Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

thks springdance.

didnt noe u gals r meeting at RP. i'm working there but alas i'm on leave for errands else i can meet u all during lunch. :p enjoy the lunch ladies. :D

Ur gal so cute with her big eyes. Must be very pretty in real person. Ya our bb got playmates liao & my boy born on 9/9/07.

I told Esther will cfm with her again as i may hv something on. Though i really wish to join u gals.
The 2 kids had a "date" at Go Go Bambini today!

Look mummies, see how well i can crawl!

Know what i like here at Go Go Bambini? The biscuits!
Hihi mummies!
Hey esther u r back! Hope u had a great trip!
Ooh jessica n esther, ur kiddies look so cute! Hey I went to Bambini on Mon. FIrst time there for me... Quite lovely and fun. Pleased to find there was wireless there too!

Haiz, these several days I have been so busy no time to log on! My parents on holiday lah, so just me, hubby, isabelle n the maid. But I really enjoy being this full time home maker cooking up to 3 meals each day and bringing my girl out to play at bambini, zoo and the murmurs playground at the museum.

Me rushing to do sth now but just wanted to say hihi to everyone before I really go back to work next Tue and I think that's prob the last you'll hear fr me in a looong.... time!

Now also no time to scroll thru to see all the recent postings. so I shall just post what I wanted to post several days ago. Pardon hor...

think u r so zai to start ur own business!!! Clap clap. Somemore u r working now rite? Go Go go!

u like to bake too? That's great! No lah, not my first time baking. Just my first attempt to do icing on cake and to do a two-tiered cake.
Previously I only baked apple pie, chicken pie, muffins and chocolate cake. Never ever tried cream cake... I love to bake and the process of experimenting with recipes but after uni, I had very little time to do so.
Oh yes, hay's dairy farm. Milking time is between 9am to 11am only. We stayed for an hour. It's not so interesting for adults but for a city kids, goats r fascinating! She just ran up and down the long aisle in between the stalls feeding them hay and patting their heads. Refused to leave... After that u can drop by Bollywood Farm for lunch. They have quite nice food there.

Hope I din miss out on anyone's posts. Pardon me if i did....
Hihi nonoelle,

scrolled up real quickly and saw ur post. Long time it's been since I last said hi to u! The other day I sent my parents off at the airport and when I saw the SQ stewardesses I thot of u! Wah, I noticed that the kebayas are now tighter than ever! Everybody has such slim and small waists!!! Tummies all super flat too. So I thot ooh...nonoelle must be looking really sexy in her uniform! Hee hee...

Btw, it's really swell of u to offer to help us buy stuff from DFS at discount! Next time I wanna buy I ask u ok? Haha
oops, almost missed ur post. Preg is gg well. Sat will see gynae again! Excited... Hmm... but now I can feel my tummy getting tighter now that baby's getting bigger. I'm so very belly excited about the birth of my new baby girl!!!!

hope ur poor neck is better now!

no lah, doesn't have to start with I. I just happen to like the name Ian that's all. We're now thinking of Tricia... Hmm... this is a difficult decision. My hubby syays Tricia is a good name but it's not a great name....

The other time I suggested Gabrielle but kena axed by him. My mum and my frens don't like it either. Then I said Rochelle how? He said ok cos easy to spell. Of course I din believe him cos he's such a cheenapok. So I said SPELL IT. And he went "R o c h e r"... I laughed in his face!
ooh golly
that sounds exhausting! Oh dear, put down ur cat??? Must be traumatic... I already felt sad when I had to send a depressed and abandoned dog to SPCA recently so it must be terrible for u... with that bonding and all...
Hiya nonoelle

Thanks for asking, i have emailed you already. Same as irene, so tempting to take leave to join u all for coffee but i dont hav much leave already
u mummies enjoy ok! Try to see if can join us in our july 6 gathering k! Wanna bao bao desiree..

