BT is only on 28 March... am just wondering if the duphaston will prevent the full flow.. bothered by this the whole day.. haiz

Zaan, sad that your boss is not understanding. Few things to consider:
- is his request in line with terms in your employment contract?
- any possibility to negotiate?
- how important / critical is ur presence in his clinic?
- is there any union or council who can help you with your rights?

Hope it will work out for the better.

Hi Mich, I am suppose to get 60days of hospitalization leave and 14 days mc as well.. in contract it doesnt say i can't get pregnant. actually theres some part time staffs but they are so selfish that they couldn't arrange for take over and i'm the only full time staff cox my boss too choosy over hiring staffs.... i tried calling M.O.M but they say if im preg than im can ask for help from govn. tomorrow is my egg retrieval day , i dun care if he doesnt manage to find cover already. after discussing with my husb we both agreed tt baby is more important over work ..
Hi Mich, I am suppose to get 60days of hospitalization leave and 14 days mc as well.. in contract it doesnt say i can't get pregnant. actually theres some part time staffs but they are so selfish that they couldn't arrange for take over and i'm the only full time staff cox my boss too choosy over hiring staffs.... i tried calling M.O.M but they say if im preg than im can ask for help from govn. tomorrow is my egg retrieval day , i dun care if he doesnt manage to find cover already. after discussing with my husb we both agreed tt baby is more important over work ..

Well, at least you can prepare for the worse if he gives trouble. You can also remind him that you are at least giving him some notice instead of just utilizing your MC leave without warning. All the best for ER and ET soon.
Hi babydusty, I hate him too ... b4 I did e prog nothing happens but after started this prog things r coming up ... anyway if he doesnt want to gimme all my leaves mc or watever I will rpt m.o.m ... I dun care already... well I do hv my rights lo... btw tml my egg retrieval day anything I need to tk note of which u can advise??
Zann, seriously your boss cmi! Don't appreciate his staff. Given this situation I think you stay there during your ivf protocol will only add on to your stress. But since ask u quit now also no beneficial to you then I rather you hang on but don't bother much about him. Once after the tww then you decide. Better leave before he Chu pattern again!

Ya I agree... no point working for him ... I oso dun bother le... I can hang on I will but if not I will oso go cox I dun wan to put my health n baby in any form of danger as well ... pray success...
Yup, agreed with Mich. Look out for union that can help you. I sure you got your rights since you did inform him about this ivf cycle beforehand. As a doc he should be showing support and not taking advantage of you.

Please don't let this affect your ivf. You already come so far. Talk to your hubby. See what can be done. Or you might want to take a break first and change to another job.

I decide to hang on till im preg then m.o.m will accept my case if I really wan to fight for my rights ... but if he really doesnt approve of mi taking leaves or mc I will quit as well in case of endangering myself n baby
I decide to hang on till im preg then m.o.m will accept my case if I really wan to fight for my rights ... but if he really doesnt approve of mi taking leaves or mc I will quit as well in case of endangering myself n baby

Good! Dont let him affect you.
Good luck to your ER tml! The process is a quick one. After that you will get to rest over there for an hr or two till you think you are ok.

All the best! =D
Good! Dont let him affect you.
Good luck to your ER tml! The process is a quick one. After that you will get to rest over there for an hr or two till you think you are ok.

All the best! =D

Is it painful after e procedure?? Is there any do's n don't s I need to look out for??
Is it painful after e procedure?? Is there any do's n don't s I need to look out for??

You will be fasting tonight right?

Hmm... I guess is individual. For me, when i asked the doc who approached me to verify my particulars, he told me i wont feel pain but can feel people touching me.

They dont put you totally to sleep but i was very drowsy. I can hear them talking and most importantly i can feel the pain. I was to drowsy that i cant even got the strength to scream.

After everything over and im recovering, i did asked the nurse and she said it might be they did not give me enough dosage and thus i can feel the pain.

The pain last about 2 to 3 days. By my ET, im alright already. They even worried i will have ohss since i got 15 eggs.

I guess you wont face the same thing as me. Dont worry. Cos i seen alot doing very good during ER.
You will be fasting tonight right?

Hmm... I guess is individual. For me, when i asked the doc who approached me to verify my particulars, he told me i wont feel pain but can feel people touching me.

