Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hello mummies!

It's Monday..and abit tired man!

Mink: u going Perth???? Then when r u back? U forgotten our appt for Pete's Place for pizza?? I was telling esther we change to 21 May. R u back by then?

Jesscica: U wanna join us???

Any SAHM wanna join or any FTWM intending to take leave??

Pete's Place for Pizza @ Grand Hyatt
Date: 21 May 2006 (Wed)
Time: 12noon
1. Bless & Jovan
2. Esther & Randal

Hi Bless,

Pizza...hmmmm...i don't eat cheeze leh! Any pizza no cheeze? Will c if can make it as this time is her lunch/nap time. Tentatively put my name on it, ok?

Pete's Place for Pizza @ Grand Hyatt
Date: 21 May 2006 (Wed)
Time: 12noon
1. Bless & Jovan
2. Esther & Randal
3. Jessica & Shannon (tenatively)
hi mummies

Thanks for all your concern.... aiyo, my boy now becomes very sticky to me liao.... he still has cough and flu, the cough quite phelgmy though.... and hor, he always fight w me when feeding him medication... sigh... How you all feed your baby medication huh?
hi mummies

Thanks for all your concern.... aiyo, my boy now becomes very sticky to me liao.... he still has cough and flu, the cough quite phelgmy though.... and hor, he always fight w me when feeding him medication... sigh... How you all feed your baby medication huh?
I went to ntuc to try but can't find lei. Maybe will search cold storage later haha...

I use syringe to feed my boy when he's not well. He'll cry whenever he see it so 1 of us need to hold him tight then the other person will quickly shoot it into his mouth. It'a always very drama & a lot of struggling one heehee...
Jessica: Ok sure

Irene: Wah u so sort tio hoegarden? I got see NTUC have leh, u can also try cold storage or 7-11 also have. Or Petrol Kiosk??
Ya lor i sort tio long time ago though last fri tried it out the 1st time. My hb also wan to drink to train himself since he need to entertain heehee...
i also use syringe leh... my boy struggle like hell... sigh.... me also tired from keeping him down...
u like hoe garden so much? Then must thank me for introducing to u leh, hahah... i also like it, i think its the best tasting amongst all beers. I like the floral taste in it.
i still have some at home, come come my place to drink, heeee...

u gg to perth with hb n bb? Doing any spree? hehe. Oz is good for honey esp manuka honey. Include me if u are buying ok

i also use syringe when feding baby medication,he will also struggle, but no choice, just have to hold him down on the bed and quickly feed him
whats the name of the drink u had, the mint leaves one? i find it quite interesting and nice and would like to try it when i go out the next time.

hey i already met u once at clarrisa place, remember? ok next time join us for outing ya.
Hi esther,

thx for the info!=) Now preparing for my girl's 2nd b'dae party on 1 June! It's just a simple party with some relatives.

Hi spring and jessica,
been a real long time! Me having another girl. I like girls cos closer to mothers! So quite happy =)
Me is 3 days away to six months. Time passes really fast!
And yep, spring, I'm doing great. Have lotsa energy in the day now. Exercise everyday climbing up the stairs in my sch. Every morn I'll do 10 min stretching when I wake up. But of course at nite I'm real tired.
u r coming to 6 mths! so fast! Now no more morning sickness for u i guess? Got put on any wgt? u looks so slim the time i saw u, nobody wld have guessed u r preggy!
hey girls
the isetan private sale is here again! on 15 may, thursday. Almost the whole of iseatan is on discount! who wants to go? im going and can bring in 2 guests.
Just to list a few
URS-30% off, Toscano-30% off. Crocs-20% off, clarks-20% off, scholl-25% off, tracee, everbest, andre valentino, sole lovers-30% off, americaya, foot petals-20% , allerhand-20% off, combi accessories-20%+5% off, branded toys-20%+10% off
and many many more
Good morning mummies.

No choice lei i think all bb will struggle when thy see the syringe. Just got to act fast chop chop then done.

Thank you very much hor heehee.. Actually my hb already told me it's nice but me suku yet to try it till last fri. Not a bad idea so when u free i cm over & drink with u haha...

Congrats on having a gal. Times really pass very fast lei. Do take care & rest as much as u can.
U bad lei tempt all of us here. I really feel like taking leave to go shopping with u but i doubt i can cos my place is like a mountain with lots of files waiting for me to clear it
Hmmm…so you doing association mgt but is not with an association…correct? So interesting….U joined them as a Director I suppose?

Oh we did? Me blur sotong….not too sure…that’s my 1st gathering with the mummies here and was late…so didn’t really manage to get to know everyone clearly. :p

Did you left early that time? With baby?

Happy for you to know that you are doing well and back to work and your pregnancy is progressing smoothly. Congrats for having Princess No. 2! Must try to rest when you are back home after work…getting heavy liao. Heheheh…..by the way, did I remember correctly that you were starting up a blog for your girl? Ready for viewing yet?
esther: I went yesterday to chop a top from Le'range. Quite disappointment m)phosis not much stuff to buy this time round, and last pc cannot reserve so upset! I'll be going thur lunchtime to collect and pay my items. Wanna get some avent & Nuk bottles too.
hello hello!

esther - its mojito. easy drink. seems like its all shoe brands? guess i will give this a miss! pls ignore my earlier sms........

isabelle - wow long time no post! hows your preg progressing? take good care of yourself.

spring - yes. got kang tao for me?

