St. James Church Kindergarten Parents' Club

Haha... Yes, my girl wanted to wear the uniform all day long, till night time that day when I brought it home. Think it makes her feel like a BIG girl.

nice to hear so many nice comments on the school. I am going to sign my dd up for the PN for 2011 program.

i didnt know the school has so many students.
i jus saw this thread hope someone here will still rpely me,,,

my boy is born in 2007, he is my 1st boy i am very blur with what pre school play school...etc

i wanted my boy to grow up in a godly enviroment and know God and a place to play with others too..

i heard a lot abt st james, also knew abt the q-ing system,.,.
qs: how do they take in those that in q?> we registed and pay $50+ and 100 pple is already $5000 and non refundable. how are they settlling those in the q? what are their methods?

any other church kinder to recommand?

my no.2 is on the way in apr, so want to place my 18th month in a he will not feel abandon when no.2 is here.

i am really interested in st james school material, any mothers there willing to share the material being taught there??
hi princeleemama,

here's my list of church kinder that i might have considered if my child did not get a place in SJCK:

1) Fairfield Church Kindergarten
2) Capstone Kindergarten (
3) Kay Poh Road Baptist Kindergarten (
4) Faith Kindergarten (Faith Methodist Church)

you might want to visit the premises with your child to get a "feel" of the environment.

btw if you intend to place your first child in sch, you might want to do it before your new baby arrive. cos it can be a big change for the child to experience a new person (that gets most of the attention) in the family and starting school at the same time.

just my penny worth of tots...

merry xmas

I managed to get my girl enrolled in St James Nursery class next year. I am looking for the school jacket size L or XL, and am wondering if any parent would like to sell.

Parents who wish to sell can PM me, thank you.
hi mummies,

I interested in enrolling my boy in St James, however have one query which i hope mummies here can help...does St James provide good preparation for P1? my concern is that since the fees are quite steep, if i still need enroll my child to many enrichment classes outside of kindergarten curriculum, might be quite tough financially.
Hi there, it has been a long catch with all the mommies here. My DD started PGPN this year..she is having lots of regrets sending her to this preschool. The teachers are very good in handling far my DD has her gym session and i had other class has rabbit feeding session.

Btw any scjk parents here are voluntering in helping out at the school family carnival?
hi mummies
anyone's kids with a confirmed place entering the school next year in 2010? when will we receive notification this yr?
Hi Joyce,

My twins are in SJCK PGPN too. They are having fun too.. I got another elder gal in N1 this year, she was in PGPN last year and she really love to go to school. Really glad that my kids got a place in SJCK. Is your DD in S1 or S2?

I hope to help out in the family day, but at the same time, I also hope to spend time with my kids at the carnival.
Hi Yanyen,

Can't really reply u yet cos my boy is in N2 only but I would say so far, I can see my son improving. He takes alot of interest in writing and recognising ABC and previously where he can't voice or dun like to voice in Mandarin and now, he can recite Chinese short phrases so I must say kudos to his teachers. As for financially, actually I think my boy comes from the "lower income" group at St James but for extra CCA, it's all up to individual. Though many CCA means greater exposure for the kids, it should be done if you can afford for your child and of course your child must be able to take it. St James offers alot of CCA and of course with extra charge but we thinkg to let him go for one per sem then with that we can still afford bah. For me, environment and joy of learning is more important and I see that my boy is benefitting from the sch with that. 14 Mar 09 is the sch family day carnival - sort of open house. You can come from 9am - 3pm and exp the goodness of the sch yourself.

I not helping out but donating my items as prizes. Really kudos to those who helped out to mann the food and games booth cos not easy at all with so many pple

I received mine quite late when I enrol my boy for PNPG in 2008. Think you should get notification ard Sep or Oct this year cos I saw in newsletter that the orientation talk for Nursery/PNPG is in Sep and Oct.
Hi Annie,

Thanks for sharing your view on sjck, I'm glad to hear that your boy enjoyed his time there as I feel it is very important for a child to enjoy learning in an environment he likes.

