Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Ic so take this chance to hv a good break & buy buy buy haha... So how long is ur holiday? We'll miss u in this thread. Btw, I bump into ur sis & her hb at the mattel toys sale yday.

Ya i'll keep it a more like a private affair for him lor. Still cracking my brain dunno where to start from???
Congrats on getting a new job. Sooooo happy for u so when will u invite us to ur hse?

u got the new job! gd for u! So not so much travelling anymore for u, high 5!
yes we will b waiting for u to invite us to ur new place, haha! whats a infinity pool huh? Is it those with a "current" that makes u feel like u are swiming against the tides kind?

send me the link for ur photos too,i wanna see...

u so hardworking! if i were u, i prob take the day off today, cos no mood to work, already in the FUN mode heheh! we will be missing u , how many days r u going?
Hi Clarissa,

Congrats u got a new job! BTW, what line r u in? Me blur here. When u starting work?
Yeah, this week is a short week!

ur cake is super pretty! agree that the px is quite ex. but heck, the kid is oni ONE once in his life rite?


wish u a happppppyy trip
. nice meetg u yest. dotter was oni guaiguai cos got u two mummies lookg at her la. aft that not so guai liao kekeke


hope ur new job gave a BIG FAT salary rise!! when do u start ?
thanks for the congratulatory note.

esther - infinity pool is those kind that are high up (mine on the 12th flr) and then its glass panel all around. thus, it seems like you are swimming towards infinity...

Jess - I am in MICE Industry le. Now moving out to do association management.

mink - not a fat pay raise. But like esther says - slightly less travelling (about 30%). And whats best is moving out from MICE! So its what I am looking for. start June. but gotta go for a trip in late May before I start.

New job means need to re-work very hard to proof myself wor... abit tired... but what to do! take ppl's pay gotta give that kind of value
I am looking forward though...
The last layer (biggest layer) was leftover! And none of the close family members wan to eat…so went to the dustbin!

The agar agar from Mrs Chan is nice….finished on the day.

Oh ya…you going Korea rite? Envy Envy…..now weather so hot in Singapore…U go Korea can escape from the heat! Have a great trip!

Precisely…1st birthday is only once mah! So heck care, splurge abit on the party lor…anyway, am NOT doing it again for his subsequent birthdays. :p

No no… it’s pampering my desire! Never had such a cake as a kiddo last time… My boy dun even understand what is a beautiful-looking cake. LOLZZZ :p

Which area you shifted to liao??

You changed job also! And it’s really same industry as me isn’t it? With an Association? What’s the job scope like?

k…will email you the link later or tomorrow….if you dun receive, remind me…coz I worry I forget. Gotta go clear some work first ….

I’ll drop you an email later or tomolo regarding the Pooh stuff.

Meanwhile, gotta go clear some work first ….
spring - i shift to river valley. just a couple of streets down from where i used to stay
eerrr.. actually its about the smae but not really the same. I am working for an assn management entity. meaning we manage associations. at any time, we could be managing up to a couple of associations or organisations. smth like that... for a start, will be working only on 1 account
I can slowly explain to you since you are in similar industry..hhahahaha...

wheres everyone? why so quiet?
such a fanciful name, infinity pool!! the pool is at 12th floor? so each apartment has their own pte pool?
Today is quiet meh? i thought today the thread is quite busy as there were a lot of posts.. Compared to bad days where there can be barely 5 posts for the whole day, hahah..

thks for the socks, really a good buy!

agar agar from Mrs Chan?? This Mrs Chan does agar agar at her home or she has got a shop selling these? How much does ur agar agar costs? and how many people does it feed? Maybe i might get it if i want it for R's party.
u know wat, R was so tired after the outing that he slept in a sitting position in the bus.. haha... He was sitiing beside me when i realised how come he became so quiet n obedient?? Then i realised he was actually sleeping! And the interesting thing is he wants my arm to be placed around his shoulders whilst he sleeps.. I tried moving my arms away to disturb him and he kept pulling it back! kekekeke
first day of work..sianzzz. me got to sleep liao. Long days are back...

My only consolation is i get to see my baby at the end of the day...
Hi Esther,

Ha! He must be tired walking lah! No ergo! hee! hee!....sorry, told my HB abt yr walker n saw the pic. above, he prefers the Vtech Walker leh! He's the one who pay, got more say! Pai Sei hor ;)
Good morning everyone.
It's only tuesday haiz... i suppose bless is enjoying her 2nd honeymoon with her hb now so envy...

I can understand how u feel cos when i started work my boy is only 2mths i missed him lots lor but no choice we need to work to provide the best for them. Ashlyn really looks like a big gal liao hor can sit steadily on her own with the cute bb leggings.
So where is you new workplace? How many staff your Co. has? Hmm….dun think my Association is being managed by another body though….

