Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

irene, tks I'm ok now and both my kids are better too but my boy like yr jerald still coughing at nite and there is still alot of phelgm inside. i think there is no way u can force them to cough out, the only way is to teach me how to cough out lor but difficult leh... my boy 3 yr already still don't know how to cough out so i just let it be. the doctor said the phelgm will come out thru their motion. but at nite sometime he still cough until vomit and can c that alot of phelgm coming out too 'cos is all very sticky and yucky lor...

is normal that after spending a week with jerald, u will not feel like going back to work.. i every monday also don't feel like going to work, always hope that the weekends can drag longer lor.... how i wish we can hv 48hr a day during the weekend...
irene: There's no way to force the phelgm out, they will usually oough until vomit lor like mummy2 says. Last time jovan also like this, bring him go massage liao,phelgm lossen up then he start to cough until vomit every night for 1 whole week, got to change bedsheet middle of the night! Then my mum bought me the hou ning san fr the eu ren shen and he got fever after eating that but after fever, cough and phelgm no more. The powder quite ex but good. Ur son too small cannot eat so i won't recommend. If u want, can try my chinese sinseh, i find massage if good for them to lossen up their phelgm. For Infant, usually they will give 'yao bao' to paste on their belly button then the phelgm will come out through their motion.
i heard the stewing japanese pear and then drink the water can help loosen phelgm . for adults, you do it with white fungus. also if baby above one, can take crocodile meat soup also.

esther...i the same as you , i also paste post it notes to get FORGETFUL husband to do things.lol

springdance,i was kidding la!!! the tanning is not good lei, i am dark naturally and dark pple tend to age faster, i prefer to be fairer. no technique la, i think MAKE UP? CONCEALER? ahahh wait till you see my DARK EYE CIRCLES!!!! i swear by MAC concealer.
bless, yeah... i went to Yu Guo as recommended by u. bring my boy there 3 times already and he loves the massage very much somemore got sweet after the massage, he more happy to go lor...
but i find that they r abit expensive, pay ard forty plus for a trip there but as what u said, after the massage he will normally cough until vomit out the phelgm which is good...

i saw alot of mummies bring their young babies there for massage too. irene, u may want to let jerald try
mummu2: I find the price is reasonable leh, if u go to those eu ren sen clinic, it's more ex! And also each time PD visit is at least $60! And also too much western medi no good. I even rent the inhaler machine plus must buy the medi for it as well fr my PD when jovan got slight brochitis when he's younger. Not cheap lor..$120+ and also did not recover after that and my gf intro me to Yu Guo then jovan recovered fr there. So fr then on, i always go there for flu n cough. I also buy some chinese cold remedy powder fr Eu ren sen, so slight cough can eat lor. Heee.
yay u got ur carrier, so ur hubby has quite a gd memory hor? hehe

ya dunno why our hubbies always so forgetful. But hor, i also realise that recently i tend to forget things, like i want to tell my hubby something, then 10 seconds later, i will forget it leh??? terrible hor. My college told me that after we have kids ,our memory tends to not be as good, but nothing beats when we are preggy, terribly forgetful!

though randal can walk, sometimes he still doesnt seem very confident. A bit wobble when he walks, and it looks a funny sight. He also same as ur boy, when he wants to fall, he will sit down on his bum , but then cannot get up again. If nobody helps him to get up, he will crawl. exactly like ur boy right?

YAY, today we are meeting so many mummies, its gonna be fun with so many Ladies, bring ur cameras!
hello hello good morning!

mummy2 - happy you can come

esther - you wanna let randal take ricco's porridge too? my maid can cook more and randal and ricco can take. beef + carrot & potato? than you need not bring.

irene - tot you say you coming for awhile?

