vq, i cant believe it mother to 7 kids n still so pretty... sigh... i mother to 1 already put on sooo much weight n have so many white hairs.

it reminds me to the president of breastfeeding group, always see her been interviewed..mother of 4 n still so slim n pretty n even have tattooos...

just curious if your dd's classmate mum a chinese? cos common for malays to have many kids..

<font color="0077aa">Toy collector,</font>
She is a chinese.... rich ppl.. stay in bungalow hse, alway been driven around by her MIL.. cos got to pick this child, fetch that child.. i c her day is very busy.... n recently i notice her MIL driving a new merc benz S350... car plate SGS.. WOW... new car leh!!!

oh she is pretty n dont look auntie... slim figure somemore... i think the same way as u too.. i give birth to 1 n plumb until nobody business but she giving birth to her no.7 face still glowing n slim slim!!!!

<font color="0077aa">Ladies,</font>
i so envy her leh.. not her $$$.. i envy her womb n fertility.... hahaha...
VQ i heard of pilates oso hahahaha ... wow u fell asleep? but its good as in stretching ... hee .... i went for my Yoga on last Sun ..... just becos 2 weeks i never go last sunday is a hell to me hahahah ....

wow 7th kids .... so good how i wish .... i still dunno what happen to me i am still bleeding bit by bit can u imagine my mensus come on the 5th Feb
<font color="0077aa">Qingqing,</font>
u better seek a dr soon... u r worried abt it right? so y not c a dr or ur gynae?

when i was pregnant at my 28 wks, i was bleeding at brownish discharge for a wk.. but as i was busy with my exams, i endure til my last paper n went to a labour ward. only to know that i m having strong contraction n blood clot inside my womb.... this is serious.... i was admitted immediately n nurse put a big CRIB on my bed! it stands for Complete Rest In Bed!!! small n big business also do on the bed!!!

go c a dr fast? at least u wont get worry at what's happening to u?
Wow VQ, good for you!

Hey, how much do you have to pay for the personal trainer? I still have like around 2 kg to shed and these 2 kg like very hard to shed. Do you have to sign up for the club membership? I think so right? I have a gym at home, I wonder if I can engage the personal trainer to come to my condo?

Ya I have a colleague - I gave birth to my son before she did for her daughter and now she just had her 3rd kid. Talk about productivity.

Do you ladies still try every month? Btw, I have a silly comment, I hate trying without the condom - unless when I am planning. Because the semen always keep flowing out and I get a little sensitive to that. Might develop slight itch..... erggghhh I am wondering if I am the only weird woman out there. *paisay*
<font color="0077aa">Jade,</font>
i hire my own personal trainer but train in a public gym... u do not hv to sign up any club membership! oh yes.. maybe the gym membership with the sports council.. u hv to pay for ur trainer too....

GREAT!! since u hv a gym at ur condo, u can get e trainer there to coach u!!! 1 hour per session.

i hire a personal trainer thru fitness tutor. check this website out:
Hi Ah_Kat just wanna check with you am reading other thread which makes me come across that your gynae give u a medicine call Norethisterone just wanna check is a conception pills ya? my gynae gave me that as well in may last year didnt ask anything jus eat .... and happens to see the medicine so i do a search of what is this pills abt .... can let me know why she/he let u eat this ... for me i really dunno
Hi qingqing.. norethisterone is a medication to help induce the mens to come.
Check if your course of medication is 7 days, if so mens will come 2-3 days after tat.

With this, the actual mens would come, you can start the clomid, or injectibles to induce ovulation.
Hi Qingqing - yes - as what findingmiki had explained - it is a medicine used to trick the body that you are not pregnant (I tink) - anyway, it is meant to induce menses to come and is a hormones pill (meaning not to take in excess and too frequent).

Hi ladies here...just found out today that one of my mots "hated" colleague in the office is pregnant - she is D*** FAT and heavy smoker and can still get pregnant...sigh...(sorry for the language), just v frustrated.

Just an update - went to visit TCM 2 weeks ago and supposed to start on it...then realise from my avg cycle length that I might have O on the 9th, now dared not take the medicine as am still hoping that I will strike..cause the TCM is supposed to induce my menses so that she can start to tiao my body...any advise?
ah kat, i would say follow yr heart, if your instinct tells u not to drink until AF come ( i hope it wont) or you get a BFP, then dont drink first...better to be safe than sorry. my 2 cents worth
Hi apple..Af reported on sunday...sigh...have to start all over least this cycle came on its own..
Hi Juju78,
I am seeing one doc in the Yu Ren Seng branch at Chinatown, 1st visit a few weeks ago..Be starting this sat again to see what she will say now that AF had reported again...

