Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi Nana,

Yippie! I can make it this Friday n finally able to c u liao!

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. jessica & shannon.

Anyone joining? How abt Esther & Nonoelle?

hello hello good morning!

its monday! felt that its sooo long since its monday
wheres everyone??? still wondering if its Monday? YES IT IS..hahaha

Irene - give yourself some time. Otherwise, try exercising to lose those extras? Jogging? I wanna actively do some exercises too. But been procrastinating.


Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum
8) Moonbaby
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer & Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum
8) Moonbaby
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer & Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
bless - so kuai, ask you to indicate and you indicated
how come only 2 of us here posting? wheres the rest?

nonoelle.......... still sleeping huh?
esther.......... working today?
irene ............ already started jogging?
spring .......... busy busy at work?
muju......... MUST be trying to act busy
hi mummies,
me so sian abt my job liao, cos got no time to check forum at all... so sad....
need to get back to work liao... my that new boss is driving me crazy....
aiyoh u strike us off ah?? Ok Ok i put down how many adults.

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum
8) Moonbaby
9) Elaine n Dylan
10) nana
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer & Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. irene & jerald
4. esther n randal
Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. irene & jerald
4. esther n randal
5.elaine n dylan

i hope dylan this time more coooperative!!!

nana, i usually take cab there, as no direct bus or mrt near my place

jessica, lemme know how your trip went, and give me tips when ya back ah...
hi Irene
No. 2? No lah.. The thought of it I stressed liao. Now with no. 1 around, already felt my life boh freedom.. No. 2 comes along, think I may go crazy. But then of course I do realize me getting old (or rather already old), so not much time to waste before planning for the next one lah.

You miss my gal ar? Hmm, too bad this Sun won't be joining u gals for the gathering at Clar's place. Hey, how come you only miss my gal, nvr miss me meh?
hey u appear laio ah.. waiting for u long long laio, till my neck also very longggg laio.. Join us at clarrisa place lor, we miss u n ur girl
doggymum, irene eyeing yr girl for jerald so of course miss her more than u lar! no worries i got miss u ok!

mist, sounds like u unhappy in yr job wor.. remembered u mention abt looking for jobs in recruit. any luck so far?

esther, u not bringin yr maid to clarrisa's place huh? wah, more bonding time w randal?

irene, the last time i saw u , u did look slimmer again mah. even if u haven regain bk yr pre preg weight, dun worry, look at the track record of elaine n clarrisa n esther, they haf boys too n chasing after yr boy in a few months time sure will help u lose anor few kgs!
nana thanks for organising! fri seems like still a long way away!

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. irene & jerald
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree

who else who else? irene try to make it cos we won get to see u at clarrisa's too rite?
grace, seems like ashlyn is enjoying the jumperoo! my girl dun like it leh.. put her in for 10 mins n she gets edgy..

clarrisa, sounds like yr boss is a big time slave driver! is he local? usually singaporean boss like tt. muz maximise employees' working time. but at least below 7 hrs then ey is fair enough. for us, if we do travel, it will forever be in ey! there was once i went all the way to l.a. via taipei. the whole trip was more than 18 hrs! my legs n back almost broke! tts y i prefer to work than sit down.
irene, esther n nonoelle
Ppl say "yi ri bu jian, ru ge san qiu" mah.. MIA awhile then suddenly appear will make my appearance more precious leh.. kekeke

This Sun, most probably wont be joining. But will pop by if I'm able to. So Clarissa, you dun prepare my share of the food ok? If I do come, worst comes to worst will stare at the rest of you, and salivate lor.. hahaha

nonoelle, irene very hua xin one leh.. beo so many future dil. My Alyssa is one of the many she is eyeing only
nonoelle - you are up and about! so nice to see your postings.. else me and bless like madwoman, 1 post, 1 answer
18hrs reached LA? how many hrs to fly direct? got direct flight? I have never taken SQ to european/US continents le... hahaha... even when holiday, i will take french or german carriers...they are alot cheaper..

can i join for your friday outing IF i can make it? cos bringing my baby to class from 1-230...so if he is still up and about by then, will drop by? but i dun seem to know anyone...only nonoelle and nana...abit shy
doggymum - aiyo pls...if you do come, i will feed you and cutie pie with my fridge food OK? so plsss try to make it...else i am the oldest ard...damn sian!
Aiyo I want to join lah! U all alwys meet weekdays

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. irene & jerald
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree
8. i_bless_u (in spirit)
Hi Nana,

Can i introduce a new mum to join this Fri gathering. Apparently met her while having dinner near Strathmore Ave. Her son is 11 mths old and also a SAHM. Ask her to join this thread but she said no time to log in to chat but would like to know more mummies here. I will add in her name (Felicia) in this list. BTW,
which part of GWC to meet ah?

