Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

[QUOTE="toblerone, post: 7837327,
tea_star glacierchocolate要学念,老师回复她们的post. 你读了没?

要吃素? if yes,i m trying


我有和家人和先生说关于祈福的事。 我自己也会为女儿祈福, 让她健康成长, 平安出院回家来。

老师,请问现在我和先生在这个时候, 可以去庙宇拜拜或者在这个坐月期间, 我们可以去拜太岁吗或者其他神明吗?
我有和家人和先生说关于祈福的事。 我自己也会为女儿祈福, 让她健康成长, 平安出院回家来。

我有和家人和先生说关于祈福的事。 我自己也会为女儿祈福, 让她健康成长, 平安出院回家来。
老师,请问现在我和先生在这个时候, 可以去庙宇拜拜或者在这个坐月期间, 我们可以去拜太岁吗或者其他神明吗?
哎... Don't know why Singaporeans want double confirm.
Did you read #1797 No.2?

你坐月留在家。Didn't ask you step out of the house.




Hi Toblerone teacher,

you mentioned "脾气火爆、人缘不好、读书没脑、手术前后等等,可以用《心经》。但不能单一用".. can i confirm that if its for purpose of the foetus (current and future) well being is《心经》alone sufficient? This is what I deciphered from past discussions in this thread.
Hi Toblerone teacher,

you mentioned "脾气火爆、人缘不好、读书没脑、手术前后等等,可以用《心经》。但不能单一用".. can i confirm that if its for purpose of the foetus (current and future) well being is《心经》alone sufficient? This is what I deciphered from past discussions in this thread.

Hello Mamypoko,

Teacher mentioned in post #1785 单一念效果不大 and also the post u quoted, 不能单一用。 hope this helps :) You may want to search 念经 posts by teacher. :)
我在2012年7月流产。2013年一月开始每当我到任何一个国家有庙的话都会拜拜,希望神灵能让我尽快得子。 最后一次是在去年3月在泰国四面佛哪祈祷过后便在7月怀孕了。说也巧,准准流产后的一年后怀孕了。过后在我五个多月时我有到台湾的龙山寺祈福。当时求牵而牵说这次怀孕我需要非常非常的小心。我想问的是:

1)我如果顺利产下我的女儿,我因该到所有我祈祷过的庙宇答谢对吗? 不管是哪间庙跟我有缘答我心愿?还是我只需要到四面佛哪答谢呢?因为三月拜拜后七月就怀孕了。 到这些庙宇答谢就拜拜,添油而已吗?


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我在2012年7月流产。2013年一月开始每当我到任何一个国家有庙的话都会拜拜,希望神灵能让我尽快得子。 最后一次是在去年3月在泰国四面佛哪祈祷过后便在7月怀孕了。说也巧,准准流产后的一年后怀孕了。过后在我五个多月时我有到台湾的龙山寺祈福。当时求牵而牵说这次怀孕我需要非常非常的小心。

说过很多次了,不要哪里问、哪里灵、哪里求。别跟人讲,"怀孕了,sorry, I can't remember what I wished". 现在很多人爽爽开口求,应验了之后,忘到一干二净。出了麻烦,到时才来怨天恨地。why this why that and why must be me? 死人面前、灵骨塔、坟场乱乱讲话,十之八、九被拉下去就有。说真的。很多人乱求乱讲,‘死’字不知道怎么写。

别说是小孩,童言无忌,talk rubbish 同样 kenna.
"Ee...daddy mummy, ghost don't eat ashes. Eeee...dirty. Yaks..." Puiwee! One child one big saliva spit to the burnt ashes. Parents “bo-chaap" and walked away.
老师亲眼目睹,火冒三丈的阿飘到跟着一家三口上taxi. That's it. 真的活该。

(Opposite Macpherson Secondary School) Paya Lebar Road风火院办神诞,媳妇在庙门外一直臭骂她的家婆。媳妇的husband是taxi driver,躲在taxi里没出来。坏就坏在脏话全部给总司令听到。短短一年,媳妇比家婆早上路。折寿quintuple times了.


