Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

forgot to reply to mummy2 & elaine - our irene sms me this morning at 230am! i really wonder what she does throughout the nite..???..??

nonoelle - yes i second your opinion. esther does look eurasian. i think other than her hair, its due to her flawless skin (machiam she stays in cold ctry) and her big eyes (which ang mo has gotten small eyes...none so far that I meet)

and talking about ricco attacking desiree.. i still cant get over the fact that desiree's mum is laughing away so happily... instead of breaking the attack... YES I am talking about you..aiyoooo.....

golly - you have found good company! some of the gals here frequently gather for weekday gatherings. weekends, the working mums will be in action. good to know you are staying amk yet OK to join us here. I am shifting out from here pretty soon...to where? not sure... but i guess me too will travel here to meet the gals
so you can guess how 'happening' this gp is???

hello n welcome, gollygeegirlie!! whoa tts a handful to type. can i jux call u golly too? hey ya pls join us when u can make it or come in n chat w us frequently!

my blur desiree oso born in oct n my PILs oso stay in depot rd! see we haf so many similarities! NO pay leave.. hmm r u a teacher? u muz be so happy nurturing yr girl tts y taking npl. time passes very quickly w our young one to keep us occupied every minute! do tell us more abt urself ya!
clarrisa, cant u tell tt im trying hard to be a COOL mummy?! haha!! look at the way ricco abuses my girl, if it had happened to other mummies, maybe they would haf blown their top n blame the maid n mummy for not keeping an eye on the boy! but i just laugh it off so u should be happy tt i am the mummy!!
Hello everyone,
Really have fun today at clarrisa's place earlier.

clarrisa, thanks for organising today's gathering & also being such a nice host & a great photographer. Can email me those pics tat u've took?

nana, really envy u lor can go shopping at Orchard without ur boy. So did u manage to buy lots of things there?

bless, jovan's very guai today & can see he enjoy himself very much. Hey i like the shock expression pic which u took. Pls email me @[email protected] thanks.

esther, cfm randal's taller than jerald next will be desiree & ashlyn as they r catching pretty soon.

grace, tooo bad ashlyn is booked by esther's randal liao if not me sure grab as ur gal is really very adorable.

nonoelle, now i know why u can't help laughing when desiree is attack by ricco cos u r happy tat u've found an ideal SIL staying in CONDO rather than my jerald in HDB flat
U sure u wan to let jerald try the jumperoo or wanna share with someone else heehee...

springdance, finally get to meet up with u today but nvr get much chance to chat with u hope to catch up wih u soon.
Hello golly,
to this thread.

clarrisa, u mean u r shifting hse? Why lei? Ur place looks very nice & new lei.

Hey when's our next gathering? I dun mind opening my hse but it's only a 5 room HDB flat. I think better to get those mummies staying in CONDO at least can book a function room. Throw this back to esther & clarrisa haha... or any other mummies wan to open hse???
thanks for the warm welcome!

yes..ya'all can call me golly la..hee..no la am not a teacher...tho i am sorta a teacher of sorts..;) Am a psychologist/autism therapist...currently (or rather, was...b4 i took super long no pay leave!!) working with autistic kiddos.

clarrisa, which areas u looking at to move to? teehee...amk not bad...;)
ooooh weekday gatherings sound GREAT to me! i'm pretty ok w travelling as i can get the car to zip around! woohoo! as long as the place got cheap parking, am happy to go there and rot the whole afternoon. haha.

nonoelle, ooh desiree is sucha lovely name! which day in oct was she born? My izzy popped out on 24th! yeah having heaps of fun now lor, every week she does something different! recently she's been "AH BU"ing at everyone lor....hee so farnee. nonoelle u back at work liao?
hey welcome here! *lay the red carpet for golly* we hope to see in our outings soon..No need to terrorise ur collegues anymore, pls come and terrorise us instead, haha.. There are a few SAHM in this thread, myself, jessica, nana, elaine, nonoelle, just to name a few.. sometimes we go together in the weekdays, heee.
Oh u stay amk now! I used to stay there too b4 i got married, we are opposites leh, i from amk move here, u from here move to amk ... But when i was at amk, the places i patronise are very limited, usually amk hub, thomson plaza, thats about all.

nonoelle, clarrisa
hmm, u both think i look a bit eurasian? Actually some other frds also commented the same before, and asked me if i were of mixed parentage. But no la, both my parents pure chinese.

