Wonder if this is just temporary

I am on maternity leave now. Having a baby who wakes up every three hours, I tend to sleep only at 4am, after her feed. Maid will take over at 6am, while I sleep till 9am. With this kind of sleeping pattern, I surf on the web a lot.

One day while surfing on some childcare articles, I chanced upon articles on child sponsorship and have been reading intensively on it. I have no intention to adopt an orphan as I have no financial means to do so. But child sponsorship takes about USD30 a month per child, which I can still afford. I am thinking of sponsoring an orphan with special needs and found a boy who has down syndrome and a girl who is deaf. I have not signed up to sponsor either one of them yet as I want to be sure it is not a spur of the moment decision. Does anyone here experience in child sponsorship?

Sometimes, babies gets up during the night because of hunger. So maybe you can try mixing milk with a spoon of cereal. So that the milk will be thicker and more filling. Milk is a fluid. Once urine, and the baby tends to get hungry again.

Its normal for baby to wakes up every 2-3 hrs as baby is hungry so give milk or diaper wet or need to be swaddle.

U can read up more on taking care of baby in this forum. many experienced mummies or even daddies here :)

About child sponsoring i read about it and the success of it. As in the child who was being sponsored from young success in his/her study and holds a good job was looking for his/her sponsors and they met :)

U can google about it. and check if its authentic organisation.
if i bump into the article, i will share here.

My suggestion: before you sponsor, stabilise your financial planning for your baby and family. think long term like childcare fees, maid salary, monthly groceries etc. Then if your hubby and you confirmed all ok, then go ahead and sponsor. Wish you all the best.

Congrats on having a baby. Enjoy motherhood.
I have 3 sponsored kids now.
Been sponsoring them since 2008.

I went to Cambodia and a local friend recommended me an orgn where I can sponsor a kid. Met the head of the orphanage who gave me a portfolio of some kids and I choose a 3yo girl.

Then I found about Children International (https://www.children.org) and sponsored another 5yo girl from Philippines. Even arranged to visit her & her family a year later.

Then I came across a World Vision roadshow (http://www.worldvision.org) & sponsored a 5yo Vietnamese boy. Have yet to meet him as I had my own kids thereafter and couldn't find time to travel there.

Both CI and WV are known worldwide and it's pretty safe to sponsored kids from them. All of them are very affordable. And u can top up any donation as and when u want. Sometimes they have some drives going on that u can participate for your kid eg. Clean water drive and pay usd15 for clean water to be delivered to your kid and family. The orgn also can arrange to buy for you birthday gift for kids for usd10.

The costs are quite affordable and they will send a half yearly report of yr kids to u.

They encourage the kids to write letters to their sponsors. So u will receive letters from the kids once In a while. U can reply online and the local orgn will arrange to print out your letter to give it to the kid.
Thanks for all your replies. I have 3 children so I am quite aware of their sleeping patterns. Just that interrupted sleep is terrible so I tend not to sleep at all.
@mannouhana - In my opinions, I feel that you need enough of rest and sleep. I understand your concern as a mother and moreover you are worried about their sleeping patterns. But i seriously hope that you will have enough sleep and rest.
Zaclin29, now i recalled its worldvision.org that i read about in newspaper.

Mannouhana..wow..3 kids...envy you....share ok if you do sponsor kids...

so encouraging to read this posting.
I am planning to sponsor a child in sri lanka. I hope so it will make a difference. After trying it out for a month for a child, I will try sponsor another child. As I really want to make a diiference in these innocent kids life.