clarrisa: R u joining us tomorrow for lunch?

miorei: Which bldg u working at? We can meet for lunch somedays.
esther & jess: So fun eh!! I wanna bring jovan to Gogobambini too but he over 2yrs old, need to pay entrance fee liao =P mayb can pretend he have not turn 2 yet. U say can pass or not??? haha!
try la, maybe can , hehe..

hey u come in once in a blue moon, then post to ur heart's content huh, kekeke... try to come in n chat with us la, even just type a few words also better than nothing!
nope, im not staying in the same block as u and nana.But its pretty near where u stay. Its at lower delta, near to mt faber. Frm Tiong baru mrt, its just 3 bus stops away!
Hi Esther,

Tks for the photo taking. Shannon having fun n shack n slept for 3 hrs! This mummy torture her own daughter ah! This is the link i m talking abt ....new playground place at Delta Sports Complex. http://www.playtime-recreations.com/.

Hi Mummies,

Above link is the playground place for kiddies. Check-it out!

Hi Golly,

Sob sob...sad to hear to put down yr cat. I'm a cat lover..will definitely cry like bucket if anything happen to my cat. He's with me for 8-9 yrs liao.

Hi Bless,

Ha! u can try to say yr kid is 1yr+ as they dont check leh, just ask how old unless yr kid is obviously big ?? Hee! hee! take advantage now since my girl not yet 1 yr old....FOC!!
Hi Isabelle,

How r u? U went to gogo bambini but careful of yourself sinc u r preggie now. Some kids there are rough. Presumely u brought along yr helper, relatives to play with yr girl? Wow...amazed by those tunnels up & down...me panting with carrying Shannon up n down the slope! Lao Liao ah! Cant imagine if Shannon grows up n v. active, cant catch up. But weird me...find it thrilling. Wish i could turn back the clock where i m still a kid n play like crazy! Our time where got such fanciful playground?
Hi Miorei,

Ok...if got chance, do join us for gathering session. Once in while, will meet in the evening for dinner or drink session. Wow...cool cool..envy those mums have blogs. Me no time ah! Taking care of my girl full time already no energy. Hmmmmm....yr girl looks more like u leh! hee! hee!
jessica: Delta sport complex playground is boring!! Super boring!! My son dunno what to do there! Nothing much and small!! I still prefer bambini, it's spacious and we adults can slide down the slide too hahaha!
morning mummies! it's friday!

esther & jessica,
randal & shannon look so CUTE!

u so farnie! maybe u can try try lah. dress him in those super cute bodysuits. luckily my Jovan can still enter for free. hehehe

din know got tis place called "Go Go Bambini". now can bring Jovan there =) so far we only bring him to Botanic Gardens. think he bored liao. my mother bring him to library everyday. recently he's so bored by the place tat he SHRIEKS whenever my mother bring him inside. wah made my mother so paiseh!
Atlantis City @ Delta not free hor? $5/hr rite?

so now got these places to go. any other place to recommend?

Go Go Bambini
Blk 8 Dempsey Road, #01-15 Tanglin Village
Free for under 2

Atlantis City @ Delta
Delta Sports Complex
I dun work at RP actually....me orpic at Chinatown...but can walk all the way to Far East Sq for lunch lar...but that's the furthest I can go..places like China Sq or Golden Shoe is waayyyy to far for me liaoz.

Your gal got really thick hair hor...must be envied by many mummies.

I also think Rochelle not a good idea...later the kids make fun call your gal Rocher Chocolates!

Me abit suaku...what is Bollywood Farm about?

You can also consider trial classes like Kindermusik, Aquaducks, Gymboree and many others...
Hi SpringDance,

hee! hee! luckily got her thick hair from her daddy. Mine little n thin hair.

Hi Catherine,

There is another playground : Figets at Turf City. http://www.fidgets.com.sg/. Looks fun too! But not free leh!

