TCM for infertility

Moonfairy, right the an tai meds shouldn't delay AF leh. Are you tracking your bbt? If temp still stays up then maybe got chance.

I know wat u mean 'cos I've been taking an tai meds EVERYDAY for 9 days straight liao. Each time about 15-16 little powdered packets.

I still have 4 more days of an tai meds to go. And Dr says if AF still not here then can test. Now like no typical symptoms of preg yet so also tempted to stop meds. But just tell myself 4 more days to go so just go all the way lor. How many more days you have to take the meds?


haa...same same here. when on hols so difficult, sleep & wake up time all haywire! keep fingers crossed for you, high high bbt!

ya, I've bn burping & getting slight constipation but then burping can be indigestion & constipation can be due to TCM meds or food too heaty. THen get false alarm so many times until a bit numb liao. I keep looking for green veins near breast but dun hv ;b

sigh, today's my 12DPO and am spotting. Implantation? I wish... 'cept I always tend to spot b4 my actual AF. Tested HPT also -ve... so i also at dilemma dunno whether to stop an tai meds. Didn't take today 'cos worried if it's menses spotting it'll delay my AF ;( xianz... will call Dr Tan tmr, no one pick up phone today leh.

oh, by right suppose to test on Fri (DPO14) so will observe spotting, temp & test hpt!

Thanks! you too jia you! update us on your bbt tmr ya? ;)

xianz, same here ;( today the spotting became slightly heavier and no temp shift so must be AF coming on it's way. And same as you, so far my usual cycle is 30 days, now shorten to 26 days! haiz

I will go see PC Wong see what he says. Maybe start with clomid or something... b4 trying IUI I think.

May I know what are the usual procedures for IUI? I know for male there's sperm washing involved and injection into uterus. But I'm not sure about what the female has to go through prior the sperm injection...

Yah, it's really so quiet here! orh, if you want those that moves superfast, can go to but I'm just a passive reader

TCM should not alter your cycle.

I have been seeing Dr Tan since Dec 08.. still no good news yet, I'm afraid.. but I noticed that my BBT is looking better as the months passes.. even the prediction of my ovulation is quite accurate now.. In fact, my last cycle's BBT is looking very good... but failed cos' my DH kenna performance anxiety during the crucial time.. sigh...


yah, considering that there's so much rave about TCM being +ve for fertility, it's not much going on here in this thread eh?

Thanks for the detailed explaination
now I have a clearer idea. Just worried that it is difficult to take time off from work to go down regularly for scanning ;( esp since the dr I'm going to is super busy, only hv clinic in the morning...

oh, if like pap smear still bearable, HSG however was a totally traumatising experience for me!

I'm also wondering if i should continue with TCM now that it has shortened my cycle. Maybe try 2-3 more rounds 'cos ave it takes 3-4 rounds to strike.

oh, I was reading from this flowerpod thread about this girl who has retroverted uterus like I do. Dr Tan taught her that after bd, instead of proping pillow under bum & lifting the leg up (the usual recommended), we should instead turn face down at the same time putting pillow under pelvic area for ard 20 mins. I'll try that coming cycle!

Since our CD 1 ard same time, let's jia you for this new cycle! rem to take bbt & good luck!
Hi JThan,

Same here! I've started seeing Dr Tan since Dec08 also
hm... but how was your temp chart b4? mine (even b4 seeing Dr Tan) also looks something like yours. 'cept that my temp still tends to remain high even on my CD1 when AF arrives and will drip on ard CD3-4... Our pre & post ovulation temp also bit similar. Pre-temp super low. Post temp also low ard 36.4 so Dr Tan says due to low hormone.

The funny thing is I had very regular pattern (30 day cycle, ovulation on CD17) in Oct/Nov b4 TCM and after that it become rather irrgular...delayed ovulation/mensed and now shortened cycle! ;(

ya, sometimes my dh also finds it hard to perform on demand ;b I always hint hint him to come home earlier that day and spend some time to 'pei yang' mood, even if it's just snuggling tog to watch TV ;) Jia you for this cycle!!!

How long have you been seeing the TCM at Serangoon North? Have you feedback to the doc about your delayed menses? Maybe he can do something to 'tweak' the medication?

For me, I seem to ovulate every month but I need to depend on my Fertility Monitor to gauge as I don't have a lot for CM. Dr Tan will prescribe something additional to increase it..

TCM is generally a long process.. got to be patient..