They dont put you totally to sleep but i was very drowsy. I can hear them talking and most importantly i can feel the pain. I was to drowsy that i cant even got the strength to scream.

After everything over and im recovering, i did asked the nurse and she said it might be they did not give me enough dosage and thus i can feel the pain.

The pain last about 2 to 3 days. By my ET, im alright already. They even worried i will have ohss since i got 15 eggs.

I guess you wont face the same thing as me. Dont worry. Cos i seen alot doing very good during ER.
Yup fasting tonight .. btw my I noe wat means ET n OHSS.. but if e pain last 2-3 days will I still be able to go for e procedure for placing embryo??
Yup fasting tonight .. btw my I noe wat means ET n OHSS.. but if e pain last 2-3 days will I still be able to go for e procedure for placing embryo??

ET is Egg Retrieval. Ohss is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

ET is painless.

ET will takes place either 2 or 5 days later. By then should be ok already.
Oh ya after er if u feel bloated, can drink warm water or h2o or 100plus. Continue to eat your egg whites. After your ER, your hospitalization leave will starts.
Then you can starts during your two weeks wait (2ww). Take egg whites daily. Some take 4, 6 or even 8 egg whites daily. I eat hard boil one cos have to eat fully cooked food during the 2ww.

Take brazil nuts too, ard 5 daily. Can get from those small stalls that sells nuts in the shopping centres, example pat's oven at vivo. Or cold storage also have it under their organic section and it is known as brazil kennels in cold storage.

Some of us take chicken essence too. Oh ya, and drink red dates logan with wolfberry drink. The drink is to keep your womb warm. Avoid cold drinks/food.
The red dates drink might be heaty for some people so if you are a heaty person, maybe drink 2 to 3 times weekly. I drink 3 small cups everyday.
Zaan gd luck for your er tomorrow. Personally I cannot feel the whole procedure cause after saying hi to my doc in the op room I pass out before I know it. I still trying to control myself I thought I may be strong enough to stay awake lol. Cannot feel any pain too. But I rem vaguely they wake me up ask me climb onto the bed so they can push me out to the resting area. I think so cannot really remember. After resting for 2hrs can go home. My pain lasted that day only worst during evening time but by next day everything starts to subside. Lucky I no OHSS. U must drink isotonic drinks after er and egg whites to get enough proteins. Other than that I think should be fine. After et can start eating what Meiling Has say...most sisters do the same here :) relax everything will be fine.
Hi Zaan, don't worry so much about your work. Good luck to your ER tomorrow. It was painless procedure for me. I was asleep during whole procedure and once awake I was resting in another room already. I had 13 eggs but only 11 good.

Used 2 for fresh cycle but failed. Used another 2 for first FET, successful. My daughter is 20mo now. Thinking of giving her sibling so trying with another FET now.

Thawed 3 but only 2 survived. I still have 4 embbies after this transfer.
Hi Meiling, I'm easily heaty type of person. Only taking 2 brazil nuts for past few days and having sore throat already. I have taken fruits everyday and 2-3 ltr of water everyday. Dare not to take other heaty stuff like wolfberry and longan.

What is the egg whites for actually during 2ww? I didn't take this and had never taken before too. Maybe i should try.
Hi Meiling, I'm easily heaty type of person. Only taking 2 brazil nuts for past few days and having sore throat already. I have taken fruits everyday and 2-3 ltr of water everyday. Dare not to take other heaty stuff like wolfberry and longan.

What is the egg whites for actually during 2ww? I didn't take this and had never taken before too. Maybe i should try.

Egg whites are high protein food. Heard is good to take during the whole process. Also help to ease the risk of getting ohss.

Wah... Then eat moderate since too heaty for you...
Hey...you are not sleeping yet. Are you still on mc?

I'm going back to work tmr....sigh...
Walk and play too much with my daughter today...hopefully the embbies are ok inside there...
Hey...you are not sleeping yet. Are you still on mc?

I'm going back to work tmr....sigh...
Walk and play too much with my daughter today...hopefully the embbies are ok inside there...

Ya. On hospitalization leave till tue, which is my BT.

