Tampines Mummy Club

Hi mummies,

Am putting my gals (2 yrs 3 mths & 3 mths old) to Agape Tampines St 81, any comment on this centre? What about any recommendation for nanny staying at St 81, Blk 888A?

Thank you
Any mummies keen to let your kids learn piano at Tampines East CC?
Still need 4 kids to form a class.
leng leng,

how much and for how old? which days? I am keen woh.. Btw u doing sprees for lucky vitamin?Urgently need to get nordic cod liver oil.
I'll email you when I start the next www.luckyvitamin.com spree.

for age 4-6,
on weds 7.30pm to 8.30pm,
$134.82 for 3 months/11 sessions

To call Tampines East CC for enquiries at 6786 3227
<font color="119911">hihi mummies..
newbie LOVEGREENEUMMA reporting here..i m a ftwm with 2 boys staying in Tampines..

do hope to learn &amp; share as much with mummies here in Tampines..cheers~</font>
Hihi. I'm a mummy staying in Tampines Ave 5 . I have a boy born in Sept 09 .
We are a group of tampines mummies. For a start, we will try to organize a weekend outing each month. Mummies can take turns to organize and propose the venue. SAHM can also organize a smaller gathering during weekday. The venue can either be a nearby park or botanical garden. Mummies can also open house for afternoon tea, movie session or potluck party.
If you are interested, pls let me have your particulars ;-
Name :
Nick :
Add : Block / St or Ave
Baby : Name / Gender / Born month &amp; year
Hp :
This is to introduce a little about yourself to the rest of the mummies We will add u into the contact list so in future we will update u on any upcoming event.
I will email u the contact list together with the blog login id &amp; password to u in due time . U can share your outing experience ,
recipes, sprees, parenting tips with the rest of the mummies.
Thank you.
Hi jamie,

Your motherhood friend carries any other brands beside huggies? How about mummy poko. Is there any thread or how about ask her to list out here for us on her products ?
I read many replies via email about diapers. So I'm going to continue on that topic here instead.

My 10mo girl has been using Huggies Comfort since she was 4mo. Recently, we tried Fitti but it failed us terribly. It didn't last the whole night without soiling the bed! We went back to Huggies because she can sleep for 12hrs without leaking.

Also, I guess we were lucky to be living near Jin Tai Medicine Hall (at Tampines Mart) because it sells formula milk and diapers cheaper than anywhere else! Believe me, we've done our price research, retail and online. Huggies Comfort (L60) costs $14.90. Fitti Basic was about $11.90 I think.
try the pasir ris Jin Tai.. it's cheaper there.. dont ask me why but it just is!! i buy my milk powder there and it's definitely cheaper.. the price difference was $2 more expensive (at tampines mart)

I'm also a tampines mummy reporting here.

i'm staying near Tampines Mart too, been getting my girl's Mamy Poko and FM there too.
hey... the forum a better idea than emails...
sorry cant join for outings coz tough to handle both girls 2.5 yr and 4mths...but will try for next outing.
i'm now a sahm as my 2nd one arrived...

i live the next street frm tam mart.
gracecmx, is that the one at Loyang Point? I've heard about it but not sure where it is.

Leng Leng, we suspected that too but surprisingly when we went to JB or KL, diapers and FM were not cheaper than Singapore!

Hi all mummies who live near Tampines Mart! Hehehe. Say hi when you see me having breakfast at McD on weekends ya?
Hello mummies!

Luvv is the Mamy Poko cheap at Tampines Mart? IF it is that it will save me the trouble of always having to look out for $20.90 Mamy Poko offers....
wow, suddenly this thread becomes active again.!

i am staying near tamp mart too.

It's definately cheaper at Tamp mart ji tai tang. $15.90

leng leng,
thanks for ur colostrum.
Hi Cameleon,

I paid $14.90 for XL Mamy Poko, definitely cheaper then the supermarkets.

Wow so many mummies staying near Tampines Mart, anyone place your child in carpe diem young hearts CC near Tampines Mart?

i'm a partial SAHM too, my no. 1 is coming to 2.5 yrs old in July :)
Heh ok thanks for the info ... will go check it out when I run out of Mamy Poko diapers! Seems like Mamy Poko is quite popular with mummies eh. I tried Pampers Active too, but I still prefer Mamy Poko. I find it more absorbent and its cheaper!
Kaira, Tampines Mart is at Tampines St 32.

gracecmx, my husband just went to Loyang Point to buy FM. He said it's definitely $2 cheaper but the shop name isn't Jin Tai Tong. It's some other chinese-named medicine hall.
any mummies have strategises to entice eating? My girl doesnt like to eat her main meals. she's really underwt...sigh. we have switched her milk.Enfagrow
increase her fat intake but she still not gaining enough....very worrying...

she's going 3 in august. we brought her to kkh the other day as she had a nose bleed...the PD recommended us to do tests...draw blood. but i heard from my friend its really trumatic. so we are not opting for that. Our own PD at Mt A doesnt seem to think its serious...my girl is super active, super talkative etc..
Olivia, when she eats, do you feed her or eat with her? If it's the former, try eating together.

