Tampines Mummy Club

Hi Tampines Mummies,

Any of your kids in "Hope Community Kindergarten"? I have a few sets of school uniform to give away.

Hi bpquek,

My 2 kids are in childcare. I've to find a baby sitter for my next one sometime in Sept 07.

If anyone got good recommendations, please let PM me cause sometime, I don't come by the forum.
Hi Pavilion,
dun recommend it. want to know more PM me.
hello mommies

any suggestion for school holiday programmes?

how do you keep your child occupied during school holiday?

happened to drop by yesterday. Posted a msg but din seem to get thru.. Gng to ROM on the 13 May 07. Found out on 1may07 tt i am pregnant, not ready for anything near that...

On top of tt, i was on slimming pills juz before i know.. I am really scared and confused now.. ytd, rush to a gynae in Tampines 800+.. anyone?
My FH and i are onli in our early 20s.., not planning for anything further than getting a flat, looking towards our new life.. and here comes along ... haix..

i dun believe in taking life but again... i took pills.. said to be dangerous to have a child... really dun wan a child tt is slow or retarded..
married soon,
It must be really stressful for you at this point of time to be preparing for your big day and to face the dilemmas and fears brought by the pregnancy.

what slimming pills were u taking? you may wish to bring to your gynae the packaging of the slimming pills that shows the contents of the pills. Search on internet too for information on the risk that the contents will posed on the child AND I agree with BabyS that u shld stop taking the pills asap.
What's your FH's views on the pregnancy? Supportive of keeping the child? U will definitely need a lot of support from your loved ones. I certainly hope you will decide to keep the child. I conceived my child 3 mths into my marriage. Our child has brought so much joy into the family & parenthood is priceless....
Hi Jonana,

thanks for the reply. Went to Dr Loke tt day in Tampines. I am into 5 weeks into my pregnancy, still under observation. But i think i can see much changes in my body/ eating habits. I feel tired so easily & have been slping all days. Feeling so tired, that i don't have the strength to work...

do u all feel tired easily during your pregnancy?

I am getting ROM jus one week, afraid unable to fit into my gown. i am those who will gain weight easily if i eat normal food... usually i onli eat 2 meals that are small portions.. eating more, will gain weight..
Hi Jonana,

thanks for the reply. Went to Dr Loke tt day in Tampines. I am into 5 weeks into my pregnancy, still under observation. But i think i can see much changes in my body/ eating habits. I feel tired so easily & have been slping all days. Feeling so tired, that i don't have the strength to work...

do u all feel tired easily during your pregnancy?

I am getting ROM jus one week, afraid unable to fit into my gown. i am those who will gain weight easily if i eat normal food... usually i onli eat 2 meals that are small portions.. eating more, will gain weight..
Married soon,

I was with Dr Loke too.
With him, you have to do your own research and ask him when in doubt. I referred to a week by week pregnancy guidebook and it really helped in allaying all my anxieties and to know wat is happening to my body during pregnancy. Have you started your folic acid and calcium? If not, got to start immediately.

Yup! one will feel tired easily during the first trimester. Try not to worry too much but enjoy the process. For now, you have got your wedding to be busy with.
You can quickly go and try your gown again and if it needs any alteration, think they shld be able to do it asap.
Hi Jonana,

thanks for your guidance. Yes, i m taking folic tablet but none for calcium. ROM jus a wk away, on mother's day! His parents do not know abt the pregnancy yet. My baby be due on the 1st Jan 2008.

Dr Loke did not give me wk by wk pregnancy guide. Anywhere to purchase it? Or wad is the title, maybe can ask my sis to see if she has it? Got to really save up for the baby tt is coming.. We don't really have much extra to spare.

Yes,i got too tired.. almost sleeping at any other time. Woke up at 11plus tis morning, slept at 4-7pm again..

Knowing tt, i m those very work-driven person... someone who love to work and word.. but now, totally no strength to want to work. U mentioned only first trimester right? Hopefully can quickly get over with it..

