Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

hey girls, whats the plan? are we meeting tomolo or friday?

really ah, carrefour have the gainIQ promotion? $48 is quite cheap leh, i saw a lot of places now selling $52. Wow u are really resourceful, we shall name u the <font color="0000ff">resouce ambassador</font>, anything we dunno, ask BLESS!
hey sorri i must have missed out ur post as there are so many posts each day, which is good, as it means our thread is thriving! What about mmr were u asking me abt?
Hello mummies,
My pt maid will be coming my hse on thurs instead so i can meet u gals on Wed or Fri both days r fine with me now. Let's wait for nana to cfm everything. NANA, where r u???
i saw ur qn , i have let randal tried egg white before, he is ok to it. Before or after MMR jab? I have no idea wor, i just give it to him after he reaches 1 yr old, which is the recommended.
u have gotton a part time maid ah.How much is the going rate now? per hourly basis or per day? She will come yr hse once a week?
esther, hehe, no prob, i tot you were angry at me!!!
--cus i asked you twice.lol..kidding la.

i think i will have to let dylan try egg yolk first then wait till after one yr then try egg white. has randal done his mmr? cause i heard it is better to delay it,after 15 mth, true anot, its associated w autism apparently.
Ya this pt maid i got was recommended by a frd &amp; she's not bad. She charge $10 per hr, everytime do 4hr or a bit more. I engage her once a week. She does vacuum, mopping, cleaning windows, washing toilets &amp; ironing of my hubby's shirts.
Lazymum: Hmm...none of the buses u mention goes to clarrisa hse.I think only 64,65,32 &amp; 14.

Irene: Hmm...can i ask the maid come over iron an hr for me? I have plenty of clothings to iron on weekend! Haaa!

esther: Very funny! My fren happen to call me and tell me lor so pass the good lobang around. Giant also having sale on gain iq till 9 March. Carrefour i'm not sure till when.
U very cute lei imagine my pt maid stay AMK lor ask her cm ur hse just for an hr later she BOMB me ah haha...

Hey i'm gg Suntec Carrefour this thurs lei any mummies wan to join me? I'm bringing jerald to my office &amp; go shopping at the same time.
lazymum - i really have got no idea how to come my house. i was about to say bless sure knows.

esther - how old is dylan? 9mths can start to give yolk but make sure its well cooked. yes 12mths can give whites. try to give.

isabelle - i can understand how you felt. when i was preggy everyday just wanna wear the same few tops/bottoms to work cos everyday vomit, no mood to dress up. look at myself in the mirror... so fat and ugly, all the more no mood! but do try to at least get a few pairs of good flats to pull you thru the 9mths
after than can keep those ugly flats! URS got nice durable and good quality ones. cheap also..go buy go buy!

so the list goes : again, no adult indication, will be STRIKE OFF. (esther, can help chase this thingie plsss? cos me back only on sat and wont access this till then...orders gotta make by sat..)

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum (1 adult)
7) Moonbaby
8) Elaine n Dylan
9) nana
10) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
11) Muju, Summer &amp; Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
some stuff to note about my place :

1) if the security stops you, pls let them know my unit is 05-05.
2) those who are driving, security will ask you to park at B2. dun bother them, B1 is OK to park too.
3) my function room is located at level 1. when you enter the main gate, you are at B1. so pls take the lift to level 1.
4) my pool is abit more cold compared to other pools cos its not located on ground flr. thus kids swimming, you may wanna bring slightly warmer clothes for after swim.

thats all for now
checking out...........
clarrisa, u checking out to where again? so how much do we haf to pay per person? do u need us to order since u won't be around?
hello ladies! since nana is not around to confirm the meet up, n few mummies cannot make it tmr, n the most apparent reason being tt irene can make it on fri now too, so shall we stick to our original plan of meet-up on fri?

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan (both wed &amp; fri ok)
2. grace &amp; ashlyn (fri ok)
3. irene &amp; jerald (wed ok)
4. esther n randal (wed n fri ok)
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon (wed n fri ok)
7. nonoelle n desiree (both wed &amp; fri ok)
8. felicia n Ian (wed n fri ok)
9. Isabelle (fri ok)

elaine &amp; all other mummies
in case you're scheduling your kiddos for mmr, you may wanna consider having it at any polyclinic cos it's free there. My gal is gonna have hers next week. And re mmr causing autism, I had checked with my pd, and he told me it had not been scientifically proven
hello all mummies,
pai seh today i no time to come online at all...
now then pop by to see the gathering thingy how...on wed or fri... pai seh hor..
dunno y my house phone line totally dead leh... today forgot to call singtel somemore...tom gotta do so...

thanks for helping to confirm the gathering on fri... muak!! my boy muak u ok?? not me...heheehe..

see u gals on fri!!

<font color="C12267">CONFIRMED!!
Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC (meet outside Toast Box)

1. nana &amp; ryan
2. grace &amp; ashlyn
3. irene &amp; jerald
4. esther n randal
5. elaine n dylan
6. jessica n shannon
7. nonoelle n desiree
8. felicia n Ian
9. Isabelle </font>
oops sorry, clarrisa, forgot to confirm my attendence at ur place...
might not bring my boy along cos my dad may be here to see him...