I've recently registered my boy for the pre-nursery in 2011, however no more place! now on waitlist. I really hope he can get a place as I really loved the environment/location of sjck, esp the lush greenery in and around the compound.

However, had to really persuade my hubby to register as he still feels its quite expensive haha. Also his concern is that will our boy be mixing only with too many 'higher income' children and start comparing? hm...
Sam here! I've registered my younger boy during the 2nd day of sch reopen for my elder boy. Though my younger boy has priority, he's still in waiting list for PNPG pm session. So scary rite? Think others once give birth immediately register at StJames that's y at 5 months old, my younger is already on waiting list.

His Korkor pm session so we also put the younger one at pm session so both can take bus to sch toge. Their PNPG is more exp but I would think it's worth it after my elder boy goes through the whole year's program. He enjoys his water play, music and movement, speech and drama. Though I only been to his class a few times, from his art work (ard 10 pcs per sems) that he brought home and the photo portfolio that the sch would give at the end of sch yr, can see that he really enjoy himself. It's also a year he develops very fast in terms of expressing himself, in his language development and he starts to have good friends!

It's expensive but we scramped to let him have a good learning environment. As for your concern, I don't hear from my boy of such comparison yet. Maybe still young. But it would be a chance for us to educate them that money doesn't come easily so must save/earn for it if you really want to get the things you like. Ultimately, discuss with your hubby. Both have to agree on your child's education.

Oh your younger boy is also 2008 baby? hehe...hopefully our children can be friends at school (i really hope to get a place!!).

Same here, now have to keep on saving for education, 1 child already so expensive (albeit its our choice to choose sjck), might have to think twice if have more than 1 child...really not cheap, esp with the economy now :p

Yup. He's a Jul 08 baby. Wat abt urs? Ya economy real bad now but education is something which I feel if I can give him a slightly better learning environment, we would save to do so. Which session did u enrol for PNPG?
Hihi, mine is a feb 08 baby. i registered for the pm session as the wait list is shorter, i was thinking the pm sesson is better for my boy who sometimes zzz till 8 plus
hi yanyen & Annie,
dont mind i join in this conversation. my girl is a Aug08 bb. I've already registered her for 2011 PNPG. Got a confirmed place for pm session. Am was already full. But I felt am too early for me. I registered in Nov last year. Just after the school closed for holidays. our kids could all be classmates.

14 Mar the fair ? Can we go too ?

The school fees is comparatively cheaper than places like chiltern or Pat Sch. My niece attended both and my cousin didn't feel that they are very good in terms of academic (sorry if i offended anyone here but thats what she told me) said that they are more towards learning thru playing. So my niece now is also taking additional reading lessons at lorna whistler.
Hi Catherine,

All of my children are in the AM session. But think there is an advantage to go for PM sessions as there are alot of enrichment classes which start at 2.45pm. If your kids are in PM session, school is from 11.30 to 2.30pm and if your kids sign up for the enrichment classes, they are able to go straight for the classes. And you can save the hassle of fetching your kids home after 11.15am where your kids ended school from AM session.

By then your kid maybe tired from school.. and if to send to Enrichment classes, guess the child will not be able to concentrate.

Wow..your twins in PGPN..I believe they in session 1 cuz I din see any twins in Session 2. My DD is in session 2 this year. Who are their teachers? My DD teachers are Alice and Yan Peng. She has signed up for Kindermuski which kicks off whis week. Jus too bad that she is down with viral and miss her 1st session. Heard they are coming up with arts and mandarin enrichment for this toddlers..

I have put my DD on wait list for session 1 year next as I need to teach in the afternoon. For Sunshine class onwards..the waitlist for session 1 is shorter than sesson 2 as most parents aim for their enrichment.

Is your no. 1 taking any enrichment in school?