bless - you seems to always have GOOD reasons to buy one lor

i tot of sending my son - now 13mths old for 1/2day class - 3times a week at pats schoolhouse. than when he reach 18mths, he goes 5days a week 1/2 day class. is this a good idea? any recommendations/suggestions anyone? still contemplating...... cos logistics might be abit difficult... but can be work ard with some hardwork
oh i know where u stay, the new flats with the kopi tiam, n the econ minimart rite? eh, i heard that the kopitiam is 24 hrs , is that rite?
i stay at teresa ville, its 3 bus stops away from tiong bary mrt. how i wish it were nearer, then no need to take bus to mrt.
ok, i let randal try ricco's porridge. But no need too much, just a little, as i think i will be feeding him before we come. Thanks

Ur recipe sounds the same like mine. i also let him try beef b4.
Now i also give him mee sua + chicken + vege, and he love it too. Sometimes i will put in some cheese in his porridge to make it tastier.
U use brown rice or white rice for ricco porridge?
esther - ok. sometimes white, sometimes brown, sometimes millet..and sometimes i mix them. yah i also give mee sua on and off. i think they will like it cos mee sua in itself is already flavoured. i give pasta sometimes and sometimes only give potatoes for main.

esther - whats the plans for randal's class? aiyo very confused...
cry baby,
I only know there r bumbo seat, clothings, toys, high chair etc..

Hope ur boy get well soon. I wish i can be a SAHM but day dreaming only haha...

I remb u posting the addy of the chinese sinseh but i've prob finding the post heehee... Is he really good? I heard quite a lot of good comments from another thread. Will my boy be too young to start on chinese medicine? I wonder is it normal for his hands & feets to be cold after he cold?
Irene: I will RETYPE here for ur sake! Haa!

Yu Guo Chinese Physician Acupuncture & Physiotherapy

8-B Jalan Masjid
#01-04 Kingston Terrace
Tel: 6447 4761

Consultation hrs (closed on wed):
Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri :
9 ~ 12:30pm
2 ~ 5pm
6:30pm ~ 8:30pm

9 ~ 12:30pm
2 ~ 5pm

9 ~ 12:30pm

Since western medi not much help y not give it a try on chinese medi. I also recommend my coll's son when he's few mth old, also very jia lat, spend thousand of dollars on PD then in the end recover fr here. No harm trying lor..but remember if u wanna give chinese medi, dun mix with western medi, must hav 4hrs interval.
clarissa and all, don't think i can join you on sunday, in-laws called for a gathering... so have to give this time a miss, will join you the next time. you all enjoy yourselves.

this is the latest :
Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6)Elaine n Dylan (1 adult)
7) nana (1 adult)
8) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
9) mummy2
esther. how you mix cheese w porridge ? can teach me? sigh i think i be late later, cause dylan just woke and eating lunch, then means he will slp again at near 3, so i think i let him slp at 2 plus and hope he wakes up by 3 plus. sigh.his battery always runs flat easily

clarrisa, have you tot of Chiltern house or weecare? is pat school house better?

not that my hubby remembers, but cos i woke up engorged n waiting for baby to cry for milk b4 my hubby woke up. ahahah. So i reminded him.
Teresa Ville is e one near / next to Radin Mas sch rite? My in laws stay in Bukit Purmei!! so starting fr mon, i will have to bring my gal over every morning for them to take care.

Yesh!! e Kopitiam is 24hrs!! so gd rite! But onli 2-3 stalls r open at wee hours
im still trying to make randal sleep now!! dunno why today he not cooperative leh, so late still dun wanna sleep, argghh..
Later i will meet u girls straight at restaurant. u all go ahead first and tel them that the reservation is under esther
yes theresa ville beside radin mas pri sch. so ur in laws stay close to me.. So maybe next time u can drop by my place.. haha

when the porridge is fully cooked, i add in the cheese, the hot porridge will melt the cheese. i use kraft cheese spread. actually the cheese slices also can. its tastes good, can let dylan try too.
mee sua i only started for randal when he is 1 yr old. no hard n fast rule when u can start it, but kids generally like mee sua cos its tasty.
Esther: Don't need to make him sleep lah, he knows many pretty mamas bringing lovely jie jie meimei,korkor & didi to GWC today so excited! Let him go kaikai play lor then come back home tired sure sleep early tonight!
esther...hows your side? dylan just fell asleep at 3!!!OMG.

will try your cheese porridge soon, but you add cheese only or with other ingredients, i intend to try the cheese slice one.
hellooo mummies!

am really glad to have to met u before i get back to work! U're all very friendly and warm though i have never met any of u before. Made me feel at ease. Thx a lot

a pity i didn't get to chat with grace, cry baby cos u at the other end and i was also lazy to move... hee...=p And elaine too(din disturb u cos u were busy feeding dylan!) Hope to chat with u ladies next time!

