very little breast milk

hi haystack,
i sold all oredii..

hi belle,
i totally agree.. some mummies can tbf so easily.. like 2nd nature whereas for pple like me, tried almost everything still ss was pathetic.. somehow, aft my shower everyday, whenever i squeezed out my breast, still got milk come out..


i have an extra brand new reusable ice sheet, bought from MIM for S$7.50. now selling for S$7.00, inclusive of normal postage.

it is very useful for working moms who are still breastfeeding. i used it to transport EBM from work and to keep EBM warm during short outing with baby.

pls refer to the link for more info.

interested moms, pls e-mail me at [email protected] or sms me at 94472030.
dear mummies is it possible that bb can suck more milk than a pump? after all the mechanism is different.

like when i pump out milk after feed, one side seems to be very little only 30ml or less but when latch on can see milk coming out from bb's mouth n he can drink till full
Hi Mummies

I'm now total EBM for 10+ months already. Am quite used to the routine of pumping already, but getting lazier, so my supply is also dropping dropping. Hope I can still sustain till at least baby is 12 months old.

Can I find out from mummies here, how much milk does a 10 month old drink? I compare my baby with others taking FM, mine seems to be drinking less, so I'm not sure if he's getting enough.

hi charlotte

yes, baby is the best pump you can ever have. can suck more milk than a pump. as long as your baby feels full, then it's alright. Also, you are pumping out after feeding, so all the milk drank by your baby already.
Charlotte, i tink i am also facing the same problem as you. i always have a hard time trying to express milk out, having to stimulate the nipple and all the hassel.

it's just different when baby latches on..

i'm beginning to find it v stressful breastfeeding. cos its like i cant express enough milk, so i wonder if baby is getting enough actually.

Hi Mummies

I am new to this thread. But just wanna pour out my thoughts.

I have stopped bf after 1 mth and since then, been feeling so guilty about it cos most friends ard me are telling me that first 6 mths to bf is good for the bb as will build up their immune system.

As I am unable to meet my boi's demand and every bf feed, I felt so grouchy, I decide to stop.

Is it true that by giving up bf so early, will not do the bb good?

How to wash away my guilt feeling?
i really like what you wrote. i sometimes wonder whether those people who are fanatic advocates of BF are ones who had problems doing so. and these days everyone wants to know about BFing, which can get a little annoying sometimes! (i had one person ask me how the BF was going, barely 6 hours after i had given birth..) anyway, for my 2nd child i will definitely try harder to BF, if not, then at least as much BM as possible

as long as you tried your best, and you love your bb unconditionally! nothing can replace that. BF or FF, as long as he's not going hungry, he's not getting anything less from you than other babies are
i'm sure many of us were brought up on formula, and although there are many benefits to BF, it will probably be worse if you are able to BF but grouchy all the time.
Hi Isobellies

Thanks! I do agree nowadays ppl are much more concern about bf...whenever friend calls me, they will ask me how is bf-ing...etc. ;( Its kind of add stress to me too.

Thats what I feel too, if I feel grouchy all the times while feeding bb, the bb will not feel happy too.

I have the same thought as you, will try to bf more for my 2nd bb..;)
Dear mummies,

I got 2 BN btls of MotherLove goat's rue for sale. Letting go as i am stopping bfing soon.

Interested pls PM me.
hi adeline,
i felt guilty wen i decided to try bf altogether.. but somehow i felt less stressful aft deciding to stop.. maybe coz i dun need to think of how much im supposed to pump out, etc.. im much happier now wif bb..
Hi Adeline

Like to share my 2 cents story. Like all mummies, I tried BF when my first one was born but I was also one of those with very little milk supply. At that time, I didn't know about LC or taking fernugreek to increase ss. Also, my baby was not too keen in latching. As a result, I stopped BF (or rather milk ss ran dry) after just 1 mth.

I didn't think too much about it until my BB started having diahorrea 6 times a day for 10 days! After many tests and PD visits, the conclusion was she was allergic to milk proteins and therefore needed breast milk. But my milk supply stopped long ago! Imagine my guilt and depression!

Anyway, to cut long story short, she was put on totally hydrolised milk available only at pharmacies. They are terribly ex and made her poo-poo very smelly.