Thanks ladies....
thanks, Ah Kat...

i'm seeing Dr Koh at Nam Hua in Race Course Rd, recommended by ex-Today's Parents editor, who's now a happy mum for a 1 yr old boy.

i wonder how long i will see results... she commented dat my body is very haywired & will take quite long to "tiao"
Hah...i oso dont know what mine will be saying as I am seeing her coming Sat..
We all jia you together lor!
hi there,

I am a old bird... in the TTC thread.... finally found a thread with a group of people that can understnad me better. Some of you might know me....

I have been TTCing since my friend got preggie in 2005 and now her daughther going to 1 year old next month. i still no GOOD news.

furthermore i has been married for more than 5 years, all relative chase me like i am a looser. my in-law even worst, she don't treat me as nice as previously. sometimes still say nonsense.

most of my friend who married earlier or later than me already mother of 2 to 3, and i am still ZERO.

the worst case is i m not young anymore age is catching up... going to 34 this year... wonder if god will give me one soon......
<font color="0077aa">Ah Kat,</font>
at Yu Ren Sheng chinatown. r u seeing the chinese lady dr at rm 1, Dr He?

sorry just curious...
ah kat & bettle_bug_x,
let's jia you together... though me become slacker but stil hoping la...

dun bother abt ur mil & relatives... me traditional 3 yrs niah (4 cnys), every time kena bombard... now i push to hubby, he push to me, make all of them blur blur... very fun
Hi Gals, Kat, can i check how you gals induce your AF? Must be overdue AF and yet not here then can induce issit? What if AF havent due but i want it to come earlier? Can i induce then?

Becos, i am having a rather weird cycle, today CD19 already should have O-ed but my BBT still low, unlikely O-ed already, maybe not going to O this mth. My cycle has always been 28 days. In this case, then i rather have my AF earlier or promptly as i have a overseas trip next mth too.
maple babies,
chk wif gynae before u induce AF...
usually gynae prescribe duphaston or progesterone to induce AF... take for 5-7 days, wait, if not preggie, AF will come within a week
Hi VQ - yes, she is the one that I am seeing now...ganna wack last Sat when I visited her as I had been skipping for 2 weeks...anyway, gotten another week med from her which is supposed to help still eating the metaformin,hopefully it worked!

Hi Bettle Bug X - don't lose heart...Maybe u shld just forget abt TTC for a while and focus on other things? Who knows?

Hi maple babies - i only induce menses when it is long overdue - like more then 60 days. If u are TTC, suggest u dont anyhow induce as it will mess up yr cycle even more since yr cycle is always on time...maybe u are more stressed this week?? Be patient!
hi.. temp dropped (from 36.78 to 36.6)

was feeling very depressed cos this month I was feeling slightly more confident than usu (ovulated on day 14, having long luteul phase etc). Am so depressed now. Why do I have to lose so badly in the baby race???
hi bettle bug
I am in the EXACT same situation as you. All our frens have already caught up with me ( I was one of the earliest to get married). Infact I do not recall any fren that got married and has no bb by now.

Am extremely demoralised now. Months after months passed, and it seems like there is no end to all these. Sometimes I even wonder if I will ever, ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things just seems so bleak.

I desperately need something meaningful for me to hang on..
Hi Hopeful gal,

Dont lose heart least u know u O...I dont even know if I O or not!
Every month I also thot this will be THE MONTH and then always get disappointed in the bian one lah...find some new hobby to do lor.Maybe that will help?

hugz hopeful_gal pls dun feel that *hugz* actually me oso but i am sure it will come one .....
hi ah kat, qingqing
Thanks for the consolation!

It is really hard to pick oneself up esp when wicked witch turns up.. for me, she will turn up any time now...I am in the mourning stage now.. mourning for my failed attempt last month... sigh...
hang on... my af is still missing... ha ha ..i need to put an ad for her cos if i tested positive i wont mind her missing but tested twice both negative... wonder why she went? i took clomid n every mth she will arrive on time but after iui in jan..she must be taking a break or maybe factory closed for a break this mth so af still not here yet..,... sigh it going day 35 in my cycle..on mths i dun o my menses can stretch till 2 mths n by then i would have used up so many kits....
hi toy collector
Understand your anxiety. Many thots will flash across my mind while waiting for af to come- Pregnant, Not pregnant, Pregnant?? Really driving me nuts. The tiniest sympton will light up that smallest sparks of hope in my heart. I HATE HOPE...