Sorry, I'm not very good at reading BBT but yours looks okay to me.. Did Dr Tan say anything about it?

I've only started taking my BBT after seeing Dr Tan, so can't comment much about my BBT before.. My BBT was choatic the first month I started taking.. gradually, it started looking better after taking the medication from Dr Tan regularly.. but last month, the pre-O temp was a bit too low for his liking.. so he increased my med for after O to daily dosage!!..

Like yourself, my after O temp is considered on the low side..and Dr Tan did mention that I'm low on hormones as well.. and my lining is very thin (cos' my AF is only 2 1/2 days).. I've started on BFW in addition to his pre-O medication (he okayed it).. hopefully, it'll help to thicken my uterine lining..

Yah, dun give up, jia you! Dr Tan always say "yao zhuo gong ke" so funny! So we muz start to do homework ard CD10-12 liao, then when OPK +ve work harder ;b

Timing long short is ok, hope not as invasive. I rem doing HSG where they use this clamp to open the area & it was horrible ;(

Agree with Jthan that TCM must be patient so I'll also give TCM a few more cycles. Maybe should get my husband to go accupunture too, keke ;b

I've been charting since last March/Apr, stopped then more consistent since Oct ;) But the irritating thing is that I just realised that my omron thermometer was low in battery so now that my btt is higher, I dunno if it's due to the new thermometer or the TCM...guess must chart a few more cycles to find out.

Ya, my post O meds = an tai yao also daily ;( give me 9+4= 13 packets to take! But I only took 9 b4 my AF reported... And the med's not cheap too! I paid $100+ for them excluding accupunture, including "pai luan fang". Heartpain ;(

I was also thinking of taking BFW. But am really worried it will affect my ovulation date by delaying it...

maybe will get to see u during our next consultation! heehee...
hi Sashamama,

I read abt your compilations on the various tcm. Congratulations on your pregnancy. U must be 9 1/2 mths now.

I am contemplating betw this marine parade sinseh or Thong Chai.

Usually it's ard $30+ for accupuncture & consulation if no meds for pre-ovulation.

Meds for those 1 packet (containing ard 15 sachets) are more exp. maybe ard $8-9 per pack.

So for post-ovulation, no accupuncure but I was given 15 such packets so it cost $100+ including consultation. I tot quite heartpain but it is a lot of meds so maybe that's why not cheap.

hope this helps ;)

I'm new to this forum. Just like to check if anyone has been to see Dr Zou in AMK? If so, how do you find her consultation?
Hi Ladies,

I'm new in this group.
I read a lot of negative comments about the doc in JE... so I'm giving her a miss because I probably can't afford the gynae she reccomands.

I have PCOS and hubby has Low Sperm Count. So... doc said only option is IVF, but I am not comfortable with IVF.

I think I'll go to Thong Chai coz it's near my house... is it expensive?

So thinking of TCM.

By the way... I set up a support group for men & women with fertility problems.

This group was created with the aim to help other men & women who are facing infertility/reproductive issues cope. Also to experience the miracles and share the success stories of those who conceived despite the reproductive problems they have. Learn from each others experiences because we don't have to feel alone.

The motivation :
When I walked out of the hospital that day, I was distraught. The gynae made me feel like there was no other option except to do an IVF. It was a case of a double whammy because not only I had PCOS, my hubby has low sperm count. I don't intend to admit defeat and seek IVF treatment right away. I want to keep that as my last option... So, it's going to be a 3 year deadline for us to try alternative means of getting pregnant... then... worst case scenario...IVF. At that point, I felt so alone, and guility that I was "infertile". I felt a apologetic to my in-laws and even sorrier for my hubby because i know deep inside, his ego is bruised. I almost felt like I was abnormal...

I hope this website will help lift up everyone's spirits, we don't have to walk down this road alone.
Is eu yang sang tiong bahru palza that lady dr qi xiao yan good? She's a senior doc there. Saw a few couples going to her. Did not find any thread here about her. Went to see her she just say my womb is cold so must avoid cold drinks. Gave me a week of those small packs medicine to drink. I find her din say much. Saw u gals Chinese doc saying should not eat watrmelon etc? Anyone heard about her?

I'm new to this forum. Just like to check if anyone can provide me the contact no for TCM @ Serangoon North & some feedbacks.