Yup the agar-agar from Mrs Chan…dun think she has a sjop. If you interested to order, can drop her an email. The one I ordered cost $38, can cut into 30+ pieces…think price vary depending on the size & design.

I went through your phase too…when I return to office after 3 months maternity, everyday I will look forward to knock off & fly home to see baby…I really LOVE your gal’s eyes…so big & round!
no prob!

the agar agar tastes good? well received by ur guests? wat flavour u ordered?

ash looks so comfy in her seat. Is that a baby lounge or its a normal adult seater? i saw one at taka, its a baby lounge cum rocker and it i PLACED Randal on it, and he really enjoyed rocking. But the Price when i saw, its $350!!!... gosh!
hi esther,

its me. ive visited both ywca at outram and superland. personally preferred ywca.

just wanna check w u tt time u just walked in or u made appt w them to view the school at superland? did u get to talk to the principal?

the receptionist was so bz. and i think she didnt really answered my questions. i asked her if there's a 2-3hr programme she said no, only half day or full day. is tt true?
hi edk
its has been a long time since we last see ur post! Busy? oh that time i did call to make an appt before i went. I didnt get to speak to the principal but i spoke to the adminstrator. There is a 2 hour programme, i wonder why she told u no?? Maybe they prefer parents to send the kids to half day prog?
Yohoo Esther
Have PMed you the party pics...for your viewing pleasure.

Let me know your feedback after you have seen them yah.

Regarding the agar-agar, it's multi-layered...can't choose flavour. Taste good.

I have sent you an email (to your hotmail account) regarding the pooh decor items. Let me know if you interested.
I got ur email but i can't see the pics as my office administrator blocked it
I'll try to view it at home & get back to u asap ok?

I'll be on leave this fri as i'm bringing jerald for photo shoot at foto u. We r crossing our fingers hope he cooperate with the photographer & dun be cranky if not all effort will be wasted including $$$ ah...
almost died on the plane. dylan cried and cried for a while before falling asleep, but the trip back on plane , crying was shorter...
very happy though, dylan also had alot of fun crawling ard....bathing in the bathtub and he loves it so much that we can just put him in the tub to play while we do our stuff. hahhaha

also bought alot of stuffs from H and M for him, they have very funky stuff.hehehe.i even bought a dark pink polo for him.

and the star buy was my LV epi white bag which i asked hubby to pay. hahahhaha.really enjoyed this trip, and thank goodness we brought the maid cause dylan was all hands and legs at restaurants.

clarrisa,din know u stay at river valley, we are looking at there too for apartments, so far saw regency lodge, claremont, the stretach at shanghai road. but now prices abit high still.which building u at?
hi mink, cant find your name and baby's name in list, can let me know again in the forum
gonna send invite tommorow.thanks!

golly, din receive your email regarding addy lei. can send again, your name and baby name too..

springdance, you have contact of mrs chan's agar agar ? wanna order one/thanks!!!
No problem...take your time. I never managed to take the studio shots at foto-u after the unsuccessful attempt that my boy uncoorperatively KO just b4 we wanted to leave the house for the photoshoot!

Huh! Your HK trip so short onli...by the way, think you missed my post requesting if my family can come to Dylan's party? When's the exact date again?

For the agar-agar, you can contact Mrs/Mr Chan at mobile: 96350758/97887807
hey welcome back! glad u enjoy the trip so much, wow u bought a LV bag! Must have cost u tonnes! Ur hubby so pamper u, buy it for u!! Actualy when i went HK earlier on, i realised their designer goods not cheaper than SG leh, so i didnt bag those stuff there.
wah so luxurious, u bought ur maid along?!! I am always dreaming to bring maid along for trips so she can help take care of R, but then think its too lavish, so in the end, i will hands-on instead. Also a good time for bonding with him. Also a chance for hubby to hands-on la.. hahah

yay, tomolo is PH so everyone can enjoy!
very nice photos! ur boy is so charming n photogenic!
Im sure it will be good n fond memories when he grows up and look back at it
u bringing jerald for foto shoot this fri ah? good luck and may he be in a happy n cheeful mood that day. But i hope he wont flood the studio with his drool! hahah.. Bring at least 10 bibs! Show us the photos after its all done ok? we wan to admire the electric eyes Jerald in his makeover shots!
hi Jay,
hey long time never see u here! R u busy with work? Sorry, but i dun have any tickets to the barney n friends show. Have u placed ur kid in school yet?
Hi hi springdance,

sure sure! can come of course
finally can get to meet you also, hey your photos are good esp the family one, your boy boy is soo cheerful looking and cute !oh yes, in that case, can email me your address, name, bb name.

