Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies



nonoelle - oh desiree look sooo totally different from her younger days! she used to look sooo chubby and bo geh...look at that mouthful of teeth! time flies...the kids are all so grown up

bless - maybe the next round ok. i yoga to stay healthy la..nothing to do with losing weights
Hi Weishy,

Yr girl cute cute and got big eyes too. Did u bundle her hair? She looks tall.

Hi Nonoelle,

Finally can see how desiree looks like now. Wow, times flies and our kiddos has grown up. She's more lady like and looks so sweet now. Ok, catch up with u when time permits.

Hi clarissa,

how are u? long time didn't chat with u here. Post yr boy boy latest photo, can? wanna c how he looks like now.
Jessica:yup but she got really little hair
....must be my hubby's genes kekkekekek.Tall ar...hummm looks btu when standing together with her same age groups...same or shorter le
hi nonoelle

oooo.. desiree is really growing up to be a heartbreaker ! gng to be a mei nu like mummy

hope you ladies had fun for the get together, thks for your sms, wat with my recent holiday n my girl getting ill last wk, I haven't had chance to visit the thread.


at least u still hv chance to go for your yoga lessons. Me and hubby used to go to shambhala for our yoga , but we nvr even got to finish our package cos no time to go liao haiz.
mink - i do enjoy yoga quite alot. I find that it really builds strength, energy and flexibiltiy. A good form of cardio too. I guess the key most important thing is that I feel good knowing that i had somehow exercised for the week! OTherwise, I do feel guilty. I bought yoga vcd and practice at home when I feel lazy to head out. I yoga at absolute yoga which is really just accross the road from where I stay.. and yes, though so near, at times I am still lazy to go. Oh, what a waste not to finish the package! its not cheap....

jess - i gotta log on with another laptop to post his pics but I will do that soon. when are you heading HK? I am heading there in 2 weeks time and I am kind of scared with this H1N1 thingie going around. Let me know how the situation is over there? The other concern is that I am meeting up with my boss and many other colleagues there and they are all americans. flying in from US. So kind of concern
hi nonoelle, Ariel, i_bless_u, grace, irene, ppp...
it was really a lot of fun meeting up n catching up, our kiddos had all grown up since the last time we met (donkey yrs ago)
hey the kiddos photos we took, post here ok.

mothers day
got celebrate mothers day? wat did u all do? For me, i had lunch at ah yat seafood. There were 4 mothers present. Myself, my mother, my mil, and my grandmother. SO its hitting 4 birds with one stone! celebrating mothers day for 4 mothers altogether !
Esther - I agree, it was great to put a face to a name when I get to meet the mummies! Next time, I will bring my children

Esther - wow, that is 4 mummies together haha, killing many birds with 1 stone.

PPP- I baked the hazelnut nutella cake together with my gal at GeniusRus http://geniusrus.com/
I signed up for package with them
Hi mummies

Have anyone tried Eu Yang San at Tiong Bahru plaza? Me and my daughter have been coughing for some time..thinking of going there
kileina : if u can, try to perservere with bfg - since it's good for both mother & baby. I feel sayang to give up if the supply is there.

BTW, i m staying at 131B - can see ur blk fm my place. hehe... =)

i_bless_u : Thanks. My baby is 3mth + now, doc says his weight is average. =)

kwong : I nvr tried Eu Yang San, but i used to see Sun yi shi at Ma Kuang (Bt Merah Central), not bad.

mummies : all of you enjoyed the gathering? =)

BTW, are u mummies on Facebook?
Hiya mummies!

Nice meeting at Esther's place!

Esther: I hav the pics but no time to upload at home. Forgot to bring my SD card to office to upload today! I'll try to remember to bring to office and upload tomorrow! At home is absolutely busy with Jovan, teaching him writing, watching him coloring and also do some activites book for maths! Then is time for bed....have to sleep in the room with him and i will eventually fall asleep as well =P
Bless - you are a hardworking mum! You even teach Jovan maths...hmm, I only ask Ashley to do colouring. Can he recognise alphabets?

Gelato - yes I'm on facebook, esp now that I'm on maternity leave, so I check pretty often
Ariel: Yes, he can recognise A-Z and recite as well. He knows how to recite 1-10 but fr 11-20 he skip abit. I consider v slow in teaching him already. My sis says her coll's 3yr old daughter can write A-Z and 1-10 by herself! My son only can write A and 1...hahaha, v slow man! He lazy to write...always ask him to write he say i must hold his hand write together!
gelato, don't worry, i'm still breastfeeding, although i'm feeding more EBM than latching on (as my bb fusses a lot on the breasts). i try to act blur in front of my hb and show him how much effort i'm putting in to give the best to our bb

oh you live across the road! i always go to the coffeeshop at your blk, but i must say there is hardly anything gd there since they changed owner. there used to be a chicken rice stall that is pretty gd but it is no longer there. even the western food stall is gone... maybe we can meet one of these days. PM me your contact and addy if possible!

