(2014/08) August 2014

Went for detailed scan today... I am at 38wk + 3, estimated bb's weight is 3.8kg.. *faint*
My gynae scare bb gets too big for natural delivery if continue to wait.. No dilation or signs of labor yet... I am going to be admitted to induce labour tomorrow.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly and won't take too long..
3.8kg is printed on the report? Or already plus extra 300g to the reported figure? :eek:
Anyway good luck to you!! Smooth delivery!!

I'm using earth mama angel baby natural nipple butter which is rather good. I got sore nipples and they were healed in about 1—2 days. During that time, I stopped latching and pumped out instead. Try to use the nipple sandwich technique for breastfeeding.

I also like earth mama angle baby. smells so yummy.
Went for detailed scan today... I am at 38wk + 3, estimated bb's weight is 3.8kg.. *faint*
My gynae scare bb gets too big for natural delivery if continue to wait.. No dilation or signs of labor yet... I am going to be admitted to induce labour tomorrow.
Hopefully everything goes smoothly and won't take too long..

smooth delivery! jiayou!
Didy what a small world! Somehow got a hunch it's u! Hehe yes her stitches r good! I hope it'll be the same this time round! Coz it's the first step to fast recovery!

Hehe so exciting! Always a mummy popping every day! Jiayou!!! I'm also v v tired actually carrying the weight ard but I know it'll be tougher aft delivery! So trying to "enjoy" or rather finish running all errands but somehow it always seemed incomplete!! Trying to pack my hospital bag and I realised I have alr discarded all my nursing PJs!!! Omg! Mad rush today trying to get the stuff ready.

I used both earth mama angel butter and lansinoh. Lansinoh v good for healing broken skin, eg over pump or "raw" and sore nipples. Apply aft pump. The earth mama one is like butter!! I use it like a lubricant! Lubricate bef pumping. I suffered from super super sore nipple whr the skin ring ard the aerola was "torn" off from over pumping. So v KS!!
Hi mummies. . Any recommendation for nipple cream? Is lansinoh nipple cream good?

Breast milk is the best nipple cream!!!
I have tear n blister nipple..but I still let my baby latch until.... 1 of the midnight she burped out milk with blood I got real shocked.. n rest latching for 2 days by pumping out..breast milk really miracle heal fast!
36.5W now. Water retention became quite bad. How do you ladies deal with it?

I sit with feet up, used cabbage wraps, soak myself in the pool for an hour every 3-4 days.. Eat bananas, drink lots of water, but after walking 10 mins, I just want to surrender. Now my knee also hurts a lot when I walk! :(
What was the estimated weight? My gynae also tell me my bb is big and always hinted abt c-sec... But today I am reading that bb weight is overestimated by 2 mummies' experience! Why scare me? Hahaha!
The est. weight as of 37 wk is 3.2 kg. .. as I'm small size 1.5m, so it's consider big baby for me. I think most cases the weight are over estimated.
36.5W now. Water retention became quite bad. How do you ladies deal with it?

I sit with feet up, used cabbage wraps, soak myself in the pool for an hour every 3-4 days.. Eat bananas, drink lots of water, but after walking 10 mins, I just want to surrender. Now my knee also hurts a lot when I walk! :(
Don't walk too much try to rest on bed more with feet lift up. Ensure you have at least 8hr of rest time on bed each day. I began to wear memory foam sport shoes to work at week 32 plus lol...walking is really painful with big belly
My baby boy was out on 6 Aug... labour was fast and im 100% natural birth w/o epidural. Cant imagine how i tahan the labour pain. Phew.. !


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Breast milk is the best nipple cream!!!
I have tear n blister nipple..but I still let my baby latch until.... 1 of the midnight she burped out milk with blood I got real shocked.. n rest latching for 2 days by pumping out..breast milk really miracle heal fast!
Agree. . Breast milk is the best nipple cream
I used both earth mama angel butter and lansinoh. Lansinoh v good for healing broken skin, eg over pump or "raw" and sore nipples. Apply aft pump. The earth mama one is like butter!! I use it like a lubricant! Lubricate bef pumping. I suffered from super super sore nipple whr the skin ring ard the aerola was "torn" off from over pumping. So v KS!!

I also got both earth mama & lansinoh! somemore got some smoothies. even more KS. hahah. our nips kana abused by the stupid pump. arraggrr..

btw, I bought all online from iherbs.
36.5W now. Water retention became quite bad. How do you ladies deal with it?

