Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi Jessica, nice pics on your blog. For your next trip, you can seriously consider Taiwan. We brought Luis to Taiwan/Taipei last year (when he was 22 months old) and till today, he still remembers and was even able to share with his teacher at AppleTree playgroup. He ate and slept well.

To all mummies,
Haven't posted for a long time already... Hope you all still remembers me.

Which session is your daughter in? What is your daughter's name. My boy can remember most of his classmates and friends' names in school. She
may be in the same session as my boy. My boy is at the 9am-11am session.

is your boy still at IGenius? I have changed my boy's schedule to attend the 9am class but didn't get to see you after the few times late last yr/early this yr.
Hi luvbabe11,

My daughter is at the 11.15-1.15pm session. When I went for registration, the morning slot is already full.

Lots of school hunting goin on here recently ya.

I registered my gal in this kindergarten, Arts Kidz Pre school at Tiong Bahru CC through another mummy’s recommendation here.

If mummies are able and willing to pay a bit more for a full day (6hrs daily) kindergarten and enriching curriculum (including eng and mandarin speech and drama, violin, yoga, cookery, Montessori activities etc), you may wish to take a look at this school. They have half day programme too. It is offering something close to what other international schools like Eton house are doing but cheaper compared to them. Something new and different from most other pre-schools in our areas. It is just an international school with mainly Japanese, some Caucasian and locals. They have qualified native English and Chinese teachers.

So thought of sharing this school with mummies in our areas here cos no harm knowing one more interesting school near us. For your information, they are having discounted school fees for local till end of June.

Hi luvbabe,

Ha! my girl just turned 22mths old and she still fuzzy abt eating when overseas leh

Hi Cloudhappy,

So coincidence, called ArtsKidz yesterday and enquiry on 1/2 day program but shocked to hear charge $850 per mth! b4 subsidy. As i am not working, hence subsidize only $150. Too x for me liao. My girl will turn 2yrs in 2mths time n trying to find out more on pre-school now. How much is the full day fee? Curious.
Just received the leaflet of Bambini Montessori located at Blk 131 Jln Bt Merah, beside the coffeeshop. My God, the full-day childcare price is $600 with subsidy (for WM) for >18mos and $700 for half-day!
Hi miorei,

u refering to artskidz? Not sure as assume will have subsidy for all pre-school? Thought it is given by government?
Hi Jessica,

Not all pre-school have subsidy. I only knows childcare have subsidy, but for Artkidz, it's not a childcare centre, but a preschool, so don't have subsidy (I went down to see and enquire already, no subsidy for this school). Really too expensive, can't afford as I also a SAHM.
Hi vivien,

oh? really? but how to differentiate between childcare centre (ccc) and preschool? didn't know sourcing 1 is so taxing leh...we decided not to sent my girl till she turn 3 as find she's still fragile to go to preschool at such a young age and she still feel insecure. How old is yr kid now?
luvbabe11 : my son, caleb, is in the same class as ur boy. Luis is very bright & friendly. =) There was once, he asked my MIL where she's going, so cute. =)

kileina : ya lor, i called up & asked abt the rates when they were still renovating... too ex for me, even tho i m wkg. but their ratio is abt 1:6 per class, which is very good.

Jessica : where do u stay? if Kim Tian Place is not too far for u, can consider Apple Tree. 2 hrs playgroup & fees quite affordable. Otherwise, some churches oso offer 2-3 hrs playgrp for 3yo. Eg. Capstone kindergarten @ telok blangah, faith methodist @ commonwealth. I m not sure if fairfield methodist offers playgrp, but they do hv classes for nursery upto K2.
Hi mummies

Arts Kidz is registered under MOE, not under MCYS as it is a kindergarten and not CC. ;)

I understand that the fees may be too high for most local especially if you are a SAHM. However, the curriculum is really different of that of Apple tree or MMI.

If you are the kind of mummies who may send your kids to lot of enrichment classes, then you may wish to consider cos it is provided under one roof.

Just wanna share my finding and opinion with all mummies here.
Hi Jessica,

My girl is 3 yrs old now, she's attending Apple Tree playgroup now. I'm sourcing school for her next year, came accross Art Kidz and went down to take a look. They said they are preschool and not child care centre, so no subsidy. From my experience, when children went to school intially, they will bound to be sick like flu or cough quite often and for the first 2 weeks, they will sure feel insecure and cry a lot, slowly they will get use to it.
Hi Kileina

Arts Kidz admits children from 18 months onwards. The website is www.artskidz.com.sg

I wish to let mummies here know that I am not doing promotion for Arts Kidz here. Just want to do some sharing here with the tiong bahru mummies who are getting stress in the school hunting.  I was very stressed up in the school hunting too months ago .. taking leave from work going ard visiting the schools, talking to principal etc.. so I understand it v well. 

