Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

I had a chat during my consultation. His usual "working hours" is from 830am to about 7+ in the evening. Sometimes earlier or later coz anything out of this range is his visiting schedule for his patients who have delivered (if he has no time during the normal hours). He said he's prepared for this kinda working schedule when he chose this specialization. I wonder how he finds time to bond with his sons and if his missus is a FTWM. Otherwise how to squeeze time for d children? Me and my dh struggling with that now. Hai..
Ya true... But i am sure he earns so much $$$ his wife can choose to be sahm if she wants. I also headache how to squeeze time for kids. How u do it now?

Ya true... But i am sure he earns so much $$$ his wife can choose to be sahm if she wants. I also headache how to squeeze time for kids. How u do it now?

I am still trying to find a balance. In the past, he sleeps at 9pm. Now, my #1 is sleeping much later. When i start work next week, it might be worse. By the time i reach home with the kids, it would be 730pm. Finish bathing at 8pm. Finish dinner at 8.30pm. After that have to latch #2. By the time i read and do practices with my #1, it would be 9pm. Then need to assign time for him to watch cartoon. I tink i am really cutting it very finely. Shall see how it goes.

What's ur plan later? L
I am still trying to find a balance. In the past, he sleeps at 9pm. Now, my #1 is sleeping much later. When i start work next week, it might be worse. By the time i reach home with the kids, it would be 730pm. Finish bathing at 8pm. Finish dinner at 8.30pm. After that have to latch #2. By the time i read and do practices with my #1, it would be 9pm. Then need to assign time for him to watch cartoon. I tink i am really cutting it very finely. Shall see how it goes.

What's ur plan later? L
Wow i dunno how u manage man....!
Right now i am sahm, but returning to work soon.
Next time think i more or less like u liao haha. Jiayou mummy!
Hi not sure shd I join here ? I just did my fet ytd , I have a 16mths plus gal via ivf n now we are trying for number 2.
Really mixed feelings cos been thru ivf 8 times n ytd was the 9th try n yet my heart is seven up eight down feeling
Perhaps I m scare of gg thru 2ww cycle again n the end results..
W a toddler it's hard for me to rest too after fet & she quite sticky to me..when she insist mummy to carry means mummy , papa Aso cannot..
Hi Mei, I saw a familiar name here.. It has been really Long I didn't log into the forum
@dolly_gal nice to see u again! Thought of pm u qt recently but dunno u active in forum or not...
All the best for yr cycle gal... Hope u can join us here. Don't worry abt carrying toddler. My doctor said ok to carry my baby, just don't do sudden lifts. Anw think impossible for us not to carry LO during tww la ;) i just minimised the non-essential housework for the timebeing. Where possible, try to hug, put on lap, kiss etc instead of carrying.
Think it is true it is easier to bfp after giving birth (at least for me)... Don't think so much abt ur previous cycles. This cycle is on clean slate.
Hi Mei ,
I Tik I m starting gg crazy looking for symptoms like any implantation cramp like my previous success cycle n etc. Except this round I have no time to keep Google n read here n there cos she keeps me busy..
Hi Mei ,
I Tik I m starting gg crazy looking for symptoms like any implantation cramp like my previous success cycle n etc. Except this round I have no time to keep Google n read here n there cos she keeps me busy..
Actually think no point looking cos ur body is different after giving birth. Whatever u had previously may not show up now. Like i used to get cramps and sore boobs cos of the insertd but now no more. Dunno is it cos womb and breast expanded liao haha....
In fact i don't even have MS... Qt scary.

At least u have princess to occupy urself with :)
Twin delivery at Thomson for your info

Hi not sure shd I join here ? I just did my fet ytd , I have a 16mths plus gal via ivf n now we are trying for number 2.
Really mixed feelings cos been thru ivf 8 times n ytd was the 9th try n yet my heart is seven up eight down feeling
Perhaps I m scare of gg thru 2ww cycle again n the end results..
W a toddler it's hard for me to rest too after fet & she quite sticky to me..when she insist mummy to carry means mummy , papa Aso cannot..
Hi! You can join Matters of the Heart -> IVF support which may be more helpful when it comes to IVF Q. Good luck!
Lol Mei
I need to recap after almost 2 years break..coming here to get support so tat my imagination won't run even though I m suppose to b occupy w my missy .. She is Super whiny this week.can't even go toilet in peace , need to put her on the floor watching me ..zzzz
Lol Mei
I need to recap after almost 2 years break..coming here to get support so tat my imagination won't run even though I m suppose to b occupy w my missy .. She is Super whiny this week.can't even go toilet in peace , need to put her on the floor watching me ..zzzz
Wah how u bring urself to do that? Until now i cannot, rather leave her to cry for 5 min...
She has this weird habit, must hold my collar when sleep .. Sometimes woke up at 3am just to find my collar n hold on to it n dun let go.she no Chou chou, I m her chou Chou I Guess.
Wah.. Did you all say HH Tan is married with 2-3 kids? Wonder how he managed his time with the crazy working hours? I'm waiting to see him and my ultrasound (first scan) till my neck is long!
Hi hi ladies....