Hi everyone, I will be meeting the IVF specialist at kkivf in Sept. Friends have suggested to do tcm..i'm wondering when i should first consult tcm? and any tcm to recommend. just wondering do they speak english or mandarin as i do not speak chinese. thanks ^_^
Hi there,

Im new here, my name is Hanis, how much does the TCM cost anyway? It is expensive? Does it really works? Cause i'hv been trying to conceive but fail. Hope it can help me with this. Shld i try this TCM although im muslim?
I tried calling Ban Choon Chan medical hall but the contact no is not in used. Do anyone know whether he has moved or close down?
Hi gals,

I tried calling Dr Tan Kian Sing's clinic but nobody answered the calls.

Is the clinic closed? Do we need to make appt or can we should walk in?
Hi my sis in law had a key hold surgery to remove fibroids at womb and believe she's suffering from endometrisis.It's probably due to hormone imbalance and she had this recurring problems..

Recently there's evidence of the cysts coming back even after 2 surgeries...she's undergoing jab to balance her hormone or stop mens..not too sure..

I wont advise her to go for a 3rd surgery again cos it's very harming to the womb and may affect her trying to conceive.

Wondering any mum to be or existing mum who had this similar problem and can share with me which tcm is good so i can recommend to her and the tcm can help her to diagnoise..

Really appreciate for yr kind advice and sharing of knowledge
Hi joanne,

Ask your sis in law to avoid eating chicken wings. I have done laparoscopy twice due to ovarian cysts and I also have endometriosis. I realised eating too much chicken wings will tend to speed up the recurring of cysts, as the farmers usually jab the hormone on the wings.

I went to see Dr Zuo @ AMK, she's very experience in female's problems. My cysts didn't recur after taking her medicine. Here's her contact: 6456 0833.
thanks jenn for yr kind reply
, im really appreciative cos she's worried and it's really not fun to go under the knife the 3rd time and she's trying to conceive as she's alredy 36 years old...

will ask her to consult this DR Zou, hope she can offer her some positive lights

Thanks again
You can try Dr. Ong Swee Ling from Yong Kang Medical Hall. Tel: 62726400.

She has a masters and Phd in TCM from Nanjing University in China and used to work for Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

She even has a blog where she posts about the cases she has treated etc... There are some cases on infertility you can read about.
you can try Dr Lu Jin Yan from Tong Ji Hospital. She oso do freelance consultation in d evening at her husband's shop in chinatown. timing will be from 6 to 8plus.
Hi gals. Any recommendation to treat male infertility? I went thro ivf/icis twice. Both failed due to male side problem. Any advise? Willing to try tcm or Indian medication.

Sun_Flower, i think Dr.TanKS from clementi is famour for treatment of male infertility.

You can tried my TCM, Dr.Zou Yumin at AMK.
BBtome how do we noe IVF failed to male side? Care to share?

Prosepina Dr Zou can speak English? Mayb can recommend my friend...
Princessleopard, she knows how to treat la, but I think dr.tanks is famous with male infertility.

Nurul, she doesn't speak well English but she knows very well all ivf and infertility term
Dear Fanice,

I went to Dr Zou yesterday. 1st consultation plus medication. Cost me 96 buckaroos for 12 days of medicine supply.

Is that normal I also not sure...kekekeke
I am trying to "tiao" my body back after 2 MC. She said need 6-12 mths time...Prices seems steep though...
U all can try my tcm dr su.from bukit batok
she is highly raved n helped many couples conceived successfully

U can pm me if u interested to try...
I can also share wat she teach me to do
think i will just post here

Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre
Blk 152 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 St.11 #01-266.
Tel : 6896 1618
Physician Su

Operating hours:
Mon: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Tue: 8.30am - 12pm
Wed: 8.30am - 12pm
Thu: Closed
Fri: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Sat: 1.30pm - 5pm
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
PH: Closed
Hi, can I check if anyone has gone to visit dr Zou at amk recently? I called her number but there's no response.. Hope she's still in business? She helped me a lot when I was ttc-ing few yrs back and I wld like to consult her again..
Kinderbueno, yes Dr zou is still in business. Sometimes she will be away for travelling so nobody to pick up the phone.

Dr Zou operating hours are as below:
Mon - Thurs: 9am to 8.30pm
Fri: 3pm to 8.30pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 9am - 1pm
Closed on every Wed.

Hope it helps.

Tks BabyPrayer and energeticsnake... I managed to get her finally.. Glad she is working saner hours these days but makes waiting crazier each time!