mummies here, in the card, i only wrote to mummy xxx and baby xxx, but if hubbies coming, no prob, can rsvp me how many pax asap so i can make sure the food is enough=)

Mink and golly can email me asap?thanks!!!

bac to the trip, esther, ya i was sure glad the maid went along, but we spent quite a fair bit and broke liao. hehe.we sat business class, but before you go wahh.. we actually redeemed points for the seats, but maid sat ec class. as hubs sister staying in hong kong, we let maid stay w her and we stay at hotel. in the morning maid just come over w food for dylan. then she stay w us whole day till dylan KO in aft, then go bac cook again blah blah

the designer stuff ah, hehe, i took advantage of hubby cause his bonus just arrived. hehehhe.*wicked laugh*and then also sing dollar quite strong. but lv price not too bad, chanel had alreayd adjusted their pricing.
springdance, paiseh. the day is 31st may at 2 pm . sat.
oh yes, i got your addy and details from the list liao, but only miss out the postal code.
sorry for late reply. have been so tired.
hubby was working nite shifts 2 days in a row so i had to do everything myself. phew...lucky nt single mum, very jialat.

esther, the chair is at Raffles City Shopping Centre. we tot it was cute so we just placed her there to take picture.

elaine, welcome back =)
Welcome back. Great to hear tat u & ur family enjoy ur HK trip.

I just saw ur email so happy to see all these bday thingy. I'm still trying to persuade my hb to hold a bday party for jerald at his frd's condo cos we couldn't find any chalet/bungalow etc as all r fully booked. I'll email u once he gives the green light thanks.

Ya lor actually my main concern is he dun nap during this time tmr as we r suppose to reach there at 11am. I've waited for this day for so long so hope everything goes smoothly & me & hb dun mind to be shag out after the shoot. Just wan to hv a nice memory of his childhood so tat we can show it to him when he grows up. Imagine he drool then i've to keep wiping it off
I dun wish to give him any bibs during the shoot.
hello hello good morning!

its friday! time flies... the kids grow up and we grow old.... yet we are happy as we heartily watch them grow and conveniently forgeting that we age..

esther, wanna go out today? i tot of secretly sneaking away from work. than can collect the bubbles from you at the same time. anyone keen to do coffee/cakes at GWC this pm?
esther - nice catching up earlier... randal has became soooooo cute with his short short crew cut hairdo. he keep nodding his head towards the fries and stuff them into his mouth! ahahahah....... funni boy

ok ladies, reminder : next friday - 9May we are heading for the wine session at barcelona at 930am. just a couple of drinks to chat and catch up! (of cos we should get some light bites too!)

1) Clarissa
2) Esther
3) Irene
4) Nana
5) Mummy2
6) Jessica

anyone else whom i had left out? or anyone else coming??????? come come...... dun miss out the fun!
Thanks for the compliments on the photos...the photgrapher did a good job I guess...anyway, my boy actually is SUPER SHY...he was crying really badly during the 1st hour of his birthday party...lucky thing he got finally settle down & warm up later.

My postal code is 151076... looking forward to receive your card.

No problem....let me know when you decided....you looking at chalet only? If not, can rent a function room instead like what I did.

Just KPO...correction of the time you stated...should be 9.30PM...not AM rite?
wah ur eyes are so sharp, u actually noticed the typo error!

we go at 9.30 am ah, u wan to beat the staff to open the pub huh? hehe
ya these days, randal loves all kinds of food, guess also cos we are more adventurous in terms of giving him outside food, so he is exposed to all kinds of taste.
Hi, I just moved into Telok Blangah Heights. Not very sure which are the better schools around this area. Can mothers in this thread share which pre-school/childcare you put or plan to put you child in? Any comments on the schools? TIA
Hi mommies how are you all..so long no posting...but kept reading once in a while.

hmm..never thought working life is so busy one. only get to spend the weekend with the kids...and tend to feel so guilty..so always bring them out...at the end also so tired...never get to rest on the weekend. My kids are going through rough patch...esp my boy. Too many changes for him these few weeks...with me going back to work, him changing class, he has been refusing to go to school. haiz...hope everyting will settle soon.
got my maid liao..so far so good, can get along with my mil..hopefully she will not give me any prob.

Reading got night out ah? can join or not? hehe..my social life almost non-existent. After work just come back home with the kids..otherwise fell s guilty.
hi, havent seen u for so long

I might be going to HK next week, hubby is gg for business trip n me and randal are tagging along. Someone pls share where are the places to go, other than the PEAK, and the OCEAN PARK, which i have already went, Any things worth buying?
Hi all!

