IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank you for sharing sister. So you have two kids now ?
My BT will be 29 March , I wish I can success this round and proceed to next stage of my life.

Yep, 2 boys now. Giving a last try this Nov/Dec. Will be back cycling soon.
Just remember, you are pregnant now, unless proven otherwise. Other than that, concentrate on relaxing activities and talk to your embies, ok? Good luck for your BT.

I like your optimism Shiro_ger! :)

I had my fair share of disappointment too. Am getting on in age, can't take too much disappointment liao. The next cycle is my 8th as well as my last. Will culture the balance frozen embies to blast since they are already considered as lives. If have then transfer. Don't have, then i guess i have no luck with girls. On hindsight, i realized that all the BFP cycles were the ones i were most relaxed. Not sure if those were coincidences, but ladies on 2ww, please relax yourselves.
I had my fair share of disappointment too. Am getting on in age, can't take too much disappointment liao. The next cycle is my 8th as well as my last. Will culture the balance frozen embies to blast since they are already considered as lives. If have then transfer. Don't have, then i guess i have no luck with girls. On hindsight, i realized that all the BFP cycles were the ones i were most relaxed. Not sure if those were coincidences, but ladies on 2ww, please relax yourselves.
How u keep yourself relax?
I had my fair share of disappointment too. Am getting on in age, can't take too much disappointment liao. The next cycle is my 8th as well as my last. Will culture the balance frozen embies to blast since they are already considered as lives. If have then transfer. Don't have, then i guess i have no luck with girls. On hindsight, i realized that all the BFP cycles were the ones i were most relaxed. Not sure if those were coincidences, but ladies on 2ww, please relax yourselves.
Chin up! :) the 8th one will be a charm! All it takes is one embie.
Yep, 2 boys now. Giving a last try this Nov/Dec. Will be back cycling soon.
Just remember, you are pregnant now, unless proven otherwise. Other than that, concentrate on relaxing activities and talk to your embies, ok? Good luck for your BT.
Thank you sister , you are lucky to sucess for both fresh cycles.... All the best to ur 3rd cycle, guess you want a girl :) what is ur embryo grade for last two fresh cycle ?
hello. For those doing medicated FET, may i know which day of the cycle do u start to take your Progynova tablets? Was it day 2 or day 4 onwards?
May I ask how crinone is used? Is it used the same way as utrogestan insert?
But how come the dosage is so much different as in one is twice per day while the other is 3x per day?
Update on D2 (post-ER), Mar 09 Wed
- Out of the 26 eggs fertilized, 16 embryos are better ones, of Grade 1 and Grade 2. They are frozen today.
- The remaining 10 embryos, which are not so good ones will be monitored and cultured till D5 blastocysts. The survivors will be frozen by then.

Update on Embryology Report, Mar 14 (Mon)
- Out of the 10 not so good embryos, there are two D5 blastocysts being frozen now

To summarize, there are 16 D2-embryo (3 Grade 1; 13 Grade 2) and two D5-blastocyst (BB early; BC) for future FETs.
hello. For those doing medicated FET, may i know which day of the cycle do u start to take your Progynova tablets? Was it day 2 or day 4 onwards?
it is used on day 4 onwards. It's best you call up KKH to clarify and they will also provide a date to do scanning of lining as well. :)
hello. For those doing medicated FET, may i know which day of the cycle do u start to take your Progynova tablets? Was it day 2 or day 4 onwards?
it is used on day 4 onwards. It's best you call up KKH to clarify and they will also provide a date to do scanning of lining as well. :)
Yup, just verified with them :) thx!
Today is my 12 days of jabs(1st 3 days on blocker) and i have only 7 follicles n biggest is only 14mm and smallest is 8.5mm. Praying hard that my follicle can grow bigger n of better quality this time round. Going back for 3rd scan on Wed. Hopping that i can go for my ER soon n i can stop all the jabs, as the jabs are making me so tired n very emotional at times. Just couldn't hold my tears. Any sister out there feel emotional during jabs period?
Gambateh Wynn0404, there is still have time for them to grow!
Mine are grade 3 only.... I also want to go back to work as I just think that it is good to rest at home for the first 6 days. Think I will go back to work next week