Too bad clarissaleft early! Gosh, u really look like a runway model manz! Have the "say' also!

Had a nice time exchanging MIL confinement stories with irene and chatting with u too jessica!

Hopefully I'll see u girls again soon! Once term begins it'll be a MAD MAD RUSH for me. Mebbe the next time I'm free to see everyone, I be sooo... pregnant u can't recognise me!

Gg to MIL's place for the weekend now. Ta ta!
Thx again for the warm and happy gathering!
nana, grace, irene, elaine,jessica,nonoelle, Isabelle, crybaby, clarissa
hey, it was soooooo such fun having so many mummies n babies gather together, and we had almost half the restaurant to ourselves.. haha..

Next time we shld have more of such massive gatherings again ok!
all the babies so cute n adorable i wanna hug all of them.
for the porridge, i cook normal porrigde (with fish, vege etc) then add in cheese .
i also gave him scallop porridge and he likes it too
hi isabelle,
didnt get to chat with you.. am sure we will get a chance next time.. and u still really not "obvious" yet. How many months are u now?

hi all,
nice to meet up again. IT has been really fun! and boy, we are REALLY LOUD!! but then again who cares...heehee.. lucky it was a weekday, otherwise we will be chased out =)

esther, see u on sun.. u can hug ashlyn all u want heeheee...the best u hug for 2 hours.. then i get to eat the pizza properly heehee. and hor..dont be late huh =p

elaine, apity didnt get to catch up with u today.. catch soon!
i tot the service staffs looks abit frustrated and at a lost on what to do with the gp

isabelle - i usually leave earlier than the rest. you saw how my boy is. usually i don't eat or talk in peace when he is ard. so while i talk to you, my mind could be wondering off to what mischief my boy is up tooo...dun like high chair, likes to walk ard, likes to touch this and that, likes to have his own way, likes to climb ard, he is not easy to manage

esther - you look diff with your hairdo! but i had expected your hair to be real real short though.. somewhat like what i did to my hair.. real short. you look younger in this hairstyle but sexier with the curls.

crybaby - next time your gal cry, bring her to my place k? i dun mind rocking her to sleep.. you dun usually rock her is it? some says rocking is a bad habit.. but i think its OK. they wont grow into it. usually will outgrow it. just like pacifier. its useful to make them stop crying and to go to bed
ideally it should be coupled with backside patting and soft singing.. wow..shiok shiok, sure sleep tight tight..

irene - jerald looks sooo cute with the pacifier when he sleeps.. somemore he like super lost in slumberland..

nonoelle - when i reach, 1st thing see desiree in almost sleeping state. blur blur. but manage to wake her up when i carried her. she is such a darling.. quietly sink in and out of slumber and suck thumb..

nana - hah, finally get to meet your darling boy! he seems (maybe only today?) manageable
at least you can still have your meal with him. bring him out more often la.. naughty mummy, always have fun without baby. bring him on sunday?

jessica - your camera looks super pro. where do you find the strength to lug that camera on top of your gal, her belongings and stroller?

grace - your gal is super cute and pretty. shes got this super innocent look. but whats impt is she likes me... (thats what i always say)
aiya how u know ashlyn likes u ah? i think she likes me more, haha.. always so quiet n innocent when i carry her lor.
i lke ur new hair style, i think it suits u. U r looking good babe!

can, i can hug ur girl for 2 hrs, but then who hug my boy?? and u know if nobody hug him, then he will be super noisy n cranky.. and make sure i stop hugging ur girl n go back to hugging him!

ya i agree with clarrisa, how u find the strength to carry the big professional camera, ur baby in carrier, and the heavy stroller? hmmmm... *scratch head*
thanks for the ride home! ur hubby is quite sociable n chatty. And desiree is so playful now! When i played with her, she was smiling with me and babbled baby talk to me! Who says she only likes MEN and BOYS? Heee!
i remembered u were asking me abt randal's schooling plan. Up till now, not much plan leh, i intend to put him in playgroup when he is 22 mths. Before that, i will probably teach him myself, teach him anything la.. song, words, numbers, people, colours etc..

