Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Irene holding Jerald looking at Isabelle



Kate was born at 2.545kg. She juz passed her 3mths 2-3days ago. Currently she is 4.4kg. still kinda petite, which is gd for mi.. cos i m small sized. dun wanna carry her for long if she is heavy. i oredi feel back ache fr carrying her today. :p
ya.. she has abit of colic. but juz now e crying was like e worst we ever experience b4. hmm... who said she was not a cry baby today? *frown* pantang ah...
Hi Nonoelle,

Aiyo, terribly SORRY ah! Realised didnt take Desiree photo!!! OMG! Next time can...i take n take lots of it. Free ma! Pai Seh.....;(
Hi Nonoelle,

Here is the belated one taken from our previous outing at Anchorpoint (from my phone camera) so reso. not so good. Hope u dont mind?
thks for taking and posting the pics.. the babies all look so cute!
but hor, next time just post the baby's pic ok, cos i know some mummies prefer to be "mysterious"

u can cut n crop the pic to ur desired frame.

ya i tink its better that u place rico in school as u are working n dun have much time to teach him. they are sponges at this stage, and we dunno wat the maids teach them at home.. though i know ur maid is a high school grad la... but its better that the teachers in school teach him right?
Is the julia garbriel classes doing him good?

hey i think ur boy boy is really 72cm, cos he looks very tall in the potos. He has long n sexy legs.. hee hee
irene, think maybe we around the same age bah...lets find out on Sun...i dont wanna post my age here hahaha.

crybaby,u so lihai, can try shoes somemore and buy one! oh dear, did u reach home very late from shopping? Ash is used to it, cos sometimes i reach home as late as 11pm plus. but some babies dont like it so will fuss quite abit. me abit pantang ah, normally i will just clean her up with water submerged with leaves from (red flower plant). we have a pot lah... it always work so far and she quiets down after that....

as for the beco, i know abt it. the recall is for the butterfly mode. mine is the old model, 4th generation. so far its ok. thanks!

jessica, thanks for the pics...
we had went out with her n go home around 10+ b4 too. but dunno y yday she reached home n started to act up.
hee... tis morning she managed to do a flip successfully!! a complete turn finally, fr her back to tummy n to her back again. hee... so happy to c it. at least not when i m back at work n could have missed it.
hi all,

i will be heading for a bf appt before coming hm for this swim date. Thus, wont join you gals to eat. But my maid will still eat

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (1 adult)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan (1 adult)
3) esther n randal (1 adult)
4) Springdance n Jonas (2 adults)
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6)Elaine n Dylan (1 adult)
7) nana (1 adult)
8) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
9) mummy2

so we have 10 adults. i will order 2 sets of saveer meal (2 pan pizzas for $22) - meat galore, ocean catch, pepperoni and hawaiian. addd on special - 2 sets of hot and spicy drumlets at 9.60. 2 loafs of garlic bread at 4.80.

Total cost - 22+22+9.60+4.80 + 7% GST = 62.50.

will supply drinks. only coke and ice water ok?

for the kids, since i will be cooking for ricco, those who wanna feed your babies porr, let me know. I shall cook extra and the kids can share from the same cooker. i tot of giving beef, carrot and potato.
grace n irene,
i am only 14 weeks that's why not obvious lah. But my body shape has changed liao. Ribcage n waist have become broader. Will be looking like a block soon!
And pls lah, u all dun look old. Can tell that u all r young, hip mummies! Nonoelle also. I saw her outside cafe while i was walking there and I noticed her liao. She looks very young. I thot who is this GIRL in her early twenties???

I am the one looking old lor , and I am not even trying to be modest. Got evidence cos kids don't lie! See below:
4 years ago when i joined the school, I din wear any make-up (ok, just eyebrow pencil and lip stick only, no powder even)

Dialogue between me and new innocent Sec 1 students trying to guess my age...
Student: Miss, u r 20 years old rite?
Another student: No lah, I think u r 18!
Me: No lah (feeling flattered...)

4 years later, me goes to work with makeup in a feeble but futile attempt to conceal the ravages of time, lack of sleep, work stress and a kid...
Student: Mrs, u r 40 years old rite?
Me: ??!!!! Wah, U think I'm so old? I'm going to faint!
(ok lah, wasn't really upset cos by then I was resigned to it liao) But haiz...
it was nice meeting all the mummies yesterday!! cant wait to see the rest tomorrow!

jessica, oh no, i think irene is gonna flip if she sees her pics here. she wants to be the mysterious mama! n to lure the rest of the mummies out!
no worries abt no pic of desiree. cos i know she was sleeping most of the time.
did u manage to buy anything at the fair yesterday?

clarrisa, thanks for ordering the food! n providing the drinks. sounds yum yum!

bless, do update us on yr photoshoot today. wanted to kay poh but since springdance n irene not going, so i dun want to intrude on yr family outing. but share the mei mei pics w us hor!
in my rush yesterday to get t MIL's place yest,
forgot to say that randal is so cute! Got a dreamy look and he speaks with such a charming drawl!
Ryan also. Handsome little boy and so cool somemore. He's sure to attract many girls in future. Talk and talk and talk. But I dunno what he's saying! That's the cutest part! Hee

So many cute babies around! I see until luan liao...

