Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Esther, I am not sure if need to pay for the trial class, I think hv to. I suggest you can give them a call. Alternatively, you can use my package for the normal lesson, about $45 per session for both mum and child.

I think GUG and baking class are quite different. GUG got teach alphabets, art & craft, this is mainly baking. There are boys there too. Berries have classes for 3yr and above.

chocbabe - hope your son will like it. Fyi, the first week may hv separation anxiety so may not really be accurate. My daughter took at least 1 week too settle down.

Hi guys, long time didn't chat with you all le. How is everything mummies and kido?

Kwong, where you send your child for English speech & drama?
hey, baking sounds like a good idea leh.... hmmm, how long is the session huh????

U interested? did u call them huh?? ay, me abit didn see this message earlier... now abit late to call liao leh...
Hi, Kileina/gelato,

Where did you stay? I'm staying in Kim Tian Place and had place order for a few books already and will be doing self collect at Raffles Place. If can't make it to $200 for free delivery, maybe I can help you to collect and sent it to you, provide you staying near me.
Hi Vivien, i stay at Kim Tian Rd Blk 119C, very close to Kim Tian Pl actually. However will it be too much trouble for you to self-collect my items together with yours? They may be quite heavy if you collect them altogether. My order is close to $100 so we can probably share to make up the difference in order to qualify for free delivery. gelato just lives across the street fr my block too.
Mist - it depends on what you are baking. Usually for tots, its from 10.30am to 12pm. I checked with Violet, the boss, and she said they are not offering any trial classes, so just go for the normal baking classes.
Icey - The speech and drama is offered as an enrichment in my daughter's school - Cherie Hearts. The classes are conducted by external vendor
HI kileina,

In this case, then i'll post to tell them we shall joined together to get the free delivery. My fisrt order is already $60 plus, intend to get some more as they have new items added it. So have you and gelato place order already?
Vivien, I have posted up my order but will be revising it if we can combine our orders.

Ester, yes i've rec'd your PM - thanks! Will contact you to fix up a day/time to visit you
Hi Kileina,

I've already order and paid for the items. Maybe will drop a note to them that we will combined together to get the free delivery.
Hi Mummies
Long time never post here coz have been busy...hope you dun find my nick too unfamilar. :p

Realised that a gathering just happened...too bad I miss it...hopefully I can catch the next one if there is.

By the way, this Thursday is "Dumpling Festival"..so fast another year has passed..it was like just not too long ago that my MIL made dumplings and here they come again...
Hi Kileina/Gelato,

My first order is $60 plus, going to order a few more. My friend want to order some also, still waiting for her email.
Ladies:me just registered hayley at modern montessori bt merah branch,any feed backs or ur child there now? should i choose daily or 2 to 3 times a week le???need some advice here
tks alot
Hi Vivien and gelato, i don't thk we have a problem making up to $200 order for the bp since Vivien already has an order of $60+ and mine will be close to $100. Including gelato and Vivien's friend's order, the total amount should exceed $200. Is it ok to then get them to deliver everything to my place?

Saw this bp too: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2483941.html?1243009471. Any mummies interested as well? FOC delivery for $150 orders. I'm keen on getting the stationery sets.
Hi Kileina/Gelato,

My additional order is in batch 3, do you want to wait for all my books to be here before they delivery. Not sure when the all the books will be here.
My boy is there also...on 3 days per week. I think 2 days is too little for our kiddo to get used to school and can't get much out of it...actually, if my boy is used to waking up early everyday, 5 days week is better since in future, kindergartens and primary schools are on 5 day week..slowly letting my boy adjust.
Vivien, how much is your order? I haven't confirmed my order yet. I believe we have to wait for all the books to arrive before they can deliver.

gelato, do you want to order?
Hi Kileina,

My order under batch 1 & 3 are $100 plus in total. However, my batch 1 order is here already, but I told them I want to wait for batch 3 orders. Batch 3 order will only be place in begining of next week, so probably all items will only be ready mid June. Can you all wait?
I did mention to Jean, and she said no problem. So when they lias with us that our books are all ready, then we tell them that we are combining together to deliver to a place again.
kileina : yes, i wanna order. i finally found the paper which i jotted what i wanted to order, came up to $70+, so order directly fm the thread rite, & indicate combine with kileina & Vivien?
Kileina, I'm also interested in the pop-up books...they are soooo pretty. I bought 2 of the pop-up books as gifts last year and they were very well-received by the children. I bought from Times.
Hi Ladies,