we are glad to see u n ur handsome boy today, he is very charming leh, im sure next time will have lots of girls suitors haha.. Nonoelle, dun have designs on spring's boy ah.. u already have ricco lor. Cannot be "hua xing" hor.

jerald is very tall for his age laio.. cannot too tall, or else next time cannot take bus or mrt.. keke
u are a psychologist.. then we are quite in a similar field! U work where? Pathlight school? U studied locally?
thanks for red carpet esther! ;)

hee yea i just went to thomson plaza this afternoon....and the staff at mums&babes in amkhub are getting sick of me wheeling my stroller around the shop liao...sigh! no where to go in amk really..:p

yeah working with the Autism Resource centre now...linked with pathlight! studdied basic deg in nus...4th year in uwa perth! wad about u? wad do u do?
hey golly, somehow yr name brings fun to me cos i keep associating it with jolly n joy n jolly good girl. ohhh u a psychologist! whoa, actually so far i dun haf any friends tt r professionals in their field. like doctors or lawyers kind. i dun noe any psychologists too!

hi-five with the parking fees! nowadays parking charges r exhorbitant everywhere. just the other day, i park in taka for less than 2 hrs n its a whooping $7! today irene made fun at me say i very stingy, go anywhere still haf to see if can avoid erp n expensive parking. but cannot help it leh.. cos petrol so ex n we not working so haf to economize rite!

im now looking for a job cos although i wish i can be a tai tai but life's not so n oso i dun think i am a good parent to desiree to want to stay at home everyday. cant wait to be bk in the workforce!

r u in the oct thread? ive seen ur username before but cant recall where. oh we haf another mummy call grace, her daughter is ashlyn n i think both ur daughters' birthdate is very close. my girl born on 10 so she will be 5 mths soon!
im from NUS dept of soc work n psychology too! hey we might have seen each other walking down the corridors eh.. Or might have taken a same module somewhere, haha.. I used to work in the community services sector before i gave birth. Worked in community development councils and family service centres last time.
eh u very lucky to have amk hub, last time wheni was there, it wasnt even built lor! only thomson plaza everytime, n u know there really isnt much things in thomson plaza
If u got msn, add me at [email protected]

dun park in taka, its terrible, they rip u off! we usually park in orchard cineleisure, its so much cheaper for the same number of hours. I park in taka, 3 hrs, costs something like $7, wa crazy ah!
haha...glad that the nicname is associated w joy! ;) about being PROfessional...nothing much one laaa...i very PRO at being a COW now tho. HAHA.

ya lor parking is a killer man. TAKA always kills me...esp now w taka bb fair going on...am trying SO hard to resist goin down too many times!!!! i try to park at the borders open air carpark lor...not so xiong. hee cant help it la...esp now that on no pay leave...must be more frugal! (tho my hubby is always scolding me lor...i keep buying rubbish home!!!)i ALSO wanna be tai tai LOR...but now only PRETENDING...hee.

wad kinda job are u looking for? maybe u can think about a part time thing! then best of both worlds lor...work...AND extra time w bb! :D am considering that myself...but not sure if enough $$ or not!

yup am in oct thread...but not v active there lor..somehow i think the mummies might already be quite close...when i post always like not much reply one...bit sien. hee. are u posting on that thread too? wah cant believe our kiddos are growing so fast!!! ur's almost 5mths liao! soon on solids!! or have u started liao?
esther, WAH.....CDC/FSC??? *KOWTOW* hard work mannnnnnnnnnnnnn...it's usually a one-man show kinda thing rite?? yeah man we might have actually met in nus! :D or bitched about the same lousy lecturers! hee. which year u from? hmm...or is this private? :p we can chat on msn la...heh
esther, ya lor so now i go orchard will park at shaw cos they say is cheapest but hor, everytime from there shop to paragon n taka, then think of walking bk very xian! so i muz quickly find a job then i wont heck care n act like such an auntie now.

golly, me too! last time when preggie, i posted on the thread once but totally ignored by everybody so it detered me from posting there. now just a silent reader cos i can chart my bb progress from what they r discussing lor.

sorry got to rush out for supper now. will continue later!
nonoelle: since when did i become desiree MIL? Hahaha, oh that present is not 'ting qin zhi wu' from jovan lah hahahaha! Jovan very 'hua xin' see his cheeky face u'll know! Don't want to 'hai' desiree! Heee!~

Irene: sent liao to ur email.
then u must b very happy posting in this thread, cos there are many posts addressed to u. hehhe... then hor, when u go MIA, u will get missed lor.