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum (1 adult)
7) Moonbaby
8) Elaine n Dylan
9) nana (1 adult)
10) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
11) Muju, Summer &amp; Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
some stuff to note about my place :

1) if the security stops you, pls let them know my unit is 05-05.
2) those who are driving, security will ask you to park at B2. dun bother them, B1 is OK to park too.
3) my function room is located at level 1. when you enter the main gate, you are at B1. so pls take the lift to level 1.
4) my pool is abit more cold compared to other pools cos its not located on ground flr. thus kids swimming, you may wanna bring slightly warmer clothes for after swim.
hello mrng all mummies

elaine, i heard that before the mmr jab, u hv to let yr kid try egg white ist to c if he is allergic to it as the mmr contain egg white too. this is what i heard only, not very sure abt it as u may want to check with yr pd to confirm. i did that to both my kids. make sure that they r not allergic to the egg white then i sent them for the mmr jab and so far they r ok lor..

irene, envy u can take leave and spend time to bond with jerald....

this few days i realised that my girl is getting very close to my maid, abit worry now.. she still look for me when i'm ard but when i'm away, she only want to look for my maid and reject the rest of the family member including my hubby lor..
how huh??? mummies with maid, how to u handle with such suitation?? can advise??
where is toastbox in GWC? Which floor? Have never noticed it before. Btw, just asking, r we still gg to the cheezecake cafe? hee hee...

no choice lor. this kinda thing takes time. i guess ur hubby gotta make more effort to play with her, take her to playground, blah blah blah... Hope the situation improves!
hello hello good moring!

I am back again!

nonoelle - you are such a sweeeeeetieeee! thanks for offering
supposed to fly Seoul today, all ready to go and my colleague called late last to say she can go (i was supposed to stand in for her cos shes sick! and though she is still rather sick, she wanna go..strange???) so i just pretend...says OK...and now I can bring Ricco to school on Firday! yippie...

so fri meeting still on? i try to go if Ricco is not tired
Friday's meeting place at toastbox or cheezecafe?

bless - later shopping where again? I wanna go citylink again. there this shop call "sixties'. the clothes are cheap and nice. I got several pieces from there!

oh, today gotta do some very serious work!
mummy2: Or u may consider don't bring ur maid our with u all on everytime? Leave her with ur inlaw or MIL. Then ur hubby and urself can have bondings with her more.
clarrisa: Oh i going to kai kai (hello kitty) shop at chinatown point after work. Going to buy bread cutter and carrot cutter.

my hubby has been spending time with her during the weekend by bringing her out. weekday difficult as he is working quite late so don't really can bond with her lor...

but don't know why this few days she just reject everyone except me and my maid. even when my PIL's came over and want to bring her out for kai kai which is what she likes and everyday looking forward to, she just cry and refuse to go with them. she can be very stuborn and keep crying.. and crying..... for so long until my PIL got no choice but to bring her back and pass to my maid. my PIL feel so sad that she actually preferred to be with my maid rather with them lor...
i don't feel comfortable of her being so close to my maid though this shows that my maid actually treat her good lor.. is kind of mixed feeling u know???
During NUS ah…no wonder so student looking …. Hehehe…Quite different indeed after you started working…did you attended some professional grooming class?

Is your part-time maid a local or foreigner? The current one I am having like not so good lei…can share with me her contacts?

So your function room is housed inside the Clubhouse? So we just walk towards the Clubhouse am I correct?

My dear...Remember to save some pizza for me okie coz we'll reach later...Xie Xie!! :p
bless - oh the beef noodles at my friend's shop! nice
i like the slice beef. really? they have 1 at raffles? nice clothings right? cheap also! you are forever buying things... think next 2 life time also gotta slog! not just next one...

mummy2 - my boy also. these few weeks prefer my maid to my MIL. so my MIL felt upset. she always say 'dun wan nevermind, dun wan nevermind'...good thing he still likes me and hubby best.. i guess just let them be. but keep harping to them that 'you must love popo/gong gong cos popo/gong gong loves you soo much'...or smth? when they are abit older, hopefully they understand??? my boy lagi best, he hear me lecturing my maid this morning and after i stop, he went on to lecture her (in his own baby language..and he just went on and on and keep pointing to my maid as he 'lecture') such a funny sight
bless, we don't bring maid out when we hv family outing. but when going to my PIL's hse, i hv to bring my maid along 'cos my PIL can't handle my 2 kids alone without my maid. they ususally will pass my girl to my maid once she fussed. i usually use this time to run my own errand lor...

hubby ususally tried to catch some sleep at his mum's plc since is supposed to be bonding time for his parents and their grandchildren ....
spring - i have no clubhouse at my place. theres a function room next to the pool at level 1. the gym is at the other side of the pool. so they are not housed together. when you come in, just take the lift, go level 1.. walk towards the pool and you will sure see the function room. if still dunno, call me

yes yes, we are all super small eaters...will save ALOT for you ok? make sure you finsih them all up...
clarrisa, yr boy so smart know how to lecture yr maid... hahaha.... so u don't hv to worry that yr maid will bully him lor...
mummy2 and doggy mum, thanks for the info reg MMR, but my PDsay dun need to intro egg white, but i think i will still intro, no harm, but after 1 year la.