Any 1 have any recommendation for playgroup in this area? I am staying at telok blangah and i intend to send my son who is turning 3 yrs old next year to playgroup. I chck out appletree at kimtian and i like it, but it seems that they r quite popular and i might nt get a place..so looking for a plan B now. Thanks in advance!
Cocoa, you can try The Chinese Kindergarten at Outram, its located inside the Jubilee church. 3yr old can attend the pre-nursery sch and later on, move on to nursery and K1, K2.
Ariel, the pop-up books are indeed very pretty, but quite ex huh? Would you like to combine orders with me for FOC delivery then? My order is $25.40 in total.
Hi Kileina,

Right now my elder daughter is attending the Apple Tree in Kim Tian. So far so good, my daughter will sing song with action and dance. I sit in the class for the first few days with my daughter, they will actually sing song, dance, play, do some art work and tell stories. So far I'm quite happy with it and daughter was happy to go school. But next year, I enrol her for another school cos Apple Tree in Kim Tian only have playgroup, which is for a year only. The school fees is $160 per month and half yearly have to pay material fee of $95. They follow the government school for school holidays.
Dear Vivien

How old is your dd? Does Apple Tree have tea breaks? What food do they serve?

What is the other school you'll be sending her to later? What do you mean the Apple Tree playgroup is for a year only, hmmm...?

Has anyone tried The Learning Train playgroup at Blk 118 or 109?
Kilena - My gal attended The Learning Train at Blk 118 till she was 2.5yrs old. The teacher Adelene is pretty experienced and will teach the children to sing song, do art & craft, dance and also teach them some words based on themes. They only have english lesson although she mentioned she may want to include Chinese as well (not sure if now hv chinese). However, i feel the place is small and cramp as they use the RC room. They also take in younger children as compared to Apple Tree.

For the pop up book, do they have FOC delivery and if so, how much do we need to accumulate? Btw, I notice the prices at Amazon for the pop up books seem to be cheaper!
Hi Kileina,

Apple Tree don't have tea break. It's only for 2 hours daily. Right noe they have 3 sessions. 9-11am, 11.15-1.15pm and 1.45-3.45pm. The Kim Tian branch is only for playgroup, no nursery or Kindergarden.

Next year, I enrol her for Nursery 2 in True Way Presbyterian Kindergarten Preschool. It's walking distance from Queentown MRT. One term school fees is $500 plus. Have find a few near our area. To me, this is the most affordable and convenient as I can take a train to bring my daughter to school if my husband can't drive us there.

I've not heard of Learning Tree? Where is it located? If more convenient, maybe will go down to take a look.
Hi cocoa,

You can try Bethesda(Depot Walk)Kindergarten, is opposite the CMPB. My son is currently attending there, personally I like the enviroment n the teachers there. The lesson is conducted in English and chinese in alternate day. My son learn alot there especially chinese. The principle will alway keep us update thru email the curriculum in school, so at least we know what is our kids learning in school. They also have optional program eg Kindermusic and computer class for N2 student

Hi vivian,

So you had enrol for your gal.I tot you wanted to enrol her to PCF? Priscilla here.
Ariel, i agree that the Blk 118 The Learning Train has a very small compound. But yeah, the teacher seems rather good with kids. But you know a newer branch opened this year at Blk 109 Jln Bt Merah actually. The compound is bigger (and looks cleaner) than the Blk 118 one.

Are the pop-up books cheaper at Amazon even with the shipping? I've decided to drop my order at this bp anyway.

Vivien, The Learning Train is at Blk 118 Kim Tian Rd and Blk 109 Jln Bt Merah, the latter being the newer one that just opened this year.

Yeah, at first thought of sending her to PCF as it's the nearest and most affordable to most family. After looking around, found this school so decided to send her there lor.
hi weishy,

yes, we enjoyed ourselves much though it was tiring doing the walking as my HB the type who likes to walk then shpg! Too bad the weather not as cool as much i prefers. Tks for viewing ;)

Thanks for all your suggestions...will hunt ard, hopefully can find a nice school for my son!
I went to check out talent plus at bukit mrah view, didnt like the place..look quite dark n gloomy.
Jessica:hummnow its summer already so its abit like sin weather already
best time would be like feb,march.

Hkg is easily the most accessible place in asia ( other countries...well u need a car :p )
transportatiion etc is well organised and alot of modes of transport.bus/train/ferry/tram/mini bus too.

wats ur next destination kakkakakak
i liek taiwan to oloads of good food

aiyo, actually wanted to go in mar but HB kept delaying lor. Ya, taiwan known for their good food but then with toddler around, diff. to eat well not to say go for good food ah! Our next destination???? have to ask HB as he pay all expenses (me not working so no $$$)
. Actually wanted Korea but HB say language problem...aiyo he a lot of problem leh....shhhhh! guess next time hv to pay child fare seat liao.
So u intend to go taiwan?