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana & ryan
2. grace & ashlyn
3. irene & jerald
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree
8. Felicia n Ian

Hi Esther,

U got company liao! Felicia's son is 11mths old and close to Randal's age. Hope u both can click. She stay at Holland Close.
Hi Elaine,

Ok, will let u know how's my trip to HKG when i come back. Hope can manage Shannon. R u the one staying at Gillman Heights? Blur me...not sure if it is u. Bus 195 goes to GWC.
hellooo mummies!

I am going back to work next week! Aiyah I still haven't met any of you yet!
Hope can squeeze time to meet u all at GWC on fri for tea since I can't make it this Sun! But I will not bring my girl since I can't carry her anymore and it's very tiring for me to bring her out on my own!
If I can make it that day, I just sms one of you can? Can sb volunteer to be contact person? hee... thx

Clarrisa, I'm even worse, I dun even know anyone!

Bless, Spring,
will not be meeting you all for beef noodles liao cos I just realised it's quite troublesome for me to get there without car...
yah, i'm super unhappy, and hv no luck with interviews!!! no company call me for interview leh... and i thot my resume got problem. but my hubby use my resume format, he received so many calls for interview!!! sian....
I think i'll most likely cancel this Sat's appointment cos my hubby ask me to wait till jerald can sit w/o support if not waste $$$ haiz...

I went facial earlier cos my face super DIRTY & a lot of pimples super UGLY lor. Dun envy me hor though i'm on leave but i really never get to rest well cos we went out whole day on weekends & reached home quite late. Dun know wat happen to jerald as he kept crying every 1hr last night & i was like a zombie walking around the house, singing songs & patting him to sleep YAWN...
I wonder if my boy over stimulate cos a lot of ppl carry, touch, squeeze & pass him around like a parcel during weekends.

Of course i miss u lah but i miss ur gal more cos she's really very cute sweetie pie. How i wish i've a daug like her
Frankly speaking i prefer a gal than a boy cos gal will be more close to mummy next time. Pls lah... dun say me hua xin lei though i like ur gal & nonoelle's gal doesn't mean my boy will like mah so better let the young ones "zhi you lian ai"

I dun think i can mk it on Fri liao cos i forgot my pt maid coming my house in the afternoon. Really wish to meet up with u all but will see how & cfm again unless u all dun mind to change it to Wed instead keke...
If desiree dun like the jumperoo, u can leave it in my house cos jerald loves it lots when i brought him to my frd's house for a sneak preview last Sat
zhi you lian ai.. hahaha.. u think too far liao lah.

hmmm, since u like gal, faster plan for no.2 lor.. may have a chance to kena a minnie leh.
Irene: Ok, yah u can still wait. I can't wait anymore..my boy is growing everyday, scare the innocent look no more hahaha!
I think Jerald might have nightmares fr the overwhelming hugs n kisses and cuddles. U might want to give him ba bao san before he sleeps. It works on jovan. Yesterday jovan was having nightmare too and mumbling 'mummy' and also he was smiling cos i heard him laugh in his sleep. Haha!
Irene: I also prefer gal for my no.2 cos it's so difficult buy clothes for jovan for photoshot! Girls are aplenty! And i especially like Lifebaby collections for the girls...soooo sweet!
bless - you are very funny...you seem to know where to buy ALL SORTS of things! ranging from pizza all the way to TCM! hahahhaha...

irene - you should try to do some exercises. i know its tough amidst caring for our babies. But i seriously think exercising will not only help to lose wts but also for a healthy body and mind

doggymum - no wor, i gotta try to convince you to come mah
looks like i failed terribly...
bless, i think lifebaby's clothes very ex right! its ok, if u got overwhelming desire to buy their clothes, im sure my desiree won't mind to wear it haha!!

