Yeast Infection...


I'm pregnant with my second baby and am facing yeast infection. Its so itchy that at times i bleed from severe scratching.

My gynae has give me cream to apply. Is it effective and how to I resolve this problem. Will it also affect my unborn baby?

Has anyone had this problem before. Care to share with me your experience.

Hi Tilaka,
i'm also have yeast infection when i'm pregnant with my 2nd baby.. it's horrible i know! My gynae also gave me cream to apply, but i prefer the insertion medicine. I heard from somewhere that if you got yeast infection in your late pregnancy, your baby might have thrush in his/her mouth..
Hi Xueyi,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

When you mention insertion medicine, when do i get this treatment? Is it paintful? Will it cure the yeast infection 100%?

I got it in my first trimster and am worried as I don't want my baby to be affected.

What is thrust? Sorry to ask you so many questions cause each time i got for my check up my gynae says its nothing serious. But it does bother me alot. After delivery will the infection still be there.
I had yeast infection from 2nd trimester when talking the fish oil...

Itchy until I deliver lo!!

used cream and the insertion also no use...

So in the end I just wash frequently with the feminine wash in a day.

I wasn't working then so got time to wash and wash =P

My bb born out no thrush or any flakes on her head too....
Hi Tilaka,

the insertion medicine can be buy over the counter at watsons/guardian pharmacy. It's not painful at all, just insert it b4 you sleep, it will dissolve inside the vaginal.

Thrust is like white spots on the tongue. Doc advised not to use dougne to wash inside of vaginal coz it will affect the PH and increase bacteria..
Urinary Tract Infection is very common during pregnancy since our bodies store urine longer. Be sure to peep when needed and empty all out. I use Licorice Root from medicinal hall. Use a handful and let it sip in hot water. When it is cool down, dap a cotton wool and pat it on the affected area. Use it a few times. You should be alright. I think this work better than cream.
Take culturelle, you can buy it from vitacost spree.
It's much better than yogurt and vitagen as it's sugar free. It comes in a pack of 30 sealed capsules. During the infection period, avoid foods that contain sugar and vinegar, baked foods. Yeast feeds on sugar and multiply very quickly. I can't remember what vinegar will cause. Baked food contains yeast, as it helps to raise the dough and that's how we got bread or cake.
Hi ladies,

I got yeast infection for many years. Been taking pills (through mouth) whenever it arise like once every few months. Recently I realize that my yeast infection got more frequent (every month). We are planning for a baby, but whenever I have the infection (normally during conceiving period), my hubby will experience some cuts on his penis after sex. Is getting really irritating and spoil the mood for sex.

The doctor said there is no cure to it and I have to endure with it for life, is really sad to hear that. I have tried insert tablet, creams and pills, but pills seems to work for me but not permanent. I get even more frustrated whenever I go back to the clinic to purchase my pills, the nurse will say “you cannot keep taking the pills like that, u bought so many, is a women problem, you should just leave with it. Is just like antibiotic, you cannot kept eating n your body might reject one day“. Is really embarrassing to have the nurse said so loudly each time I visit and there are men around too. If I can leave with it, I wouldn’t even come.

I cry on several occasion thinking that there is nothing I can do. Thinking that I’m a failure to be a wife to have my husband going through such unpleasant sex life. Please, anyone can help me.
hi, my gynae said take probiotics and apply cream by the name of gyno. he said, his patients ever told him, can apply yogurt directly on the yeast infection and has healed. he doesn't object to this if it can help stop the infection. you may check with your gynae for opinion.
hi memorablechocolate, i take loads of acidophilus when yeast infection happens. Maybe u can try that.
onsansg> My gynae gave me the pills, it help straight away, but it will arise every one to two months. I’m afraid that my body is slowly showing sign of reject to the pills I’m taking. Nowadays I need to take more doses to truly stop it. It demoralizes me whenever it arises again.

Gerxy> Thanks, I did try but it only give relieve for a short period.

Monkee> I’m reading an ebook from ( They did mention about acidophilus, but where do you buy that from? Just plain Yogurt or pills?
pills. they sell at gnc. i still take daily after recovered. very good for healthy bowel movement also.
hi, SPORANOX is antifungal. why not, u ask your gynae if can prescribe you with oral probiotic as well? alternatively, you may want to give national skin centre a visit. the skin specialist should be able to treat. if not, can go to one of the dermatologist listed in website. i know of 2 which my family have seen but for other skin ailments. they are Dr Henry Loh (treats adults and babies) and Dr Tham Siew Nee (female doc, treats adults). they came out from national skin centre for their private practice.
try not to wash your private area with warm water. always wash with cool water after a warm shower. Yeast thrive in warm & wet area, so you have to keep it cool & dry. Make sure the area is kept dry. Dont use towel to wipe the area as towel may contain germs. use toilet paper to wipe it before wearing your undies. if u wear pantyliner everyday, make sure u change it when it's soiled.