Whether a not school is suitable or good really depend on each individual parent’s judgement, preference and of course the child’s character etc. A reputable good school with v good feedback may not necessarily mean best choice for our child. We need to observe and monitor. On the other hand, a kid who may be in an ordinary neighbourhood kindergarten such as PCF may do very well cos he met a good teacher or the school curriculum just suits his learning curve. So it really depends on parents and the child.

Beside the school environment and curriculum, I oso agree that the school fees is an impt consideration cos pre-school education is getting so expensive nowadays if you want better choice. I got to have better financial planning and work harder for better increments and bonuses now…

Beside the interesting curriculum, the other reason for me enrolling my girl is the proximity. It is v near my place and I need school bus. So the close proximity will mean that my girl spend v minimal travelling time on the road (abt 5 to 7 min).. I am more at ease. Afterall, she is still young. So the school match my requirements, i.e interesting curriculum, nearby and with school bus. Not many kindergartens at tiong bahru have school bus facility.
yup, artz kids.

thanks for the weblink. i didnt noe their website is up.
AppleTree is not convenient for me as my nanny has to bring my gal there. Long walk. Hence, I found the nearest and most convenient alternative. :p

Any other mummies, apart from Cloubhappy & me, also sending their children to Artz Kids?
I also cannot afford the high school fees at artz kids even though its very near to my house just walk only

I sending my boy to river valley jhs recommended by some mummies here too so far very happy with his progress
the class ratio also very very small
ya, like Cloubhappy, I will need to plan more financially for my gal's education. if I send her for enrichment classes on top of preschool, it may be at most the same cost (+/-) as sending her to arts kidz but i can spend more quality time with her on weekends. i'm a full time working single parent hence maximising time is 1 of my topmost concern.
hi ladies
artzkids looks interesting, from the widespread discussion here.
it has no subsidy? how much are the fees for half day program?

I feel exactly the same! Weekend is so precious and short to bring her for too many enrichment classes. The poor little gal may get tired and could not enjoy herself and absorb anything too.

Now, i am currently bringing her for classes on weekend cos she is not attending any playgroup now. So sometimes it can be quite tiring and it eats into our family bonding time. I still have my number 2 to consider. He is now 5 months old. As he grow up, he needs more attention too. So i hope to cut down or if possible, no enrichment classes on weekend when my gal starts Arts Kidz next yr so that we can have more family time.

Hi Ester&boys,

Arts Kidz is a kindergarten registered with MOE.. It is not registered with MCYS cos it is not a child care.. but the principal gives $200 discounts for local in place of the subsidy.

Hi teenie,

I read that JHS is a good kindergarten too. Good for you and your boy! Most imptly, u find ur boy enjoying school and he is learning well!

Before i came to know of Arts Kidz, i did call JHS to find out more but it has waiting list. So i abort the idea cos i need to finalise a place before no school has a place for me.
MLB & Cloudhappy : agree with u abt maximising time. =) I normally send my eldest kid for classes on Sat, the other kids were somehow 'neglected'....

Cloudhappy : ur # 2 is borned in Dec 08 or Jan 09? My youngest is 4mths+, abt the same age as yours. =)

BTW, u mentioned abt the $200 d/c - isit a 1-off d/c, or mthly d/c?
MLB : ya, i think it's frozen - i've not ordered b4, but heard so much raves abt it. =) no min order, but need to order min 20pkts to get free delivery.
MLB : i hvn't decide, at least 6. If mummies here are interested to combine, & we can hit 20, then i'll place order. =)
Fish - $3.80 ea
gelato - 3
mlb - 2

Prawn - $3.80 ea
gelato - 2
mlb - 2

Sotong - $3.80 ea
gelato - 1

Crab - $4.50 ea if hit 10pkts of fish/prawn/sotong, otherwise $5.50ea
gelato - 1

where to collect?
Great to know that you're Caleb's mummy. BTW, thanks for the class photo that you have taken during Caleb's birthday. It's a good momento and surprisingly, Luis is able to name most of his classmates. Not sure if I have met you but yes, you MIL usually brings Caleb to school.

Are you a SAHM or FTWM? Finished your maternity leave already?

So, your girl is in the 1115 am session.... How nice if your girl is in the same class as Luis and Caleb?

Are we organising any other gathering? I have been extremely busy with work and have not posted her for a very, very long time...
By the way, I have asked the same question ref how to differentiate between a pre-school vs. childcare. The answer I got was that pre-schools are registered with MOE (Ministry of Education) whereas Child care centres are registered with MCYS and thus are eligible for subsidies. Pre-school follows MOE's school holidays schedule and rules.