ya shaw also cheap, but nowadays hard to find carparks there, as veryone is flocking there! i suspect very soon , they will raise their prices lor

ok, good, add me on msn. CDC FSC actually not really one man show, but u know la, its tiring la.
hello gals...

wah u all really very on... just one afternoon so many postings liao...

clarissa, esther, nonoelle, irene, bless, grace, springdance,
it's GREAT seeing u all today.... had such a fun time...hehehe...

ya lor... u see i super relaxed today....hahahaa... can munch on my pizza nicely...

i only went the taka baby fair... only bought things for my boy... too tired to go shopping for myself liao... no need envy hor..hehe..
ur jerald always so adorable & he is forever sucking his thumb...so yummy yummy hor... hehe..

thanks for organising the gathering & opening ur place... great food, great place, & of course great company!! yeah... nothing more to ask for...hehehe...
hope u wont move away so soon... or before u move...must organise another gathering again wor... ;p

now that nonoelle & clarissa mentioned it... i also agreed that u looked like eurasian... always forgot to ask u ... memory failing nowadays...

this post of mine long bo?? think not as long as yesterday one hor.. hehehe..
jovan is so handsome... aiyoh... i realised all the boys very ham...
chat more with u next time...
ehh, can i ask u something?? where can i buy those small hangars to hang my boy's clothes?? cos i intend to hang up those nicer going out one in his wardrobe... his drawer very full liao...haha..

ashlyn is super duper adorable!! love her smile... she is so smiley & cheery & responsive...

nice meeting & chatting abit with u... hope to chat more next time..sorry today i gotta rush off liao cos going taka baby fair..
ur jonas is soooo charming also...
hi golly,
WELCOME!! i see ur nick "golly" reminds me of marbles leh...cos malay word is golly (dunno the spelling though) hahaha... dun be offended hor...
wah..u r a psycologist! i always dreamt of being a psycologist leh... then end up in boring accounting job instead... sigh.. but now i sahm... hehe..
feel free to join us for gathering next time ok??
u can PM me ur
1. nick
2. real name
3. contact no.
4. no. of kids & name & dob
we have a contact list... i wld update & send to all in the list...
oh, add me on msn also hor [email protected] though i not online everytime...
i also in facebook...hahaha... i go add u ok??
i realised i also dun have ur no.!! can ur no. be revealed in the list or only to some selected pp one??
PM me ur no. leh...

i think there are a few in the list who also didnt give contact no, when i update that time, then i wld request... hehe..
now using hubby's laptop, cannot update..
nvr mind abt those mummies... come here & post to ur heart's content... all of us very friendly one...hehehe...
i added u on facebook liao... pls accept hor!

wah.. i realised i bombard the thread with a few posts at one go... ahahaha...

ok, signing off... *oooh oooh* *nite owl cooing*
hello im back but seems like everybody gone liao..
oh im now super full from supper. had wan ton mee. springdance u stay opp redhill mrt right? i was eating at the market there. the wanton mee very nice n open til very late!

ya esther u see i always post in this thread cos the mummies here so welcoming n friendly n nice! classisa always so optimistic, bless so resourceful n know it all, nana so helpful to compile list, n u guys r always so encouraging when occasionally a mummy feels down or got some woes to share!

im super glad to haf met mummies from this thraed to brightened up my life. kudos to u esther!
irene, oh no u see thru my evil intentions liao!! esp now tt clarrisa is shifting house to dun know where, so maybe i got chance can upgrade desiree from hdb straight to bungalow leh haha!!
nana, yr ryan oso very handsome, in a serious sort of way. when he grows up will be like those shuai jun guan, ultra cool officer!
mist ah mist, now i know y u r called mist. short form for mist-erious. we aradi met so many new mummies n yet haf not seen yr lu shan zhen mian mu!
hello all, MORNING!!
Wah so many posts since yesterday. Nice to meet all of u again =)
I think Ashlyn yesterday over stimulated hahaha, smiling at all the pretty mummies. She only slept at 11.45pm last nite...and she kept wanting milk and i dont seem to have any milk left....i think growth spurt too.

