Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Dylan's party 31st may----2 to 3 thirty pm

1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Gina---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--2 adults 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler

any other changes?
bless, actually i don't know leh... i assume that clark quay is the nearest mrt to robertson. anyone familar with that area can advise??
the HK trip postphone to next week so i can go out with u all without any worries have to rush back home! hehehe

I think i will not be joining for dinner on friday. will only be joining for drinks at barcelona. Lookin fwd to it, like so happening , cos so many mummies are coming!! it will be fun, fun, fun!!

pls try to control urself on friday, dont drink until u pengz, otherwise ur hubby will run after us, and wont allow u out with us again! kekekek
If you ladies are dining at Clarke Quay area on Friday...maybe I can pop by & join you gals awhile. Me working nearby!

Actually, I think there's a bus from Tiong Bahru MRT to Robertson Quay....few stops only.
hi everyone...sorry havent been posting as have been going mad mopping my kitchen floor...cat been peeing on the floor up to 5 times a day. sigh. think he's complaining that he's not getting enough attention.
am so SO tired.

Dylan's party 31st may----2 to 3 thirty pm

1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---1 adult 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Gina---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--2 adults 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler

hey elaine..paisei it's only me and izzy coming...my hubbs wont be able to make it la. :p
whooo.. jerald is so cute!! irene, somehow when i look at jerald i always feel a twinge of dun noe what haha!! u muz be lost! no, i mean when i see him, i always haf this very familiar nostalgic feeling of like he is my son kind of thing!! hehe.. but really, he has grown so much since i last saw him! looks so boyish n adorable. im so proud of the mummy!!

bless, ya where is ur made-in-korea no. 2?! my oct thread mummy oso got pregnant again so u jia you jia you!

mummy2, glad u can meet me for dinner. i will be driving so prob will meet ur at robertson quay directly. but i dun remember RQ n clarke quay very near leh..

Dinner at Roberterson Quay
Restaurant : Suggestion ???
Meeting plc : Clark Quay MRT, ok ???
Date : 9th May, Friday
Time : 6.30pm?? fine for everyone???
1) Nonoelle
2) Irene
3) Bless
4) Mummy2
if meeting at clarke quay, do u girls want to try waruku? its a jap/french rest in central tt sells pasta n some kind of baked rice etc. cost abt 20 per person. just a suggestion.

elaine, i cant confirm cos my roster ends on 26 may so anything after tt i won't know if im around anot. pai sey.
nonoelle, i dont mind to try waruku. but where is the central?? is central the name of a shopping centre?? near clark quay mrt?? sorry, i'm not familar with that area so will be easy for me to locate if u can tell me near to which mrt as I will be taking the mrt down.
hi pretty mummies

just ducking in here to ease elaine's prep work for her party =P :

1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---1 adult 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Gina---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--2 adults 1 baby
6)Mink--2 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler

Errrmmm .. my girl nt able to eat any of the party food.. so still classify as 'baby' can hor hehehe ???
ARGH!!!! i am so tired. dylan keep stratching his backside yesterday due to sudden attack of rash. dunno y lei, slp in air con already. i was so at my wits end that hor, even after applying cream, he still scratch, i ask hubby to give me piece of the cooling pad used for fever and paste on his butt cheek .AND IT WORK!!!! wahahhah. simply ingenious hor. hahhaha.and now just pop in here to consolidate matters.

thanks alot mink!
oh yes mummies, i will be buying organic rice cakes for the party so baby can eat too if you want, but it is better to let them use the gym equipment to shag them out hehe so you have an easier time later.
Good morning mummies,
Today's Thurs!!! 1 more day to our date yeah!!!

Who knows ur auntie decide not to report lei haha... Most impt dun stress ok, must relax then will hv good news

Choy... I dun think i'm tat lousy lei. Anyway i know how to control one so no worries heehee...

U just join us for dinner not drinks after tat?

So u r trying to tell us tat u wan another boy for ur 2nd one??? Dun forget jerald used to be ur SIL now pending for bless only haha... Actually me & hb also got a shock when we recd the photos as we can't believe it tat our boy has grown up. Somehow dunno how to describe tat kind of feeling lor.

It's the new shopping centre next to Merchant Court Hotel. I've been to waruku to eat b4 the food there not bad.
Poor u must be feeling super tired taking care of bb still got t entertain ur cat. Take care

U wake up so early ah. Hope Dylan is feeling better now.
Hi morning!

Nonoelle: Ok We can try Waruku at Central! After dinner may we topang ur car over to Robertson Quay?

Mummy2: Waruku is at The Central. It's a shopping mall at Clark Quay Mrt Station. So u take the train and alight and follow the sign! Won't be lost. Call me if u get lost. I will PM u my hp no.

After dinner we can shop awhile at the shopping mall they have nice clothings there! Hahahha!

