Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

wa such a comprehensive list, thks a million! Ok i will pass it to my hubb, cos he is the navigator whilst im just the follower, haha.. oh yes he is also my calulator, when i want to convert HK$ to SIN$. My maths sucks , whilst he can do mental calculations very fast!

hey hey welcome, we need new blood here!! Pls come and bombard this thread! Weekends are terribly boring for u? why? ur hubby works weekends?

so good, jerald so cooperative during the photoshot! he must have taken lots of nice cute shots, quick quick post some let us see first. He must look so handsome on the photos.
Hi Esther,

My hubby usually doesn't work... but with or w/o him, I want to make the weekends enjoyable for the children. But there's nothing to do. Worse now the weather is so hot that can't plan for outdoor activities.



thats great news! gng HKG for short break . ur maid gng along? hv u finalised which hotel u stayg? must take more pics n show us k? for HK island, i hv only ever stayed at Conrad n Cosmo hotel . Both are quite nice for their respectv price range. If ur hb gng for work, then must surely take conrad ! heehee... since client pay mah..
sometimes we have weekend outings, so do join us ok. Like recently, me, bless and mink went out on a sunday morning to eat breakfast, heee..

no,my maid not coming, too exp, have to pay for her. My hubby is covered, but for me and randal , we have to pay our own fare lor. But still wld benefit a bit in terms of the hotel stay. U know these days the hotel rates are pretty high!

any more tips?
Actually me also a lousy techie….ask my husband to help in uploading photos one…in fact, wan to post photos here also difficult…must resize to meet 80kb….if you got photoshop, then re-sizing will be easier.

Me also gng HK in June… hotels & flight booked.

Elaine / Esther
I got 2 persons to ask for recommendations & tips on HK liaoz…LOLZZZ…
Tell u hor we r super HENG lor cos their computer breakdown tat day so i'm anxiously waiting for them to post the CD to me. The photographer did show me some of them & i find it qute nice. He snap very fast & can capture jerald's smile.

My hb is worst than me lor. I'll just post a ew when i got the CD. Better dun upload all cos i've quite a no of family photos too but me not nice lah i scared later u all vomit heehee...
Me working lei how to meet??? So sad lei everytime see u all meet here & there. I can only envy & drool in office haha...

Wow can't believe my honeymoon end so fast

First few days time pass v slowly, buy towards the end very fast eh! Korea is great! But the food is every meal pork pork pork! Eat till sian :p Spend a BOMB man! Buying the ginseng powder cause us a HUGE DAMAGE, per 200g tin is abt S$200 we bought 3 tin! Is good for kids as well to build up their immunity system and brain growth too. Jovan loves it and it's not very bitter. Clothes there are plentyful and also quite ex or equal to Singapore prices. But i bought those which are less than S$20. Our tour leader and tour guide are great! I would recomend ASA for travel haaa! Tell u all more when we meet on fri wine session.

Clarrisa: Alamak u missed my name in the list! Hur hur!

Irene: Post the pics i wan to see my future SIL. He must be looking great!

esther: good, u shld go shop n shop in HK...spending $$ is so shiok! Hahahhaa!
U pretty mummy...where got not nice....post th pics wtih your pretty face here lar...no worries.

Err...I tot you said you got my address already? From the list that Nana compiled?

Welcome home....Wah! U miss Esther alot izzit? Come back liao first person here U wanna see is her... hahahahha!

That time I went Korea also most meals got pork ('Bulgogi'??)...then all the eating places smell of Kimchi....breakfast, lunch & dinner all got.
Welcome back!!! I miss chatting with u but i think jerald miss u more whahahaha...

Just received email from foto u say i'll received my CD today or tmr yeah!!
hey hey,, i can join u guys on friday! have class til 530 so r u mummies going home 1st or r we having dinner together b4 the cheese n wine?

will leave desiree w my mum so after tt will go bk to bt batok. my maid has been w me for a week. so far ok no complaints.

mist, sorry i was overseas when u msg me tt day.

irene, can bring the bubbles thingy along on friday?

bless, glad u enjoyed ur honeymoon. i had a terrible experience w ASA but seems like they buck up a lot.

cant wait to see u guys!!! looking forward to it cos i haven been out for more than 1 month!
okie springdance, have checked liao

esther, hows the preparation to go hk? excited anot? hehe.now i gian to go to tokyo , sigh, but it is gonna be hot hot summer soon, and no money liao.
Hi mummies. thinking of doing a final rsvp here for Dylan's party.Help help abit ok?
Pls help edit if there is another adult coming.Thanks!!