Hi Bless,

Oh...the Delta one not fun ah? Oh i c...thought is nearer to my plc. Will look c look c.
Hello mummies,
It's TGIF!!! Hope everyone have a good weekends ahead.

Yeah today i'm on half day leave & i'm gg facial. Though it's very waste to take leave but no choice cos weekends r mostly packed. Soooo long didn't go liao need to clean my dirty face heehee...
mummies, TGIF!

NEXT monday, jessica and myself will be going to atlantis@ delta complex

Atlantis@ Delta Complex
next monday, 16 June, 4.30pm
admission shld be $5 per hour.
1. esther n randal
2. jessica n shannon
Any other sahm want to join us? Pls come ok, the more, the merrier!
do u feel that for us who do facial, once we dun do it for a long time, got this feeling like the face very dirty huh? If i extend more than 1 mth never do facial, i will feel like my face is very dirty, but some of my girl friends who dun do facial at all, they dun feel this way. Funny rite? We do facial and we feel our face is dirty, they dun do facial, and feel their face is clean???!!!
Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance & jonas
8)anymore anymore??
Yes i do hv this kind of feeling. Imagine my last visit to facial was since Apr. I cannot tahan lor whn i look myself into the mirror. Ya a lot of my frds also dun do facial at all & i wonder how thy can tahan lor.
thanks springdance/Jessica

i used to do facial b4 i got preggie. now dun do liao coz i lazy & also wanna save $$. i'm super lazy type - i user shower foam to wash my face every morning! =P so imagine how "dirty" my face is. think it's just a matter of getting used to it.
I also find it too ex to maintain my ugly & dirty face but no choice lei. If i dun go i cannot see myself in the mirror. U r better than me lah use shower foam to wash face. I use just water to wash cos i cannot anyhow use products as i got sensitive skin
yep hee hee... now I holiday so can come in more often. But cos my parents went overseas and just came back (phew!), really no time to check. I even had to wake up at 430am to do my work, can u imagine? How to go online?
Then normal sch day even checking email at work is a challenge, when i get home i'm so dead tired, still must entertain my girl, plus my hubby hogs the comp once he's home so that's why i never log on lor...

hey, u put there persian i already thot of persian cat! And I imagined u to be some exotic arabian looking lady (olive-skinned) with long black and straight hair! Sekali u so so fair! Hee hee
Yah, the bambini for older kids is really quite woah... I had to climb up with her and the "ceiling" of each level is so low, I kept bumping my head, and quite a strain on my back. In the end, I told my maid to take care of her and I went to do pedicure for a while. My first time doing such a thing. Hmm... it was not bad. Mebbe I shld go more often! Hee...

why dun u try fancl? Thot it's supposed to be for sensitive skin? And ur face where got dirty and ugly????

I'm one of those who dun go for facial (too ex for me lah) and just to corroborate ur frens feelings, I dun know what the "dirty" feeling is supposed to be like! Din know there's such a thing!

u use shower foam to wash ur face? Doesn;t it make ur skin too dry and peel?

I dun like Rochelle anymore... Hee...

Bollywood farm is where veggies are grown organically. U can go in for tour. Free for senior citizens (ie ur parents) and maid. Only u and hubby pay 2 dollars each. Child is free
But I usually go for the restaurant fd only after gg to the farm twice. Love their wild spinach but for some time they dun have it everytime I go. It tastes really diff from the usual one. And it's so gd cos it's full of natural flavour, unlike those fr chinese restaurant like crystal jade. Veggie taste gd cos of the seasoning. This spinach is nice cos of it's own taste! Yummy. I miss it so!
Isabelle: Rochelle is my sis's maid name! =P