May I ask does anyone of mummy/mummy-to-be occur frequent fetal hiccups during third trimester?

I look up in the Internet there r several reason for tt but the one most worrying is due to cord compression...

Thanks for any reply in advance .....
Hi hi ladies....

May I ask does anyone of mummy/mummy-to-be occur frequent fetal hiccups during third trimester?

I look up in the Internet there r several reason for tt but the one most worrying is due to cord compression...

Thanks for any reply in advance .....
I heard it is normal. Some of my friends bb hiccup v frequently in womb... If u are worried u can check with Dr Tan...

She has this weird habit, must hold my collar when sleep .. Sometimes woke up at 3am just to find my collar n hold on to it n dun let go.she no Chou chou, I m her chou Chou I Guess.
Aiyoh so cute!!! First time hear this habit... U must be v sayang her.

Wah.. Did you all say HH Tan is married with 2-3 kids? Wonder how he managed his time with the crazy working hours? I'm waiting to see him and my ultrasound (first scan) till my neck is long!
When is ur first scan?
Actually i prefer first scan not too early... Sometimes fetal pole didn't appear yet then make me super kan chiong....
As for spending time with kids, truthfully i think for most families it falls on the mom, even if the mom is working. I dunno how things are managed in his household though.
Hi hi ladies....

May I ask does anyone of mummy/mummy-to-be occur frequent fetal hiccups during third trimester?

I look up in the Internet there r several reason for tt but the one most worrying is due to cord compression...

Thanks for any reply in advance .....

I think it's common for frequent hiccup. I can't differentiate how hiccup feels like though :p
I heard it is normal. Some of my friends bb hiccup v frequently in womb... If u are worried u can check with Dr Tan...

Aiyoh so cute!!! First time hear this habit... U must be v sayang her.

When is ur first scan?
Actually i prefer first scan not too early... Sometimes fetal pole didn't appear yet then make me super kan chiong....
As for spending time with kids, truthfully i think for most families it falls on the mom, even if the mom is working. I dunno how things are managed in his household though.
My first scan this coming Friday, will be 6 weeks by then. Hopefully can get the fetal pole. I will also probably change back to my previous gynae after this visit cos too many want to see Dr Tan already...
My first scan this coming Friday, will be 6 weeks by then. Hopefully can get the fetal pole. I will also probably change back to my previous gynae after this visit cos too many want to see Dr Tan already...
All the best for ur scan!
Ya his q really v long!
I think it's common for frequent hiccup. I can't differentiate how hiccup feels like though :p

I hope fetal is okay with such frequent hiccup which at times last for 10mins or so...

The feeling is like slow rythmatic pulsar heartbeat...

I heard it is normal. Some of my friends bb hiccup v frequently in womb... If u are worried u can check with Dr Tan...

Yup am pretty worried ....cos all the internet look up is scary at times...and the frequency of hiccups increases as day ..

Would like to go down to have a check on ctg soonest but scare Kkh delivery ward will luff at my reason for checking ....
I hope fetal is okay with such frequent hiccup which at times last for 10mins or so...

The feeling is like slow rythmatic pulsar heartbeat...

Yup am pretty worried ....cos all the internet look up is scary at times...and the frequency of hiccups increases as day ..

