Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

True lo, actually 1st time mummy everything also not sure/don't know, so never really do anything. Besides, believed it was out of good intentions cos breastfeeding was really better for both mummy and baby. In the end I persevered and though I did top up with FM, direct latching does indeed feel magical.

If can, try to breastfeed. If really really cannot, don't stress yourself psychologically cos I have really been there done that (no milk for 1st few weeks, sore nipples, mastitis (saw the lactation consultant 2 times and fever), kenna "bitten" by LO). Cos I know some mummies got all stressed up cos of breastfeeding - what's the point?

Totally second that! Though I'm not there yet, my fren went into post natal depression coz she got no milk supply for the child and she feels guilty about it. I guess that's worst and end up she didn't get to bond with her child properly in the initial months as she was always crying and depressed & gota seek medical help.

hello MTBs, I just got my positive BT result last week. I'm wondering how soon should I start buying baby stuff? I'm still waiting for my first scan to see the heartbeat... can't help but be a little worried that something might go wrong with my pregnancy.

Can share when you girls start doing your shopping?

I feel u babe! So for me, I didn't get anything until I reach mid of 2nd trimester. Not even a single piece of clothing or toys despite knowing the genders. Basically, my hubby & I just research around only when we go to baby fairs. The only thing I settled early was the CL; follow by insurance policy.

That said, you can start to do your research and shortlist the brand and model after your first scan. So once everything is stabilized, you just zoom in and buy when you're comfortable. And if you're tired to move around, at least you can send your hubby to order or buy it. haha
Hi all, today I went for first scan at 5w3d. Managed to see yolk sac, but still nothing more to see for now. Next appt for scan will be 2 weeks later. Please advise, what are the things that I need to be aware or follow right now. Am I suppose to start taking supplement on top of the folic acid? Since after BFP, I've been drinking anmum chocolate milk every morning. Wanted to buy prenatal Blackmore's today, but I didn't as unsure if I need to seek advise from doctor first or not.

@chimok, you might wish to note your anmum milk intake coz my sis gyne was telling her normally such milk, the sugar content is very high and apparently some mummies whom got GD during their pregnancy drank the milk. Infact, normal fresh milk is good enough. I did buy the anmum milk to try before and it's really too sweet for my liking and I stopped upon my sis advice after consuming 3 times. But my sil drank throughout and she's fine. So maybe it's individual also.
Hahaha....erm.....I doubt I will be a hardworking mum! Oh wells, shall see how it goes by then.
Ya... No need to stress over bf la. Got milk then bf, not enough then mixed feed. Ok what.

Some of my friends really cry and cry and super depressed over bf. A few starved their bb cos insisted on total bf. In the end, kid land up in hospital.
It is v common milk takes a few days to come in. I rather feed FM than risk all kinds of health issue.
@chimok, you might wish to note your anmum milk intake coz my sis gyne was telling her normally such milk, the sugar content is very high and apparently some mummies whom got GD during their pregnancy drank the milk. Infact, normal fresh milk is good enough. I did buy the anmum milk to try before and it's really too sweet for my liking and I stopped upon my sis advice after consuming 3 times. But my sil drank throughout and she's fine. So maybe it's individual also.
@milogal88 hi, I will take note. Thanks for informing me. Maybe I reduce the intake.
nope. i see Dr Sadhana. i didn't want a guy doctor :p
appt to see doc is 12.10pm but need to go 1 hour earlier to do scan first
wah... you so fast start your shopping research already!
Mb u can just go bb fair to look see and try out cots and stroller... Don't buy yet if u are not ready. Bb fairs are a gd place to try out things. There is one now on at taka.
hello MTBs, I just got my positive BT result last week. I'm wondering how soon should I start buying baby stuff? I'm still waiting for my first scan to see the heartbeat... can't help but be a little worried that something might go wrong with my pregnancy.

Can share when you girls start doing your shopping?

So exciting right! :)

I started buying things during the second trimester. But things like cots, cupboard etc, I bought towards the end of second trimester. Do note that sometimes for certain things, the retailers may not have stock. For example, the stroller, I ordered in Jan and it will only come in April. For my son's clothes, I bought mostly online from Carters, Old Navy etc and normally the sprees take 4-6 weeks.
So exciting right! :)

I started buying things during the second trimester. But things like cots, cupboard etc, I bought towards the end of second trimester. Do note that sometimes for certain things, the retailers may not have stock. For example, the stroller, I ordered in Jan and it will only come in April. For my son's clothes, I bought mostly online from Carters, Old Navy etc and normally the sprees take 4-6 weeks.
Yup esp for breastpump. If the sales person ask u if can deliver later (than originally promised) so that ur warranty will start closer to ur EDD, don't take it. Cos u may not know if u kena premature labour (choy), or the person later cannot deliver on time.
Hi everyone
First time mummy here at 14 weeks with sgh & expecting identical twins.. excited yet scared

Can I check if it's true that gynae won't issue HL unless you are admitted? Does this only apply to govt hospital or private too?