I sit with feet up, used cabbage wraps, soak myself in the pool for an hour every 3-4 days.. Eat bananas, drink lots of water, but after walking 10 mins, I just want to surrender. Now my knee also hurts a lot when I walk! :(

hmm.. try lie on ur back with ur legs up the wall for abt 10-15mins every night.. also maybe change a more comfy pair of shoes? highly recommend fitflops. I wear my working shoes only when I have to, else I'll wear my fitflop/ barefoot (even in office) most of the time.
Breast milk is the best nipple cream!!!
I have tear n blister nipple..but I still let my baby latch until.... 1 of the midnight she burped out milk with blood I got real shocked.. n rest latching for 2 days by pumping out..breast milk really miracle heal fast!

how u tahan ah? think my pain tolerance threshold muz be really low. I find it painful even pumping on the lowest setting on my medela fs & medela fs suppose to be quite weak liao. :(
Congrats axara! Can I asked what's the reason that u have to induce? I just went to see Gynae today cos I felt baby movement is less. Did a ctg scan and showed baby moving ok. Gynae checked and I am 1.5cm dilated and she suggested to induce tmr. So I am going to admit tmr at 6am.

Congrats n smooth deliver
I'm officially a mommy! Baby was out on 39w+6days on 03 aug!!:)

Gynae est 3.5kg and turns out 3.005kg... Mmmm not as overweight as he always thought!:rolleyes:
Had irregular contraction for 1.5days before decided to just go hospital check n was dilated 2.5cm! She put me on drip so dilation was quicken...

Can't seem to upload pic.. Show u girls tmr!;)

Thanks ladies! I don't wear flats. Wear birks all day long. I'll try to lie with legs up against bed tonight.

Congrats to all who have delivered!! I'm still waiting......
I gave birth to my princess yesterday on 5 aug at tmc. Labour was rather quick about 5 hours and was smooth. Thank god for everything. Will be going home tmr if everything goes well. :)

Congratulations n rest well. Welcome to motherhood ...
i'm also having very bad water retention .. cant wear my wedding ring now and my ankles look like pigs trotters... i still have 3 weeks plus to my EDD... :confused:
i'm also having very bad water retention .. cant wear my wedding ring now and my ankles look like pigs trotters... i still have 3 weeks plus to my EDD... :confused:

Haha I couldn't wear mine since second trimester!!!
Total weight gain stands at 18kg now.... -.-
I'm using earth mama angel baby natural nipple butter which is rather good. I got sore nipples and they were healed in about 1—2 days. During that time, I stopped latching and pumped out instead. Try to use the nipple sandwich technique for breastfeeding.
What is nipple sandwich technique?
I also got both earth mama & lansinoh! somemore got some smoothies. even more KS. hahah. our nips kana abused by the stupid pump. arraggrr..

btw, I bought all online from iherbs.

Yup bought online too - iherb amazon or diapers.com. But usually when u need it, it's urgent! So all r available in mothercare and agape babies.

BM is cfm the best but Haiz my "wound" is too serious and BM can't heal immediately... And the next pump is like 3 hrs away!!
Yup bought online too - iherb amazon or diapers.com. But usually when u need it, it's urgent! So all r available in mothercare and agape babies.

BM is cfm the best but Haiz my "wound" is too serious and BM can't heal immediately... And the next pump is like 3 hrs away!!

Really not easy for those who breast feeding their lo.. My nipple too short and im in doubt that i can let my bb latch on.. Stress
Hello August Mommies

good day. I'm a June'2014 Mommy of two. We just celebrated our son's full month two Sundays ago and I've shared some useful contacts on my parenting blog. There's also a giveaway of vouchers (valid till 31 July 2015) for you to order the Full Month Gift Packs for colleagues, relatives and friends. Do pop by to take a look and participate in the giveaway - http://www.ourprincessdana.com/2014/08/celebrating-babys-full-month.html Have a wonderful NDP weekend coming up!
Congrats to all the mummies who has given birth!
Have been a silent reader all these while.

I am 37weeks now and still waiting.
However I keep having this constant fear that I do not know how contraction feels like and also that my water bag will bust suddenly when I am outside. :oops:
Tks all!:) cld I check with mommies who have undergone c-sect, do u all still have pain post op 7th day? As pain it is still very painful during ambulating. My pain seems worst after discharge on post op 5th day.
Tks all!:) cld I check with mommies who have undergone c-sect, do u all still have pain post op 7th day? As pain it is still very painful during ambulating. My pain seems worst after discharge on post op 5th day.

are u still taking ur pain killers? ur pain shldnt be getting worse after discharge. do go back to ur gynae to check in case got infection.

I managed to recover (no pain) in 2wks for my 1st csect even thou I had some slight infection & I was seeing my gynae every wk till 6wks. managed to recover (no pain) in abt a wk for this csect.
U referring to me right?
Not yet. But bcos of this fear, I've bring forward my maternity to next week while my EDD is 26 Aug.
Yeap.. u should. . Especially 37 weeks.. I only wanna start ny maternity at 38 weeks but gynae say no. Lol.. so I was forced to bring forward one week last min some more. .
Yeap.. u should. . Especially 37 weeks.. I only wanna start ny maternity at 38 weeks but gynae say no. Lol.. so I was forced to bring forward one week last min some more. .