Dinner at Roberterson Quay
Restaurant : Waruku at The Central #03-89/97/98 on top of Clark Quay MRT.
Meeting plc : Meet outside Waruku
Date : 9th May, Friday
Time : 6.30pm
1) Nonoelle
2) Irene
3) Bless
4) Mummy2
Re: Drinking

I wont be drinking alot. Maybe a few sip! Cos i having a bad sore throat and also last night got fever...due to the many bbq food i had in Korea!
Bless, tks for giving all the details. I know we can alway count on u
I shld be able to find the way there. Will call u if l got lost. Thank u very much !!!!! u r such a sweetie........
Yup I can jon for dinner but not the drinks...

Me working just across the street from Central!! Know every single restaurant there... LOLZZZZ

Dinner at Roberterson Quay
Restaurant : Waruku at The Central #03-89/97/98 on top of Clark Quay MRT.
Meeting plc : Meet outside Waruku
Date : 9th May, Friday
Time : 6.30pm
1) Nonoelle
2) Irene
3) Bless
4) Mummy2
5) springdance
Mummy2: It's small thing lah..u praised me so much oops i can feel myself flying up liao hahaha! Haven't drink high high liao ;p
Hi Mummies,

Errrr...blur here...drinks at Robertson Quay. Is it THE CENTRAL at Clark Quay MRT? Which floor ah? Cause saw SpringDance post Dinner at Robertson Quay at the Central, so it the same place? Can anyone tell me? So long didnt go over there liao.
nononelle. no worries, let's see, when you got your schedule and can come on 31st may 2pm, you sms me la.
then i will prepare one more party pack for desiree! hope you can make it!
Jessica: Drinks at Robertson walk, dinner at Clark Quay. Can u join us dinner?

Dinner at Clark Quay
Restaurant : Waruku at The Central #03-89/97/98 on top of Clark Quay MRT.
Meeting plc : Meet outside Waruku
Date : 9th May, Friday
Time : 6.30pm
1) Nonoelle
2) Irene
3) Bless
4) Mummy2
5) springdance
Hi Mummies!

Pls help me to vote for my cousin's daughter Grace Lim! right hand side there's a greenish box, click on her name then click vote!

Many thanks!
irene, i showed my hb jerald's pic he oso say 'whoa irene's boy grow so big liao. look very much like the mother.'
its ok lar jerald reserve for bless's daughter. i will look for an ang moh for desiree hehe.. since ang moh always think asian girls w single eyelid very exotic.. lol!!

ok elaine once i get my schedule will let u noe. thanks in advance!

bless, where's the link to the vote site? btw, is the robertson quay near to clarke quay? cos i tght of just parking straight at robertson quay then walk over. saves the hassle of finding 2 parking lots n paying 2 fee. plus friday sure very packed.

mummy2, w bless around u sure wont get lost. bless is the human shop-sale-lobang-kang tao-everything directory! just take met to clarke quay n central is just above the mrt.

jessica, so u joining us for dinner? u noe the way?
U know got ppl ask me is jerald's mixed? Cos his hair & eyebrows r brown colour. Look like me meh? Everyone say like my hb lei & hb say jerald only got my thunder thighs
I think hor i dare not anyhow chose DIL for jerald so better let them "zi you lian ai" I'll let him meet up with all the pretty girls & let him chose himself haha... We got a shock when we see his pics so big boy liao.
irene, no leh, i think he really looks like u, the way he smile, so charming. aiyah dun keep saying u got thunder thighs, u r a good-looking mummy leh! i feel so happy at the thought of meeting ur tomorrow! can't wait!
post some pics of desiree..



brought her to safra for water play on sunday..
with my new maid


she enjoys kicking n playing so gonna bring her again soon. (although she dun seem to be happy in the pics.) hopefully no more HFMD.
Hey Bless
Where's the link that you mentioned? Can't see lei...

Maybe got somewhere down your ancestors' link...got caucasian...that's why Jerald looks abit "mixed"...good siah! Handsome Handsome....

How's your new maid? Good? She looks like a nice lady to get along with.

Hmm...the lady with RED RED nails in the photo...must be U rite? kekekekke
desiree looks so big ler, means we havent seen for a long time! Bring her out with us soon ya. Eh today u no training?

I also brought randal to play at our pool yesterday. But i heard from another mummy that she brought her dau to the pool and the next day kena HFMD. So i will avoid the pool until the thing blows over.

ur new maid looks quite young, how old is she? Filipino or indo?
The Waruku that u all are going, i think i saw it before at the Central. Its super long Q, esp on a friday night! And the folks in the Q seems to have waited long that time when i saw them. Hope tomolo when u all go, there are seats available.
oops! or do ur wan to make a reservation first just in case like what esther say, long queue. my training is over n ive started flying aradi. today off! so happy everything is over n life is back to normal again!

springdance, hehe tts rite, im e lady w e hideous nails!!

my maid is indo 23 yrs old. shes quite hardworking n obedient so im glad to have her.
the first few mths usually the maid is exceptionally good and hardworking. To see her true self, prob after 1 year. Ur maid is indo, she can speak english at all? I also thought of getting indo, but the communication is a barrier.

ya, i think making reservation first is a good idea, lest u all waste time waiting.

