Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Otah collection at Tiong Bahru plaza sounds good.

Yeah, no worries, am trying to take it easy with work and try to balance work-life-child time.

Yeah, haven't met and tok for a long time already. Remember I told you last year I was preggy but I lost it on 31 Dec 08. And now, yes, I'm preggy again. I'm into my 9 weeks, going on 10 weeks. Still feeling nauseas and sick tho'. Very sorry I missed Ryan's full month's celebration coz Luis was not feeling well and I had to juggle with my own discomfort as well - double whammy!

Sounds cool to go to the Vivio large playground. Thought they were under reno. Reno completed already?

We seldom bring Luis to the playground, only once in a very long while coz like Ester's boy, he is also very prone to mozzie bites and they are all very red and swollen.

let's try to arrange for an outing again sometime end Jun/Jul?

meeting at tb plaza is good for otah collection. =)

i dun quite noe where is the playground. ard wat time will u be there usually? if i'm home earlier, i will bring my gal there to meet u all.

congrats. muz tk gd care.
ladies : okie, otah collection shall be set at Tiong Bahru Plaza. =) btw, we need to hv min order of 20pcs in order to get the seller to deliver to us, so keep ur orders coming in... =)

Ester & luvbabe11 : i think the mozzie bites thingy is a passing phrase? i rem my gal was oso like that when she was younger, but already outgrown the stage le.... not that she doesn't get bites anymore, juz that it doesn't become red & swollen like cherries....

MLB : here's the map to the playground - http://www.street-directory.com/singpost/singpost.cgi?postalcode=163119

normally, i'll be there btw 6+ to 7+. i dun go there everyday, but i try to do so as often as i can. =) anyone coming on weekdays evening, do buzz me... i'll join in. =)
Fish - $3.80 ea
gelato - 3
mlb - 2
luvbabe11 - 2

Prawn - $3.80 ea
gelato - 2
mlb - 2

Sotong - $3.80 ea
gelato - 1

Crab - $4.50 ea if hit 10pkts of fish/prawn/sotong, otherwise $5.50ea
gelato - 1

only a few more to hit 20pkts! anyone else interested?
HI mummies,

I still searching high n low for playgrp for my son. I went to chck out learning train at jln membina and the 11 to 1pm class is full for jul alrdy! Anyway i realised the classroom for the learning train seems small n cramped...

Find playgrp alrdy so hard, i tink next time search for kindergarden n primary will b even worse! haha
luvbabe: Congrats to ur pregnancy..take good care
gelato: i also bring my boy to the playground since it is just downstairs for me
sure, let me know when you're going there k?

Ariel: i'm also aiming for Zhangde at least for my boy. The sch ranking is not bad actually.

The slippers look so pretty and cute! Can they be actually worn outside?

Any mummies tried out Wink To Learn flashcard dvd before? Is it worthwhile to get it? I'm thinking of getting the Chinese version.
Kileina, I emailed them and they said the slippers can be worn outside.

I think Zhangde is getting more and more popular, esp. with more new flats being built in TB. In terms of ranking, I think it is ranked behind CHIJ Kellog and Radin Mas.

I never tried the Wink to Learn flashcard, but I the boss is actually my friend :p
Ariel, you know the boss of Wink To Learn? You mean the local distributor? There is a bp on it but because of the price, i'm not sure if it is worthwhile for me to get the whole set.

thanks for the link. i think i know where. ur timing n mine will class esp on weekdays cos i leave work only at 6+. :p am staying near the market area.
Wow...congrats to you! Luis is gonna be a big bro really soon.

Yes I agree you must start planning where to "park" Luis after No. 2 comes...do you intend to engage a helper?
MLB : nvm, since we stay so near, we may hv a chance to meetup on weekends. =)

Ariel : wow, so fast make plans for pri sch already... hehe... i oso like Zhangde, it was my backup plan for my gal. =)
Last call for otah order...

I manage to fill in the bal 2 pkts fm another thread. Anymore mummies wanna order? if not, i'll go ahead to place order tmr morning. =)

<u>Fish - $3.80 ea</u>
gelato - 3
mlb - 2
luvbabe11 - 2
laugh - 2

<u>Prawn - $3.80 ea</u>
gelato - 2
mlb - 2

<u>Sotong - $3.80 ea</u>
gelato - 1

<u>Crab - $4.50 ea if hit 10pkts of fish/prawn/sotong, otherwise $5.50ea</u>
gelato - 1
Gelato - I actually went for Zhangde open house when Ashley was 2yrs old just to check it out. Its kinda funny as everyone gives us a strange look LOL! However, I like what I saw.

Btw, does anyone has children studying at Zhangde? If so, can give some feedback?
Ariel : what my MIL heard fm the market (auntie talk) is that, Zhangde's teachers' very responsible &amp; hardworking. When there's a public hol on Fri, they get students to go back to sch on Sat for makeup lessons. I was telling my MIL tis is subjective, some parents may like it, but some may not... for me, i hv a general good impression of the sch during the open hse, tho i dun quite like the makeup class thingy. hehe...
Thanks. I am still thinking about engaging a helper or sending Luis to a full-time CC. Haven't really decided on which option yet. My hb wants to discuss this with his sister (my SIL) who is currently looking after Luis for me.