Re: Figets at Turf City
Read from the news weeks back got kids hand/leg kena cut by sharp things/edges there! So i dun feel good to go there.
wow , so many activities gng on here ..took me a while to catch up with everythg


really sweet of u for offering to help us buy cosmetics
. i prolly wont need anythg for quite a while cos i stocked up on my recent trip to perth . I must say tht SQ service quite gd for my flights to perth. i was flyg coach but the staff actually remembers n calls my girl by name =P. One of them even gave us extra ribena n snacks for her even tho we didnt ask for anythg.
wud love to join u for la kopi , but depending on the date fixed first k ? cos i cn oni make it on Wed.

jessica/ ester

i love the blue ball photo ! heheh


thks for the invitation to ur pool! so qiao , my hb arranged for a gathering with his frens on tht day.. guess i hv to miss this playdate le.


wow, u use shower foam for ur face? u must be one of those blessed with gd skin type ! i canx imagine hw much $$$ i cn save if i didnt buy all those expensv washg gels /foam


u another one ! use water oni?? wah , u all make me envious lei . i hv a gf , she has super gd skin, n she oni uses bath soap (lux or watever there is) to wash her face!! Even her wedding day, they load tons of makeup on her skin, but aft the wedding dinner, she oni use lux soap to wash everytg off !


thks for the info on fidgets! i was just abt to plan a trip with my gf ! phew, nw i dont think i will choose that place le.
Irene: Wow...super leh, just water to wash ur face?? Not oily meh? And If u got makeup on, then how to wash off? U said ur face sensitive, then still go facial, they will use their products right?

Mink: wah i also envy ur gf's skin! I have sensitive skin so i can't anyhow use product too.
I've been to a few places for facial & only the present one which i've been with for many yrs which use only dermalogica really suits my skin. I heard not all ppl suits products of Fancl though it cater for sensitive as well

Ya i've been using water from the start cos whichever brand i try sure kena bad rashes & irritation of my skin so i give up just use water to wash.

Oily sure one lah but not as oily as french fries lah heehee.. Normally i'll use the face wipe from Watsons to remove the makeup first b4 i use water to wash my face. I've been to few places for facial & only this one i'm currently using suits my face. No reddish & no itchy after every session.
So qiao to met u earlier at United Sq. Too bad didn't get to see Randal since the last meetup some time back. We went to hv lunch with frds st Jack's place but the service damn lousy. Dunno wat to say only thing is we won't go there for 2nd time.
kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
5. esther n randal (tbc, depending on date
6. irene n jerald (if it's on Wed then i'm ok) It's ok if majority can mk it on Tues no worries.
morning mummies!

my skin quite dry but i hav no time to wash my face properly in the morning. it's always a mad rush for me in the morn.

my face not tat good lah. i just super lazy or bochap. even my HB also scold me. hahaha. are u going to the gathering at Esther's place? can come & see my face. hehehehe.
Morning Mummies
Another start of a tiring week again....weather looks gloomy and warm this morning. Like wan to rain but can't rain....

Wow...going another trip soon? You "She De" to leave DH and DD in Singapore? :p

Oh I see...Err...juz curious...why veggie farm is call Bollywood farm? hmmm.. Dun think my 13month boy will apppreciate veggie farm though at this point of time.
gd morning ladies :D


she's v notty too. i call her "tyrant lee". :p wow, ur boy's born in sept too. my neighbour's boy was born on 4 sept. more playmates. heehee...


sure. i'm at 6 batt road.
where r u working at?


ic. v near us leh. so i presume u go tb market often lor?


sure i wld love too. but right now, quite hard cos nd to get used to new work place (work hours) & bb care every weekday. wif hb ard oso difficult to go out. hence spending more of my time online to chat with frens. kinda grounded when i get home. :p


ic but it's ok cos on days when i can go "longer" lunch, i can go china sq n etc. :p

as for facial, i've not done 1 for a long time. think my face is a goner liao. :p
i give my boy sambucol. the ingrediants are vitamin c and propolis, and elderberry extreact. He has taken it for quite some time and i do find that his resistance to colds is beter than last time. This sambucol can be bought at vitakids, which is at paragon . My other mummy friends also give their kids this, and they are the ones who recommended me.

