck to all in 2ww...
I did my et today, only managed to transfer one out of two embryos for natural fet. Other embryo under observation cos not dividing properly as it should but is ok, hope for the best :) dr Tan is good. No cramps at all after et unlike previous et done by another female gynae
Im so sad. Lining is at 6.6mm on cd9 today and doctor said need to have at least 10mm by next tues on cd 14 or else frozen embyro transfer has to schedule to next mth. Boohoo... Sad sad.. How to increase lining??? Drink red bean soup everyday.. Do i still have time to catch up??
Im so sad. Lining is at 6.6mm on cd9 today and doctor said need to have at least 10mm by next tues on cd 14 or else frozen embyro transfer has to schedule to next mth. Boohoo... Sad sad.. How to increase lining??? Drink red bean soup everyday.. Do i still have time to catch up??
Is yours medicated or natural? I'm on medicated, lining only 5mm on cd 17, 14 days on Progynova. 3 days later 7mm.. And prof allowed me to go ahead with ET 1 week later but no more scan after that so I'm not sure how thick was my lining on transfer
You can try raspberry leaf tea and red bean soup
Hi dear, try ba Zhen?? My lining was 6.5 on cd10 and my tcm prescribed me ba Zhen cos she said will help bu Qi bu Xue. True enough at least for me, my lining grow to 8.1 triple on cd13. I only drank red bean soup once so I attribute the growth to ba Zhen. I took twice daily morn and night. 8 is deem sufficient for transfer to be carried out. I stopped ba Zhen the day before et cos my tcm wants me to stop all herbs prior to et and hopefully bfp then will be back to get an tai herbs from her
@Galaxy you want to try taking more beef or doing accupuncture if you are already doing?

Im so sad. Lining is at 6.6mm on cd9 today and doctor said need to have at least 10mm by next tues on cd 14 or else frozen embyro transfer has to schedule to next mth. Boohoo... Sad sad.. How to increase lining??? Drink red bean soup everyday.. Do i still have time to catch up??