我想问的是:1)我如果顺利产下我的女儿,我因该到所有我祈祷过的庙宇答谢对吗? 不管是哪间庙跟我有缘答我心愿?还是我只需要到四面佛哪答谢呢?因为三月拜拜后七月就怀孕了。 到这些庙宇答谢就拜拜,添油而已吗?




Read related about 泰国四面佛 post #79 (click). #847 (click)


Before I answered you. Read post #211 (click here).

清明是5 April,前十天后十天可以扫墓。你要提早在4 April办满月,已经是清明节!What's the difference?

9 April 2015 普贤菩萨圣诞,当日办小小满是可以。要给普贤菩萨加持,老师才教你,但你未必肯做。普贤菩萨百分百guarantee会来。
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说过很多次了,不要哪里问、哪里灵、哪里求。别跟人讲,"怀孕了,sorry, I can't remember what I wished". 现在很多人爽爽开口求,应验了之后,忘到一干二净。出了麻烦,到时才来怨天恨地。why this why that and why must be me? 死人面前、灵骨塔、坟场乱乱讲话,十之八、九被拉下去就有。说真的。很多人乱求乱讲,‘死’字不知道怎么写。

别说是小孩,童言无忌,talk rubbish 同样 kenna.
"Ee...daddy mummy, ghost don't eat ashes. Eeee...dirty. Yaks..." Puiwee! One child one big saliva spit to the burnt ashes. Parents “bo-chaap" and walked away.
老师亲眼目睹,火冒三丈的阿飘到跟着一家三口上taxi. That's it. 真的活该。

(Opposite Macpherson Secondary School) Paya Lebar Road风火院办神诞,媳妇在庙门外一直臭骂她的家婆。媳妇的husband是taxi driver,躲在taxi里没出来。坏就坏在脏话全部给总司令听到。短短一年,媳妇比家婆早上路。折寿quintuple times了.


Reply: 老师我答应的是会带着女儿回去上香。所以我会去做。





Read related about 泰国四面佛 post #79 (click). #847 (click)
Reply: 我跟四面佛说我会回去添油和请歌妓献舞。

Reply: 总数400,每一间100

Before I answered you. Read post #211 (click here).

清明是5 April,前十天后十天可以扫墓。你要提早在4 April办满月,已经是清明节!What's the difference?

9 April 2015 普贤菩萨圣诞,当日办小小满是可以。要给普贤菩萨加持,老师才教你,但你未必肯做。普贤菩萨百分百guarantee会来。




对不起。忘了是前10天和后十天。 满月想办在周六这样亲友才能来。
Hi Toblerone teacher, am new in this thread. Hope u can help me.

Hubby & me are married for 6 years & have been trying for kids but no result. Did 2 times ivf and recently had a miscarriage at about 6 weeks.

The fengshui master that help me see the house ever look at our bazi and she said that my bazi has no problem but hubby's 子女命薄. Plus the hse is not favourable to hubby so she advise us to move hse better. Although she tried to help us in fengshui area, there is still no luck. We have bought a new Plc but still waiting for it.

So I want to ask is if hubby 子女命薄 and my bazi is ok, with our combination, still possible to have kids?

Also, the usual Plc I went to pray told me I need to 送走 the "baby" I miscarried which I will do so this in these few week.

Last week I also went to Guanyin temple to 求签 for this year overall luck, and the qian I got indicate that 怀孕流产 although I did not ask about conceiving. Does that mean I should not try to conceive this year? But for this qian I did not throw 3 times to get 胜杯。 I only throw once and this qian was the 3rd one successful. First two qian I got 笑杯 and then 阴杯.

Hubby is Catholic and I am Taoist so all the praying is done by me only and I pray on behalf of my hubby. We are both looking to do volunteering work to help the poor and lonely elderly folks and also to 积德.

Sorry for my long post and thank u in advance for your advice & help!
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对不起。忘了是前10天和后十天。 满月想办在周六这样亲友才能来。

4 April, Saturday人家也会去扫墓。
14 April, Saturday也是可以庆祝。超过30天办弥月更好。

第一. baby的魂魄在14 April这天比4 April更加齐全。因此,受惊大大减低。
第二. 弥月不是birthday. 晚点庆祝完全可以. Birthday就不同,可以提早不可晚。

Hubby & me are married for 6 years & have been trying for kids but no result. Did 2 times ivf and recently had a miscarriage at about 6 weeks.