hey u are at 6 battery road, at BOC building? My hubby old workplace is there also and i used to always hang around there loitering, haha..

yes i do go to tiong bary mkt quite often, u too? hey maybe next time we go together la.

really very qiao to see u yday and ur eyes are sharp! I didnt notice u, cos i very blur eyes, hehe.. But jerald look like he grew quite a lot laio!

kopi session on tues or wed

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
5. esther n randal (can make it on wed only)
6. irene n jerald (if it's on Wed then i'm ok) It's ok if majority can mk it on Tues no worries
hey girls
today i bought something interesting from tiong baru plaza. It looks something like a mascara but its not. Its supposed to naturally help u grow ur eyelashes longer and thicker in 28 days!!
i shall try it and then let u al know whether it works ok... heeee
Ya i saw u when i was pushing the stroller towards Cold storage & i was shouting for u but u didn't hear me heehee... Hmm.. u mean jerald big boy liao or grow fatter huh? A lot of frds say he looks more chubby nowadays.
hello im bk from johannesburg. weather is fantastic as its winter there. 3 to 18 degrees but felt more like very cold air con without having to wear those bulky winter jackets.

wed is perfect for gathering cos i just realise need to do something tmr. so we confirm on wed ya!

kopi session on wed

date: 18 jun
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
5. esther n randal (can make it on wed only)
6. irene n jerald (if it's on Wed then i'm ok)

any suggestions for place?

wat a luxury .. just use watson wipes then wash with water?? OMG . how i wish i like u .
hey, u also cn make it oni wed huh? same for me too .. mayb i put dwn my name too ..


no lei, canx get to meet u
, cos canx make it for the water playdate le


u nvr read the sentence la ..wahahahah ... make a trip to fidgets la .. hahah .. not trip overseas

date: to be confirmed (see majority)
time: 3pm
venue: tbp or gwc

1. nonoelle n desiree
2. nana n ryan
3. jessica n shannon
4. jang n jaeden
5. esther n randal (can make it on wed)
6. irene n jerald (if it's on Wed then i'm ok) It's ok if majority can mk it on Tues no worries
7. Mink n li'l M (if it's on Wed then i'm ok) It's ok if majority can mk it on Tues no worries

ic. am giving bb this supplement from GNC. http://www.herbsmd.com/detail/babylife-10322.htm. this is to improve her digestive system lor else she wont poo-poo for days. :S now, her poo-poo is pretty regular except on days when she goes on strike. :p can i still give her sambucol?

not the BOC bldg. the stan chart 1.

as for tb market, i dun cook so oni go there to tabao food. lol.

to all,

cant join u gals for kopi cos will b at work. :p
Those who r meetg on wed...

i hv the 20% birthday voucher frm EYS. does any1 need it? both GWC / TB also hv one branch
formula milk generally heaty so might be the cause for constipation. When i switched randal from total breast milk to forumla milk, he couldnt poo for 4-5 days! and when he finally pooed, he was crying badly cos it was hard and painful!! Then after i gave him avocado, and it helped him to move his bowels. avocado by itself is quite yucky, so i blend it with an apple and it taste yummy! Avo is oily (thus helps bowel movement) and has a lot of good fat, and helps in brain development of a young child. Maybe in addition to the the GMC supplement, u can give let her try this fruity mix.

another way is to dilute formula milk. I dilute by one scoop. meaning for 240ml of water, i only give him 3 scoop of milk (the recommended is 4 scoop). This was advised by the PD, and bless is also doing this for his son

Ya i can make it only on Wed bcos i'm taking half day leave.

Bad lei didn't answer my question so sad

Ya i can understand our annual leave r so precious but bo bian i wan to see & bao bao my "FDIL" i miss her lots lei so sacrifice half day leave to see her lor.

U feel touched a not
