Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies


what coincidence, I'm also looking at ArtLoft!
But haven't called them up to ask though visited their website.

Let me know the outcome of your trial ok?

And i looked at their OLD pictures in Mar 08...
Oh boy, time flies...they all look so different then...

My botak little girl, not that she has much hair now....

J just grew taller now...

D looked totally different =) She grew tall and skinny like Mummy.

R look more like papa now...

J with his signature.
The kiddos look absolutely cute standing together!!! Looks like they are arranged according to their heights.

ester, hang in there for your lil Ryan ok? It must be tough for you and him now. Really hope he recovers soon. Hate to hear of kids falling sick...

My baby Rayen is born at the beginning of 38th gestational week. I really hope this condition will go away. I try under-feeding, over-feeding him but the problem is still there. I hope he is gaining weight normally.

Oh yes, the Brainy Baby vcd comes with Similac Mum that i bought as well (not Gain IQ, hehe... my mistake ;)) Anyway, i must say Similac Mum tastes quite sweet, hardly tastes like milk to me. My fav is still Anmum or Dumex Mamil Mama. My gynae at Thomson Women's Clinic at TBP does not give out Similac Mum foc leh. In fact i gotta "beg" them to give me milk samples when i was preggie. Fong's clinic which i went to for my 1st child was more generous, they even asked what flavour i prefer.
Oh btw, where do you bring your babies for vaccination? I am thinking of signing up a 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 package with The Family Clinic or Chua & Partners but i'm not sure of their rates.
Hi Grace,

How r u? Long time never see u liao! Wow! thanks for the great pics. recall! The kiddos really grown up...yr girl looks more like yr HB when last time saw yr family at Ikea. U aiming for 2nd 1? hee! hee!
Grace: How did u get to post the pics so big? How come mine can't? It keep telling me exceed the limits. I cannot exceed 48kb per pics

Ya man our kids grown up v fast....Mar 08 pics was taken at clarissa old hse!
Dear mummies, cant seem to make the pics bigger as the max size is 50 mb. please gif me yr email add so i can email u the pics. esp ppp, ariel n grace.

esther, sorry but i still not as innovative as bless. cannot find heart shape to fill up our face.. but since the pic is so small, shouldn't make much difference!


hi jessica,
ya long time no see hor! too bad you were away this gathering, otherwise can see S =) i still think she looks more like hubb leh. as for number 2...i still considering..haahaa going to be tough for me cos Hubb do shift work and i will have to put no. 2 at infant care too... see how lah. how abt yourself?

bless ah...
when i edit the pics, i compressed the pics into suitable for web pages only..so it turns out ok.
yes, clarrisa's old house... heehee dont know where she move to now.
nonoelle: hahhahaha so u make us wear mask (swine flu???) hahaha. Btw is 50KB file max, not MB...MB very super big worrr can fill up the whole computer screen still not yet reach 50MB =P

Jessica: How is ur HK trip? Did u go disneyland? Is it worth going? How many hrs u were in disneyland? I planning to go in Nov, HK, macau & Zhuhai for a week.

Grace: Ok i try....

Tomorrow me, esther and irene going isetan private sale at 1:30pm. Any1 insterested to join us?
hi weishy,
i think desiree is slightly older than hayley by 1 or 2 mths. d was born in oct. how bout hayley?

clarrisa, mink n jessica, too bad u guys cant join us. will try to organise another outing soon if the mummies r keen.

ariel, nice meeting u! i took home the leftovers of the food and my hb finished yr cake and complimented it was delicious! hope to see ur 2 princess next time.

esther, bless, ppp, grace n irene,
its really great to catch up with ur since our last gathering ages ago! one of the joys of parenting is looking at how much our darlings have grown within such a short span of time. im glad to have known ur and share this wonderful journey together.
whoa bless, u super excited to go shopping tmr huh, so late haven sleep yet. u damn funny, say the thing look like mask. haha. ur enjoy shopping tmr! would love to join but i got classes..
Hi Grace,

Me for no. 2? No, no, confirm no liao! Me n HB are "quite old"! ha! ha! Think I am the oldest amongst you all young mummies! so envy!!! Me not easy to have Shannon...married in '01, got her in '07!!!