The fengshui master that help me see the house ever look at our bazi and she said that my bazi has no problem but hubby's 子女命薄. Plus the hse is not favourable to hubby so she advise us to move hse better. Although she tried to help us in fengshui area, there is still no luck. We have bought a new Plc but still waiting for it.


生孩子也是一样。家居风水在谋方面可以有辅助作用。夫妇两个not ok, 指望风水帮助生育,犹如梦幻泡影。

Read post #1555. (click here). 原因得解决才行。单靠风水解决生育问题,对不起,不可能的事。

So I want to ask is if hubby 子女命薄 and my bazi is ok, with our combination, still possible to have kids?

Also, the usual Plc I went to pray told me I need to 送走 the "baby" I miscarried which I will do so this in these few week.

虽妻子ok, 先生的子女缘薄确实是困难。老师曾经说过,别去给人算命。算了之后,更加心痛。

至于,送不送得走,得看情况。你不用急着找、急着做。给人骗钱就有。什么时候有办这类超度的,members will announce here in this thread. 拖到现在,才来相信。


Last week I also went to Guanyin temple to 求签 for this year overall luck, and the qian I got indicate that 怀孕流产 although I did not ask about conceiving. Does that mean I should not try to conceive this year? But for this qian I did not throw 3 times to get 胜杯。 I only throw once and this qian was the 3rd one successful. First two qian I got 笑杯 and then 阴杯.

Hubby is Catholic and I am Taoist so all the praying is done by me only and I pray on behalf of my hubby. We are both looking to do volunteering work to help the poor and lonely elderly folks and also to 积德.

说过很多次了,不要哪里问、哪里灵、哪里求。别跟人讲,"怀孕了,sorry, I can't remember what I wished". 现在很多人爽爽开口求,应验了之后,忘到一干二净。出了麻烦,到时才来怨天恨地。why this why that and why must be me? 死人面前、灵骨塔、坟场乱乱讲话,十之八、九被拉下去就有。说真的。很多人乱求乱讲,‘死’字不知道怎么写。

别说是小孩,童言无忌,talk rubbish 同样 kenna.
"Ee...daddy mummy, ghost don't eat ashes. Eeee...dirty. Yaks..." Puiwee! One child one big saliva spit to the burnt ashes. Parents “bo-chaap" and walked away.
老师亲眼目睹,火冒三丈的阿飘到跟着一家三口上taxi. That's it. 真的活该。

(Opposite Macpherson Secondary School) Paya Lebar Road风火院办神诞,媳妇在庙门外一直臭骂她的家婆。媳妇的husband是taxi driver,躲在taxi里没出来。坏就坏在脏话全部给总司令听到。短短一年,媳妇比家婆早上路。折寿quintuple times了.






Read related about 泰国四面佛 post #79 (click). #847 (click)


Before I answered you. Read post #211 (click here).

清明是5 April,前十天后十天可以扫墓。你要提早在4 April办满月,已经是清明节!What's the difference?

9 April 2015 普贤菩萨圣诞,当日办小小满是可以。要给普贤菩萨加持,老师才教你,但你未必肯做。普贤菩萨百分百guarantee会来。

4 April, Saturday人家也会去扫墓。
14 April, Saturday也是可以庆祝。超过30天办弥月更好。

第一. baby的魂魄在14 April这天比4 April更加齐全。因此,受惊大大减低。
第二. 弥月不是birthday. 晚点庆祝完全可以. Birthday就不同,可以提早不可晚。




生孩子也是一样。家居风水在谋方面可以有辅助作用。夫妇两个not ok, 指望风水帮助生育,犹如梦幻泡影。

Read post #1555. (click here). 原因得解决才行。单靠风水解决生育问题,对不起,不可能的事。

虽妻子ok, 先生的子女缘薄确实是困难。老师曾经说过,别去给人算命。算了之后,更加心痛。

至于,送不送得走,得看情况。你不用急着找、急着做。给人骗钱就有。什么时候有办这类超度的,members will announce here in this thread. 拖到现在,才来相信。


谢谢老师的回答。所以是建意不需要现在立刻送走 baby mah? 因为脑子里一直在想。其实baby 是在两个星期才掉的,可能心情还没 settle down.
谢谢老师的回答。所以是建意不需要现在立刻送走 baby mah? 因为脑子里一直在想。其实baby 是在两个星期才掉的,可能心情还没 settle down.