Dun worry about the grade. It's just another number game based on the "look" of the embryo. If you are not comfortable with going back to work, you can stay at home and do things u enjoy. Jia you!
Dun worry about the grade. It's just another number game based on the "look" of the embryo. If you are not comfortable with going back to work, you can stay at home and do things u enjoy. Jia you!
Thanks sister, I want to go back to work as staying at home is so so boring and can't concentrate to do anything..... some more , the boss may not be happy that I take so many days MC. Haizzzz
I had the same feeling as u when friends who married later than me got pregnant easily and kept asking when I'm going to be pregnant. Relatives and parents thought we didn't try hard enough. After 2 long yrs of detailed checks, oral method, IUI, TCM and finally after ivf, I conceived with twins and now 4.5 mths pregnant.

I supposed there's more mummies who suffered more than me but my pregnancy was not a smooth journey too. Don't give up dear. The end result will soon be a happy ever after. :)

Thank you so much dear for yr encouragement. Wish you all the best for yr smooth pregnancy. Take care. Im now focussing my energy to getting a driving license. Im almost there.
Dun worry about the grade. It's just another number game based on the "look" of the embryo. If you are not comfortable with going back to work, you can stay at home and do things u enjoy. Jia you!
Hi shiro ger can I know what supplements do you take to prepare yourself n what special fertlity diet do you think help in yielding good quality eggs?
Finally into 2nd week of 2ww, 8dp5dt

Already know the results via hpt, but waiting for blood test day to confirm :)
Congrats! U can actually ask for early blood test if it is positive. Cos you will need two hcg tests to confirm a viable pregnancy anyway... But if u can tahan the wait, no harm waiting too! :)
Hi all, Im already 11dp5dt..i took pregnancy test earlier and faint line appeared. My blood test is this Friday. Should I be concerned if this cld be chemical pregnancy? Cos I dont have any symptoms yet.
Hi shiro ger can I know what supplements do you take to prepare yourself n what special fertlity diet do you think help in yielding good quality eggs?

I duno what helps to yield good eggs as I did what most ladies did here. Before ivf, took ConceiveWell and Folic. Once stim starts, eat lotsa high protein food (like 4 to 6 egg whites a day) and drink lotsa water. I guess the best way is to take care of our body such as eating balanced meal and exercising even before ivf starts?
Wow seems you will have good news for all sisters here :) how did you spend your 2 ww?

I never rest on bed whole day, except when doing the progesterone support.

To aid blood circulation.

Rest of the day, sit in front of the sofa watching TV, I do walk around when go washroom, bath, eating time.

Thats all.
Wah, you all tested early! I was still thinking if I should test early last week and decided not to.. I'm 7dp5dt and don't feel any pregnancy symptoms so don't want to be disappointed. Plus I had some red streaks when I inserted the crinone and AF like cramps yesterday, think AF might be on its way... :(

Congrats rachelstarz and EnaB
Wah, you all tested early! I was still thinking if I should test early last week and decided not to.. I'm 7dp5dt and don't feel any pregnancy symptoms so don't want to be disappointed. Plus I had some red streaks when I inserted the crinone and AF like cramps yesterday, think AF might be on its way... :(

Congrats rachelstarz and EnaB

Thanks :)

I wanted to test when is the trigger fully out so that I know anything after that its good news.

The things I feel (except no sore boobs)
- nausea feeling at the throat
- chest tighten
- Stomach like bloated/become bigger
- Can't sleep sideway due to tightness in chest
- AF like cramps, sharp pain on ovaries side

Thanks :)

I wanted to test when is the trigger fully out so that I know anything after that its good news.

The things I feel (except no sore boobs)
- nausea feeling at the throat
- chest tighten
- Stomach like bloated/become bigger
- Can't sleep sideway due to tightness in chest
- AF like cramps, sharp pain on ovaries side
Congrats! When u start to have all these symptoms?