kwong, where exactly is Ma Kuang? Is it gd? I'm looking for a good and affordable TCM at our area for my elder son rather than go all the way to Yu Guo at Kembangan all the time.

bless, how old is your son? he's so smart, can recite all his ABCs and even count! my elder son could recite A-Z since 2mos bk and just picked up counting 1-10 recently in Eng and 1-5 in Chi. i make sure i teach him things in both languages cos kids nowadays are really bad in Chi.

i'm on facebook too, can add me anytime - [email protected]

would anyone be uploading the gathering pics on FB? would love to see them
i just celebrated my younger son - Rayen's full mth yesterday and will be uploading the pics up soon!
Hi Mummies

Anyone know of any Art school around this area? I also heard there is one at Tiong Bahru Plaza, but can't seem to locate it.

kilenia: I'm already v slow already in teaching hahaha...cannot compare to SAHM who can drill their children to learn!

Pics coming up...didn't take v well and not much pics cos the kids cannot stand still!!
Sorry pics v small cos of size limit for uploading here! Mummies who attended the gathering and wants the group pic pls PM me ur email address for me to send across.
kileina : ya, i hardly eat at the coffeeshop too, unless no choice... hehe... i think the only stall that is edible is the zhi char stall. BTW, do u know a childcare ctr is going to open in June at that blk? i called up to enquire, quite ex.

BTW, i m the one who went to Ma Kuang sometime back. I used to see Sun yi shi, i find him not bad, the med worked well for me. I think Ma Kuang may be cheaper than Eu Yang San, but not very cheap either. There's 1 medical hall at Thomson rd which is cheaper ($20+), & very popular oso, but i can't rem where exactly is it. If u r interested, i'll try to search for the addy)

i_bless_you & kileina : my elder boy is 3yo, he can't even recite A-Z. I think i m the lousiest mum here.... hehe...

mummies on FB, can add me : [email protected] (juz to clarify - my name is not Charmaine)
gelato: Oh looks like we have a few 3 yrs old kids, that's good! Next time can come out play together! Can add me to ur face book? I can't go in during office hr. [email protected]
Where is ur son attending school at? That zi char stall is shifted from Blk 29 Havelock rd, not bad but portion abit lesser now. My hubby like the black bean sauce hor fan!

Kilenia: I added u into my facebook. My name is Christine, incase u wondering who is christine b4 confirming me as a friend haha!
kileina & i_bless_u : i added both of u to my FB. =)

i_bless_u : where do u stay? my boy is attending Apple Tree Playgroup. How abt ur kid?
mummies : r u all familiar with the montessori mthd of educating? why are operators with the name "montessori" charging more than others?
gelato, i agree with you. only the zi char stall has a bit of standard, the rest is ma ma tei...

yup, i saw the cc being renovated at your blk. thinking of switching my son to this cc if it is gd and since it is also conv (my son's present cc is at upper serangoon area which is close to my hb's workplc). how much is the rate? if i'm not wrong, the monterssori teaching method uses phonics whereas shicida uses flashcards. and bec they are licensed teaching methods (with licensed soft and hardware as well), they are typically quite ex.

how is apple tree playgroup? i send my son to GUG at one time for 3mths before he started cc.
kileina : actually i m not staying at the blk with coffeeshop, but next to it. =) if i m not wrong that blk is 131, i m at 131B. =)

Thanks for ur info on montessori, so is their teaching mthd more effective? i called up to chk the rate for my 3yo son, i was told full time aft subsidy is 600 & part time aft subsidy is 500. The ratio is 1:6.

Apple Tree is not bad, the teacher is very patient. I used to send my gal there, so i juz conveniently send my #2 there again... hehe... so i can't really compare with other playgroups. BTW, what's GUG?

Thanks for the website.

Thanks Esther for booking the function room for us n I_bless_u for posting the pic.
gelato: oh heehee, my mistake. i don't even know there is a 131B. nowadays all the blks end with alphabets. wow, their rates is pretty high. i'm only paying close to $250 aft subsidy for my elder son Lincoln's cc. it's cheap compared to others probably bec it is a church daycare.

GUG = Growing Up Gifted. They have 2 branches - United Sq and Suntec. Lincoln quite enjoyed the classes as they come with music, zoophonics, song and dance and art and craft.
gelato: My son is in Superland montessori half day cc, $450 after subsidy! Ex lor..anyway next he will be in PCF(under PAP) Nursery, going to register him tis month end. My hubby says too ex for the cc and also all his siblings says PCF is good and they got extra courses for the kids to attend (etc chinese, english and etc). So overall is still cheaper than in cc. And also near just below our hse near the multi-storey carpark).
hi all, wah sooo many postings!
My email is [email protected], pls add me on fb. I have added all the mummies who hv given their emails on this forum.