Hi Hopeful,
Here's a big hug to you. You may wish to go to Singapore Buddhist Lodge for Chao du. They are going to have one soon as Qing Ming is coming. It has been posted before on #1719. Attached again for your reference.


  • SBL.jpg
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Hi Hopeful,
Here's a big hug to you. You may wish to go to Singapore Buddhist Lodge for Chao du. They are going to have one soon as Qing Ming is coming. It has been posted before on #1719. Attached again for your reference.
Thank u rubilite! Appreciate it.. What do we need to bring or prepare for the ritual? Anybody know?
我无意间看到这网站,谢谢你分享了这么多宝贵的知识和意见。今早我梦到我大儿子(6岁)念经但是他故意念错。我很担心也很害怕。因为他最近一年变得很喜怒不定,也怕进庙宇,对寺里的佛像也惧怕。他很胆小,我安慰和解释给他听之后就过了。我怕是有灵性(我google了一下)。而我昨天到庙宇进拜途中看到类似书在地被踩我犹豫要不要捡起来, 最终没有。我一直很懊悔也很内疚。经都白念了(我在学习念经-从佛光山拿的经书-念大悲咒,十小咒一次和开始吃肉边菜)。我也时常梦到过世的婆婆,艺人和组屋楼下发丧也会有恶梦。所以我会念经, 但是我怕儿子会被'阿飘'看上。我很confused and lost. 不知道要怎么办。所以才想到麻烦老师您的!对不起我 side thread 了。因为我不知道要怎么做。谢谢和感恩!
Hi Toblerone teacher,

I happened to found this forum today. I am wondering if you help people to 算八字. Last time I did ask a teacher to help me calculate and said that I will married early in twenty plus but till now I am still not married and I am curious if I will have any kids this life. Will 算八字 able to calculate all these?
I have placed the eggs infront of e ZSNN at e tpy shuang lin Chen HUANG temple.
The uncle/AUNTY there said pple can just rise from there or they might keep the eggs at where they sell the incense paper & joss sticks.

@ahping05, thanks for the info! And enjoy with your little one.
I have placed the eggs infront of e ZSNN at e tpy shuang lin Chen HUANG temple.
The uncle/AUNTY there said pple can just rise from there or they might keep the eggs at where they sell the incense paper & joss sticks.
Congrats! Any idea what should we do with the eggs?
我无意间看到这网站,谢谢你分享了这么多宝贵的知识和意见。今早我梦到我大儿子(6岁)念经但是他故意念错。我很担心也很害怕。因为他最近一年变得很喜怒不定,也怕进庙宇,对寺里的佛像也惧怕。他很胆小,我安慰和解释给他听之后就过了。我怕是有灵性(我google了一下)。而我昨天到庙宇进拜途中看到类似书在地被踩我犹豫要不要捡起来, 最终没有。我一直很懊悔也很内疚。经都白念了(我在学习念经-从佛光山拿的经书-念大悲咒,十小咒一次和开始吃肉边菜)。我也时常梦到过世的婆婆,艺人和组屋楼下发丧也会有恶梦。所以我会念经, 但是我怕儿子会被'阿飘'看上。我很confused and lost. 不知道要怎么办。所以才想到麻烦老师您的!对不起我 side thread 了。因为我不知道要怎么做。谢谢和感恩!