irene n nana, both fri n wed is fine w me. see on which date can the majority make it.

jessica, u very good! go makan oso can know mummy n get her to join us! maybe u can go into MLM haha! sure everybody is welcome! looking forward to seeing ur!

isabelle, oh u going bk to work so soon! if u dun mind we can contact each other n u let me know if u can make it on fri boh. do u haf my no thru nana's list? if not i will msg u. pls try to make it. we will love to see u, esp once u start wk then will be even harder to meet up.
If confirm gal me sure get preggy now
but hor 1 already so tiring so i wonder how will i cope if i've no 2 faintz...

Really pai sei suppose to join u but in the end sabo u.

I notice u only try to convince doggymum to go ur place this Sunday lei why ah? If u pester me maybe i'll try to go also
clarrisa, u mean now then u know tt bless very resourceful meh? she always use her company's resources to source for these lobangs haha!!
grace, ya lor she dun seems to enjoy the jumperoo as much. i think i will rent to irene at $50 a month instead haha, since the waiting list so long, i doubt irene will get to rent it haha!
hi5.. I was about to tell bless the same thing too. If she got the "chong dong" to splurge on gal gal clothes, I'm sure my Alyssa n your dear desiree will be glad to "sacrifice" and wear those clothes!

u chum liao, make irene jealous. hahaha
mist, oh.. i thgt job market very good now. cos me oso planning to do my resume since b4 cny but haf been procrastinating til now. after listen to u i even more xianz!! haiz if only im a tai tai dun haf to work still got money hehe!!
doggymum, cos clarrisa oso looking for potential dil mah, tts y ask u n alyssa to go. if jerald dun show up, then ricco won haf so much competition!!
nonoelle! LOL U really know me very well eh ;)

clarissa: Hahahaha, I'm like u, shopping queen!

Irene: No worries lah, with or without joining, i'm already set to bring my boy this weekend! I emailed my hubby last week and tell him abt funshotz. In my email i wrote pls do not object as my mind is set already! Hahahaha! He reply ok!
Doggymum & nonoelle: If i got strike 4D and TOTO sure buy lifebaby for ur daughters!!!

nonoelle: sometimes i saw spree got lovely girlish stuff i thought of buying for ur daughter but dunno she can wear anot! What size is she wearig now?
clarrisa, come join us on fri!! esther will be there too. come on, u dun appear to be the shy kind to me leh! u seem so outgoing n fun loving! so whats the plan on 9th?

haven seen springdance n lazymum n mummy 2 for long time! where r ur??
whoa bless, so kind of u to think of my daughter!! whoa irene, if u wan chop my daughter then u be careful cos got threatening competition from bless liao! haha!!

but bless thanks hor. appreciate it. but she outgrow clothes too fast liao so i stopped buying aradi cos wear once or twice then too tight so now i let her wear all the hand-me-downs from ppl now. sometimes i see those nice ralph lauren dress in bp feel like buying but muz control 1st!
Is there any mummies here interested?

First Aid Course for infants and toddlers

The normal course covers 18 hrs over a period of few evenings. (Usual rate is $120). However I do not wish to spend so much time so I ask for a one day course.

It covers :
Principles and Practice of First Aid

Airway Emergencies

Altered Mental State Emergencies

Respiratory Emergencies

Musculo-Skeletal Emergencies

Integumentary Emergencies

Other Common Emergencies

One-Man CPR

Infant CPR

Adult Choking

Infant Choking

Lifting, Carrying and Transportation

Child Safety and Accident Prevention

Theory and Practical Examination

More info on website

irene - cos i know you miss the event for a good reason. jerald gg for jab right?

nonoelle - of cos! i need to be fun. i need to be imaginative to play with Ricco! imagine if i am boring, than I will bring up a boring boy? Boring boys how to drink with desiree next time? oh......looking forward to carrying desiree soooon... and plsssssssss do not torment her with the super tight hair band! everyone knows she a gal

bless -jiaklat le... at this rate, we both really cannot be stay hm mums

hey moonbaby, thanks for the info. i took basic first aid n cpr before so dun think will join u though i haf forgotten most stuff. now after childbirth my brain is super rusty n forgetful so may not be able to absorb anything too!
