
Will you be interested in Britax Omega?

Features :-
Grows with your child- converts from baby car seat to toddler car seat
Exclusive frontal recline for easy adjustment of seat
Seat belt lock off for forward facing positions and push button harness adjuster
Machine washable plush luxurious trim and storage pocket

Gross Weight: 8.50 kg

My child sits in it till 3yr, and it's so soft and comfortable that he always fall asleep in it
It was lightly used as my child is staying with nanny and hence the carseat was used mainly only on weekends.

Retail @ $400+ and I am letting go at $180 to clear space. Interested pls sms/whatsapp 81122066

Will you be interested in Britax Omega?

Features :-
Grows with your child- converts from baby car seat to toddler car seat
Exclusive frontal recline for easy adjustment of seat
Seat belt lock off for forward facing positions and push button harness adjuster
Machine washable plush luxurious trim and storage pocket

Gross Weight: 8.50 kg

My child sits in it till 3yr, and it's so soft and comfortable that he always fall asleep in it
It was lightly used as my child is staying with nanny and hence the carseat was used mainly only on weekends.

Retail @ $400+ and I am letting go at $180 to clear space. Interested pls sms/whatsapp 81122066
Just so you know, the Frontier 85 with SCIT is very very wide. I have 2 of the standard 85s and they are already very big and know that the SCIT is 5in wider. The SCIT would take up a seat and a half in a sedan!!
Hi Oz Mummuy,

No choice, I have a big cousin. She is 2 and barely manage to fit into the maxi cosi. My next options are only britax or evenflo for their spaciousness.
The britax is very good but you may want to look for the non-SCIT model. Those airbags take up a lot of room. There is also the Graco Nautilus that is similar to the Britax. BTW there is some selling the original Frontier in the "want to sell" section

Hi Oz Mummy,

Thanks for the advice. I managed to find the post on the Britax Carseat under WTS.

I might have to settle for that. My cousin has outgrown the current one.

I have seen it at MW but at that time I was looking for SCIT version.

Any infor to share between Even flo Triumph and Britax Frontier 85?
Is the seat outgrown by weight or height?

The evenflo triumph is a convertable for infants/toddlers. Did you mean the Maestro? The Maestro can convert to a booster but it isn't very tall. By the time the harness is outgrown the booster is also outgrown
The Frontier is very tall. My 7yo still fits in the harness!!!

If you are not too keen on buying 2nd hand then I would look at the Graco Nautilus. It is the seat that most people in the US compare the Britax seats with. It costs less but is also a very good seat.


Glad to be able to help.
Her head is above the height of the car seat by half.

her shoulders are above the height but since the straps can be lengthened I ma not sure if she has out grown this part

The depth of the seat is causing her discomfort between the tighs and crotch, which is the main reason why I am looking around. I thought once she is on panties it will be better, it did for a while but now she is back to struggling

My current one is inherited from at least 15 years ago. The brand is Kolcraft

Plasticky and hard to put her in or out due to the sides

The harness is also a full piece of foam unlike the new ones where it is buckles

Her weight is quite ok but nearing the max.
She has def outgrown it. Most seats are outgrown when the ears are above the top of the seat, the shoulders are above the harness strap top slots or they are over the max weight.

The Frontier would be the best seat for her by the info you have given. It is deeper than the Graco and taller than the evenflo. It also has multiple crotch buckle positions.

Just so you know, carseats actually have an expiry date (usually around 6-10 yrs depending on the brand/model). The plastic gets brittle and can fracture in an accident.
I am aware of the expiry date but the Kolcraft looks v sturdy. Plus because she is big, we r certain she will need to change soon so we decided to compare around before buying.

I guess I have made the right choice after all.

Thanks for your advice!
Hi Ty,

Thanks for the offer but I think this is a very old model. I couldn't find it on the official Britax web.
i bought my britax frontier at centrepoint robinson. probably you can check with them.

and why motherworks sell so expensive?!!...