我也时常梦到过世的婆婆,艺人和组屋楼下发丧也会有恶梦。所以我会念经, 但是我怕儿子会被'阿飘'看上。
还有,你梦统统amber light了。
I have been a silent reader and managed to read the whole thread (though some chinese words I don't fully understand), ever since my second baby boy had passed away on 17 Feb 2015. He was born on 11 Feb 2015 alive and healthy at almost 32weeks. unfortunately due to infection, he had left this world. I read abt the importance of chao du. Today I went down to kong meng Shan to register him for this year 5 Apr 2015 "chao du", I paid for a $50 tablet as my finances had been drained due to his hospitalization bill.
  • Provide both of your spouse and your year and month of birth (in English calendaric).
  • 你在家好好地休息。
  • 是谁说一定要贵贵的牌位?在office做administrative,他们不一定信佛。
老师去了一间寺庙,admin的胡说八道,一直怂恿人买米桶,说什么牌位更好。blah blah blah.... 那个时候,没有想到要video record,不然可以告到主持那里。实在是乱讲话的aunty.
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I happened to found this forum today. I am wondering if you help people to 算八字. Last time I did ask a teacher to help me calculate and said that I will married early in twenty plus but till now I am still not married and I am curious if I will have any kids this life. Will 算八字 able to calculate all these?




以前有一个住在Bedok Police Station附近的女孩爱上一个男的,但这女方的家长和家人很讨厌女儿和这个男的来往。这个男的样子蛮hansome,吝啬节俭,除了脾气坏,大致上ok。Girl likes the guy alot but her family opposed. 还没当兵之前认识的。走在一起也是很久了... Anyway,something happened. It really cracked the guy's heart. He wanted to commit suicide because he can't forget about her. No girlfriend for a long time. Many years later, this guy 终于看开了,and today he is bloody rich now! 赚了钱之后,拿回家给他家人。

一个男的NTU Material Engineering graduate. 男的在求学时,女方很瞧不起他!后来,分手了。这个男伤心的要死!每晚哭!很多年没教女朋友了。目前30多岁single and available and works in OCBC. Career and financial stable! 没有吃、喝、嫖、赌。人很好也很孝顺。人不肥,外表ok,可就是没人要。

女人找男朋友,不要眼睛长头上。不是每个男人都色色的。改次,你有对象,老师可以帮你核对。对方什么私人的事,不会说出来。看男人外表、学历没用的,甚至钱赚得少一点,无所谓。你要认识吃长素的guys,老师可以给你tips. 你要好高骛远,非得要医生、律师、banker做男朋友,就只有继续等。

老师说得对!随缘。不要匆匆随便找个人嫁了。我就是好的例子。年轻时有一个走了很久的,因为他没学历,我父母要 sponsor 他去读书。他不要,过后谈婚论嫁的事把他吓跑了。之后交了几个也不成因为父母不喜欢。再之后感情空荡了很久。

好啦妈妈爱女,心里急啊就去求啊,拜月老,求菩萨,放桃花在家等等。什么都做。有次,我和朋友去台湾,她要去霞海城隍庙求月老,我也一起去。说也神奇,回来后我俩陆续结婚。自己业没消,福报不够,只能怪自己。女怕嫁错郎,嫁错了比不嫁更痛苦。当初若妈妈和我都能随缘,若我认识老师,或许历史可以重写了。但既然嫁了,自己选的 (eyes paste stamp), 也不好怨天尤人。我只能逆向想,如果不是我先生让我这么苦,我怎么会找回菩萨,怎么会认识老师,又怎么会开始学佛呢?

有天您的缘份来了,要挡都挡不住。 好的人是绝对值得等的!
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还有,你梦统统amber light了。

谢谢老师您的回复! 我会注意除了如素之外,也要修口德修心。
老师, 请问您;
1- 我在念经有时脑子会无缘无故出现往生者的面或不净的影响, 是否我本身不净?
2-所指的amber light 是什么意思? 我感觉很严重。我需要做哪些事化解呢? (比如向您在previous thread 提出的; 吃斋, 念经, 超度, 布施)我对放生是一窍不通。礼佛也是门外汉。
3- 您可以教我吗? 麻烦老师您了!