I had a bleeding scare ytd and went to nuh A&E.. requested for HL instead of mc but gynae thr say can't give cos I'm not admitted
Resting at home now and hope bleeding won't come back >.<
Totally second that! Though I'm not there yet, my fren went into post natal depression coz she got no milk supply for the child and she feels guilty about it. I guess that's worst and end up she didn't get to bond with her child properly in the initial months as she was always crying and depressed & gota seek medical help.
aiyo, defeat the whole purpose. Some may even blame the baby for their own lousy state.
Hi everyone
First time mummy here at 14 weeks with sgh & expecting identical twins.. excited yet scared

Can I check if it's true that gynae won't issue HL unless you are admitted? Does this only apply to govt hospital or private too?

I had a bleeding scare ytd and went to nuh A&E.. requested for HL instead of mc but gynae thr say can't give cos I'm not admitted
Resting at home now and hope bleeding won't come back >.<
I think depends on doctor. I got HL rest at home before. Anyway take care... Rest well. Congrats on twins girl!
Hi everyone
First time mummy here at 14 weeks with sgh & expecting identical twins.. excited yet scared

Can I check if it's true that gynae won't issue HL unless you are admitted? Does this only apply to govt hospital or private too?

I had a bleeding scare ytd and went to nuh A&E.. requested for HL instead of mc but gynae thr say can't give cos I'm not admitted
Resting at home now and hope bleeding won't come back >.<

I was given HL but not admitted. Dr can give if they feel your condition need to stay n bedrest at home.
dawn. understood member is for 2 yrs from date of reg. should i sign up now or nearer detail scan. my thought is to maximise usage length. ha. or it does not matter/not big difference??

@Phantom. If you really interested to attend prenatal or antenatal courses, TMC has one which couples can attend starting from week 20. Can check this out

I think TFC got facility charge but O&G doesn't have. Also consultation and scans at O&G much cheaper than TFC. No Kopi at least hv water, free wifi and tv. Ok lah. I hv been to other obgyn where no free wifi or tv de.

Btw go sign up for Thomson Firstborn Incentive membership at $60. Can sign up online. Will have discounts for the detail scan and maternity wards de.
dawn. understood member is for 2 yrs from date of reg. should i sign up now or nearer detail scan. my thought is to maximise usage length. ha. or it does not matter/not big difference??
I guess you can signup soon as not sure if they require the membership in place to allow discount for the detail scan and if so, you need to provide processing time?
Hi everyone
First time mummy here at 14 weeks with sgh & expecting identical twins.. excited yet scared

Can I check if it's true that gynae won't issue HL unless you are admitted? Does this only apply to govt hospital or private too?

I had a bleeding scare ytd and went to nuh A&E.. requested for HL instead of mc but gynae thr say can't give cos I'm not admitted
Resting at home now and hope bleeding won't come back >.<

I ever went NUH A&E for past history miscarriage, never admit. Gynae incharge of A&E gave me 3 days HL ley.
I signed up for the FBI on the day itself and they could print the card immediately and I used it to get discount for the scan later that day.

Can I check, is it usual to give CL deposit? How much? My CL was recommended by a friend la, but I feel unsafe transferring money to someone I have never seen before!
I signed up for the FBI on the day itself and they could print the card immediately and I used it to get discount for the scan later that day.

Can I check, is it usual to give CL deposit? How much? My CL was recommended by a friend la, but I feel unsafe transferring money to someone I have never seen before!

Yes it's normal to give deposit.
I signed up for the FBI on the day itself and they could print the card immediately and I used it to get discount for the scan later that day.

Can I check, is it usual to give CL deposit? How much? My CL was recommended by a friend la, but I feel unsafe transferring money to someone I have never seen before!

If you engage from agent, they will have their own payment terms. If u engage directly, most ask for a few hundreds of deposit.
Hey mommies anyone here on Crinone and experiencing pain while inserting? I do... Dreading every insert... Sometimes can't even insert! I consulted doc but he says no choice, gotta follow through till week 12. :( Any advice would be appreciated.
Hey mommies anyone here on Crinone and experiencing pain while inserting? I do... Dreading every insert... Sometimes can't even insert! I consulted doc but he says no choice, gotta follow through till week 12. :( Any advice would be appreciated.

Ask for change of support med. There are different med that can be use for support and not necessary only crinone.
Hey mommies anyone here on Crinone and experiencing pain while inserting? I do... Dreading every insert... Sometimes can't even insert! I consulted doc but he says no choice, gotta follow through till week 12. :( Any advice would be appreciated.
Change the meds... Mb u can ask for oral ones.