Hey anyone interested in this?

For 18 months below.

Free Trial at Kampong Playhouse

19 Tanglin Rd
Tanglin Shopping Ctr

Webby: www.kampong-playhouse.com
errr..pls dont make me choose who ashlyn likes better ok..haha only time will tell on sunday. see if she let esther hug for 2 hours...

clarrisa, yes i like yr new hairstyle.. it suits u alot.. i still rem u say yr hairdresser u want to look like auntie or not hahaha.. so tell me again, which hairdresser u go? but i cannot cut so short one lah, only thin pple like u and crybaby can cut..ops....

esther, jessica drink alot of kopi so got strength heehee...
Hello mummies,
Nice meeting u gals earlier, It's real fun & nice chatting with u all.

nana, thanks for organising today gathering but hor next time can do it on a Sat instead if not those working mummies can't join in lei. If really wan to plan dun do it here mk us jealous man haha... Ryan's very guai can sit on his own & entertaining himself & talk to all pretty mummies.

clarrisa, u really look like a super MODEL & i wish i've ur height lor. Ur boy ricco a lot of pattern lei dun like to sit & loves walking around. Can tell he's a very active boy

grace, the way u talk damn funny lor but i like it haha... ur gal ashlyn super cute with her eyes big big & she really look like u
the way she sit is more steady than my boy lei. Ai yo can i pinch her cheeks this Sun if i see her?

esther, i salute both u & jessica can bring carrier plus stroller along. Ur randal looks very innocent lei i wan to carry him the next time i see him ok. R u sure ur boy is 72cm now? I think u measure wrongly lei, i believe he's taller than jerald.

jessica, really envy tat u can chat while ur gal shannon sit on the stroller lor steady lei. U really look like a professional engage by us to take photos for all the bb & kids. Wasted didn't manage to take a group pic.

isabelle, really nice chatting with u earlier & we've the same kind of traditional MIL. U look very young lei buay tahan lor dun look like preggy at all faintz..

cry baby, good to see tat u get a hang of the bb bjorn really useful right next time u can do shopping with lots of bags on ur hand haha..

nonoelle, thanks for helping me to clean the bird shit on my pouch. Also help me to carry jerald while i eat the nice "sinful" cheesecake. I feel so pai sei as u need to endure jerald's fart "super smelly" hor & also he full of saliva fingers touching ur pretty face & pulling ur hair heehee... Ur gal desiree really grow up liao & suck thumb like jerald but hor still look a bit blur lah haha...

elaine, wasted didn't get a chance to chat much with u cos u busy entertaining ur boy dylan. U look slimmer in person compare to photos & u r another HOT MAMA. Hope to catch up with u soon.
If i can mk it on Sun do u mind if i bring along a frd of mine? She stay same blk as mist & mummy2 & her bb same as jerald born in Sept.

I wan to COMPLAIN something but u all cannot bomb me or protest. How come EVERYONE look so slim, pretty & sexy after giving birth huh? Can anyone tell me the remedy of it plsssssssssssss
If you got dark eye rings, I lagi 10x worser than you….no concealer can cover… not even with make-up artist doing my makeup…LOLZZZZ

So interesting…. Wat makes you think of adding cheese to porridge? How old was Dylan when he first eat cheese? My boy coming to 1 year old but I have not let him try cheese yet.

You did some research and found Pats playschool good? What’s the fees like?