I just donate cash..and thinking of any 2nd books/stationers for the carnival..I thinking of helping out..last year carnival was so exciting.

Talking about water DD enjoys to her max.. : ) Btw what sort of art pgm is your eldest boy taking?

SCJK waiting list is one of the longest as compared to Nanyang Kindy. I am sure SCJK gives 1st class priorities to their siblings. It is lucky your DS is born in Jul..those in born in Dec will have slim chance..


The school's carnival is open to can call up the school..they are selling fun fair tickets on the actual day too..a good chance for parents to step into the school and recky out..

In terms of academic, SCJK is strong in their maths..they have good enrichment courses such as creative writing and mandrain. I heard from some mommies that there are 4 days (Mon to Thur
)intensive mandrain courses per term for k2 and it which cost about $400.

It must real exciting for your 1st kid..sending him to a good school.

To share this is a little update on my girl day during her 1st day in school...
Hi Joyce,
I would like to send my boy to SJCK, im also staying same area as u, can u share how u send n fetches ur girl from SJCK, is it by sch bus?
if by sch bus, does ur girl become frightened taking trip on the bus by herself?
Hi Joyce,

Yup my twins are in the AM session. My no.1 (SS) also in AM session. I suppose your child must be in DD8, cos 1 of my twin in DD1 & the other in DD3. The teachers in DD3 are also Alice & Yan Peng. Yes my kids are attending the Kindermusik too. Guess many kids are sick recently.. my gals also just recovered

I just received the enrichment classes brochures for my kids, will decide with my hubby whether to sign up.

My no.1 has not signed up for the classes, worried that she might be too tired after school and usually she has to take her nap. But my no.1 takes other classes like Ballet, Art, Yamaha Junior Course & Chinese speech & drama from other places.

I send my girl to school myself...din take the school bus cuz they wanted to pick up by girl at 10am when the school starts at 11.30 to 12noon. My area to school takes only abt for coming back it is not favorable to take their bus as they reach my house at 3+pm. If I bring her back myself it only reach home at 2.30pm. Taxi is the mode I take lor...

Irenetan, come din request to put yr twins in the same class..Does the school allow or you prefer not to? : )

Taking abt enrichment..honestly I prefer to engage from outside..

Wow...which center do you send your girl to for ballet, music, art and chinese speech and drama? I am recky out..for ballet..i am thinking of chinese speech and drama from Julia Garbiel...any comments huh?

Hehe I personally feel that it is better to separate my twins so that one will not be a shadow of another.. they are so used to being together ever since they are born.. so I guess it will be good for them to have their own time & friends too. Just like my No.1 , she has her own friends in her SS class..and I treat my twins like an individual child. I believed that this apply when they go to work/personal life in the future. The school also proposed for my twins to be separated. Initially I was also worried that they might not adapt for the separation and also they are just 25 months (Nov 06 babies)when I send them in Jan 09.. And suprisingly, my twins are doing well.. 1 didnt cry at all and the other cried for 5 mins after we put her there and for less than a week. Now everday they looked forward to go to school and waved bye once we dropped them.

Yup, I also prefer to engage from outside.. cos the time is not right for my kids.. they will be still napping and if we wake them up, probably they will get cranky and worried that they cannot concentrate in class.

My no.1 learn ballet from Attitude Performance Arts Studio at Bukit Timah Plaza

Music class commencing in Apr, she is taking from Yamaha Music School. She will be taking the keyboard lesson (Yamaha Junior Course 4 years and above)

As for Art & Chinese Speech & drama class, she took from CC, which is taught by a Hokkien Huay Kuan teacher, which I find it is good.

I used to send my no.1 to Kindermusik in Tanglin Mall when she was 2 to 3. And SJCk also offer Kindermusik ,so i need not have to send them there.