Hi mummies,
Interesting to know some of you are interested in Zhangde. Both my nieces are from Zhangde. Quite surprised to find out Zhangde is so popular.
ya, let meknow when to pay u for the otah

Pri school
im comtemplating to send my 2 boys to radin mas pri school, since it is just beside my house!
Mist - I have 2 friends who also graduated from Zhangde and they are doing well now haha! Guess if you sent your children, they will have priority as you are old gal.

Gelato - I heard from someone on the train that Zhangde is quite competitive now due to many china students studying there, altho not sure how true.

Luvbabe11 - How are your nieces doing and how do they find the sch?

muz pm me hor cos i may not chk the thread.

as for pri sch, i'm looking at RVPS or ZDPS. my sis used to be from ZDPS.
ladies who ordered otah :

Yuki, the seller, has set delivery date as follows :

4. Tiong Bahru: Wednesday, 17/6/09 @ 6.00pm

payment wise, do u prefer to pay her directly via bank trf, or cash on delivery? She can rec'd individual payment via bank trf b4 delivery. If paying cash, then she'll prefer us to collate &amp; pass her lump sum.

I am more interested at RVPS although ZDPS is v much nearer to me.
I think RVPS has a better academic background than ZDPS (to me at the moment..
Hi mummies

Do you know if there are any affilation between RVPS and RVSS (high school)? I heard they are not, but wonder if any mummies know ?
wow, your frens doing well huh?? wow, then me very stress liao......

yah, i hope with this alumni thing, can give priority to my boy...
I see... good to discuss properly before decide and look into all the possible options. Will you still work full time after no. 2 arrives?

Re: Primary School
Err...I am not alumni of any schools nearby our house...so how to increase chances of getting a place? Do volunteer work ah?
I heard from my relatives doing volunteer work only inc your chances of getting your kids into the sch by a small %, but there is still no guarantee. Ultimately, i think only $ makes the world goes round... Being and alumni member helps bec the member needs to pay membership fee to maintain the alumni member status. Of course the distance of proximity also helps.

i think it is easier for u to collect payment fr us all then pay her as 1 lump sum. delivery is still 1 delivery mah. pls pm me my total and your account details. i can IB later. thks for the lobang.
Kwong - There is no affiliation between RVPS and RVHS, I was from RVHS.

Mist - no need to be stress la, one of them is still staying at TB.
i can pass her the $ directly when i meet her at TBP to collect the otah. Or u prefer me to IB u the amount , then u give her?
which is better for u?
MLB, luvbabe11 &amp; Ester :

Otah collection is set tmr at Tiong Bahru Plaza, 6.00p.m. Can everyone make it at that time? I m contacting seller to ask for exact location, will update again.

payment wise, seller prefers lump sum payment, so i'll pay her 1st, then collect fm u all ok? =)
I cannot make it at TB Plaza at 6pm. Can you pay and collect from me first? I can pop over to your place to pick up the otah.

I have pm you my mobile no. Can you sms me back yours for easy contact?

thanks for arranging.
Yes, will continue to work after no. 2 arrives. Cannot afford not to work leh... don't have the luxury!

both of them left Zhangde already. one is sec 4 and the other sec 1 this year. From feedback, it seems that the teachers are very responsible and helps weaker students by giving extra classes coz my younger niece is quite weak in her studies.
Ester : in case u din see my pm, otah collection has been changed to Blk 18 Jln Membina. I've pm u my contact #. see u later. =)
gelato, sorry. I couldn't pick up my otah yesterday from you coz I had to work late. I will give you a call to arrange to pick up from your block today.
Hi Msworri,

My 3yr old gal has been attending for 1 mth at Seimpi. I would say its more "academic" base, i.e. she was taught abt semibreve, minum, dotted minum and crotchet via story telling. Also about where the C, D, E notes are on the keyboard. So far she seem to be enjoying herself and I think alot depends on the teacher and other students in the class. You can go for trial class to see if you like it.
the otah taste good! big chunks of fish meat inside!

hey long time never see u post here. ur girl is still attending the baking class? she attends seimpi as well? wah u really beef her up with so many ECA!

Thanks! I've read that the 45 min session is conducted via different fun activities, is that the reason why the kids enjoy themselves? Does one need to do any revision/homework/practise the keyboard @ home?

Ur girl is attending baking class? Where is it? I have been looking out for cookery lessons for 2-3yrs kids too!
gelato and Vivien - our loots have arrived at my place today! Do PM me to arrange for collection ya? Hopefully can be within these 2 wks when i'm still on maternity leave
Hi Cloubhappy &amp; MLB,

Regarding Arts Kidz, have your kids started lesson there?

Would like to gather some feedback from you.

Many thanks!