Clarissa, thanks for having us to your place. We totally enjoy ourselves...can u pls send the group photo to [email protected]

Nonoelle, haha i read yr post, i always laugh.."from HDB striaght to Bungalow" hahaha

Irene, Desiree got snatched away liao lah. sorry abt booking my girl...haha, esther jumped the gun before u asked heeeheee....

esther, future mil(psst...my girl's name ashlyn not ashley) hehee and thanks for the ride home. she was getting cranky and she slept for awhile.

bless, forgot to ask u..can u post some pics of Jovan when u receive the pics from the studio shoots..

nana, i think yesterday u enjoy most hahaha...so qing song.

springdance, didnt really get to catch up with u yesterday cos rushing off as my girl getting sleepy liao. catch u the next time!

golly, WELCOME!! my girl born in OCT too. 28 Oct..she was abit early, came out in my 37th week. I never post in the Oct thread, cos my due date was in Nov....but now the threads all abit quiet liao....BUT Dec thread mummies totally happening, got alot of lobangs to buy things hahaha. Do post a pic of Izzy....
Morning mummies!!!

nonoelle: Sorry lah, mai angry,but jovan is really not suitable for shy sweet ole desiree...my jovan so hua xin n 'se se'! Hahahaha!

Grace: Randal looks like he is playiing those handheld games. Ricco looks likes he needs to go to the loo to pee haaa!

Irene: Can i chop first ur jerald for my future 2nd child if is a girl! hahahahha!

nana: The kids hanger can be bought at kiddy palace or OG. I just bought fr kiddy palace last fri $3.90 for 6 but if u have discount card got 10% off. I bought fr OG b4 the piyo piyo kids hanger also not cheap! All kids stuff are ex lah! Hangers even more ex than adults!
Irene: U back to work liao right? Sianz hor...work load as high as the mountain! Lawfirm sianz one, especially go maternity leave come back worse! Clear like mad even though got a temp.

Grace: When r u putting ur gal to the infrant care? I think u shld put her at least 2-3 weeks be u go work, then u montior and see, if no good then can change another one. Place her b4 she starts to recognise ppl.
nonoelle: Ohya ur desiree need to stay bungalow, I have no intention to buy bungalow even if i strike TOTO only will buy CONDO. My new hse looks like CONDO but is not lor ;p
so funny, u so fast chop jerald liao??? u got good news izzit heehee.

Going back to work on 28Apr, putting Ashlyn at infant care from 15 Apr..so we have around 2 weeks. She recognise pple liao...just that when we go outings, she knows i am there so she lets everyone carry. But if i were to leave her with any of u, she will scream the house down and she did it before with my parents when she didnt see them for 2 weeks cos they went holiday.
grace: No news yet cos havent start planning hahahhaa! Where's everyone har? Only 2 of us chatting!

Clarrisa: Yoohoo...Wru? Where's ur Monday morning cherry greetings for the start of the week? =P
hello hello good morning!

its monday! next week I am on long leave! yippie...

irene and nana - of cos i dun mind having you gals again. the prob is I am quite pack for the mth of march and april. if you gals dun mind travelling, can always come my new place! should be either varsity park or newton suites.

irene - yes i am moving out though i have grown to like staying at domain. main reason is becos my hubby buys and sells property quite abit. so whenever he sell off a property, we gotta move.

nana - yes mdm i will sms/email you my no.

nonoelle - not to worry about desiree...i will head hm tonite to ask ricco if he wants.
Grace: Did u book Foto U? Wah long list now 51 ppl! Funshotz sent me 3 photos of jovan yesterday but i find it not nice, they just randomly send cos i ask them send a few for viewing only. I will upload when i receive all the pics...got more choice. I saw more of Foto U pics in the thread yesterday, i find it's nicer! Maybe next time no.2 go there take hahaha!
My advise for studio pics taking is :

1) try to go before your kid outgrows the "cute" stage

2) ideally you go when your kid is very very young - at about 4/5mths where they look sooo adorable and cute in all pics (cant walk though) or when they are learning to walk (can stand by themselves (between 11-15mths). than they will loook soooo funny and pose-sy in all pictures.

3) slightly older kids (2-4yrs old) should opt for outdoor pics. very natural, very nice

no wonder my ear itchy itchy today... so you talking bad abt me huhy?? ;p you know what mist mean in chinese right? so close and yet so far, can untouchable!! hahaha... aiyo, i thot i say liao, i bring my ah boy for photoshoot at Foto-U mah..

who took the pix huh?? mine is benjamin, aiyo we panting like hell, trying to make my ah boy smile... i forgot to inform Ben, to try not to wear all black, my boy dun like black and ben is in all blacks.....

will try to upload my boy's pix after i resize, the file too big liao