bless - mphosis have got things to buy this season! nice.. i am just considering whether to buy this black dress from mphosis/south haven. still thinking.......
i where got bad? im just sharing good lobang with u all leh. :p

that time u went to clarrisa place right? Then we ordered pizza? u , ur hubby and ur boy. I remmebered u came in late and sat at a corner feeding ur boy. u mean its its not u , and its another mummy?
I was on the line with bless earlier & her company very strict one cannot let them surf net. She say she'll go to the sales during lunch time.
I say u bad bcos u tempt those working mummies who can't take leave
Just kidding lah buy more on our behalf hor heehee...
i thought last time she was able to chat during office hrs, now cannot laio ah?
actually good idea, u can also go during lunch hours , dun waste the precious leave, keke
Ya or her company very strict liao so she cannot chat lor so sad..
I scared lunch time too rush for me lei if not i would like to go also. I really wish i could take leave but my colleague still on hospitalised leave so i need to cover her
u got some things u wanna buy? u could go and check it out today or tomolo after ur work , and tell me wat u want. (But not those things like clothes and shoes, cos they need fitting). I can help u get it during the sale if u want.
Hahah…You are the high flyer….me the lowly small fry….should be I ask: “Can rope me a nice position with your Company or not?”

Ya that’s me….what I asking is…which pretty mama there was you?
pretty mama? no la, just ordinary, heee... very hard to describe, nvm next time we come out then u know laio!
bless / spring

wont be back by 21st. enjoy ur lunch . me i am gng to kangaroo land with my PIL n BIL.so hopefully they cn help to jaga bb too !!


wat tm u gng ? .. i feeeeeeel like gng lei .. dunno whether my MIL cn help me jaga my girl anot .. Can i tag along as ur guest ? i dont hv card

gng to perth on fri liao but still cant resist the 'sale' word ..wakakak.. nt intending to buy any manuka this tm .. the one that i bot with u, still sitting happily in my fridge ..keke
sure, u come along with me. isetan sale i feel is much better than robinsons or john little. u check out the newletter first (i pasted the url in the above post) to see what u want to get, then when u r there, u can just target those things, heee...
i will be going in the morning at around 9am, as i can hitch a ride from my hubby on his way to work.
Got so many people help manage your gal...should be fine...somemore the country you gng will be on a rest & relax type of itinerary rite? Remember to hug the Koalas too....

hey, u sound SO like me
.. the last isetan pte sale i also went at 9am cos i cot a ride frm my hb. in the end , i sat outside to wait for my fren cos she cud oni reach at 930am. u nt bringg ur boy rite?


keep my fingers cross it will be relaxing
no im not bringing my boy along. How to shop in peace with him along? heh.. Ok so we meet outside isetan scotts at 9am this thurs!

u got so many aides to help u care for baby in perth, so shouldnt be so difficult,they can each take a turn to carry her.
sure, maybe the next one. they have it 4 times a year rite?
Hows ash coping in school? Seems like so long havent seen her, miss her lor
hi mummies,
finally got time to peep peep liao.... you all going to isetan sales huh?? so nice hor, me so busy working until i'm so tired!!!!
ok i will look out for u. I think thats a good buy cos u no need to keep bending down, its very taxing on ur back.

u also want the walking assistant for shannon rite? pls see the link in mink's post. Do u want me to keep a lookout for u?

thks vm . last wk me n hb saw at isetan. but hb refuse to buy . nw that its on sale . dont care, just buy le =P buy first report later.

havent been posting lately...but been poppin in to read! ;)

Isabelle...congrats on ur girlie! ;)

Irene...ur jerald v cute lehhhhhhhhh....makes me wanna take studio pics also!

oooh may i join u guys AFTER your pete's place lunch? for coffee or something if u guys are up to it? ;) coz my izzy's afternoon nap is from 12-1plus...so tough to join u guys for lunch also. :p
havent seen u for some time, how are u doing? coffee after petes place? its buffet,and i think we would be so full,and wouldn't be able to eat or drink anymore! :p
Hello golly,
Thanks for ur compliment. Go go bring ur bb for photo shoot, it's really fun & i'm sure u & ur family will enjoy the whole process

Hello esther,
I dunno wat to get at isetan sales lei cos see too many nice things liao. Anyway thanks for offering, do enjoy ur shopping tmr.
Hi Esther,

Sent u sms message. Me too, wanna the walking assistant as i m eyeing on it too. Can buy for me first if there is a sale at Isetan? Wants pink color. My girl now shows interest in walking n can walk a few steps when i put my hands on her arm for support. Thanks dear!
Yo Esther
ENJOYZZZ your shopping today! Cheong ah!

Jessica / Mink
Gals development are really fast ....or is my boy who is just slooowwww.....He's coming to 13mths liao still dunnoe how to walk.... haizzzz....
yo im back from the shopping, it was madness, the snake queue was at least 100m long! But i didnt Q, cos i went there a bit later, and the people were already moving in. Didnt get a lot of things, only crayola magic finger paints@ 20% off, crayola washable paint @20% off, a Guess handbag at almost 50% off, and a pair of URS shoes@ 30% off. Quite a lot of savings, or should i say quite a lot of spending... wahahhhaa......

did u go during ur lunch hour? bought anything?

Esther: Yeah I went! I bought a top fr Le'range, a nuk bottle, avent teat (wanna get the 330ml bottle but OOS!) & 2 hello kitty cups! U should get the wheel on the bus dvd very cheap after discount only $10.80! I help my MIL buy cos she giving to her granddaughter.