My guilt "ended" when she started solid at 5 mths, which she took to it quite well. Now, she is an overweight 7 year old.

I totally agree with Belle L.
hi ah_bie

b4 my mense came, i have bad blockage which result in the sudden drop of the supply. till now, it's going keep going down each time i have menses.
Oh no!

is there any way to ease the blockage or get a faster let-down?

it's very strange that menses will come when we are still BF-ing. sigh
Yes but were you bf-ing less than before? My 7-months dd has started solid with less latch on during the day and night since 1 month ago, my supply decreased and with that my menses started to return. Still bf-ing with latch on at least 3X/day and pump 3X/day.
Yes if supply is low and nurse/pump less, menses will do come.

To get letdown faster, normally I pump and nurse at the same time.

My supply is ard 2-3 oz whenever I pump. My bb is 3 weeks old. Everyone says that latching on helps to increase milk supply.

But whenever I thought of latching on, i feel uneasy and pain. Sometime bb suck very fine... but sometime he made a fuss like as though he can't get any milk. Usually on the right breast.

I had visited the lactation before, the position that I latch was as instructed.

Sometime, I really feel like giving up... I dun noe y some mothers can BF w/o any support or using 1 hand to hold bb.

The BF style that was taught, that I got to use 1 hand to press my breast another to hold BB neck.

Sometime, I really admire those mummy who could BF all the way...

Now I'm having bruised, swollen and infection on my breast...

I wonder any mummy who have the similar experience to share...

I hope to pull thru for 6 mths....
hi bellfyn

my bb just turned 6 months recently, and my only regret is that i didn't let him latch on enough in the beginning, so always struggled with very little milk.

i also had a lot of trouble and visited lactation conusltants, but in the end i realised that i wish i had just persevered with the pain and stuck to it.

for some women it just comes very naturally, for others like us, it's a struggle and can be very stressful. if you do find it too stressful, you might want to consider not BFing at all, it's better that you're happy and feeding formula than stressed and depressed and BFing?

after having been through this "experience", i now know better and i'm sure that my second time will be much better

btw babies sometimes prefer one breast over the other, so it's natural that he might like your left more.
Bellfyn, hang there you can make it. I also have masitis last month. I also don't know how come I have it. Could be due to sleeping position too. I have blocked milk ducts on the 3rd day after delivery. Went back to hospital to seek help from the nurse.

When bf, just put a pillow on your lap. Rest your arm and baby on top. You can also try to nurse laying down.

You have good supply now. Yes latching really helps to increase supply faster than expressing.
Hi All, I just chanced upon this thread. I was also having trouble with my ss of BM. Initially I was so stressed out that I dun have enough milk and thinking why some mothers can have so much more... Very stressed at that time and did not enjoy motherhood at all.

I felt very guilty that I couldn't fully breast feed my baby. Had masitis twice cos my bb bit me. The pain was unbearable and also had fever for a few days and my ss also got much lower. Some more it was very near the end of my maternity leave so no choice but accept it. I was very down at that point and need to supplement him with FM.

After a while, I learnt to let go and motherhood has become more enjoyable. I gave my bb what I have... only 2/3 bottles of BM a day. The rest FM. For me, I have done my best and at least he still had some BM to drink. So I guess, once u let go of feeling guilty of not having enough of BM for your bb, you will enjoy motherhood more.

Me too..Before I gave birth I am determined to breastfeed my baby. However, I am unable to do so after birth could be due to stress etc etc and my c-section and inverted nipple make it so difficult to bf.

In the end... now is already 2 months.... I tried my best to continue and I only have 2 bottles of BM per day.... inow pumping 2x per day and already I find it so taxing, having to catch some sleep and looking after bb.