My previous cycle with KKH, they give oral medication Duphaston after bfp. There is also another insert called utrogestan that u can use. I think both are way cheaper than crinone.
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Hey mommies anyone here on Crinone and experiencing pain while inserting? I do... Dreading every insert... Sometimes can't even insert! I consulted doc but he says no choice, gotta follow through till week 12. :( Any advice would be appreciated.
Like hi-Mei mentioned, I was given Utrogestan inserts and Duphaston. I had a brief red spotting episode in wk 5 and since have been really careful with the inserts which i had to continue till wk12. I realised that I wasn't really able to insert as far as I did during the 2ww after ET so I laid down for a longer time after each insert. I also realised that the cervix is much moist and the inserted pill dissolved and absorbed pretty well even if not inserted too far in. There shouldn't be too much pain during insert, if so have to watch out for irritation to the cervix. Perhaps share your observations and concerns with doc and see if there are alternatives.
Thank you mommies for sharing advice, I'm also on Duphaston (4 a day) and Progynova (2 a day) on top of 2 Crinone a day and Proluton once a week :( I've already consulted doc many times regarding the pain during insert but no change of Med was offered. Will ask again sighs the plastic tip which we tear off the Crinone tube is sharp and causes pricks during insert. After so many weeks it's just pure torture.
Thank you mommies for sharing advice, I'm also on Duphaston (4 a day) and Progynova (2 a day) on top of 2 Crinone a day and Proluton once a week :( I've already consulted doc many times regarding the pain during insert but no change of Med was offered. Will ask again sighs the plastic tip which we tear off the Crinone tube is sharp and causes pricks during insert. After so many weeks it's just pure torture.

Thats weird cos after i tested positive on my BT they stopped my crinone and gave me duphaston.
Actually i have pink spotting every few days... Is it the crinone insert or pregnancy got problem? I don't rem my previous bfps got such problem (and was not using crinone then).

Anyone using crinone can help? I am still a few days to BT (now wk 4). Thanks.
Hello mummies! Would like to ask if I would like to organise a get-together for preggy mums to address their top questions in mind for pregnant mums, what kinda topic will interest you? Please throw me some opinions!

I have a couple of topics in mind:
1) nanny costs
2) affordable baby supplies (eg. Diapers, milk powder, etc)
3) ivf insurance- what's the coverage like
4) confinement do's & dont's
5) hospitalisation cost
6) CDA- child development account (what can it be use for/ how it works)
7) infant care

If are an expert in such topic or have some interesting info to share, please do PM me! If any mummies are interested to join (venue and date confirm yet), please show your interest as well! Some topics may need time to look for the right experts to share, so i hope if any mummies has recommended ones please share yea!
Actually i have pink spotting every few days... Is it the crinone insert or pregnancy got problem? I don't rem my previous bfps got such problem (and was not using crinone then).

Anyone using crinone can help? I am still a few days to BT (now wk 4). Thanks.

I know crinone can have brownish residue after awhile. Not sure on pink though. U may want to check with your gynae.
I know crinone can have brownish residue after awhile. Not sure on pink though. U may want to check with your gynae.
Thanks gal... My appt with him still not scheduled. Guess i will have to wait it out :(
At least the line on HPT is getting darker, hope that is a gd sign.
Actually i have pink spotting every few days... Is it the crinone insert or pregnancy got problem? I don't rem my previous bfps got such problem (and was not using crinone then).

Anyone using crinone can help? I am still a
few days to BT (now wk 4). Thanks.

Hi happens me to at times too and nurse told me it is normal. The insertion of the Crinone could have irritated your insides. Should not be a worry unless there's heavy bright red bleeding.
Thank you mommies for sharing advice, I'm also on Duphaston (4 a day) and Progynova (2 a day) on top of 2 Crinone a day and Proluton once a week :( I've already consulted doc many times regarding the pain during insert but no change of Med was offered. Will ask again sighs the plastic tip which we tear off the Crinone tube is sharp and causes pricks during insert. After so many weeks it's just pure torture.

I was using Crinone until the week 6 scan. Had slight pink discharge from using Crinone. It also "scratches" d sides of the vagina nearer to week 6 but were rather mild. If you are concern, talk to your doc and express your discomfort of using inserts after bfp (though inserts ate better absorb by the body). May i know who's ur doc, by the way?
Hi happens me to at times too and nurse told me it is normal. The insertion of the Crinone could have irritated your insides. Should not be a worry unless there's heavy bright red bleeding.
Hi thanks for answering. Yup it is v light pink spotting, kind of like sometimes a bit of pink mixed in with the white discharge.

