actually i think this waiting time is making me crazy....i keep fearing this fearing that. no symptoms yet and boobs doesnt seems to grow fuller also. doesnt feel sleepy at all. with high hcg i thought symptoms should be more? not that i am keen in all this symptoms to make me sick but dont have makes me feel so uneasy. i really so scare dont know what is wrong inside.
Iwantahealthybaby , don't worry so much. U must relax. Symptoms don't come in so early. That's why some people only realized they are pregnant at 2 mths!
If u don't feel safe, take the pregnancy test to calm yourself that your hcg is still high. That's all u need to know.
My boobs don't grow that much at 11 weeks either. The sleepiness sets in after week6. All symptoms come in soon after week6. So right now just enjoy the happy news. =)
For me.. I am actually also worried cos I don't feel much symptoms except bloated in the evening. And I don't see doc until next week. But can only be positive and tell myself that baby is growing well inside.
Iwantahealthybaby: we all see these images of ladies pregnant - full boobs, nausea, fainting. I was one od the lucky ones. I didn't hv any of those in my 1st tri. Threw up total of less than 5 times in all and that was in week 10-12. I felt really sleepy for a few days around wk 10 but that was it. Actually if u ask around, many women dont hv the standard pregnancy symptoms.. so stay. happy.
Iwantahealthybaby, no worries. Different people experience different symptoms, some luck ones don't even experience any symptoms. It depends on individual. At least you get to see your doctor next week. Mine is nearly end of the month then can see doc. . We shall all chat here to share our thoughts so time can really flies. .
thanks joo and ron soooo much, experience from you ladies make me feel more at ease. i can never be those ladies who dont realise they are preg anymore cause every month i have been waiting for af got report anot if late faster test test hpt hahahaha. i envy those who doesnt know and when they realise they are preg they are over their 1st trimester :)
For me.. I am actually also worried cos I don't feel much symptoms except bloated in the evening. And I don't see doc until next week. But can only be positive and tell myself that baby is growing well inside.

you are in your 11weeks already? soon you will be entering 2nd trimester :)
Yeah. I sleep at 8pm almost everyday. I don't throw up but I have very little appetite. Hence lost 3 kg alr. Too bloated.
Yes!! I can't wait for scan next week! Actually up till now, I sometimes still can't believe I am pregnant. Like have been failing for more than a year. Is it really here to stay? Am I dreaming? Heh
Yah. Just get extremely tired like u haven't slept for many days. Difficult to be alert at work too. Keep dozing off during my rest time
Ladies, today is my day 3 after my day 5 transfer.

Will implantation cause diarrhea? Past few days no cramps or anything. But today after my lunch, starts to have cramp and went toilet twice. I thought i might ate wrong food and the cramp still there until now...
Meiling, I have this problem. That time I ate korean food very spicy. Then during the night time my whole stomach cramp then next morning went toilet. After that still got cramp. The cramp is on and off. Sometimes like diarrhea, sometime Like AF coming the cramp.
Hmm... I dont take very spicy food. Abit of chilli for my wanton mee this afternoon. Or maybe is my last nite laksa.

Maybe cos cannot take chilli...
Meiling, I have this problem. That time I ate korean food very spicy. Then during the night time my whole stomach cramp then next morning went toilet. After that still got cramp. The cramp is on and off. Sometimes like diarrhea, sometime Like AF coming the cramp.

The cramp like diarrhea but u did not have diarrhea right? Cramp whole day or only evening ? Thanks
Meiling you feeling better. As for me til now still got slight cramp one. . I am still waiting for my scan to come in 2 weeks time..
Iwantahealthybaby, I also feeling fear every morning when I wake up don't know if everything is alright. Let's Stay positive.. everything will be fine for us.
Jooo, jia you!!
Yup. Better le. I try not to take chilli and see how. You also take good care till your next scan!

Good luck to the ladies who are going for BT today! Waiting for your bb dust!
Did bt on wed, hcg 2 n progesterone ok but still early dr say cos it's ok day5 after et... so he say continue the progynova n utro inserts...
i think ur going thru same like me just that im doing natural frozen. my best advise freeze it and do medicated cycle which is less stressful. its not true tht thaw has lower chance, if they froze till blastocycts it high chance to succeed too. whats is ur lining btw now?
Hi babydusty, sorry for the late reply. Was so busy clearing my work before ER and then later on was so sick after the ER.
I did my ER on Wednesday and at the same time did the hysteroscopy as doctor said my lining is not smooth. My tummy is so bloated and can feel the pain after the operation (not sure is because of ER or the surgery). Will not proceed w the ET this round.
Hope all my embryos will grow, praying hard..
Tinga thanks for your well wishes. Me also waiting for 1st aptm scan with doc next week. 4more days. Best wishes for your fet soon. All your embryos will be well!
Is it normal to have white/yellow sticky discharge?