I heard Julia Gabriel is not too bad. You can find out more

Still need to explore what my gals like
I guess most important is the kids interests.
hi l3mum,
ya thats why i preferred the PM session cos of the enrichment classes.. thou at this point not sure if will sign up for them. but i think mainly was also cos the AM seems too early cos i live in the east. so means my girl have to wake up really early. and if i drive her there, means me too :p

love your blog
makes me excited about sending her to school .. but that would be 3 years later
hehe..suddenly so 'happening' at this thread

Joyce, thanks for sharing your blog on your gal's 1st day at preschool!

open house:
Catherine, I most probably will bring my boy to the open house on 14 mar
do we have to call the school or can we just drop by as and when? I'll be jio-ing another of my friend who is interested to register her gal in 2011 as well.

school bus:
Is there only 1 school bus operator for sjck?

extra cca:
wow, really pei fu you mummies who arrange all these classes for your children, must be quite tiring for you all to bring them here and there for such classes, where do you all find the time? but i guess if the kids enjoy it, its worth the effort!

Yes, Am session is indeed too early for you.. esp if you are staying in the West.. for me, I stay quite near the school,5-7min drive, so still alright for me. And my kids wake up very early everyday.. and the usual routine is to take a nap in the afternoon, so we stick to AM session. I heard feebdack from friends whom are teachers and advised me to put my kids in AM session too as by afternoon, the teachers themselves will get too tired to start to teach another class of children, but I find that it is up to individual


Heheh we have to sacrifice and find time for the children to attend CCA. It's tiring, especially when I got another 2 to bring along too..
Hi Joyce,
I think for 2 yr old, i dun feel safe for them to go on sch if my boy go to sch i'll also take him there myself personally....even taking sch bus is more convenient for me.
I hav register at sjck for my 2nd boy; cos the waiting list too long, my 1st boy is going to Capstone Kindergarten which I find pretty good as well, if the waiting list aren't that long for SJCK, i'll hav put my 1st boy (born 06) there n probably we can car pool there to sjck together since I also stay Telok blangah.. hee =)
Hi Treestar,
Im considering Capstone Kiddy, may I know how u find it? does ur boy enjoy sch? cleaniness level? how's the teachers?
hi joyce,

is it easy to take a cab from st james home?cos can may not travel all the way in?what happens on rainy day?
Wow...our children can be classmates next time = )

From wat I know, only 1 bus operator but he has alot of bus drivers under him so depending on which area u stay. U can enquire abt the bus fees.

For the carnival, I believe all are welcome as they didn't check our kids' identity before letting us in. Just that no cash would be used in the carnival and coupons are used for buying and selling. Each coupon is $12 consists of $10 (5 $2 coupons) and one lucky draw ticket of $2. Went last yr after my eldest was in PNPG. It's fun! = ) It's a good time to let you have a feel of StJames culture and their teachers and their sch environment.

My eldest did not take any enrichment prg in PNPG. This yr would be enrolling him in Eng Speech & Drama. Enrichment prg is additional cost to us so our DH and I have discussed and agreed that he can only go for one enrichment prg per term. Basically our goal is to let him expose to different areas e.g. language, physical, music, art and see in which areas does his real interest lies.
Hi meira,

I hav been hunting sch ard my area for past 6months;
I hav shortlisted some schools for my tot;
2) Brighton
3) Capstone
4) Appleland
5) Lorna Winston

The teachers n the environment is very good at capstone, I walk in without appt to visit capstone, n i was left with a very good impression, the school is kept clean, the environment feels good, the teacher r happy n enthusiatic, n I can c that the children r all happy confident n comfortable (A stark difference I c in some school eg in the CC school, during the class, children look lost n tired n hapless) the difference Capstone compare wif SJCK is the environment, SJCK hav more greenery, n i think SJCK hav a more exciting programs for the kids.
hihi mummies,

ok, i thot i was doing too much too early, until i see mummies with babies born same yr as my son alrd registered for nursery! heehee...can i joined in this thread..i am currently actively looking for playgrp/halfday childcare for my april 08 boy, and then same time looking at nursery too.

where exactly is Harding Road? Sense of direction not too gd...=(
hi treestar,

i will be staying at boon keng rd, i thot harding rd was around novena/newton...!

will the schoolbus pick up from boon keng?

how to be put on waiting list? how much to pay etc?
i stay in the east.