Not over with wedding shots, wedding dinner... got to start planning before i m getting too fat....
Marry Soon,
Wow! due on 1 Jan 08! Hopefully the little one will arrive at midnite sharp to be the first baby of 2008. Then you may get some extra incentives $$$ by sponsors.
Symptoms of pregnancy wise, it varies with individuals. I didn't have much problem, no morning sickness, no nothing. Cld even travel in Japan for 2 weeks during my 2nd mth (against dr's advice though)....

The guidebook was a gift from a friend. Can't remember the exact title cos I loan the bk to a fren. It's a week by week guidebook by a Doctor. It's mentioned in the foreword abt her having twin girls. I wld also recommend The Complete Book of Breastfeeding: Revised Edition by Eiger, Marvin S. Very comprehensive. Both r available at Borders.

It's also good to join the Dec 07 mum-to-be. Can share on the symptoms, etc and learn from each other.
Hi Jonana,

Thanks for the reply. My office was under renovation, now in new office. With the carpet smell, giving me bad headache. The pple in office still do not know i m pregnant, but the smell of it.. many went bk reporting sick. Moreover, i m pregnant, very worried on this pregnancy. And can't afford to take any MC as well.

Suddenly filled with anxiety and lost over myself.. feeling unusual ...

Sorry but where to join Dec 07 Mum-to-be?
Married soon,
From the main forum, go to 'Year 2007 and later mum' and select Dec 2007 MTB. Alternatively, you can go to the following link. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/751265.html?1178542369

You sound really anxious. Do talk to your FH and share your worries. I am aware that many women are worried abt losing their job if the cpy knows abt their pregnancy, esp. with all the financial commitments. It's really tough but guess we really got to prioritise. You got to really take good care of your health and the baby....
Hi Jo,

yes, totally lost.. my boss jus spoke to me saying either i keep the child or keep the job.. she expects me to tender if i am keeping the child.. She told me to face the reality tt i am really unable to keep the child if i have this job..

with this child, prob got to fork out extra 1k every month of which we are totally unable to do so..

but tot of killing a life really terrifed me. I m still unable to accept the reality of ending a life!!
Your boss is really mean...
man or lady??? Married soon, may I know wat's the nature of your job?

My personal conviction is that every life is precious and God-given. I certainly hope that you can keep the child. But I guess it's easier said than done. If you quit, it may not be as easy to find a new job with the pregnancy. Do not make rash decision. Talk to you FH and parents. Don't carry all the emotional burden on your own. With your mean boss, if you decide to leave the job, complain to MOM. Don't let him/her off so easily....

Other mummies, any advice????
Hi Jo,

yes.. i m sharing the same sentiments with you. I m doing HR and she is the manager of HR Team as well.. cannot imgaine..

the government is so-proactive in getting pple to give birth yet on the other hand..she is asking me to go..not possible to look for another job at this pt.. means, she is leaving me with no choice....

Yes, waiting for my hubby to come bk to discuss on this issue. On top of that, if the child comes along.. it will be additional 1k each month which i m definately unable to do so.... too hard on this issue...And on top of that, i was on medication as well while this child came along... so not sure if the child will b normal not.. more money to roll in.. *stress*

But on the other hand as what u said, child is a God-given.. v v unfair for me to take away the life that God has given.. i m really stuck...my hubby surely can't discuss on God's issue...

Sob.....Too many for, for aborting... only one on keeping the child...
hi married soon
you may complain to MOM, but make self prepare that yr boss really dont want you immediately. at least she is on the blacklist at MOM record.

or look for another job like part time work first, after you have gave birth, you go and look for new job, you're still young, can get one easily. i'm sure that you can make thru this period.

Hi Babysean,

thanks for the advise. Will pop by MOM tmr. Tmr is my final fitting for my ROM and also ROM appt at the office. Afterthat will head down to see gynae if i want to keep the child..