These few days i dont seems to sleep well at nights. Maybe noon sleep too much...
Hi babydusty, I hate him too ... b4 I did e prog nothing happens but after started this prog things r coming up ... anyway if he doesnt want to gimme all my leaves mc or watever I will rpt m.o.m ... I dun care already... well I do hv my rights lo... btw tml my egg retrieval day anything I need to tk note of which u can advise??

For ER just relax. If after ER if u feel bloated drink more isotonic drink and more egg whites. but must be full boiled to avoid bacteria.
Zaan gd luck for your er tomorrow. Personally I cannot feel the whole procedure cause after saying hi to my doc in the op room I pass out before I know it. I still trying to control myself I thought I may be strong enough to stay awake lol. Cannot feel any pain too. But I rem vaguely they wake me up ask me climb onto the bed so they can push me out to the resting area. I think so cannot really remember. After resting for 2hrs can go home. My pain lasted that day only worst during evening time but by next day everything starts to subside. Lucky I no OHSS. U must drink isotonic drinks after er and egg whites to get enough proteins. Other than that I think should be fine. After et can start eating what Meiling Has say...most sisters do the same here :) relax everything will be fine.
Hi gd am... 9am is my appt... but my tummy cramps very super badly... is it norm??
Hi Lav20, how are you today? Did u test in hpt?
Hi baby_me.. still had the brownish bleeding yesterday and continues today.. no full flow yet.. will be taking a hpt later.. maybe its the progesterone med that is causing such weird menses flow.
Hi Lav20, how are you today? Did u test in hpt?
Hi baby_me.. still had the brownish bleeding yesterday and continues today.. no full flow yet.. will be taking a hpt later.. maybe its the progesterone med that is causing such weird menses flow.
I m having abit of pinkish/brown discharge since ytd.went for bt this morning n see tsb at 130pm. She felt my pulse n said shd b good news but i told her abt the spotting like af, she told me go home n brew herbs ..

Clinic call n said bt result hcg 4183 so i m resting on sofa now while waiting for the herbs ready to drink..
I m tiking whether to request progestrone jab tmr, will continue monitor..
Hi today dr say so crampy is bcox of e double of eggs... 12 became 25 ... but luckily everything is ok.. having cramps now drinking a lot of warm water now.. guess I can only make longan red date drink tml le... wed is my ET appt le... any advises??
Hi today dr say so crampy is bcox of e double of eggs... 12 became 25 ... but luckily everything is ok.. having cramps now drinking a lot of warm water now.. guess I can only make longan red date drink tml le... wed is my ET appt le... any advises??

Wow!!! So many eggs?

Drink plenty of water these few days...

Good luck to your ET! How many embryo you planning to transfer?
Dolly gal, congrats. High hcg might be twins. If spotting continue better to seek some support from gynae clinic if kkh don't entertain.

Zaan if you don't mind having twins can put two :) I think your doc will advice you too depending on your age and medical history. Then from there you can decide to either Trf 1 or 2. Drink lots or water meanwhile. Hope no OHSS then can proceed to et wed. Gd luck
Iwanthealthybaby, ur hcg16000 by far in this forum is the most powerful one I hear...

I Dun know wat spotting is tat... It's brownish like pre af
I m not greedy asking for twins, got one healthy can liao.. lost one at week 8 last year so this round super worry
I m not w kkh... under pte
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@dolly_gal totally understand where you coming from. Before this I also suffer chemical preg before so this time round I very paranoid also. I think my hcg so high partly because I took my bt late. By right for d5 transfer bt should be 14 days later. Mine was schedule at d17 and I went in earlier by a day so that's why got 16000 at d16. When yours doubles, a few more days you hit 16000 too. Since you are pte I think even easier to get jab support. I recommend go tomorrow to take the support. Rest well and let's try to keep a relax mind. I know it's hard but must try to not think so much. I am still trying at this stage thou :)
I just took tsb an tai yao this afternoon.. she said will help to stop spotting.. I m glad she spot my preggy pulse n gave me some hope before bt result was out..
The moment dh reach home, he banned me doing alot of things.. no ipad playing on tummy n wear tummy warmer n wear socks at home... I m like ah I feeling hot.. in fact I sweat at nite when slp even w aircon..