Aiyoh jessica, why u post my photo? I hate to see my own photos leh! =p

U gals enjoy urselves tmr!!!
mUMMIES..Paiseh yesterday i got down so late, dare not disturb the king's sleep lol... and a pity i din get to talk to most of you , prob only jessica and esther.you all shared MIL and confinement lady stories ah? i have my fair share to Bitch or sob about lei.Hiya, and din get to see clarrisa.
..i din get to talk to crybaby too rite?Isabelle, no la! You dun look old, nowadays kids very cheeky one lor, how can trust them!!! you wan to ask, must ask the 2 , 3 years old ones.

Clarrisa, really sorry for last nminute, but i cant come over tommorow, as MIL AND FIL just told us yesterday that tommorow is the handing over of the flat they bought by the agent, got some ceremony thing, so have to go w them too.
really sorry ya know, hope i din disturbed any preparations.

Esther,besides sexy legs, i think irene's boy also has beautiful eyes, watery watery big big ones. very luring ya know.
and once again, i wanna stress, randal is really very kwai and cute. like isabelle said, very dreamy. Mister Mc dreamy :p and ryan is very babbly and cheerful. lol i was very intrigued by him.

Oh yes, irene, remember i asked you about babylegs? i found a spore website selling them, gonna get 2 for dylan! very excited
but it is ex lei. 19.80 for one.maybe can make my own, cut my stockings. lol.

Jessica, so you got anything from the fair? how about the triangle toy? hehe.
hello mummies, really nice meeting up with u all yesterday!! so so fun, alot of mummies & babies to see... hehe... n we must be so noisy in the restaurant hor.... hahaha...

irene, nonoelle, clarissa, esther,
nice seeing u all again!!

jessica, grace, isabelle, crybaby, elaine,
finally get to see u all!! hehe..

u r welcome lar... on wkdays is becos some of us sahm mah... n hor we must meet up more often before grace & nonoelle went back to work...hehehe...
of course can have gathering on wkend also... u want organise?? *throws ball in irene's court* muahaha..
i wan to say again hor... u r not fat leh...just bigger boned... some of us r small boned one so look slim... but hor my tummy still flabby leh... :s
jerald is so handsome... i love his "shui wang wang" eyes... next time sure "dian" alot of gals...n hor, he is really very tall leh..already 72cm har?!!
my boy guai ahh.... no lar, u nvr see i keep stuffing him with food to keep him occupied meh?? hahaha...
ya he very talkative hor... at one pt in time, he was giving a lecture to all the mummies even...hahaha...

only yesterday then i realised how tall u r.... u also supermodel material like clarissa...hehehe...
n hor, desiree forever blur bur look...so cute... hey, u very bad lar..say ur gal ugly... she is getting prettier liao... next time sure grow up to be da mei nu like her mummy...

u really supermodel lar... u say i slim, u even slimmer ok?? so tall somemore!!
ricco is really super active... he can walk so well already... though younger than my boy... my boy still walk like a zombie...hahaha..
ooh.. i love his eyes also...so electrifying...
nah...tom i wont bring my boy along...mummy needs to have a break sometimes...cos i see him 24/7 liao... ya i very bad i know..kekeke...

randal really got the dreamy eye look... so cute leh...our boys both serious serious one hor.... deep thinkers...kekee.. somemore, they only 2 days apart...
nonoelle kept saying my boy looks very fierce...haha..
hey, i interested in the kampung house trial thing...if u going, let me know...we go together lar...

shannon really very guai, can just fall asleep quietly by herself in the stroller....
u really very "zai" leh... i dunno how u can manage to carry ur gal, the bag & the stroller up the bus... i know i wont ever be able to do that... that's y i normally take cab or mrt...if mrt, i wld make sure the the place i going to is stroller friendly one...else i sure "mati"...
thanks for helping to take pictures...u really look very pro with ur camera...can do part time liao..hehe..
can u email those pictures with my boy inside to me?? thanks!!

nice meeting u!! ashlyn so pretty & sweet...her eyes super big like urs...
so sad didnt get to chat with u as we were on opp sides of the table...hope next time can chat more ya??
let's have another gathering soon...before u went back to work... kekee.. *oops, making irene jealous again*

u hor... i cannot believe u already 3 mths preg... no matter which way i look... u totally dun look preg at all!! u dun look old also, definitely not 40 lar... that kid must be pulling ur leg one...
next time bring ur gal gal out leh... she sounds very adorable from the way u describe her..hehe..