Yeah... Mine also last minute. I only inform my boss and colleagues on Wednesday that my last day is next Tuesday. Mad rush I tell u! Suddenly overwhelm with work bcos it's like all rushing u to do this and that before U leave. Sigh...
Hi mummies, I'm currently 38+5 and saw my gynae today. My little one isn't fully engaged yet but she's already quite big. Gynae is concerned she may be too big for natural. But has concerns for inducing because he says inducing generally comes with long labour and higher tendencies for emergency csect. Can I ask for those mummies with inducing experience? TIA!
Yup bought online too - iherb amazon or diapers.com. But usually when u need it, it's urgent! So all r available in mothercare and agape babies.

BM is cfm the best but Haiz my "wound" is too serious and BM can't heal immediately... And the next pump is like 3 hrs away!!

I can feel ur pain..i had that with my #01. Sore and crack nipples. But no choice, pain also have to pump, if not engorgement..i use medela cream that time. Heal quite well. But still takes time la...
My cousin induce also. Admit in 3am waterbag leak.. 8am dilate till 3cm only. . so gynae put her on drip to induce. 5 hrs dilate another 1cm. Gynae say cannot wait liao. Csect. When csect.. gynae say although her boy did engaged but head position no good.. so luckily the csect.. cos if natural eventually will also emergency csect due to head position.
Yeah... Mine also last minute. I only inform my boss and colleagues on Wednesday that my last day is next Tuesday. Mad rush I tell u! Suddenly overwhelm with work bcos it's like all rushing u to do this and that before U leave. Sigh...
I also had a mad rush cos I didn't plan it that way.. lolz.. and I started maternity earlier one week. Siannnnn..
My cousin induce also. Admit in 3am waterbag leak.. 8am dilate till 3cm only. . so gynae put her on drip to induce. 5 hrs dilate another 1cm. Gynae say cannot wait liao. Csect. When csect.. gynae say although her boy did engaged but head position no good.. so luckily the csect.. cos if natural eventually will also emergency csect due to head position.
Hmm... I was always hoping for a natural birth! My gynae says if by my next check up nth has happened, we will have to discuss where to go from there.. he was always hoping that a natural was possible despite her size, until today where he finally voiced concerns.. not sure what to do!
Yeah... Mine also last minute. I only inform my boss and colleagues on Wednesday that my last day is next Tuesday. Mad rush I tell u! Suddenly overwhelm with work bcos it's like all rushing u to do this and that before U leave. Sigh...

My EDD similar as yours but I tml start maternity leave. Wanted to rest a bit and prepare a bit before delivery. It's mad rush for work for the pass 2 weeks plus expecting mad rush for preparation of the LO later. At first I was contemplating postponing my maternity leave but decided to take it earlier in case haze come, unexpected stuffs happen, and I'm glad I made this decision coz I have water retention, very heavy, sleep also difficult now. And everybody tell me that stressing oneself during pregnancy is not good coz may affect the baby, etc. partly also becoz I'm 1st time mum so I dun haf the experience and dunno exactly wat to expect.
Hmm... I was always hoping for a natural birth! My gynae says if by my next check up nth has happened, we will have to discuss where to go from there.. he was always hoping that a natural was possible despite her size, until today where he finally voiced concerns.. not sure what to do!
I think you don't worry too much just follow the gynae's advice.

My gynae too has the same concern since my 3rd trimester. Every visit he said my bb is slightly big and ask me control diet. My last visit at 39 week plus he made me did a detailed scan to measure bb size as he think natural might not be possible. In the end bb was about 3.4kg (3.7kg after +/- 300g) and i was beginning to dilate (nv mention how many cm probably too little) so he decided to keep waiting. I am 40 week 1 day today and going back to visit him to see what should we do...yesterday I had show but still no regular contraction...me too am hoping for natural if possible...

All the best to you!

P.S. while I finished typing this message my water bag burst...rushing to hosp now :confused:
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I think you don't worry too much just follow the gynae's advice.

My gynae too has the same concern since my 3rd trimester. Every visit he said my bb is slightly big and ask me control diet. My last visit at 39 week plus he made me did a detailed scan to measure bb size as he think natural might not be possible. In the end bb was about 3.4kg (3.7kg after +/- 300g) and i was beginning to dilate (nv mention how many cm probably too little) so he decided to keep waiting. I am 40 week 1 day today and going back to visit him to see what should we do...yesterday I had show but still no regular contraction...me too am hoping for natural if possible...

All the best to you!

P.S. while I finished typing this message my water bag burst...rushing to hosp

Wow! Sudden natural birth! All the best!