Am not sure whether to send my boy to playschool when he reaches 2….worry he may catch germs from his schoolmates….I think his body defence system is not strong…hmmm…afterall, he didn’t have much breastmilk….heard that babies who didn’t drink much BM falls sick easily between the age of 1-3years old…

Photos taken at Say Cheezecake on Friday
Heheh....Any pictures to share here??
irene, heehee i tend to get overexcited and animated loh. maybe stay at home too long liao then everyday only face my LITTLE audience. so all the ettiuque flew out of the window..hahaha.but must better regain pose before i go to work otherwise wait boss think i auntie liao..boohoo...

and hor, cannot say desiree liao lah..wait nonoelle box u ah hahaha.
ya i checked the height chart, n he is 72 cm leh. are u sure ur PD measured correctly, cos they usually let the bb lie down flat n agar agar measure them. Mine is the standing kind.
Ok la, this sunday we let them stand side by side and see if they are the same height ... kekeke
Come this sunday hor, we have got the red carpet ready for you. **our DISTINGUISHED guest**
eh i think there is some confusion here, my son is randal. Elaine's son is dylan.
He was 9 mths when i first gave him cheese.
On why i add in cheese to randal porridge ah... haha, cos i also add cheese into my own fish porridge and i find it tastes good! Like some pasta taste. so i thought of giving it to my boy too, n yes, he likes it too.. (Like mother, like son) Heeh

yup... nice to meet up with u gals. But its a pity didnt get a chance to really talk to everyone.

yes... next time i will go knocking on yr door n shove my kate to u. ahahaha... but uz now when i reached home fr shopping she cried ALOT. so much that both mi n hubby dunnno how to stop. N she cried til she like out of breadth.. its so scary n heart pain. she eventually stopped n its more like she tired fr crying.
regarding rocking.. we norm hold her upright, she likes it that way. as in she tend to stop crying. she had fuss whenever anyone, even my MIL, carried her like how u did lei. I think u can b a pro nanny. keke

I went back to GWC rite. N i bought a pair of shoes fr NOVO. heehee..
grace, u really very comic lor & it's very good like tat u won't grow old & always look cheerful. Pls... lah u dun look auntie at all but a young mummy

esther, u sure?? okok will let our boys stand side by side this Sun if i cm. Last Sat brought him for jab lucky worse the GP say he's 74cm & we got a shock so the PD measure again & cfm 72cm. Maybe really agar agar or maybe jerald's hair stand up bushy bushy so looks taller lor haha...
Hi Irene & everyone attended the gathering at GWC

Aiyo...so fast so many postings, just glance through and i want to laugh leh. Who said i drink kopi got strength ah? Ha! ha! this is farnie! Aiya, mine not a pro camera. This model already obselete liao!

Attached photo of Irene & Jerald (did some editing) (Irene u may sent me yr email so that i can forward u the original as this one been compressed so resolution no good.

Will post some other mummies&babies photo later can? Me now zzzzz. Reach home 10pm!!!
irene - of cos your friend can come. and of cos you are coming.. what do you mean IF you come?

esther - i dun mind gg for this trial. for play right? I am not keen on music and movement. cos they gp newborns - 18mths tog. i think the gap is too huge for them to be all dumped tog. guess i gotta place my boy in some schools. no one to teach him at home wor..

grace - i cut my hair with shunji. looking forward to playing with ash sunday!

crybaby - maybe i am used to carrying petite babies? my boy was born at 2.4kgs u see. how heavy and how many mths is kate now? she seems petite. ooh... poor baby.. colic or smth?

spring - how old is your boy now? the thing i like about school is that it is structured and they have enough activities to involve the lil ones. so far, i have only been to seen pats at emily, pats at halifax. i think i will check out more. lemme try to recall the fees. its about 900/mth for 3days - each class 5hrs (8am - 1pm). i din check out daily full/half day school rates.

jess - wow...do not paste my pics (if theres any) here pls.. i think ladies here wanna see the kiddos, not the mummies wor

esther - randal always have 'in deep thoughts' expression in most pics

aaaahhhhh......ash soooo cute! look at those 'can die for' cheeks!

bless - if jov's ard, i am sure to laugh at his pics. his pics always amuse me...dunno why.. hahahaha

irene - jerald REALLY looks soooooo gorwn up from the last round! like i say his features kindof soften...