Hi Bless,

We didnt go Disneyland. HB said she wont appreciate at this time n afraid too crowded admist the swine flu thing and also heard it is quite small compare to Toyo & US disneyland. We went to Ocean Park instead for the 1st time (me & HB too!) Wow! Quite big and a lot of escalator, stairs too walk! And she's still young to appreciate those rides too...tried her only the pony up & down ride only. Instead we let her explore the nature animals like panda bear, otters, seal and others underwater creatures.

Hi Nonoelle,

Yes, pls organise another outing!
Nonoelle: Oh what classes u attend?

Jesscia: OIC...ya am also dun feel like going there cos super crowded with those mainland ppl!
I also heard is v small only! Next outing we go indoor playground lah...the kids can play we can chat. Ok..time for bed..night night!
Any mummy uses baby sling to bring babies out here? Any idea what type of sling is better for babies? Adjustable or non adjustable type? I have a MIM sling but my bb doesn't seem to like being in it and it is not padded. My baby doesn't seem snug in it and it sits quite low at my navel level. I am looking at the Balboa or Bayb adjustable slings, Hotsling or Pupsik pouch slings.
nonoelle:hayley 's born in 22 nov
been teethign these few dasy so super cranky at night

toddlers attending cs montessori~how was it so far?it was quiet wheni went there yesetrday to chk it out...playgroups were almost full though.....any feedbacks?
wow, many pix leh..... looks fun!!!

Ryan got bronchitis? how come leh??

aiyo, poor thing... me at hm today, cos boy suddenly high fever in the middle of night!!! aiyo, he cannot sleep and woke up telling me hot hot and wanna eat med!! bringing him to see dr later, maybe it due to his flu, never recover properly. sigh!
Esther - must be hard on you with Ryan down, you also take care and de-stress during your Isetan shopping trip today ;-) I won't be joining as well as going for gym class.

Mist - Hope your boy will quickly recover!

Nonoelle - my email is [email protected]. Glad to hear your hubby likes my cake! I also had a great time during the outing and we should hv another one! Regarding indoor venue, can try the Atlantis City http://www.playtime-recreations.com/ It has an indoor playground and the adults can go in and supervise them. I celebrated Ashley's 2 yr old birthday there last yr. Alternatively, is IKEA a gd idea since they also hv an indoor play area?

Kilena - I sent Alicia to Chua & Partner for vaccination, but he didn't offer me any package tho...
hope so loh... everyday when my boy has fever, i very stress, cos he ever febrile fits before.... always freak me out one.
i have the bolboa sling. my boy quite like to be in the sling. initially he dont really like it, but after a few tries, he is ok with it. once i put him into the sling, he sleeps!
it also has a shoulder padding n adjustable strap, so its not so taxing on ur shoulder n back. i got mine from one of the sprees

i also like the nutella cake that u baked. its quite tasty. next time can bake and let us enjoy it again? heheh...

oh i didnt get much things during the isetan sale, mainly stuff for my 2 boys.

ryan is recovering well now. i am so relieved. i brought him to see Dr edmund and he recovered. Initially i bought him to see another PD (at bishan, cos Dr edmund was closed on sunday), but after ryan ate the medicine, his condition seems to have gotton worst! Funny but it seems that Dr edmund's medications works for my 2 boys. Randal also went to see other doctor, but doesn't recover leh.. Maybe as wat my hubby says, sometimes certain doctors have affinity with certain patients, once the doctors treat them, the patients recover??!!!
oh no, ur boy sick? fever again? must really take good care esp since he got history. u give him paracetamol, brufen, neurofen, or voltarene?
Ester, oh you have the Balboa sling? Wonder if it is possible for me to go to your plc and try it out? Want to see if it is suitable before getting one. How much is it selling at the spree?

My baby also regurgitates milk from the nose. It must be painful for me when this happens. I wonder if it is normal...

Ariel, doesn't Chua & Partners have 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccine packages?
Ester : hope ur bb will be fully recovered soon. =) BTW, how's Dr Edmund Koh's charges? isit abt the same as b4?

kileina : maybe u need to re-adjust ur MIM sling? sitting at the navel lvl sounds like a bit low? i m not sure, i m using MIM as well, but am no expert.