My temp dropped to 36.24 degree today. To me I can officially said bye bye to Dec 07 BB dream (though af not arrived yet)... Another dashed dream....failed mission...
hi hopeful_gal,
I know what you mean. This is exactly the anxiety I am facing now. Pregnant, not pregnant, pregnant..... waiting for AF to come. I don't think I should raise hope since both my and HB condition not tip top and I am already feeling the same old symptons of AF. But just cannot help it to hope and pray for miracle.
Hi babyhope and hopeful gal

Same feelings here. Now waiting for AF to report. Agonising feeling... last chance for Dec 2007 baby. My HB conditon is poor too. Really wish for a miracle baby although I feel AF is coming with its bout of cramps... Sigh...
Hi everyone,

I am also experiencing the same symtoms and emotional drain month after month.............I am also wondering if my hubby and I are able and ready to have kids........a very agonising feeling indeed...

But come on, babies are not everything in life right........pls remember to count our other blessings like wonderful husbands surrounding us............I have come to realise that life is very short.........coz you never know and can predict life may be here and gone soon....just like I know of a colleague who did not appear as a sickly person....but suddenly disease strikes and she is gone.......really miss her.........

So, babies are a true blessing......but if we are not fated to have, perhaps it is a good thing, at least we do not have to go thru all the pains of joy also no pain.........another way to look at it......

Hope this will enlighten all of U!
toy collector, i also experience it before. I keep testing with HPT but turns out BFN. Even went for a blood test to confirm cos I was feeling giddy, sleepy, tired that mth. Then AF come after 45 days. So diappointing hor.... guess jus have to wait for baby dust to fall on us lor. Meanwhile, jus count my blessings on the freedom I am enjoying now without kids.

went to look at those success stories. Will I ever be one of them?? 3+yrs and no news. Dun think such good news will happen to me......sigh..I am soooo negative.....
Ladies - i have a question, i did mention that i O quite early this cycle (or never O) cos i tested CD 12/13/14 all faint lines suspect might have O earlier than CD12.

Today i saw faint light red blood threads when i wipe, seem that AF coming but today only CD22 leh, how come AF come so early? Last few mths, cycle is only 25 days. I used to have super regular menses, now gone bonkers liao, seem to have more and more prob. So wat u ladies suggest i do?
Toy collector, we are same same leh.. I also pop in oct mtb, nov mtb (no yet touch on sep mtb) and wondering when dec mtb will be out... Ha.. ha shows that we want to hv a baby really badly huh?
Hi babydust, could it be due to stress? Hv u been very busy at work/home or hv u been taking antibiotics this month? It may affect your hormonal balance. Observe how it is and if next month occurs again, see a gynae. It is worse to be guessing the cause of this. I hv been through hormones imbalance before. The gynae says that it usually takes six months for body to re-adjust back to normal.
Hi Kat & findingmiki thanks for claering my doubt ....... think i will take that ... i ever take once ..... and I am bleeding heavily. Think i should take that and can start my clomid asap kekekek cos my hubby gg outstation in apr muahhahahaha
not really early in the morning, but try to take bbt at about the same time every day. morning is preferable cos body temp not yet rise. must remember to sleep minimum 3 hrs to get accurate temp, & minimum movement frm when u open ur eyes till u take ur temp
Hi Qing Qing,

No prob...pls tink properly before you take clomid as we are only given 6 lifeline to take it per life. Otherwise, the chance of cancer is higher - according to my gynae.

Like me, wasted the 1st 2X of clomid as I was too gan cheong and neber really try hard for decided to lay it off for a while as I am only left with 1ast chance (usually doc will advise you to try other method if after 3X oso no use)

AF just came yesterday, kidda of expected it with the symptons but still cannot help feeling disappointed with it. But no choice, got to face it and start afresh in the new cycle.
ah_kat u mean u already taken 6 cycle? hmmmmm i left with no choice leh i think I am Not ovulating .....

juju78 ok ok i try to take every morning when i wake up ...... will put the thermometer on my side table

sorry for the late reply. I think I have immune already, my cycle now is super accurate that Aunty will just come on the dot. don't even need to test on HPT at all.

Well I still continue with my TCM medication since I feel good taking it and my hormone has improved.

Most of all, I still continue to TTC everymonth when it is time and enjoy the session with my hubby