对不起老师和各位女士,interrupted the thread. Many Thanks. 感恩。
Hi Toblerone 老师,

很多人都说四马路观音庙求签非常灵验,请教老师 这是什么原因?看到跪一地的人都在求签....amazing. 再请教老师,签紙读后都化掉吗?收住会有不良后果吗?
1- 我在念经有时脑子会无缘无故出现往生者的面或不净的影响, 是否我本身不净?
2-所指的amber light 是什么意思? 我感觉很严重。我需要做哪些事化解呢? (比如向您在previous thread 提出的; 吃斋, 念经, 超度, 布施)我对放生是一窍不通。礼佛也是门外汉。
3- 您可以教我吗? 麻烦老师您了!
好心你,stop everything. 其他的不要想。

1. 晒晒大太阳。
2. 常常到寺庙。

很多人都说四马路观音庙求签非常灵验,请教老师 这是什么原因?看到跪一地的人都在求签....amazing.
有空可以阅读有关四马路观音堂神迹 post #106 and #1288.

槟城极乐寺的观音菩萨confirm在!在建造露天观音像时候(很多年)没来,盖好了就在了!提起到Penang,农历七月鬼王游街(street procession)很有看头。大士爷用纸糊的看似没什么, just made of paper。 实际上祂站起来就一层楼半高,肚子大大的。

好心你,stop everything. 其他的不要想。

1. 晒晒大太阳。
2. 常常到寺庙。


1-我是不是礼佛的时机还不成熟?或是其他因素如得罪菩萨神明,业太多,体质偏阴(like 'yin' magnet。我有养猫, 身上也有cat tattoo. (I have read previous threads, knew that not good to have cat and tattoo)
2. 我怎么样才能知道可以念经了? 我可以念佛号吗? (If to calm myself down)

因为我从小生长在道教家庭,有拜观世音菩萨和上契。中学读christian school. Alot of family problems, heard from my father our family line last time in ancient times 一位祖先是work as 侩子首, 而听我爸说他的很多叔叔plus 我爷爷all passed away young except one uncle who survived old but gave a lot of trouble to family.我嫁了家里没有供奉菩萨。有想过但是经济不好就没有实行。工作和人缘好的因为我太直和认真而变差。第一份工作打了十年(在福利团体工作,从事特别教育,那地方时常有'阿飘')。我的健康在第三年就开始不好了,也影响到工作之后换了两份类似的都不久。2years ago, 脾气变得很坏也always dont sleep at night, very addicted into online novels和变得好色懒惰(lasted almost 6 months). Till I came across this novel about a nun about chants to curb desires. Then I realised I couldnt continue like this, my family life affected. I happened to found the book of scripture (had taken from one temple and I left it in tv console drawer) so started 念经和吃素for almost a year then found job but 2 days before l start work found out pregnant. I have to quit 2nd day because body too weak(went hospital) after walking to visit centres as instructed by my boss even after I told her my condition. Its a difficult pregnancy (dreamt of mr. Leslie chung and mr. Huang wenyong and two times of praying in temple, have 神明和童子it seems nlbut I blur blur dunno 是那位) but still managed to gave birth smoothly on vesak day. In the meantime I started taking meat again. Became depressed for a period again. Recently,I started back 念经 (香贊, 大悲咒,十小咒, 回向ji). Then read the thread realised cant 回向,所以只念经. So now I will stopped everything. Recently found new job again starting next week but havent clear medical yet. Hope all is well. After reading this thread, I found out my husband and his family members'name on thombstone of his grandparents and my fil had passed away suddenly 6 years ago. Cough for months foud nothing and suddenly 末期cancer. Sigh. so I told my husband about the thread and hope can do someting about it.

Many Thanks to dear 老师 for your kind patience and all kind ladies for bearing my 'old grandma' and questions. I know a lot of things cannot 强求, 我在学习随遇而安和别胡思乱想。sometimes hard to control thinking because once i saw pictures or photos or certain things i can remember it very well and it will pop out suddenly even dated back when im 4 years old. I am always confused and dont know what is wrong with myself. I just want to find out and rest my heart. And reflect on what I did. Wrong means wrong and cant blame people.