For vaccination, i m bringing my bb to Kinder Clinic at Mt A. If u dun mind travelling to Bt Merah Central, can send bb to Polyclinic for jabs - it shld be cheaper than GP & PD. Babies got priority oso - which means the wait won't be too long.
Ester - Glad to hear Ryan is recovering now. Regarding baking the cake again...I can pass you the receipe, I quite lazy to bake at home. Partly also my hands full with the 2 kids, so prefer to sign up for baking classes where they prepare all the ingredients and I just go and enjoy myself :p

Mist - very scary to hear your child has fits, i hv not experienced that b4 thank god.

Kileina - I did ask him, but he cannot rem the prices and hv to call his nurse. In the end, he couldn't contact his nurse so he said just come per normal. During Alicia's first jab when she was 1 mth old, I recalled the total fee (including jab and consultation) was only abt $37 (which is much cheaper than Dr Edmund)
sure u can pop by my house to try the bolboa. But i belief that for the 1st time ur bb sits in it, she will not be comfy. that happens to my bb too. he squealed during the 1st time. my bb only comfy after a few tries.
but u can come over to try out the bolboa fit, and the adjusting etc.
just let me know when u r free
i bought from this spree, its abt $68 i think. She still has ongoing sprees, and many have ordered from her.


i bake a cake myself? hehe.. i think i rather enjoy those that i buy outside than to get myself covered in flour.. heh..
Dr edmund charges are abt the same as b4. his consultation $40.
for ryan, i burst abt $260, argggghh!
but wat to do? He is so little.. as long as he recovers, thats good enough already.
for Dr vincent chua, he is a GP
thanks for your concern, aiyo, this kind of thing no need to experience... better not hv such experience man..... I pray u mummies dun hv to go thr this.

yap, suddenly high fever, most probably due to his flu, hvn't totally recover and my mil is sick and get close to him loh.....

My fridge is like a small medicine kit.. got all med for fever (oral and thr buttock).. hahaha...

He seems to be better today, hope no more increase of temp loh.
nonoelle - yes, pity to miss this outing. we can plan a date to my new house maybe in july. I am shifting in june. But its gonna be in novena/balestier. not too near here.

esther - glad to hear that baby is recovering.

keliena - when they regurgitate too hard, sometimes it comes out from the nose. gotta always burp them after milk. this way, hopefully they regurgitate less.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">INFLATABLE BALLS PARTY FOR OUR TOTS!</font></font>
just now i was inflating beach balls and other inflatables for my boy, and it dawn upon me that we can have a gathering with THEME: INFLATABLES for our kids.. i think the kids will go wild with the inflatables! anyone keen?
i can rent my function room for the gathering
Hello mummies,
Was very busy with work so no time to post.

Nice mtg up with ppp, Ariel, nonoelle, grace, bless &amp; esther. Fun seeing all the cute &amp; active toddlers playing around. Hope to meet up with more mummies in future.

Glad to hear tat Ryan is recovering well. Hey, inflatable balls party sounds interesting &amp; i'm sure the kids will have fun. Let me know when u gals planning ya \clipart(happy}

Hope ur boy get well soon. U too must take care too!

U super busy lei always busy shifting house hee...
Gin - I have signed up for the Art Loft art classes for my gal after the trial. I like that the teachers are very creative in using the art materials, the classes are kept small about 5 kids per class. They will let the child choose what art they wld like to do i.e. each time will give them 2 options. I suggest u can go for the trial class to see if you like but I think their weekend classes may be full.

Esther - i think I only hv the beach ball. I think the kids will love it, as long as got things to play!
Hi weishy,

so touching...my eyes wet 1/2 way thru the clips. Thanks n really hv to be grateful for what we hv now. Kids are really fortunate here. Enjoy yr weekend.
thks for sharing the clip. A pity my son is too young to understand, otherwise i wld show it to him to teach him not to waste food as he is so much fortunate than the children in the clip.
He always waste food, and now he is a picky eater, Last time he used to eat watever we give him.
Ester:yup mine also too young to understand...but we as adults/parents hv to understand first then we can teach them the way of life .
no hv leh.... u hv any idea to share?
my company has corporate pass to wild wild west, i will be bringing my boy there next week... hehehe... and also joining a family day organised by West coast next weekend, it's at discovery centre... hehehe
u mean ur girl's school also has a holiday? i think my boy school dont have .