I was using Crinone until the week 6 scan. Had slight pink discharge from using Crinone. It also "scratches" d sides of the vagina nearer to week 6 but were rather mild. If you are concern, talk to your doc and express your discomfort of using inserts after bfp (though inserts ate better absorb by the body). May i know who's ur doc, by the way?
Thanks gal! I prefer to use inserts if possible actually, cos the oral medication gives me bad nausea. My doctor is Tan HH.
Hi thanks for answering. Yup it is v light pink spotting, kind of like sometimes a bit of pink mixed in with the white discharge.

Thanks gal! I prefer to use inserts if possible actually, cos the oral medication gives me bad nausea. My doctor is Tan HH.

Hey Mei, i remember seeing you under Dr Handsome's thread. Anyway he prescribed me with inserts up till week 6 only. The rest are oral meds which i am totally fine.
Hey Mei, i remember seeing you under Dr Handsome's thread. Anyway he prescribed me with inserts up till week 6 only. The rest are oral meds which i am totally fine.
Haha does everyone start calling him Dr Handsome? Lol!!!
I thought of doing inserts til wk 12 (did that last time) but crinone is sooo expensive!!! My eyes nearly popped at the bill.
How many wks are u now?
Haha does everyone start calling him Dr Handsome? Lol!!!
I thought of doing inserts til wk 12 (did that last time) but crinone is sooo expensive!!! My eyes nearly popped at the bill.
How many wks are u now?

I think it started with @towkayneo. Lol. But he is really good looking for his age and also quite charismatic.

Ya crinone is ex but i prefer it than the other inserts. Less messy and easier to apply.

I delivered the load in Jan liao and going bac to work next week. Will try for #3 at the end of d year since i still have some frozen embies.
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I think it started with @towkayneo. Lol. But he is really good looking for his age and also quite charismatic.

Ya crinone is ex but i prefer it than the other inserts. Less messy and easier to apply.

I delivered the load in Jan liao and going bac to work next week. Will try for #3 at the end of d year since i still have some frozen embies.
Haha i see.. Congrats on ur bundle of joy! The $3000 in CDA came in just in time for ur #3 :)

Ya agree he is charismatic... wonder how old he is. He looks pretty young.
Hi mei Handsome Dr in his early 40yrs. Father of 2sons.. When u go for the first scan n 6wks appt. u can checked with him whether can change to oral med or other type of inserts. When I doing my IVF, he prescript that to me. I asked him to change to do jab type. After Test, he change to oral med for me. Usually he open to discussion one.
Hi mei Handsome Dr in his early 40yrs. Father of 2sons.. When u go for the first scan n 6wks appt. u can checked with him whether can change to oral med or other type of inserts. When I doing my IVF, he prescript that to me. I asked him to change to do jab type. After Test, he change to oral med for me. Usually he open to discussion one.
I see... Yup will bring it up with him... Thanks gal.
Hi mei Handsome Dr in his early 40yrs. Father of 2sons.. When u go for the first scan n 6wks appt. u can checked with him whether can change to oral med or other type of inserts. When I doing my IVF, he prescript that to me. I asked him to change to do jab type. After Test, he change to oral med for me. Usually he open to discussion one.
2 sons, not 3 ah? Why some say 3 har! He's quite accomplished - early 40s and is an associate professor Liao. But I think he spends more time in KKH than anywhere else
2 sons, not 3 ah? Why some say 3 har! He's quite accomplished - early 40s and is an associate professor Liao. But I think he spends more time in KKH than anywhere else
True... Actually but i feel quite sorry for him cos his workload must be so high. Morn 7.30am sometimes alr saw him walking ard. Evening 6-7pm still in consultation rm sometimes. And what if patient delivers at some terrible hour like 3am?! Omg!
2 sons, not 3 ah? Why some say 3 har! He's quite accomplished - early 40s and is an associate professor Liao. But I think he spends more time in KKH than anywhere else

Ya lor, someone told me 3 boys too. But confirmed he has 2 boys coz d info is from his mouth. I think he is promoted to adjunct assistant professor liao. However, it seems to be rather common among doctors. To reach the professor takes much much longer.

True... Actually but i feel quite sorry for him cos his workload must be so high. Morn 7.30am sometimes alr saw him walking ard. Evening 6-7pm still in consultation rm sometimes. And what if patient delivers at some terrible hour like 3am?! Omg!

I had a chat during my consultation. His usual "working hours" is from 830am to about 7+ in the evening. Sometimes earlier or later coz anything out of this range is his visiting schedule for his patients who have delivered (if he has no time during the normal hours). He said he's prepared for this kinda working schedule when he chose this specialization. I wonder how he finds time to bond with his sons and if his missus is a FTWM. Otherwise how to squeeze time for d children? Me and my dh struggling with that now. Hai..