End of the day, Im worried that my husband and children and family would be affected by my doings. I 'kanna' nevermind but I dont wish them to be harm in anyways.
Once again I am really sorry for the super super long story. You all can see im very long winded lol no wonder no friends, 谢谢老师您和各位女士 for lending a place for me to ask so many queries!感恩!
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Hello Bubblesun 79,

老师有提过经不可乱念哦. pls refer to post #1742。 还是等老师教吧。generally 很多事情不顺都是和业有关。 pls refer to #1567,#1305 and many more. You may want to do a search on 消业 by teacher too. Hope this helps :).
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Hello Rubilite,
Many Thanks for your advice and the highlight of postings that I should take note of!:) actually i have managed to read all the threads these past weeks (and realised made many mistakes when praying...sigh) but i think some of it i still dun understand like 障了...Yes agreed totally and realised cannot just suka suka read cos i might not do it appropriately and wont be good for self and others.
but i think i will read the posts u highlight again and meantime research on how to be a vegeterian too! Btw, did 老师 have a facebook on more issues about 业, what to take note of when praying etc?
Thanks a million!:D
Toblerone 老师,

今晚去“捕运” 时, 有个老家火50+ 岁 排队在我后头, 竟然用他手上握着的“金纸paperdoll“ 拍打我肩膀, 意思命我hurry fight first place step in front. I glare him and ignore him. I purposely "sweep" the side of shoulder he tabbed.(这样做对吗?免得沾染negative energy)....

没法忍就 结怨! Cos i shot him many dagger looks. He still have audacity to say or you go and queue behind let he go first. Shot him more daggers!

There were many elderly queueing in front of me, and naturally if its my turn would have step ahead. Many times some very 不自动 jump queue! Got told off by the helpers there who give priority to old and children for obvious reasons... the rest of able adults should queue.


老师一次过回复很多人。Including queries outside of this forum.

每次准备回复时,会预先type好。然后,一次过cut-&-paste my reply respectively to each member's queries.

#1836 - three pointers for you. 最后补充的是让大家留意寺庙请的人不一定学佛。Therefore, they may utter rubbish.
Initially, the reception officer did introduced a rather expensive package (diamond sutra or di zhang sutra package, iirc)
As much as i hope it will help with the chao du of my second son, but I am really financially strained this month. So I stayed firm and chose the $50 Qing ming chao du. If you don't mind, this is my email address for your convenience if certain details are not convenient to disclose. [email protected]
I already knew what you are trying to say.
  1. 你别再去想。
  2. 往者名字一挂牌,他知道的话会来。之前说过了,牌位没有贵贱之分,只是寺庙出花招要多赚取费用,所以设牌位才会有pricing differential. $50为什么不可以?其他寺庙也有更便宜的。没人要你出$50. “Diamond package”是向人赚运作费,so, they jack the price.
  3. 设牌位超度,不是一次性的。你以为一次能搞定吗?这还得看法师的功力。超度的法师们是一大群。有很多时候,法师叫往者的名字,鬼魂没到的。农历七月花几千块钱,特别设一桌放超度,说鬼魂肯定来那是骗人的。
Anyway, I'm married since Feb 2011,
my first son was born in Nov 2011,
second son was born recently at almost 32 weeks but passed away on 17 Feb 2015.
my birth month and year Nov - 1987 (english calendar)
my husband birth month and year Nov - 1986 (english calendar)
Thanks for your advice, I'm resting at home currently.

1-我是不是礼佛的时机还不成熟?或是其他因素如得罪菩萨神明,业太多,体质偏阴(like 'yin' magnet)我生日是在 .... ... . 我有养猫, 身上也有cat tattoo. (I have read previous threads, knew that not good to have cat and tattoo)
Delete你的date of birth吧。
戊土身弱。今年差不多国庆日之后,有点小trouble。 穿红色、pink、yellow colour衣服.
你该去拜太岁!拜太岁不是去一次,而是经常去。Mentioned previously..