I'm staying in Telok Blangah Heights. Weekends are terribly boring and we always end up in shopping centres, then spending money. Include me if u have future activities ok?

Short intro, I have a 4+ year old girl (Sharleen) and a 9mth girl (Alyssa). Guess the 4 year gap has made me forgot how I brought up the older girl, now i feel like a new mum again... struggling...

Alyssa is now teething and very cranky whole day. Previously she has been sleeping through, but these few days she keeps waking up to cry... Hope this will pass very soon...
U win oledi liaozz! End up U going HK sooner than me ah? LOLZZZZ....

Got a helper and MIL to help you out..that's really very good. U can "Fang Xin" go back work.

Welcome to the thread! Hey, you younger gal has got the same name as mummy2 (another mummy here).

Dun worry about the teething crankiness...will pass after a few days...if not, U can try applying dentinox teething gel on her gums...can help to ease the discomfort.
Hello mummies,
It's mOnday again... I'm back at work after long weekends. Brought jerald for photoshoot last fri & all of us enjoy it very much too bad only 1hr session. Thumbs up for foto u, i'll bring him there again when he reach 1yr old.

Shiok lei u gg HK for shopping buy more...

to this thread. Me too staying at TBH & we've a few mummies staying here too. We've a drinking session this fri, see if u could join us. Dun worry abt teething... my boy also like tat after a while he's back to normal liao

I think Gin's gal has the same name as Doggymum's gal not mummy2 heehee...
Hi Irene,

Thanks for the invitation, night sessions a bit more difficult leh (though i like to drink!), maybe next round. Though mum and maid takes care of Alyssa, my mum will always make sure the girl is 'properly handed over' to me before she leaves. So if I'm home late, it'll be more tiring for her. Everyday i have to rush home, even if it means bringing work home. Hubby is not helpful at all, cos he always let the maid care for the children (which I don't want cos she already stick to the child whole day).

My older girl is at Eager Beaver at Safra. Their cirriculum is ok only, but I like the environment not being confined to just the school. Sometimes they are brought to run/play in the batminton courts, playground and other places within Safra. There is also water play at the swimming pool.
Sure no prob i can understand. For me, 1 bb is already a headache haha... Thought it's tiring but very fulfulling lor. No worries feel free to chat with us here, hope to meet up with u soon.

No worries me just kpo a bit heehee...
I think i better post a few here when i got the pics if not u'll wait ages if i were to upload it cos i'm a blur to all these stuff heehee...

Hi Esther. Here goes

Usually i stay in hong kong island only cause i always shop at causewaybay area , ifc, blah blah. too lazy to go anywhere else. How many days are you going?

hmm,1) let's start with H & M in queens road central. they have alot of cheap nice babys clothes, i got quite a few for dylan. just before that is this place call 2)Eugene's club, ----on the 4th floor it is full of babies stuff.

3) then on peddar street, besides shanghai tang, there is this opening to an elevator, take it, i cant remember which story, i think 4th or so, they sell clothes --parallel imports,branded ones, and they snip off the tag, nice dresses and stuff. in the same building is Bumps to babes---another baby store.

4) causeway bay..---overhere, dun miss out sogo. hehe. times square is so so --good for photo taking, but inside the stores are mostly branded.. sale is not here yet,---wat's the point:pbut i think inside there is a level full of electronics, i think if buy electronics there is worth it, cause of the currency rate.
oh yes, sony showroom is aslo in sogo.

5) the usual temple street , stanley market---not red light district:p dun worry.. depends on where you stay---hong kong island or kowloon, but if you stay in hk island, maybe it is better to take train, just 2 stops or so from central to Tsim tsa tsui can shop too_Oh yes, there is Mong kok too. i hardly go there cause i hate the crowds , but you can get good bargains there

oh yes, the weather is quite chilly sometimes, and quite hot sometimes, better to bring long sleeves w hoods , vest, caps in the bag just in case.dylan mostly wore 2 layers ---one long sleeve and one jacket when out.but it depends, the weather is cranky there.tho not as hot as SG.

where to eat???? hehehe. i recommend METROPOL at united center, ask the hotel to make reservations for dim sum. at queens shopping center adjoining it can shop too, it is also linked to pacific plaza.

i also recommend farm house at causeway bay.i forgot the name of the building tho, can ask the hotel about it.

and yes, there are many good restaurants at world trade center in causeway bay too. my advice---pls make booking, you wun wanna wait. hk pple usually eat late, but you can be amazed at the queue ...ahh, yes, there is times aquare at the corner, you will c a long queue taking elevator up cause there are many restaurants up there too!

hmmmm that's about it. have a good trip! pity is not sale time, hehe maybe you can make another trip down in late july!i feel like doing that. kekeke.