Hope this help explains.
Hi Gelato,

My son is born in Dec 08. So he will be turning 6 months old this month. 

How abt urs? Boy or girl? Since bb is now 4mth+, must be born in Jan09 rite?

It is $200 off every month.
Gelato, which school are you planning for Caleb after Appletree next year?

I have actually got a nursery place at the Blk 6, Kim Tian PCF and have paid all the registration, deposits and school fees but am having second thoughts now. I was told that the teachers there were really good so luckily, managed to ballot for a place there.
MLB : i m staying at Kim Tian Rd, how abt u? If we manage to get 20pkts, we'll see how we can meet up?

luvbabe11 : not sure if we met, probably not. During my maternity leave, i normally picked caleb up after sch, while my MIL sends him every morning. I'm a FTWM, ML ended few weeks ago. =)

Cloubhappy : oic. Mine is oso boy, borned in mid Jan. =)

luvbabe11 : i hvn't decided on Caleb's sch yet....was contemplating btw a childcare ctr & capstone kindergarten. Caleb is mandarin speaking, so i m hoping to place him in an english-speaking environment. How come u hv 2nd thots abt PCF?
gelato, hmmm...I'm having 2nd thots because I just found out I'm pregnant again and baby will be due in Jan 2010. Why I said again is because I had a miscarriage last year on 31 Dec 08.

Am not sure of the caregiving arrangements yet, so may consider child care for Luis. Currently, it is my SIL who helps me look after Luis and am worried that she may not be able to cope.

No wonder, then I guess I probably haven't met you coz I'm usually the one who sends Luis to school in the morning before I go to work and my SIL will pick him up from school.

by the way, am quite tempted to order the otah also, coz I like otah. have you all tried and is it really good?
luvbabe11 : Cograts! Do take good care of yourself, try to rest as much as possible, ya. =) So sorry to hear abt ur miscarriage last year, but am glad you're now blessed with a darling inside u.

oic. anw, you can keep the place at PCF b4 you make other decision. You may oso want to consider the newly opened childcare ctr which kileina mentioned. fees a bit steep tho - $600 aft subsidy.

Oh yes, i always see ur SIL pick Luis up fm sch, but i nvr speak to her b4, i m very shy... hehe... think the only person i spoke to was Ying zhe's grandma.

personally, i've not tried the otah... but i heard so much raves abt it, hope to try out. u wanna order? =p
Ok, i shall try out the otah then. My order appended below:

Fish - $3.80 ea
gelato - 3
mlb - 2
luvbabe11 - 2

Prawn - $3.80 ea
gelato - 2
mlb - 2

Sotong - $3.80 ea
gelato - 1

Crab - $4.50 ea if hit 10pkts of fish/prawn/sotong, otherwise $5.50ea
gelato - 1

Let me know how to pay you.

Yeah, Caleb and Yingzhe were always playing and running after each other in the morning.

Thanks! Yeah, think we are blessed. I am trying to get as much rest as possible but... work is very stressful and heavy workload!
luvbabe11 : work wise, try to take it easy. i worked like crazy when i was preggy with #2 & #3, now i kinda regretted... the co nvr show any appreciation, but family time gone - means gone.

MLB : okie. =)

Jessica : wow, you're staying in an area with lotsa good food =P... Sch fees for Apple Tree is $160/mth, material fees is $95/half year.

kileina : do u normally bring ur boy to the playground downstairs? maybe we can meet there 1 evening?

any other mummies staying near Kim Tian Rd? maybe we can gather our kids at the playground.... hehe..
hey congrats on ur preggy! so how many mths are u now? never see u for so long already..

otah bp
hey its interesting, now our thread had become a thread for combining BP. Good, next time we can all combine our orders!
I am keen in the otah, but collection wise, can we do it at <font color="0000ff">tiong baru plaza</font>? centralised place, so easier to collect for everyone.
i dont stay kim tian road, but i wouldnt mind joining too! the playground got many mozzies or not har? my boy always kena mozzies bite and the bites become red n angry n swollen!
Anyone keen in bringing our kids to the vivo open playground (at level 2) to play? its big n spacious, n our kids can run around freely.

MLB : sure. =)

Ester : sure, we can arrange for the seller to meet at Tiong Barhu Plaza. In case we can't meet at the same time, then maybe we help ea other collect &amp; meet up later? How abt that?

Sometimes i bring my boy to the playground btw blk119B &amp; C Kim Tian Rd in the evening. You wanna come? no mozzies so far, but i can bring my mosquito patch &amp; repellant, juz in case. =)

i m on for vivo too! but hv to find a day when hb is ard - in case my active boy get too excited, only my hb can handle him! hehe...