你读了老师写的有关猫和纹身图案,难道没发现不对吗?老师知道很多爱猫,就因为把猫养在家里才会害死人。建议你解决house cat. 猫可以选择送人或者养到老死。

因为我从小生长在道教家庭,有拜观世音菩萨和上契。中学读christian school. Alot of family problems, heard from my father our family line last time in ancient times 一位祖先是work as 侩子首, 而听我爸说他的很多叔叔plus 我爷爷all passed away young except one uncle who survived old but gave a lot of trouble to family.我嫁了家里没有供奉菩萨。有想过但是经济不好就没有实行。工作和人缘好的因为我太直和认真而变差。第一份工作打了十年(在福利团体工作,从事特别教育,那地方时常有'阿飘')。我的健康在第三年就开始不好了,也影响到工作之后换了两份类似的都不久。2years ago, 脾气变得很坏也always dont sleep at night, very addicted into online novels和变得好色懒惰(lasted almost 6 months). Till I came across this novel about a nun about chants to curb desires.
See the above underline sentence? 你的叔叔爷爷们早走了,那你以后做事得更加注意了。祖上有歪线,接下来会麻烦。明白了吗?我可以告诉你,利息算下来,可以拖很多代。Related post #1145.

人很会发牢骚、整天埋怨。为什么他的命好,我的命苦?为什么别人做事shun-shun,我就很suay? 为什么别人能生,我偏偏不能生啊?People often don't realise,是根基、祖德。有时候是不能怪就祖先,而是自己。祖先留下烂摊子,真的没办法的。赶快收拾才对,计较于事无补。老师认识不少人,神鬼因果丢一边,有钱好讲话,很现实的。出了事之后才来拿三支香,有什么用?!

Then I realised I couldnt continue like this, my family life affected. I happened to found the book of scripture (had taken from one temple and I left it in tv console drawer) so started 念经和吃素for almost a year then found job but 2 days before l start work found out pregnant. I have to quit 2nd day because body too weak(went hospital) after walking to visit centres as instructed by my boss even after I told her my condition.

Its a difficult pregnancy (dreamt of mr. Leslie chung and mr. Huang wenyong and two times of praying in temple, have 神明和童子it seems nlbut I blur blur dunno 是那位) but still managed to gave birth smoothly on vesak day.
要是你不认识他们,梦见他们还好一点. 要是跟你熟,又帮过你什么的,给你梦到的话,你就百分百麻烦了。

In the meantime I started taking meat again. Became depressed for a period again. Recently,I started back 念经 (香贊, 大悲咒,十小咒, 回向ji). Then read the thread realised cant 回向,所以只念经. So now I will stopped everything. Recently found new job again starting next week but havent clear medical yet. Hope all is well.
找到new job了,好好地勤奋工作。等你有进步,肉边素一段时间,想要念才来。

After reading this thread, I found out my husband and his family members'name on thombstone of his grandparents and my fil had passed away suddenly 6 years ago. Cough for months foud nothing and suddenly 末期cancer. Sigh. so I told my husband about the thread and hope can do someting about it.
我可以告诉你,你先生一定会去跟你家婆说,然后你的家婆会到处问,然后会去问神问爽神弄鬼的人。到时候,this cannot that cannot.

好多张,一起put inside red packet, can?
其他如药师法for living, what to do with those receipts?oh no so many different type receipts.
超度有写往生者的名(written on receipt),就用以上的办法。


看到toblerone 这段话....

如果感觉到大祸临头,该怎么办?very anxious 却心里明白。如果泄漏天机,后果就会和注定的不同吗?
今晚去“捕运” 时, 有个老家火50+ 岁 排队在我后头, 竟然用他手上握着的“金纸paperdoll“ 拍打我肩膀, 意思命我hurry fight first place step in front. I glare him and ignore him. I purposely "sweep" the side of shoulder he tabbed.(这样做对吗?免得沾染negative energy)....

没法忍就 结怨! Cos i shot him many dagger looks. He still have audacity to say or you go and queue behind let he go first. Shot him more daggers!

There were many elderly queueing in front of me, and naturally if its my turn would have step ahead. Many times some very 不自动 jump queue! Got told off by the helpers there who give priority to old and children for obvious reasons... the rest of able adults should queue.


替身的做法很多。写名字在打符上去,非常好用,不过只是暂时罢了。老师不想讲这个,免得人家去try然后去找女人赌钱。老师教的直接增运。完全免费,根本不用补运。前提必须吃长斋! 补运只是last only a short while. 跟老公抱在一起做那种事,花钱白补j就有!