But seriously, i m unable to lose this job with such salary. with new renovation and flat coming, totally unable to be without a job. No doubt, i can always get another job.. but for now, i need the job.
Married soon,

Just browsed thru the Dec 07 MTB thread. Looks like you've got a lot of advice from the MTB and the thread is a lot more active.
You were head-hunted? guess they probably offered attractive salary and yup! It's going to be difficult to get another job with such salary. With your calibre, why not try and look for another job before quitting? try civil service? they wld probably be more pro-family. Salary may not be as good but there's still an income. And for raising a child, don't need $1000 when they are young lah... on average, i spend abt $500 a month on my girl.
For your renovation, try and see if you can do the necessary stuff first. Your FH back yet? Got his views yet?
hi, found that quite a few thread for tampines mum, can we juz stick to one thread so it will be more lively and will be easier to chat.
Hi jo and all,

i went to see another gynae ytd & he was great! Assuring that the BB is alrite... as mentioned previously, i took quite a bit of slimming pills. Saw the heartbeat ytd, so cute. Will keep the baby..

but i m thinking of a way to deal with the job. Cos i need the job urgently.. praying for other opportunites... No idea how.. but will pray and hope for the best!!! Planning desperately for the BB, home, Wedding, NO honeymoon (sob), and ework...
Married soon,
glad u had the assurance from your gynae and I'm so so happy that you have decided to keep the baby. I can remember the first time i heard my child's heartbeat too. It was so exciting and the moment is just so precious. There're more sweet moments to come. But be mindful though that the first two months after child is born can be quite trying and tiring. Nevertheless, parenting is really fun.

Just said a prayer for you that God will open the door for job opportunity. One lesson I've learnt is: God will provide. Just to share my experience, when my baby was due soon, my husband's boss gave him a pay rise knowing tt he needs to support his family. I also got a good bonus to pay for the hospitalisation and child's new stuff.
God is good, all the time.

hi married soon

i'm also glad to see that u've made up ur decision to keep the bb!!
indeed, this little one is God-given! and surely, God will provide u with all the necessary to over this challenge!

most imptly, have faith!

my case was even worse than u, my bb came 7months before my actual wedding date and we even had difficulties in breaking the news to my MIL.
though she couldnt accept the fact initially and even refuse to attend our wedding, but God really see thru and now, she's a happy Grandma to our son!

I guess ur tardiness is only for the time being as your body changes to meet your little one inside u.
maybe try to take more water and vit B-complex cos it helps to curb the moni sickness!
Hi mummies,
i'm staying at tampines. ftwm with a 1 yr old boy. any feedback on elfa educational group? am thinking of putting him in the playgroup there when he turns 18 months. Any advice on when to register him and what to look out for when i visit the centre?
Hi mummies in Tampines,

so quiet recently.. How is everyone doing? Hope u all still rem me.. My BB alreadi at 20th Week. Growing rather BIG though... Oh ya, mine is a BOY.

My hse is under renovation now. Ready end of this week. Moving in prob next week...

Btw, wanna find out any infant care in Tampines? still no idea wher to put my bb after i head bk to work...
Hi young belle
You have given birth, thot due next year.

There is one infant care in Blk 493E, the fee is $400 but don know whether they have increase the fee. And there is one at Blk 498X (cant remember) it is from NTUC, fee is at $650 after subsidy.

Previously I left my bb in Simei Blk 165, but withdrew as he was sick and cannot attend the infant care, the fee is $550.
Hi quek,

no la.. just pregnant inside of me.. he is at 20th week.. hEehee.. wher got so fast?

Thanks on the infant care.. Not too sure whether good a not.. 493E very close to my mum's place. Maybe can check out.. but i am staying at 891A.
Anyone know got any good clinic over there? Muz find a doctor v caring.. in case i need to see one...
Hi young belle

Oops, sorry for the mistake.

I did check out on 493E, the caretaker for infant are mainly Malay, the surrounding are quite quiet.

You looking for clinic for baby or yourself?

Baby & Child Medical Group Pte Ltd
Address : Blk 828 Tampines St 81 #01-238 Singapore 520828
Telephone : 6783 1955

Take care


learning vision at blk 450 no more already, now change to cheri heart child care.

hi rose

not sure abt the sparkletots. you stay around there? i think only so..so. did you source any other child care centres.

hi belle

the baby & child clinic is not bad, but long queue, must wait, Dr Ho is a good doctor. now their consultation fees is S$ 35.00. getting higher.

my son now is at Loveshine ChildCare at Tampines st 43 blk 473.

take care