CHINESE classes
hey mumies, anyone know of any chinese enrichment classes that we can send our kids to? my boy is 2.5 yrs old now.
cos he hardly understands chinese, I am thinking of sending him to chinese classes to learn chinese.
Mist - Some of the activities I thought of is to bring her to many places like zoo, botannic garden, hort park, beach, bukit timah hill, science center, swimming etc.I initially thot of sending her to holiday prog but those are quite ex.
However, if any mum know of good holiday prog, pls let me know.

Esther - Ashley is in kindergarten so they follow the primary sch holidays, unlike CC that doesn' hv sch holidays. The good chinese sch that i hv heard of are Berries, Hua, Tian Hsia etc. Berries trial class is only $15. I did send Ashley to try but din sign up as I find it a bit boring. The 4yr old prog looks more interesting.

The baking class is at Tanjong Pagar, http://geniusrus.com/. I think they hv cookies baking as the trial class. This sat I'll be going for the doughnut making class. Let me know if u r interested.
the trial class is it foc or have to pay? how much is it, do u have any idea? i was thinking randal might be interested cos now he like to do things with his hands, esp imitate adults doing things.
btw, the baking class got boys right? or its all girls , hehe.. i thought girls might be more interested in baking.

randal seems bored of his LNT classes now, even me myself also feel a bit bored as its very repetitive. thinking of finding something new for him once this term ends.
WIll either go for GUG at suntec or this baking class.

ya i saw the leaflet abt the chinese drama class, but its recommended for kids 4 yr n above? i thought my boy a bit too young. ur girl is in the chinese drama class?
Ester, is ryan better now? I may visit you next wk with my baby. Is it convenient? Could you PM me your address then?

The inflatable balls party sounds exciting! Let me know the details ya?

Just signed up for the 6-in-1 vaccine package at The Family Clinic. It costs $1,400+ without consultation, with the optional vaccines like pneumococcal, rotavirus, etc. Definitely more ex than Chua but at least we are seeing a PD.

Dr Koh said to try out Enfalac AR or Friso Comfort which are thicker infant FM that prevents regurgitation for my baby. He even suggested mixing the FM with my BM. Hmmm, i wonder if this is recommended though. And i need to prop him up at least 30deg when he lies down and constantly burp him.

Just withdrew my elder boy fr childcare. We felt he is too weak to be exposed to the environment at a young age. Plus his feeding problem, he is really not suitable to be sent to childcare for the time being. Hence we decide to send him back to the nanny and look for a maid to look after my younger boy. Hopefully he will be better and regain his health. We brought him to see a KKH PD Gastroentrologist but found no problem with his stomach organs. The specialist finally referred him to a speech therapist to help with his chewing and retching problems. His height and weight have been between 10th-20th percentile for the past 1yr. Poor boy...
Ester - oh issit? For 4 years and above?
My daughter is in the English speech and drama cos her English is weak. I see improvement in her now
Hi esther,

As what ariel said, Berries &amp; Hua Tian Xia are more popular but not sure what age group to start with. Heard Berries are good for much younger kids and Tian Xia more serious type. May I know if R can speak little Mandarin or none at all? Actually parents have to constantly speak to them in Mandarin or teach them bit by bit. Usually they are interested in big words (not necessary in red words now as they are big). This is to capture their attention. I have started Shannon on chinese (think when she is abt 13-15mths), she can now recognise chinese words and said it. I bought some cheap flash card from popular and also a chinese book called "WO HUI DU". It has 5 levels. 1 level got 12 books. 1st level avail. in flash cards format or book format. My girl likes it very much. She learn the family words like Ah Yi, Papa, Mama, Jie Jie, Mei Mei fm that book. Initially i borrowed fm Library to see if she is interested as it is not cheap. Growing Fun selling $74 for each level. Sometimes, when i teach her an animal, will also translate Chinese too. Aiyo...realise being a parent not easy..have to take care of them and teach them!

My boy is starting nursery at your daughter's kindy next week. Mrs Wong allowed him to come in for a 1 week trial before the school hols before the actual term 3 starts. Hope he like it there.