BTW.... anyone knows how to get fenugrek seeds? I tried the fenugreek from GNC but does not readlly help. I took only 4 tablets a it too little?
Hi Jean,
You can get raw fenugreek seeds at the Supermarkets. Most NTUC would have. Look for the dried food sections. If not, you should be able to find in those local mart or indian shop selling spices in the wet market. I used to buy mine in Mustafa as it is cheaper when you buy a bigger pack. Do remember to keep it in the fridge to keep it fresh.
Raw seeds will cost a lot less than capsules and more effective. Put a spoonful in a cup filled with little hot water. Put it aside and consume it after it has turn soft. You need take about 3-4 spoonful everyday. My Lactation consultation at KKH suggested that. I breastfed my child till 2 years.
If you are not working, try to breastfeed baby more directly as the suckling will stimulate more milk production. Pump when you have excess BM or need a good night sleep and have someone take over the feeding at night.
When you do pump, create a soothing environment like putting on your fave music, some aromatherapy, Looking at baby pictures, etc.
Try to relax and drink more water and your BM will come more readily.
Good Luck!
Oh just to add...
I had little BM for my first 3 months but I preserved coz I was very determined to bf my child. My child was constantly on my breast for the first 2 months, gives me little time for anything else. It was very taxing for me too. My BM came in abundance only in my 4th month. The thing is to preserve, do not give up!
Oh just to add...
I had little BM for my first 3 months but I preserved coz I was very determined to bf my child. My child was constantly on my breast for the first 2 months, gives me little time for anything else. It was very taxing for me too. My BM came in abundance only in my 4th month. The thing is to preserve, do not give up!

Btw, try the Ameda Dual Pump. I found that I can pump more milk with it than the Avent Manual or Medela.
Hi Jean,

knew from my sister-in-law that when u're in stress, the amount of milk will decrease. thus doctor always asked her to relax during the confinement period and not to worry to much..
Hi Tks for all the advice...

I tried to pump for 3 x per day instead of the usual 2 but realize that not much milk flow out. Very depressing to see so little milk but I must readlly keep trying.... is already coming to 3 mths and I envy those mummies who are able to have abundant supply of breastmilk...
hi jean
latching on is really the best way to increase SS. other than that you can try drinking more fresh or those milk meant for mummies. pumping more often helps a tiny bit but not as much as latching...
hi jean

i've been exclusively pumping since baby is 2 mths old, baby is now 13 mths. for me, longan red dates tea does the trick in increasing milk supply, better than green papaya or anything else. if u are not too tired, just buy red dates and dried longan and boil it n drink. if you're really too busy, the allswell brand ready made ones found in supermarket work as well.

in terms of pumping frequency, at 4 mths i was pumping 4 times a day, only at 7 mths i cut down to 3 times a day, and at 11 mths i cut down to 2 times a day. even when the breast don't have milk, i just let the pump continue running for some time longer to stimulate more milk production.
hi hazel

glad to hear that u are still breastfeeding. my gal now 18 mths. i'm doing partial BF after she turned 1 year old. Not too sure if it's due to the time frame, my ss kept dipping. now whole day i only able to pump close to 200ml. any help?
hi haystack

i think it's natural that after the baby is a certain age, the supply would slowly dry up. i'm producing about 360ml per day now. Baby has been drinking into the previously frozen excess milk. I think by this week, I'll have to introduce FM to supplement 1 feed per day already.
hi haystack

you've a few more months to go, jia you! i'm fickle minded, i keep changing from i want to feed till 2 yrs old to i think i want to stop.

does your baby take FM to supplement? mine doesn't like to drink much milk, BM or FM. total consumption per day is about 360-480ml only.
hi hazel

i was like you when my gal reached 12mths. at that time, i started to reduce pump times. as a result, it drops. then after that, i fickle minded. wanting to continue. but damage has been done. haha... ss drop very bad from then. plus my AF returns that time. so very bad.

my gal drinks quite alot. now on average, she will drink abt 660ml when i'm working. definitely have to give FM... not enough BM now. i only able to supply abt 200ml. no choice. very sad...

but just tell myself to continue till the day i really dry up. haha...
Dear all

I am using manuel pump and is quite depressing whenever I tried pumping and pumping and no milk came out so I wouldhave to stop.... seems that once het 60-90 ml...there seems to be no milk coming out

Should I continue to pump even though no milk flows out?
Hi Jean,

How long do u take to pump? Usually I pump about half an hour and after 15 mins my supply will drop. But after some massage and pumping again, the supply will come back a bit. Maybe you can pump every 3 hourly to increase the supply as they say, the more you pump, the more supply you will have. But the best is your baby can latch on.