Some kids get their appetite to eat when they see the grownups eating too, just like my little girl. She eats what we're eating, which just means we have to watch what WE eat! Hehe. For a 10mo, somehow she knows if we're giving her baby food and she won't eat.

Also, maybe she's underweight because she has high metabolism?
Olivia (olivia_s)
Why dont you try Pediasure.. The adverts are so hot for children above 1 and are picky eaters.. the milk supplements their diet..
modgurl (modgurl)
It's not loyang point.
It's another branch of Jin Tai Feng..

Loyang Point.. hmmm.. I'll visit when i can!
Hello mummies... ok.. didn't realise that we are back on this thread.. :p

Ok, on diapers - you need to get the Fitti Premium ones, not the basic ones. The basic ones, only good for day time use (I didn't try this - my day time ones are NTUC brand). Night time, you will need to use the premium ones which is like 44 pieces for M size, and 38 pieces for L size, etc etc. The basic ones are like 80 pieces...

Another brand of milk that my PD recommend is Nutren (by Nestle). Very similar to Pediasure.. just different brands - for fussy eaters..

Kaira, Tampines mart is at St 33 (I think), not near the interchange.
Hi all,

My baby day time using those old fashion cloth diaper. Any mummy try bum wear before. Its expensive but thinking of buying one to try out.

Any mummy experience baby waking up at night and don't want to sleep. Keep holding on to the edge of the bed standing up cause he sleeps on the mattress beside our bed. He becomes like that after he knows how to stand with support. Headache ! Yesterday night struggle with him for 1 hour plus , this morning he wakes up at 6am .
Kaira, wow.. cloth diaper.. way to go!!

On sleep - just ignore? Mine also will wake up in the middle of the night, and if he doesn't want milk, I'll just ignore him, and he will fall back to sleep in about 30mins.
i would agree with the ignore method. once they know that it's not going to work, they'll stop doing it..
i'm trying to train my boy to have patience when i'm showering.. i would tell him to wait for his turn when i'm showering so he would have to just wait outside the bathroom until i'm done and then i shower him.. and when he cries, no matter how loud, i would just ignore him and tell him repeatedly to wait..
i think kids know how to pretend to cry loudly just to get your attention.. but you need to test your child first.. if the crying immediately stops after you give the thing that he wants, it might be fake crying or he cries and then just suddenly stop and can smile, i would sure say that it's fake!! i know my little butt does that!!!
he fakes it with everyone esle about this but he knows that he wouldnt get away with it with his mummy so he normally would just wait and then he would get what he wants..
but i think it's all a matter of judgement and understanding..
Yes Kaira, *applause applause* My hubby wanted to try nappies in the 1st few months but gave up after 1 day. LoL!

My Sarah used to wake up and stand in her crib in the middle of the night quite often, but it's getting lesser now. She usually does that when she sees no one else around. I just have to reassure her that everything's ok and she'll fall back to sleep. Sometimes within minutes, sometimes longer.

I don't know why she does that. My only theory is that she may be experiencing separation issues. We encourage her to sleep in her own room even when she was a newborn.

I do read somewhere that toddlers of a certain age will tend to wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.
gracecmx, I know what you mean. Sarah does that very often too, especially when her daddy's around. Her daddy is a sucker for it. LoL!!!

By the way, does anyone know if it's true that a child becomes clingy when he/she mysteriously knows that a sibling is on the way?

We're expecting another child come November and Sarah has become more clingy than ever. My gynae said children do that as if they know that there's going to be another baby in the house.
Hi modgurl
yes yes... I've heard abt tat usu e older sibling will get unusually clingy when another bb is coming along... But, not for my case cos my elder one is a super glue to daddy n he no kick (tak lasah) when bb brother is otw... Wahah....
hi all, I'm also a tampines mummy!
staying at ave 5...
anyone send your kid to childare?
my boy is in agape little uni.
Modgurl, like what AC mentioned, it's true!
My boy was esp clingy during my last stage of pregnancy and also very attention seeking during that period!
thanks mummy for the advice....will try.

yes i agree that the elder sibling gets clingy..thats what is happening now in my home...as i also bf bb...my girl is quite unhappy...when my hubby ard, she clings to him. haiz...hope ur child is in sch now. coz we are having difficulty getting her to sch.
Hi nice to get to know all of u here. I m a sahm but staying in Punggol. Tis tampmum club sounds too gd not to join. Unfortunately 2pm is my 16 mth boy's nap time so I can't join u all at the airport that day. Wld love to meet up soon ESP other sahm. The blog is a great idea too
Hi mummies,
Mummies , enjoy your weekend and have fun .
There is a malaysia travel fair at marina square this weekend , interested can go have a look ;)
Hello Grace, me! I'm around. kekeke..

Hello AC - we communicated through email before! kekeke.

Arisz - same question with AC. Mine is also at Agape. keke.