Teng family - welcome

Bless, Gelato - My gal can recite her alphabets because of the ABC song. However, she can't really write though (only "A as her name is Ashley)...looks like I hv to buck up as I didn't really practise writing with her!
Gin - I am not aware there is an art school at TB plaza. I think the CCs have art classes but I'm not sure how gd they are as have never tried b4. This fri, I'm bringing Ashley for trial class at Art Loft, which is located in the SG Art Museum.
kileina : oic.

i_bless_u : r u registering ur kid at the PCF at blk 6? my fren told me registration started on 4th May, did u miss it? or did i get the date wrong?

weishy : the Apple Tree at Kim Tian Place has 3 sessions - 9-11, 11+-1+ & another session in the afternoon (i dunno exactly wat time). The max class size is 15, 1 teacher (a Malay teacher who speaks English, Malay, some Mandarin & hokkien) & 1 helper. The fees is $160 per mth & material fees is $90 per half year (if i rem correctly). So far my son has learnt some shapes & colours + some alphabets. They oso do music & movements... hmmmm.... that's abt all that i know... can chk out their webby or call them for more details. =)
u very innovative! instead of drawing black holes on the faces, u drew a red heart instead.. that looks much nicer lor, haaha..
u got the group pic where all the mummies stood behing the babies? can post that one? with the red hearts on our faces of course, hehe

I just blew more than $300 just bringing my bb son to see PD. now he is on the nebuliser cos he has blocked airway. so poor thing, so small have to be on medication n neub. make me very stress.. i really hope he recovers soon
bless: Where is Superland cc?

ester: is it your bb boy who is on the nebulizer? poor thing... i hope that he recovers soon.

my bb boy has been regurgitating his milk during every feed. his burps are v loud and most of the time when he burps, milk comes out with them, sometimes like merlion. other times the milk and trickle out from the corners of his mouth. sigh, seems like my 2 boys have this regurgitation prob, big one with food + milk and small one with milk.

anyone knows any way to prevent regurgitation in babies? i tried not burping him and let him burp on his own but sometimes he can still spit out abt 2oz of milk. i tried propping him up higher also but milk still trickles out from his mouth. sometimes he can wake up crying and spit up milk and go bk to sleep. i also tried to burp him in between his feed but i fear this will cultivate a habit of him not able to drink his milk at one go later on. my older one has this prob until now, he can never finish his milk at one go. hope this younger one will not end up throwing up food later on like the older one.
oh btw, i find Brainy Baby DVD/VCD series very educational and entertaining for toddlers. My son Lincoln is always glued to the tv whenever any of the Brainy Baby series is on and he will recite ABC or 123 along with the cd. That's partly how he picked up ABC and 123 so fast. We also incorporated flashcards into his playtime so strengthen his knowledge. There is a promo going on now whereby a complimentary Brainy Baby VCD - Left Brain is given for every purchase of Gain IQ stage 3.
Esther: U mean Ryan on neuberliser??! Ever since sat swim, Jovan got cough again!
Sigh....maybe should let them play water at 3pm then after bath they go inside the aircon function room, caught a cold i think. I can't post the group pics here..too big file. If i make smaller all the faces too small to be viewed.

Kilenia: Superland is at ganges rd. Is ur bb overfed that's y vomit the milk out abit?

Gelato: No naer my hse. I staying at indus area.
yes its ryan on neubiliser! sigh.. PD said he got bronchitis and even suggested admission. But i preferred to take care of him at home, and bring him to PD daily to monitor.
no choice lor, cos ryan is so so little...

my #1 also had this regurgiation problem when he was less than 3 mths old. I remembered that time my PD said to prop him up after every milk feed to let him burp. But he still merlion leh. and it is those scary kind of merlion. this problem went away when he was about 4 mths old. my PD also told me the same thiing, that the problem usually goes away when they are older.

BTW ur #2 is born at how many weeks old? my #1 , who had this problem was born at 37 weeks. my #2, who is born at 39.5 weeks did not have this problem.
i also have the brainy baby series, i find it very good too, and my #1 learnt his ABC thru this VCD.
i got the other one "left brain" FOC as it came with the similac milk powder for breastfeeding mummies. this powder was also given FOC by my gynae clinic!
Hi Clarissa,

I've just back fm HKG this eve, went away on 9 May, so didn't reply you promptly. So far the HKG airport not so strict, just require to fill in the health declaration form. As for HKG people there, they don't seem to be bother abt the swine flu, just few wore masks and the MTR always announce on reminding people to cover their mouth when cough or wear mask when unwell. Otherwise, seems OK with everyone there. Weather turn a bit warmer now.

Hi Esther,

Oh sorry to hear yr lil Ryan sick. How did he get bronchitis? Poor boy...hopes he recovers soon.

Hi Mummies,

Wow! so many postings after back fm trip. Looks like u all mummies have fun gathering...too bad can't make it