Also, dun feel depressed. I also felt very depressed cos I couldn't totally breast feed my baby. You have tried your best and you should not blame yourself at all. Further, you will not enjoy motherhood as much as you will be worrying about not having enough milk for your baby.

I had to supplement my baby with formula cos I also didn't have enough supply. My supply drop and I couldn't latch my baby on as I was going back to work.
hi jean

try not to be discouraged or depressed. our milk supply works in letdowns, ie for maybe 10 mins you'll have milk, then suddenly no milk, if the breast still feels hard, then there is still milk inside. you can stimulate the letdown by rolling the nipple, massage the breast, especially areas that are harder. if your breast is totally soft, then there is not much milk inside, you need to wait for the body to replenish.

if your baby is <4 months, you need to pump more frequently as the demand for milk is very high, approx 3 hrs interval.

what i found useful is that after pumping, i use my hands to squeeze the last drops out, to stimulate more production.

if manual pumping is making you feel very tired, you can try getting a electric pump. i bought an ameda and a medela single electric pump. both are quite okay.

if you get 60-90ml per pump, actually it's not too bad already. you can always supplement. important thing is that with some breast milk, your baby is getting antibodies from your milk. that is the main thing that FM lacks. so just give whatever you have and don't worry too much.

stress will affect the amt of milk produced.
Hello mummies
I am new in this thread
Jus given birth in early sept and my milk supply is MISERABLE...
Each expression can onli yield 20ml-30ml the most. I only do 3 to 4 expressions per day. Not using any electric or manual pump cos i hv tried and find it a waste of milk cos supply so little already still got some stick onto the funnel and etc
My milk supply is also low. During my bb's 1st mth I could only expressed 30-60ml each time. Only half of what she needed. It got better along the way till now I could get 100-120ml each time but at 6 hrly intervals. So..still could only give my girl half of her daily intake. For me, I don't mind supplementing her intake with Formula. Less stressful for me n her ...otherwise I'll be depressed for not being able to supply her what she needs. As for her, think she's happier coz she gets enough.
hi mrs yap

are you also latching on your baby? if not, then if you really want to increase your supply, you need to express much more frequently. it's a very tedious job, expressing every 2 - 3 hrly is recommended if you want to increase. 3 hourly interval actually is less than that, because you would spend 30-45mins expressing the milk, so actually every 2.5hrs you'll be there holding a bottle and squeezing the milk out.

as your baby is still very young, the amount of milk you yield each time is going to be very little, but if you persevere and keep on expressing, it may increase because our body works like this, it's about demand and supply.

hi rapple
i think your supply is okay since you're supplementing your baby. how long do u intend to breastfeed?
hi mrs yap,

you are with the sept mummies thread too right? I am not active there but I did post some queries before..

i am another one with miserable supply too.. got quite stressed out over it actually.. now got slight improvement only after I have that 'give up' mentality. I will express whatever I can and give. Better than none. Improved from 20 to 40ml now. Morning can get more at around 60 ml per 30 min expression.. but can hardly keep up with my girl's demand cos she needs an increasing amount now that she is in the 3rd wk, while my 'engine' is like just starting only.. so I still supp with FM. I am thinking of trying more milk plus to see if have effect..

don't give up... persevere and it may just come when you least expect?
hi mummies,

i happenned to stop by but dun really read all the posts..

based on my experience and what i heard,

to mummy who plan to directly breastfeed ur baby:

a. get enough rest, go to sleep when baby's sleeping (i find this very difficult to be applied)
b. gotta breastfeed as often as ur baby wan..
c. dun try to supplement (will affect your supply)
d. dun express ur BM too early, gotta wait till ur supply is well established at least ard 6 weeks.. (dunno how true thou)
e. dun try to bottle feed ur baby at least till bb is 6-8 weeks old... this was my mistake, baby (2mths 1 wk) finally rejected my breast coz giving him too much bottles within that week.. thank God he was back on my breast one month later..
f. dun change your body wash and make sure you rinse your nipple properly so that no body shower smell left there... i tried to bath using dettol skin care body shower 2 wks ago.. end up my bb rejected my breast AGAIN.. it must be my wishful thinking to get him back on my breast as he's 11 mos.. he wanna latch on but he wanna puke when i put my nipple in.. baby >6mos has better memory.. haiz...
g. the most important.. dun stress up... i was stressed when bb rejected my breast for the second time.. my milk is decreasing now as i was stressed up and baby never latching on..