1)Esther----1 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--1 adult 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --1 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler.

did i miss any one out?thanks a tonne mummies!
Hello mummies,
Finally received the photos form foto u. Both me & hb loves the phots very much. The photographer is really very professional & we loves his works. Here's a few sneak preview of my boy heehee..



hi mummies,

esther & bless,
u two meet at TBP bo jio me ahh... sob sob...
past week my in laws here....so i didnt log on for quite some time...missed out alot liao...catching up on past posts...pant pant..

can bring my bubbles this fri boh?? thanks alot..
wah..shiok ahh...going HK...shop shop shop!! i nvr been to HK yet...can u believe it?? next time i going, i know who to ask for shopping & eating tips liao...u + elaine + springdance...hehehe..
enjoy ur trip har & show us photos when back...

u also going to HK soon?? have a great trip...

oh, ur boy bd's photos soooo nice...

u missed out me leh...boo hoo..

<font color="7587e">Hi mummies. thinking of doing a final rsvp here for Dylan's party.Help help abit ok?Pls help edit if there is another adult coming.Thanks!!

1)Esther----1 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--1 adult 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --1 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler
9)nana---1 adult, 1 baby</font>

jerald soooo good looking in the photos!! but then he always good looking... such big &amp; expressive eyes..i love his eyes man..

so long nvr see u liao...hope u r doing well..
looking forward to meeting u gals this coming fri!!
jerald so cute in the pics eh... How much u paid in all?

hey u r coming, good good, we missed u, make sure u come ah

Dylan's party
1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--1 adult 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --1 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler
9)nana---1 adult, 1 baby
Good mummies,
Today's only Wed 2 more days to our date

Thanks for the compliment.

Thanks. I paid $120 for 1hr session which includes 5-6 outfits change &amp; parents 2-3 outfits change but no makeover/styling &amp; developing of photos but there's 3 free 8R.
Hello mrng all mummies

Irene, the photos very well taken. Jerald so handsome and he is very photogenic
The money is worth spending.

Nonoelle, I will not be going home. Will go straight from work on fri. I can meet u for dinner and we can go together. Any mummies want to meet for dinner on fri????

Bless, so fast u came back from Korea already?? So how was the trip? Must be very fun lor especially without kids ard at least can relax and enjoy lor....

Elaine, hv rec'd yr invitation. Pls add in one more adult. Tks.

Dylan's party
1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--1 adult 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1
WOW! Jerald is just so handsome &amp; charming lookin gin the photos... future heartthrob for the ladies!

We shall look forward to see photos with pretty mummy &amp; good-looking daddy with baby Jerald as well.

My lazy boy still dunnoe how to walk yet...so should consider as baby too rite? :p

Me KPO again...have helped to copy &amp; paste the correct list for Dylan's birthday party attendance list.... dun miss our Dear Ms NaNa &amp; little Ryan out yah.

Dylan's party
<font color="aa00aa">Pls help edit if there is another adult coming.Thanks!!</font>
1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--1 adult 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler
9)nana---1 adult, 1 baby
oh dear oh dear. wait a minute. i am so blur. really sorry ya,nana,cause there is alot of names starting with g, i got mixed up when trying to remember off hand. so pai seh.
Let me get it right.
Mink also g--ginette.
nana is Gina.

wait a minute---there is no Ginny here rite? It should be Gina. *SO PAISEH!!!*
irene i like the photos ALOT!!Your son is soooo boyishly handsome.

and i think your package very worth it lei...1 hour is already very tiring. i think better not exceed. i kinda regret paying the 200 hundred package, cause it was sooo tiring and then we din really change much outfits..boo hoo.
Hello mummies,
Thanks for the compliments of my boy. Indeed all 3 of us enjoy the session very much. Just see the pics alreay melt my heart &amp; i can't believe it tat i've given birth to such a precious boy.

I dun dare to post our family pic here cos i scared later all of u vomit cos mummy not nice at all. I notice my hair is quite messy during the session &amp; i look so round haiz... I'll reserve this as a mystery for those who has yet to see me heehee...

Yes it's really very worth it for tat kind of price. I heard there will be another promo coming end of May &amp; we decide to book another session again haha..
hello hello! good morning!

irene - pics are so well taken! beautiful! jeralds so cute and looks so grown up!

bless!!!!!!!! so happy to see your posts here! the threads quiet without you! did i miss out your name? But don't worry, you are always on my mind

nonoelle and mummy2 - sorry cant join for dinner. gotta put my son to bed before heading out. mummy2 - just curious, you working for BT? (is it sensitive to name? hahah) must be real tough

spring - you are such a detailed person! thanks for the correcting. YES, its pm! who drinks at am?

esther - ready your packing and join us till slightly later ok? at least 1155?

jess.....yooo hoooooo! where are you? dun forget our date coming friday!
Hello mummies,
I got a bad news. I dun think i can join u gals for wine session this fri. My hb forgot abt it &amp; he promised his boss to help him entertain clients liao. So i need to take care of jerald myself
Very pai sei &amp; i feel very down since i look forward to it very much.
clarrisa, how u know i'm working there?? shisss...shisss.... don't say so loud lah... later any of my colleague happen to be in this thread and tell my boss that i'm using working hour to chit chat here, then i will sure kenna from my boss ...
yeah.... is not easy to work in this co.

Where exactly r we meeting on fri and wat time? Sorry u may hv mentioned before but i forgotten lao....