Not those sticky where you can stretch. I saw it just now on my toilet paper. A very small one.
Is it normal to have white/yellow sticky discharge?

Not those sticky where you can stretch. I saw it just now on my toilet paper. A very small one.
Meiling it is very normal to have white discharge. So don't worried. Maybe try not to take cooling food or drink. Until now after bfp I still have discharge once in a while.
Meiling it is very normal to have white discharge. So don't worried. Maybe try not to take cooling food or drink. Until now after bfp I still have discharge once in a while.

Not those clear discharge right? Cos mine not those clear de. Gave me a shock just now although is a very very small one.
hi dearies, my BT coming fri….everyday from now keep worry my AF will come. really so scary feeling.

been having discomfort in my stomach on and off but i would not say is "cramp" feeling, instead like pressure or expanding feeling when i sleep. anyone had this experience? so worry is my AF coming. yday night the expand feeling worse and like bursting and hot inside till i buay tahan had to on air-con. it goes off when I'm not lying. dunno whats wrong haiz.

bopi bopi…AF dun come o_O
hi dearies, my BT coming fri….everyday from now keep worry my AT will come. really so scary feeling.

been having discomfort in my stomach on and off but i would not say is "cramp" feeling, instead like pressure or expanding feeling when i sleep. anyone had this experience? so worry is my AT coming. yday night the expand feeling worse and like bursting and hot inside till i busy than had to on air-con. it goes off when I'm not lying. dunno whats wrong haiz.

bopi bopi…AT dun come o_O

Good luck for your BT! AF pls shoo shoo away!
It is very normal to feel that way. . Btw the feeling is sometimes like af visit the cramp and sometime like diarrhea the pain... Then got yellow discharge... The symptom is like af coming the feeling... But it is bfp.
It is very normal to feel that way. . Btw the feeling is sometimes like af visit the cramp and sometime like diarrhea the pain... Then got yellow discharge... The symptom is like af coming the feeling... But it is bfp.
no leh dear, i do not think is cramp leh…my womb like bursting….more like expand feeling leh so i very worried is AF coming liao. discharge only slight white and i think is the medicine lor. another 5 days i dunno how to survive wahaha
Dear ladies,

this is my first time in a forum and I should say that it is the support that you ladies give that has encouraged me to be part of this.
A little about me... 30 years old and TTC since July 2011. Started seeing Dr Sadhana at KKH since Apr 2013... Have been through one round of unsuccessful IUI (Jan 2014) after about 3 months of taking letrolzole and natural TTC.

Had my 2nd IUI on Mar 10, 2014. Going for progesterone BT tomm. This time around IUI was with injectables and somehow managed to survive it... Sadly, not having high hopes on this IUI as hubby's post washed sperm sample was only 0.24 million. He was stressed with his reservist and all.. Haiz nurse called me aside to tell me the sad news but said to go through the procedure since I have come this far... And she said, anyway it takes only one. I read in the internet and alot of it said that chances are pretty slim with such low sample.

Not feeling any symptoms as well except sore boobs (guess its due to progesterone). Sorry for super long post. Just letting everything out. Read some good news about BFPs... Congrats ladies : ) am sure its an awesome feeling which sadly I am yet to experience.

Dear ladies,

this is my first time in a forum and I should say that it is the support that you ladies give that has encouraged me to be part of this.
A little about me... 30 years old and TTC since July 2011. Started seeing Dr Sadhana at KKH since Apr 2013... Have been through one round of unsuccessful IUI (Jan 2014) after about 3 months of taking letrolzole and natural TTC.

Had my 2nd IUI on Mar 10, 2014. Going for progesterone BT tomm. This time around IUI was with injectables and somehow managed to survive it... Sadly, not having high hopes on this IUI as hubby's post washed sperm sample was only 0.24 million. He was stressed with his reservist and all.. Haiz nurse called me aside to tell me the sad news but said to go through the procedure since I have come this far... And she said, anyway it takes only one. I read in the internet and alot of it said that chances are pretty slim with such low sample.

Not feeling any symptoms as well except sore boobs (guess its due to progesterone). Sorry for super long post. Just letting everything out. Read some good news about BFPs... Congrats ladies : ) am sure its an awesome feeling which sadly I am yet to experience.

Cheer up! TTC journey have not been a smooth one for most of us. Im sure you will succeed one day, dont give up.