ur gal gal not crying at all yesterday leh.... n hor, i really "pei fu" u... ur gal only 3 mths old, u brought her out all by urself liao... when my boy was that age, i dun even dare... so u very good liao...
u also very slim leh... even though ur gal only 3 mths...
hope next time get to chat with u more...

pai seh leh... didnt get to chat with u at all.... see u so busy feeding dylan etc... then hor later, i got to go cos my boy getting cranky liao...next time ok??
dylan is another little prince charming...so handsome.. n u r one young & pretty mummy...;p
when u going the vivo gymboree, let me know... i might go along if possible...hehehe....
esther, can bring randal along also...

re photos, i realised i only got photos of ashlyn, shannon, jerald, & ricco...taken rite at the beginning...after that, i too busy feeding my boy & myself liao... lol... pai seh...
wld update the photos in my boy's blog & also email to the respective mummies... next wk hor.. this wkend i bo eng... hehe

wah say... i think this is a super long post..
mummies, dun fall asleep reading it...hehee
see u all tom!! tom i can enjoy my pizza liao... lalala...
Wah nana: Indeed ur post is the longest! I can put in Guiness book of record anot???

clarrisa: Wah my son so comical meh? I want to charge a fee for entertaining u hahahha! Btw, ur beef porridge sounds yummy, never try beef for porridge b4! If got left abit, i let jovan try, heeee!

elaine: Alamak! I thought tomorrow finally can see the HOT mummy liao. Still no chance! Haiz...hopefully got fate to see u tomorrow.

nonoelle: Our photos are only ready 2-3 weeks times. I did ask them to email me a few shots but still waiting. Overall, I don't find the photographer good leh, dun know how to make him laugh and dun really ask we all how to pose! Most of it we do ourselves! Jovan was so naughty dun wan to co-operate, expressionless. At this age difficult to take pics liao, don't want to follow instructions. I think the best age to take is close to 1 yr old. But is cheap lah they give me extra 1 8R so total 4 8R and he took abt 200 shots and will edit and give us all back in CD.

Irene: U should try foto u and tell us abt the review after that!

Grace: Ashlyn grown alot and changes alot! So sweet! I want to hug hug her and carry tomorrow!Hopefully my jovan will not get jealous!

All the babies are so cute!!!
Hi Isabelle,

Woh! woh! Talking about old?? U old meh? No lah! I find you are a sexy mama leh! Some more u are now preggie, still look good. Me ah...hate makeup as my face tends to be more oily (but find after pregnant, my face not so oily). Aiyo i only apply lipstick, no powder anything as i m quite lazy esp. got Shannon. Hmmmm...i think i am the oldest here. Grace & Irene should be younger than me. I am ok to disclose my age here (so long as your heart is young la! it's ok for me) but wanna people guess how old am i? Esther knows my age liao.

Hi Nonoelle & Elaine,

Luckily got the shuttle bus on time n reach orchard rd within 5-10 mins. Nothing much i bought just combi mug & pigeon ready-made porridge for my girl to eat in HKG trip. Still havent decide whether to get the triangle toy at ELC or not? U know bb just play 4 a while n chuck it aside. Waste $$$.

Hi Nana,

Ok, will email to you those pics. When i take bus for the 1st time w/Shannon + stroller + diaper bag also worried. But after 1st time succesful without hitch, more confidence in myself lor. During weekdays off peak hour, buses are not so crowded so not bad. But somehow, always find Bus 195 always crowded as it is a loop service. Usually will go to Orchard, Suntec, Marina Sq or Vivo.
wow... nice pix of all the babies and pretty mummies.. make us FTWM all very jealous leh...

clarrisa, so sorry i will not be going to yr plc 2morrow as my boy was not well again. he has been coughing very badly today. worried that he will pass the virus to the rest of the young babies so better let him stay at home. hope u gals will enjoy yrself and hv a wonderful day !!! remember to take more pix and share with us here ok..
clarrisa, wanted to sms u to tell u that i couldn't make it 2morrow and realised that the list that nana has updated did not hv yr mobile no. hope u can get my message in time. so sorry abt it
I nearly faint when i saw u posting my pic here lei... Next time pls...... post bb's pic can liao lah me so ugly later ppl see my pic will puke one ah. Can email the pics to my addy @ [email protected] thanks a lot.

cry baby,
Ur gal so fast learn how to flip liao sooooo happy for u!!!

I think u can looking thru BP thread as thy may hv some good deals for bb legs also. Tat time i got mine for $13-$15 per pair only.

I think i'll be able to drop by tmr for a while so u can start to lay the red carpet for me liao keke... but hor i won't reach there on time cos need to feed jerald b4 gg out.