k.. gotta go..

hi mummies,

I'm also one with low milk ss, my bb is now 4 weeks old (full mth tmr) and I've to supplement with fm aft every feed. supposingly her feed now is 100ml, and prior to that i've let her latch on for ard 30mins, do i still supplement with 100ml fm? But aft fm feed, she will still cried for more. dun think my bm is sufficient, each pump only yield 40-50ml. but i dun wan to overfeeed her. how shld i estimate the correct fm quantity?

Have tried greenlife fenugreek 2cap 3x daily, but it isnt as effective. Now swopping to gnc hope it works. It stated 2 cap daily, can i increase dosage?

Really appreciate ur advice. thanks
I realized that milk supply would increase with latching on.. based on internet and some accounts of mummies.... wondering if there are any mummies out there who is able to pump milk with gd milk supply for at least 6 mths without bb latching on.....
My 3-month old bb is on total Expressed BM. I don't latch her but I'm able to pump more than her daily intake. There's a thread on total EBM babies in this forum. Latch on is not a must for good milk supply, diligence is key.
hi mummies,

my baby is 3weeks old. Supply currently slightly more then enough for baby. Only worry is when i'm going back to work next mth.

Mrs yap,
remember me? i'm on your msn.. from sept 08' too. i pop on 7th sept. you? dun give up k.. more demand = more supply. try to latch on more often. if baby refuse to latch on.. then pump out deligently for the milk to come in.. max 3hrly for now.
just happened to see this thread and want to share... i also don't have alot of supply. worse, i didn't know that supply can take a while to kick in. so in the hospital i was very gek sim, pumping air. baby didn't like to latch on until about week 3. prior to that she always got so frustrated so i didn't want to put her through the agony. so i ended up giving FM most times

so i went through about 3-4 weeks of not really pumping on time. like if got time then pump because the first month i was SO tired.

now she is latching on fine, but still got to supplement FM after most feeds, or BM will not sustain her for as long as FM will.

now i'm back to work so i pump dilligently once every 3-4 hours. each time is still not alot, 8am 80ml, 12pm 50-60ml, 3pm 50-60ml. at home i will latch on and before i sleep, pump one more time, about 60ml.

it's not alot but i am very grateful that i at least have milk to give my girl. i combine the EBM to give her a full BM feed, and i of course also rely on FM.

i take fenugreek twice a day, 1 tablet each time. i drink the fish and papaya soup on alternate days and drink plenty of water.

when you pump just relax and watch tv or something. don't stress yourself by keep looking at your milk flow! think positive. don't keep thinking 'aiyah so little, aiyah so little'. instead, think 'yay got milk!'.

hubbies support also very important. mine always asks 'how much?' cos he's curious. then he'll say 'wow that's alot!' if it's alot (by my standards) or encourage me if it's not alot by saying 'it's ok, you already pumped so much today'

just want to share that we should not feel bad and we should not feel like we are bad mummies. some women have alot of supply, some have little, some have none. as long as we can give some to our baby is good enough already. so chin up everyone!!!
I thought I was the only one with all the breastfeeding woes!

My son is now 3 weeks only and he has a good appetite. From Day 1, i have no choice but to give him FM &amp; what ever i can express.

Most of my friends can hit 100ml per pump, somehow I hope to reach that eventually.

What I noticed is that for the 1st week, avg EBM per pump is 10ml.
2nd week, 20 ml
this week, 30 ml.

lets hope that it continues steadily till I have sufficient for TBF.

And to all mommies out there, dun give up bcos you are not alone.
Was reading some mommies wit the 3 wks old bb drink more than 60 ml per feed. Mine is taking around that only when she was ard that age n blow.. After reading this I think yes we do have the tendency to worried that our supply couldnt catch up but actually it looks like the amount mummies pumped is very good oredi...

I also need to perseverance cos I'm oso increasing my ss..

Here are some recipe to increase breat milk supply!