Now u fly all over? so envy u get to travel to many places. U go mostly western or asian countries? Then when u travel, desire with maid alone at home, or at ur mother's place?

Good that u started flying, so u have ur schedule laio! Then next time when u off day can ask u out,
i also think u r a good looking mummy leh, dun always say things about urself la! Dun be so humble la, kekeke
pai seh... got changes...my hubby shld be joining as well...after that can go shopping at vivo..hehehe..

1)Esther----2 adults 1 baby
2)Germaine---1 adult 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Gina---2 adults 1 baby
5)Jessica--2 adults 1 baby
6)Mink--2 adults 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adults , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler
hey ladies, i just called waraku to make reservation n was told their reservation is full tomorrow. only accept walk-in, meaning we haf to queue if restaurant is full.

actually i will be free abt 6 so if i reach 1st then i see if can chop place. if not then we see how or we can eat at manhattan fish market if its fine w ur.

esther, 1 year is a long time to guage a person/maid. im fine as long as she dont show black face n is polite n show initiative. although language is a barrier but she does understand simple things n thru actions lor. i find shes more simple n as least i dun haf problems w her always wanting to use hp or make calls so good enough for me.

ya now tt i haf a schedule, it makes life easier n i have more free time. in fact, i thought of asking u for kopi today but end up the weather very hot so decided to nuah at home.
so how is flying life?? hope everything goes well with u from now on... & ur new maid is good!! she looks fine from the photos lor...so happy like that...hehehe..
must jio me for kopi also hor....
desiree all grown up liao...love her chubby cheeks!!
hi gals,

sorry, can't join you gals for the drinking session tomorrow liao. have to look after my boy. you gals enjoy!!

My boy just discharged from kkh today. He was admitted on Tuesday for ferile fits, it's actually fits due to fever... he experienced fits at 3pm on tues afternoon, in the morning he had fever so i brought him to clinic to see doc and was given fever medication... dun know how come he has fit.

just to share w you ladies, to take extra cautious when your kids has fever loh.
nonoelle & Springdance: Sorry i forgot to paste the link for the voting. Vote Grace Lim


Sometimes the site will be down then got to try again. Many thanks.

nonoelle: Ok u go and queue if u r early, i dun mind fish manhantan if waruku queue is long. I dun think robertson is near to clark quay, not within walking distance.

mist: Oh dear, how come will have fits? did the doc explain y? Pls take good care of ur boy and urself.
nonoelle: Ur gal looks very fun to play with now! Now too sleepy liap =P Ur maid looks fine too. Hope all goes well then u can fly with peace of mind.
esther: I dunno where is barcelona either, got to walk around and find =P But i found the addy.

11 Unity Street #01-30/31 Robertson Walk.
nana, sure will jio u along for ad hoc gatherings! miss ryan n his stern principal look hehe!

mist, sorry to hear yr boy admit hospital. its true tt we cannot dismiss our children n muz be cautious when they r not well, esp fever. did u see my previous msg? i was overseas when u sms me that day so nobody at home.

bless, ya actually RQ n CQ very far away. so will park in central 1st. so whos going for dinner n whos gracing their presence for the wine affair?
thks for the addy. i was searching thru yahoo but couldn't find it. I dunno why, but this thought suddenly comes into my mind.
<font color="aa00aa">"Mirror mirror, on the wall, who is the resource of us all? The mirror answers: <font color="0000ff">BLESS</font> is the resource of them all!!"</font>
No wonder ur nick is bless, u bless us all!
ya, i heard that fever cld develop into fits, thats why must take special care when kids have fever. the temp was very high? 40 degree? aiyoh, very scary.
U mk me can't sleep lor, 1st time hear ppl say i'm a good looking mummy wor haha... So i owe u &amp; esther a treat lah heehee...
I notice Desiree has grown to be a big gal liao very cute &amp; sweet. Hope ur new maid dun give u any prob so tat u can fly without worries. So now i believe u r the HOT MAMA must see how slim u r tmr. Can' wait to chat with u gals.

Do take care...
yoho!!!! so happy yo see that there are mummies living in telok Blangah... I am 22 yr old mum with a 2 yr old boy Will sen hehe hehe
Good morning mummies,
Finally it's TGIF!!! Sooooo happy will get to meet up with u gals woohoo... can't wait for 6pm to arrive haha..

Actually i'm very tired cos jerald cranky again last night abt 4am till i BTH carry him &amp; sleep with us on our bed. Quite "bu she de" to leave him with my parents tonight but no choice cos hb told me he may entertain till quite late too haiz...

Never mind think of tonight my heart really beat very fast cos long time no rest &amp; relax liao some more going to meet all the "HOT MAMA" heehee... Can't wait to meet u all later.

hi mummies,

SOOOooo long neber login. hope u all din forget me.

my baby baby is going 6 months old next thurs(born in mid Nov '07).

I'm looking for a nanny who can babysit him overnight during weekdays, preferably living nearby or around Queenstown, Tiong Bahru or Redhill area.

Alternatively I don't mind if the nanny prefers to come to my place.

Please PM me. Thanks!