springdance, grooming class ah? wa...the means last time i look very jialat is it kekkeke? *jab springdance ribs* no lei, no class, probably with age, my looks changed lor. hehe

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum (1 adult)
7) Moonbaby
8) Elaine n Dylan (1 adult)
9) nana
10) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
11) Muju, Summer &amp; Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
some stuff to note about my place :

any of your hubby going along? cause my hubby said if he were the only one, he will be bored to death, then again, i cant drag maid alogn as she will be going to another house to clean , always on sun.
Dun envy me lah i need to clear my ML if not i won't take also. Moreover, jerald not well if not i'll bring him go shopping. So now i'm confined at home like a siao za bo bonding with my boy lor.

Toastbox is at level 1 opp Esprit.

My pt maid is from philipines &amp; her schedule is full on Sat whereas Sun is her off day. So if u wan it may be a weekday instead lei. How?
clarissa, can i confirm with u 2morrow whether we can make it on Sun? need to check if my hubby working or not. i can't bring 2 kids without him somemore i need tpt there too

elaine, my hubby will be coming along with we r going on sun
She's gd &amp; friendly also. Is it ok if i ask her tmr if she can do ur hse cos her schedule quite tight. If do it on weekdays she can mostly do it only on Mon &amp; Fri but sometimes if she available she'll sms to ask if she can cm on certain days lor.
Springdance: Nice meeting! No hurry in returning me the lunch $$ eh
U can do so on sunday when we meet. I went to buy Mr Teh Tarik and salty tau sau piah! haaa!
Irene: U alone take care of ur boy, so whenever u want to go toilet or pong pong then u can only do so when he's sleeping?
*thumbs up*…noted on the directions.

Me not BIG eater lar…but my hubby loves good pizza… LOLZ

Actually …like I was sharing with Bless over lunch just now…actually now I am more concerned with the possibility that when I arrive, most mothers are leaving!!!!!!!!! Then really sianzzzz lei…

Ohh like that ar…..one of the reason why I wanna change my PT maid is becoz she can’t work Sun…haizzz…..

Hey, what’s your PT maid name? Scarly we engaging the same person!

Great to meet up with you. You are my 1st one (Di Yi Chi)!!! LOLZZ...1st mummy I meet from this thread. :p

Next time we must eat the Crab Beehoon together...it's really nice.
Clarissa...sorry don't think i could make it..me and my 2 kids are down with very bad flu don't want to pass the germs...the worse thing is that now that i"m working...have to bear with it at work...rather than sleeping it off on the sofa :-((((...no sick leave yet...aiyooo..

u girls have fun..sigh..don't know when can meet up with you all.

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum (1 adult)
7) Moonbaby
8) Elaine n Dylan (1 adult)
9) nana
10) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
hi..to all

first time seeing this thread now then i realised that so many people stay around my area which is also under May 2006 babies..next time any gathering or meet up, can ask me along also? im staying at strathmore ave
Ya lor if really urgent then faster run into the toilet &amp; settle first. Just now i even bath with the door open though jerald's sleeping lah but i scared he can't see me later cry loud loud.

Oh... then too bad liao cos Sun is my pt maid off day. Her name is Liza &amp; she stay in AMK lei so i dun think same person
hee, i am back from robinson sales.
alot of kids brands on discount and if robinson card, additional 10 -15percent...

so if need to go stock up...better go.
Hi Yvonne,

Welcome! Me stay quite near Strathmore. At ABC Mkt, Jln Bt Merah. Are u a SAHM or FTWM? We have a gathering this Friday at Great World City, 3pm outside Toast Box. Free to join us?
Irene: When jovan was 4mth, my inlaw went holiday! I was taking care of him alone, i also like u...open the toilet door abit or faster bath and run out. So stressed! Oh i went dawson place last weekend, i bought 2 sets of the pyjamas from the pushcart for jovan, spiderman and elmo, so cute the design! At least he dun dare wear spiderman, he say scare! hahahaha! But then my inlaw tell him is not real one lah! Then he wear! Thought of going buy some other designs! Cheap cheap, the malay lady sell me 2 sets for $11.
bless, ok lah, i got a stroller toy at 20%+add 10%. then pigeon stuff, like feeding bowl, brushes, detergent at 20% loh. Fisherprice and alot other brands have additional discount if u are a card member lah.

u really good leh. can find pjs so cheap. really alot of lobangs hee...

hi yvonne,
welcome too!!

U must hv bought lots of things hor heehee...

I think everyone go thru the stress period like us although stress but i find it quite fun &amp; challenging can slim down some more haha... Talking abt PJ, i bought 3 sets of GAP PJ from BP &amp; just got it earlier very nice lei. Though it's quite ex at $15 plus per set after discount.