Hope ur boy get well soon. No worries i've clarrisa's hp no so i'll sms her later. Let me disturb her sleep & ask her to wake up for "toilet time" heehee..
irene, can you help me sms her too? dun have her number too, i keep looking at this forum repeatedly to see if she got the msg? feel bad if she has prepared for us already. thanks ya know.
Hi Elaine,

Here is the website if u r interested to take up photography course : http://www.pss1950.org/pssnews.php. U may want to try to take up the basic course which will teach u the basic camera function like manual mode, aperture priority, shutter priority, program mode, also the ISO/ASA, depth of field etc etc. This is a very good basic course to cover all. At the end, will have to take exam. like to take shot of 4 or 5 different category like still life, macro object, night shot or others. Not necessary to take exam lah but got cert. Cert of course not enough to recognise unless u further other courses. At the end of the lesson, the lecturer will take the students out for practical shootings which is good for exposure. Have fun learning!
they always say I am blur.....OH PLS....... i was merely always closing my eyes to think.. See!I told you..i am NOT BLUR..


Desiree : This is what they do to me when I am awake! Thats why I rather close my eyes and think deep... who is that boy?

Ricco : Yes darling, you are not blur.. I am the boy you kissed the other time remember??? Its ok, dun try to recall..you are not blur...just forgetful


Tot she kissed me? OK, you mean..I am the blur one...???

look at all the sexy bodies....

So those who have never attended any gatherings, come next gathering to match the face with these bodies!

Ricco: Y so many aunties like to take this handsome ME pics!

Jovan: Excuse mummy, I going for a ride with Thomas!

Jerald: Oh...where is this place? Which mummies taking my handsome pics?? (The forever shocked expression!)
nonoelle, esther, irene, bless, nana, grace and spring,

the food is good (i hope), the babies are cooperative and the company is GREAT.. what more can we ask for

thanks for coming and cheering up the whole place. we should do this more!
Desiree: Brrroo...Broooom...I going for a ride now!

Ashlyn: Come come.....I'm posing for every1 who wants to take CUTE LITTLE ME ;)
wa u very efficient, thks for the photos, very nicely taken! tHE group photo looks a bit funny, cos the faces are all black ovals!

Im so happy cos today i got myself a future daughter-in-law, little ashley, such a darling..

nonoelle, clarrisa, irene, bless, nana, grace and spring
today was really fun and i enjoyed myself! randal also liked the toys so much, he couldn't let them go! haha.. the company was GREAT and we had a good time chatting n laughing. YES we shld do this more often, the "tiong baru happening mummies" OK, whos next to open their house for gathering??

mummy2 n elaine.. too bad ur cant join us. we had a good time laughing away.. next gathering hope ur can come! mummy2, hope ur children n u recover quickly ya!

clarrisa, thanks for organising cum being the photographer! we had an enjoyable time. yr place is nice though we dint manage to catch the naked ang moh in action. too bad most of the mummies haf to leave early or we could haf stayed longer. the pics r all so cute! u r definitely a better photographer than me. first time i see desiree with semi-open eyes instead of drowsy eyes.
n u managed to capture the "ricco attacking desiree" scene! haha!

springdance, finally get to meet u! too bad yr hb was e only guy around n we were talking abt expressing bm n breasts all the time so he may feel a bit uncomfortable.. but nice chatting w u! jonas is very handsome though he only warm up to us towards the end but he got such a charming smile.
grace, yr ashlyn is really very adorable!! such a darling. i wish desiree can go to sleep on her own like ashlyn too! n shes so sociable n laughing away so happily everytime we make faces at her!

nana, today u very 'xin lang' without ryan hor! next time bring him along. im sure he will enjoy the company of all the kids n toys.

bless, thanks for yr present for desiree!! i pai sey leh, u such a nice MIL haha!!

esther, the more i look at u, the more i feel u look a bit like eurasian. maybe after u coloured yr hair even more so but i think ur features oso a bit ang moh. any ladies agree w me? btw ive been meaning to ask u, haf u sold the polo top yet?

irene, sorry my girl pulled yr hair juz now. muz be very painful.. me only focus on camera never carry her properly. sorry! do come over my house to let jerald play the jumperoo ya!
hi guys....just discovered this thread and wondering whether i can join u guys?
you guys seem so super happening man...hee i LOVE the fact that u've all been meeting up and yakking away!

I delivered in oct last year...so my girl Isabelle is about 4mths plus liao...am currently on no pay leave, taking the time to enjoy my time w her...it's quite fun being a full time cow and clown to her! ;) so far i've been terrorizing my working frens by looking for them during their lunch hours...but it'll be GREAT if i could join u guys sometime!

um...i dun live in the redhill/tb area..i USED to live at depot rd...does that count? :p now staying at amk la...but always going down to that area as my dad still lives there!