Would like to go down to have a check on ctg soonest but scare Kkh delivery ward will luff at my reason for checking ....
When is ur next appt with Dr Tan?
I am sure the nurses will be professional if u do decide to go to the delivery ward to have a check for ease of mind.
U must be so worried as this is ur first child. I assure u that the vast majority of pregnancies are successful at this stage. Cord accidents etc are extremely rare and I don't think will happen to u... It is qt tempting but try not to read those stillbirth threads in SMH. Talk to ur bb and be happy k!
The most common one I heard is low amniotic fluid towards wk 37-39, but by then u will be closely monitored and Dr Tan is quite careful about this :)
When is ur next appt with Dr Tan?
I am sure the nurses will be professional if u do decide to go to the delivery ward to have a check for ease of mind.
U must be so worried as this is ur first child. I assure u that the vast majority of pregnancies are successful at this stage. Cord accidents etc are extremely rare and I don't think will happen to u... It is qt tempting but try not to read those stillbirth threads in SMH. Talk to ur bb and be happy k!
The most common one I heard is low amniotic fluid towards wk 37-39, but by then u will be closely monitored and Dr Tan is quite careful about this :)

Hi hi_mei

My next appt is tml actually...n yup 1st child tt y super kan cheong n paranoid...

Thanks for ur comforting words mei...did not slp well thro out ystr nite...think I do at times read too much -ve stories n Google too much..must do selective reading le..

Thank u also for the info on when low amniotic fluid occur for was about to Google on tt n am very sure I will find more scary stories...

Think tml I have super a lot of qns to ask Dr Tan...
Hi hi_mei

My next appt is tml actually...n yup 1st child tt y super kan cheong n paranoid...

Thanks for ur comforting words mei...did not slp well thro out ystr nite...think I do at times read too much -ve stories n Google too much..must do selective reading le..

Thank u also for the info on when low amniotic fluid occur for was about to Google on tt n am very sure I will find more scary stories...

Think tml I have super a lot of qns to ask Dr Tan...
It is normal to be very worried as it is ur first precious. Tmr u ask him ur qns... Better to clarify with him.
Last time i was v worried that bb not putting on weight, esp end of second tri was almost at 10th percentile already. But everything turned out ok in the end.
Exciting that tmr u get to see bb again :)
I hope it is not lei. Scared nicu complications and also hard to bf... Haiz... Wait til wk 6 scan then see how... Thanks gal.
One step at a time..anyway, you got your BFP, so it's really God's gift if it happens to be twins. Just welcome them with both arms :)
One step at a time..anyway, you got your BFP, so it's really God's gift if it happens to be twins. Just welcome them with both arms :)
Thank you... Yes will accept as gift :) just very worried how to manage with twins and toddler but will try. Thanks for ur encouragement!
Thank you... Yes will accept as gift :) just very worried how to manage with twins and toddler but will try. Thanks for ur encouragement!

U doing FET right? FET can have higher readings from what I read previously. Of course can be twins too :)
Just took my BT and the result is 2000+. I feel very worried it is twins...
Congrats. 2000+ really high. It's at 18dpo equivalent? You transferred 1 or 2 embryos? I also very scare to get twins so only transferred 1.. You had IVF before, was it so high?

U doing FET right? FET can have higher readings from what I read previously. Of course can be twins too :)
Why FET will have higher readings?
Congrats. 2000+ really high. It's at 18dpo equivalent? You transferred 1 or 2 embryos? I also very scare to get twins so only transferred 1.. You had IVF before, was it so high?

Why FET will have higher readings?

I also don't know just read from past smh thread few girls with high readings on FET n turn up to be singleton.
U doing FET right? FET can have higher readings from what I read previously. Of course can be twins too :)
It is fresh trf, i trf two embryos. Kind of like don't have much choice cos I usually only have 1 or 2 embryos. If i choose to trf 1, mb it doesn't work plus the other cannot make it to freeze... So i took the risk lor.
My previous hcg reading for singleton is 300+ nia, so this time 2000+ is really much higher.
I also don't know just read from past smh thread few girls with high readings on FET n turn up to be singleton.
Oh interesting.. I didn't read through the forum..

It is fresh trf, i trf two embryos. Kind of like don't have much choice cos I usually only have 1 or 2 embryos. If i choose to trf 1, mb it doesn't work plus the other cannot make it to freeze... So i took the risk lor.
My previous hcg reading for singleton is 300+ nia, so this time 2000+ is really much higher.
If transferred 2 then quite likely both implanted. But hope you get what you wish for! Healthy most important. You know when you seeing Dr Tan?

Hi everyone
First time mummy here at 14 weeks with sgh & expecting identical twins.. excited yet scared

Can I check if it's true that gynae won't issue HL unless you are admitted? Does this only apply to govt hospital or private too?

I had a bleeding scare ytd and went to nuh A&E.. requested for HL instead of mc but gynae thr say can't give cos I'm not admitted
Resting at home now and hope bleeding won't come back >.<
is their A&E protocol. Same for KKH A&E. No HL given, can only give max 3 days mc