I ask hb he say can always go the carnival another year cos we have 3 more years to go.. haha.
Hi Maomi,

hehe, i also thought that I was early looking around for pre-school for my feb 08 boy, well it seems its never too early haha.

You can just call up sjck (6476-6026)
to check how long is the waiting list, if you think there is still a chance, have to go down personally to pay S$50 to put on wait list. Anyway, the staff there are quite friendly, at least that's what I experienced when i called up
Hi everyone,

My gal has a confirmed place in next year's N1 class (AM). Regarding enrichment classes, are there any that commence after the AM class is over or they all start after the PM class is over? My initial plan is to send my gal to the enrichment classes there but if she has to wait so long after her AM class, guess no point.

I am staying at Tiong Bahru area, does anyone know how much is the bus fare? thks!
hi Ariel,

enrichment classes only starts at abt 2.45pm, after the afternoon session is over (as the enrichment takes place in SJCK classrooms)

Bus fare to/from Tiong Bahru is about $140. You can call up the bus logistic manager to find out more about it.
Wenghan, thanks for the info.

Also, as this is a christian kindy, would like to find out how they are in this area e.g. do they teach children to sing english and chinese christian songs, teach them christian values etc.
yes they do teach them to sing english and chinese christian songs. my boy has been singing at home the songs he learnt. kinda difficult for me to catch the phrases esp for chinese songs which i'm not familiar with. i only realised that it's a christian song when the word "ye su" was sung.

as for christian values, a bit difficult to tell, but they do say grace before meal times.
Wenghan: May I know which level is your child in? My 3 kids are in Nursery & Pre-nursery and they sang the same songs. I think they sing the songs when they are in the Chapel.

My twins whom are in pre-nursery, (26 months now) were able to sing the "Ye Su" song, especially with the older sister (in Nursery) singing. They enjoyed it, so out of curiosity, I am wondering if my twins sang because the older sister was singing or they learned in school. So I asked the teachers from each class (twins in different), they mentioned that they do teach them to sing the songs.

I went to find out more, the Chinese teacher mentioned that the "Ye Su" song is "Zhan Mei , Zhan Mei". She also gave me the contact no for the Christian Chinese CD seller, I called and purchased them. There are a total of 6 cds, and my gals were learning from 1-4. When I played the music at home, some of the songs were familiar to them because they learned in school. And I can actually teach them to pronounce the right way with the lyrics. It was really fun to sing together with them & there was a sense of satisfaction! My Chinese is not that good, and at the same time I get to learn with them.

If you are keen, I can pass you the contact no.
Hi Irene, can you pass me the contact no. of the CD seller?

I read in other forum that St James is strong in English and Maths but not really in Chinese, any comments from the parents who have kids studying there?
Tks for the useful info. I knew my boy singing a praise song with "zhan mei" but can't figure out the rest of his lyrics cos his pronouciation is not clear. So is the CD seller's contact as listed in the web? How much did you purchase? Did you know of any English praise songs CD that SJCK use? That time I did ask his PNPG teachers but lost the contact.

Try persuading him next yr. = ) the carnival is always in Mar. 1st Sat of 1st school holiday.
Hi Annie,

You are welcome. I also have difficulty figuring out the song. The contact n is 90265529, you may call to ask them for the CDs.

I am not sure of the English praise songs, but I can ask the teachers tomorrow. In fact I am also trying to look for some English praise songs around in the christian bookshops. But my kids do sing some as they learn from Sunday class.

Which session is your son in? Mine is in Am session.