Yo! yo! i'm here. Of course wont forget our fri date. Been chasing a cantonese serial now showing on Channel 8 : My MIL is a tyrant. HB download it on my PSP n is cantonese version. U c...whenever stroll my girl out n while she is sleeping, i will read newspaper until sian ah! Like the portable way. Light n can entertain myself. hee! hee!

Hi Nonoelle,

Yeah! u can join us...miss yr laughter!

Hi Irene,

Nice photos of Jerald. Cute! Ya...heard of Photo U....u booked it in the bulk purchase, right? HB dont want leh..hainz...this dont want that dont want....aiyo!
Hi Elaine,

My HB is coming too for Dylan's birthday party.

1)Esther----2 adult 1 baby
2)Germaine---2 adults 1 baby
3)Grace---1 adult 1 baby
4)Ginny---1 adult 1 baby
5)Jessica--2 adults 1 baby
6)MinK--1 adult 1 baby
7)Mummy 2 --2 adult , 2 children
8)Springdance--2 adults, 1 toddler
9)nana---1 adult, 1 baby
Hi Jessica,
Thanks. Yes i booked it in SMH forum. U shld tell ur hb it's really worth going lor. U tell him he'll regret if he dun go haha... I dun think me or my hb can take such nice pic with our camera lor. Next time u can show it to ur gal when she grows up &amp; she'll know how precious she is to both of u
mummy2- i saw your email addy. had wanted to ask sometime back but forgot
yes ssshhh... we will talk more on Friday.

irene - so you cant come on fri? can leave at your mum's plc for a nite? than both you and hubby take a rest! can even go late supper with your hubby after our date! think about this option
you need a drink! haha

jess - no wonder so quiet
I watched that already! nice show. funny show.
Hello mummies,
I got the good news liao. Managed to persuade my mum to help me look after jerald for a night
But hor i told her a white lie i feel so bad but i told her if i can go off early i'll fetch him home also. I just hope my hb's clients cancel their appointment then i can leave both of them at home haha... *evil laugh*

U really know me well hor. I really can't wait to meet up with u gals this fri. We shall chat &amp; drink till we drop ok haha...

I can meet u &amp; nonoelle for dinner first if i no need to fetch my boy with hb as he say if clients cancel appointment then i got to meet him &amp; fetch jerald home together. But will double cfm with u again latest by fri morning.
no prob, just let us know on fri. we r happy as long u can join us for the drink

can pass me the bubble on fri too if is not too troublesome for u to bring along?

look forward to c u gals on fri !!!

Alot to catch up on my work after a long break! Almost 400 emails to clear!

Irene: Jerald looks so niceeeeeeeeeeeee &amp; handsome in the pics! Awww....nexttime my no.2 i also wanna bring to Foto U...but wont wait till so late liao. Will take when they r less than a yr old! Glad u enjoy it!

Grace when's ur turn to go for pics? U also sign up for ashley right?

Mummy2, irene &amp; nonoelle: I also wanna join u all for dinner first on fri. Keep me update eh!
I'm sooo happy lor finally can R&amp;R a bit this fri without my bb koala.
I BTH u &amp; nonoelle lor we just live next blk only &amp; u two hv no time to meet me since esther pass it to me sooooooo long ago. Just kidding hor haha... Okie will bring it along on fri.

Nice ah.. So did u drool in office
When's ur no 2 coming? Jerald wait until his neck a bit long lei, wanna stress u haha...
irene - WOW sooooo happi you can come! yes we should take a nice break. so tempted to join you gals for dinner! but really cant la. am leaving for some super long biz trips. so really gotta spend some time with son.

bless - you sound like no. 2 coming sooooooon!
Irene: Wah liao stop stressing me, the more u stress me the more it will be slower! Must relax! Hahahaha!

Clarrisa: Yeah planning to start soon. Cos Jovan is getting older already.

Mummy2: Which area u all wanna eat?

Robertson quay - heard got nice yakitori there but i dunno what is the resturant name. There is also a ramen shop - Yi fan Ting if i remember correctly. There are quite a few restaurants there.

Any other suggestion pls list down too
Alamak told u to start romantic during ur 2nd honeymoon. U must be busy shopping right haha... I know a few mummies in other thread preggy liao so happy for them. Let me spread some *BABY DUST* to u. Catch it heehee...
oh..... i am looking forward to this friday's drinks session.....

mummy2 - forgot to reply your query - barcelona is at robertson walk.

Ok let me list down who is coming, easy for everyone.

Dinner at Roberterson Quay
Restaurant : Suggestion ???
Meeting plc : Clark Quay MRT, ok ???
Date : 9th May, Friday
Time : 6.30pm?? fine for everyone???
1) Nonoelle
2) Irene
3) Bless
4) Mummy2

Clarissa, u sure not joining us for dinner???

How abt Esther, Jessica, Nana ?? joining us for dinner?????

Anymore mummies coming?? Feel free to join us if u can.....
